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KJB-1611 JOB Chapter 16

JOB 16 ©

01 Iob reproueth his friends of vnmercifulnesse. 7 He sheweth the pitifulnesse of his case. 17 He maintaineth his innocencie. XVI¶ Then Iob answered, and said, 2[fn][fn]I haue heard many such things: miserable comforters are ye all. 3[fn]Shall vaine words haue an ende? or what emboldeneth thee, that thou answerest? 4I also could speake as yee doe: if your soule were in my soules stead, I could heape vp words against you, and shake mine head at you. 5But I would strengthen you with my mouth, and the mouing of my lips should asswage your griefe. 6[fn]Though I speake, my griefe is not asswaged: and though I forbeare; what am I eased? 7But now he hath made me weary: thou hast made desolate al my companie. 8And thou hast filled mee with wrinckles, which is a witnesse against me: and my leannesse rising vp in me, beareth witnesse to my face. 9He teareth me in his wrath, who hateth me: he gnasheth vpon me with his teeth; mine enemy sharpeneth his eyes vpon me. 10They haue gaped vpon me with their mouth, they haue smitten me vpon the cheeke reprochfully, they haue gathered themselues together against mee. 11[fn]God hath deliuered me to the vngodly, and turned me ouer into the hands of the wicked. 12I was at ease, but he hath broken me asunder: he hath also taken me by my necke, and shaken me to pieces, and set me vp for his marke. 13His archers compasse me round about, he cleaueth my reines asunder, and doeth not spare; he powreth out my gall vpon the ground. 14He breaketh me with breach vpon breach, he runneth vpon me like a giant. 15I haue sowed sackcloth vpon my skin, and defiled my horne in the dust. 16My face is fowle with weeping, and on mine eye-lids is the shadow of death; 17Not for any iniustice in mine hands: also my prayer is pure. 18O earth couer not thou my blood, and let my cry haue no place. 19[fn]Also now, behold my witnesse is in heauen, and my record is on high. 20[fn]My friends scorne me: but mine eye powreth out teares vnto God. 21[fn]O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour. 22[fn]When a few yeeres are come, then I shall goe the way whence I shall not returne.

16:2 Or, troublesome.

16:2 Chap. 13. 4.

16:3 Heb. words of wind.

16:6 Heb. what goeth from me

16:11 Hebr. hath shut me up.

16:19 Hebr. in the high places.

16:20 Heb. are my scorners.

16:21 Or, friend.

16:22 Heb. yeeres of member.

JOB 16 ©
