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KJB-1611 by section PSA 5:0

PSA 5:0–5:12 ©

Psalmes 5

01 Dauid prayeth, and professeth his studie in prayer. 4 God fauoureth not the wicked. 7 Dauid professing his faith, prayeth vnto God, to guide him, 10 To destroy his enemies, 11 and to preserue the godly.

¶ To the chiefe musician vpon Nehiloth, A Psalme of Dauid.

V¶ Giue eare to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. 2Hearken vnto the voice of my crie, my King, and my God: for vnto thee will I pray. 3[fn]My voyce shalt thou heare in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer vnto thee, and will looke vp. 4For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickednesse: neither shall euill dwell with thee. 5The foolish shall not stand [fn]in thy sight: thou hatest al workers of iniquity 6Thou shalt destroy them that speake leasing: the LORD will abhorre the [fn]bloodie and deceitfull man. 7But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy feare will I worship toward [fn]thy holy temple. 8Lead me O LORD, in thy righteousnesse, because of [fn]mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. 9For there is no [fn]faithfulnes [fn]in their mouth, their inward part is [fn]very wickednesse: [fn]their throat is an open sepulchre, they flatter with their tongue. 10[fn]Destroy thou them, O God, let them fall [fn]by their owne counsels: cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, for they haue rebelled against thee. 11But let all those that put their trust in thee, reioyce: let them euer shout for ioy; because thou [fn]defendest them: let them also that loue thy name, be ioyfull in thee. 12For thou, LORD, wilt blesse the righteous: with fauour wilt thou [fn]compasse him as with a shield.

5:3 Psal.130. 6.

5:5 Heb. before thine eyes.

5:6 Heb. the man of bloods and deceit.

5:7 Heb. the temple of thy holinesse.

5:8 Heb. those which obserue me.

5:9 Or stedfastnesse.

5:9 Heb. in his mouth .i. in the mouth of any of them.

5:9 Heb. wickednesse.

5:9 Rom.3.13.

5:10 Or, make them guilty.

5:10 Or, from their counsels.

5:11 Heb. thou couerest, ouer, or protectest them.

5:12 Hebr. crowne him.

PSA 5:0–5:12 ©
