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Gnva PSA Chapter 77

PSA 77 ©

77For the excellent musician Ieduthun. A Psalme committed to Asaph. My voyce came to God, when I cryed: my voyce came to God, and he heard me. 2In the day of my trouble I sought ye Lord: my sore ranne and ceased not in the night: my soule refused comfort. 3I did thinke vpon God, and was troubled: I praied, and my spirit was full of anguish. Selah. 4Thou keepest mine eyes waking: I was astonied and could not speake. 5Then I considered the daies of olde, and the yeeres of ancient time. 6I called to remembrance my song in the night: I communed with mine owne heart, and my spirit searched diligently. 7Will the Lord absent him selfe for euer? and will he shewe no more fauour? 8Is his mercie cleane gone for euer? doeth his promise faile for euermore? 9Hath God forgotten to be mercifull? hath he shut vp his teder mercies in displeasure? Selah. 10And I sayde, This is my death: yet I remembred the yeeres of the right hand of the most High. 11I remembred the workes of the Lord: certainely I remembred thy wonders of olde. 12I did also meditate all thy woorkes, and did deuise of thine actes, saying, 13Thy way, O God, is in the Sanctuarie: who is so great a God as our God! 14Thou art ye God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy power among the people. 15Thou hast redeemed thy people with thine arme, euen the sonnes of Iaakob and Ioseph. Selah. 16The waters sawe thee, O God: the waters sawe thee, and were afraide: yea, the depths trembled. 17The cloudes powred out water: the heauens gaue a sounde: yea, thine arrowes went abroade. 18The voyce of thy thunder was rounde about: the lightnings lightened the worlde: the earth trembled and shooke. 19Thy way is in the Sea, and thy paths in the great waters, and thy footesteps are not knowen. 20Thou diddest leade thy people like sheepe by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

PSA 77 ©
