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Moff PSA Chapter 77

PSA 77 ©

From the Choirmaster’s collection. To Jeduthun’s tune. An Asaphite song.

77I cry aloud to God,

I cry to God to listen,

2I turn to the Lord in my hour of need,

I stretch my hands out ceaselessly,

refusing to be comforted.

3I moan as I remember God,

I muse upon him till I faint;

4all night I never close my eyes,

I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

5I dwell on days of old,

I recall the years gone by,

6thinking to myself by night,

musing in my inward quest:

7“Will the Lord for ever discard us,

will he never be kind again?

8Has his love left us for ever,

has his faithfulness utterly failed?

9Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he, in anger, stopped his pity?

10Yes, this is my grief, that the Most High

no longer has the strength he had.

11Let me recall what the Eternal did,

let me remember thy wonders of old,

12let me think of all that thou hast done,

and muse upon thy deeds.

13Thy dealings were divine, O God;

what god was great like the Eternal?

14Thou wast a God of wonders,

thou didst show the world thy strength,

15rescuing thy people by thy power,

the sons of Jacob and Joseph,

20leading thy people like a flock

by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

16O God, the waters saw thee,

the waters saw thee and quivered,

the depths of ocean shivered;

17rain rushed from the clouds,

the skies in thunder crashed,

thine arrows flew and flashed,

18thy thunder rolled and resounded,

lightning lit up the world,

earth shook and was confounded,

19as thou didst tread upon the sea,

marching through deep waters,

thy footprints all unseen.”

PSA 77 ©
