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ULT MAL Chapter 3

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3“Behold, I am about to send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he will come,” says Yahweh of hosts.

2But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like the fire of the refiner and like the soap of the fullers. 3He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi. He will refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to Yahweh. 4Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to Yahweh, as in the days of old, and as in former years. 5“Then I will approach you for judgment. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, the adulterers, those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against those who turn aside the foreigner, and against those who do not fear me,” says Yahweh of hosts. 6“For I, Yahweh, have not changed; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, have not come to an end.

7From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says Yahweh of hosts. “But you say, ‘How will we return?’ 8Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In tithes and offerings. 9You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. 10Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this,” says Yahweh of hosts, “if I do not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing for you, until there is no more need. 11I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil. Your vines in the fields will not lose their fruit,” says Yahweh of hosts. 12“All the nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight,” says Yahweh of hosts.

13“Your words against me have been strong,” says Yahweh. “But you say, ‘What have we said among ourselves against you?’ 14You have said, ‘It is useless to serve God. What profit is it that we have kept his requirements or walked mournfully before Yahweh of hosts? 15So now we call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers not only prosper, but they even test God and escape.’ ”

16Then those who feared Yahweh spoke with one another. Yahweh paid attention and listened, and a book of remembrance was written before him about those who feared Yahweh and honored his name. 17“They will be mine,” says Yahweh of hosts, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession, I will have compassion on them, as a man has compassion on his own son who serves him. 18Then once again you will distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.

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