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Wyc 1COR Chapter 16

1COR 16 ©

16But of the gaderyngis of money that ben maad in to seyntis, as Y ordeynede in the chirchis of Galathie, so also do ye o dai of the wouke. 2Ech of you kepe at hym silf, kepynge that that plesith to him, that whanne Y come, the gaderyngis ben not maad. 3And whanne Y schal be present, whiche men ye preuen, Y schal sende hem bi epistlis to bere youre grace in to Jerusalem. 4That if it be worthi that also Y go, thei schulen go with me. 5But Y schal come to you, whanne Y schal passe bi Macedonye; for whi Y schal passe bi Macedonye. 6But perauenture Y schal dwelle at you, or also dwelle the wynter, that and ye lede me whidir euere Y schal go. 7And Y wole not now se you in my passyng, for Y hope to dwelle with you awhile, if the Lord schal suffre. 8But Y schal dwelle at Efesi, `til to Witsuntide. 9For a grete dore and an opyn is openyd to me, and many aduersaries. 10And if Thimothe come, se ye that he be with out drede with you, for he worcheth the werk of the Lord, as Y. 11Therfor no man dispise hym; but lede ye hym forth in pees, that he come to me; for Y abide hym with britheren. 12But, britheren, Y make knowun to you of Apollo, that Y preiede him myche, that he schulde come to you, with britheren. But it was not his wille to come now; but he schal come, whanne he schal haue leiser. 13Walke ye, and stonde ye in the feith; do ye manli, and be ye coumfortid in the Lord, 14and be alle youre thingis don in charite. 15And, britheren, Y biseche you, ye knowen the hous of Stephan, and of Fortunati, and Acaicy, for thei ben the firste fruytis of Acaie, and in to mynystrie of seyntis thei han ordeyned hem silf; 16that also ye be sugetis to suche, and to ech worchynge togidere and trauelynge. 17For Y haue ioie in the presence of Stephan, and of Fortunate, and Acaici; 18for thei filliden that thing that failide to you; for thei han refreischid bothe my spirit and youre. Therfor knowe ye hem, that ben suche maner men. 19Alle the chirchis of Asie greten you wel. Aquila and Prisca, with her homeli chirche, greten you myche in the Lord, at the whiche also Y am herborid. 20Alle bretheren greten you wel. Grete ye wel togidere in hooli cos. 21My gretyng bi Poulis hoond. 22If ony man loueth not oure Lord Jhesu Crist, be he cursid, Maranatha. 23The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you. 24My charite be with you alle in Crist Jhesu oure Lord. Amen.

1COR 16 ©
