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Wyc 1COR Chapter 11

1COR 11 ©

11Be ye my foleweris, as Y am of Crist. 2And, britheren, Y preise you, that bi alle thingis ye ben myndeful of me; and as Y bitook to you my comaundementis, ye holden. 3But Y wole that ye wite, that Crist is heed of ech man; but the heed of the womman is the man; and the heed of Crist is God. 4Ech man preiynge, or profeciynge, whanne his heed is hilid, defoulith his heed. 5But ech womman preiynge, or profeciynge, whanne hir heed is not hilid, defoulith hir heed; for it is oon, as if sche were pollid. 6And if a womman be not keuered, be sche pollid; and if it is foul thing to a womman to be pollid, or to be maad ballid, hile sche hir heed. 7But a man schal not hile his heed, for he is the ymage and the glorie of God; but a womman is the glorie of man. 8For a man is not of the womman, but the womman of the man. 9And the man is not maad for the womman, but the womman for the man. 10Therfor the womman schal haue an hilyng on hir heed, also for aungelis. 11Netheles nether the man is with outen womman, nether the womman is with oute man, in the Lord. 12Forwhi as the womman is of man, so the man is bi the womman; but alle thingis ben of God. 13Deme ye you silf; bisemeth it a womman not hilid on the heed to preye God? 14Nether the kynde it silf techith vs, for if a man nursche longe heer, it is schenschipe to hym; 15but if a womman nurische longe heer, it is glorie to hir, for heeris ben youun to hir for keueryng. 16But if ony man is seyn to be ful of strijf, we han noon siche custom, nethir the chirche of God. 17But this thing Y comaunde, not preisynge, that ye comen togidere not in to the betere, but in to the worse. 18First for whanne ye comen togidere in to the chirche, Y here that discenciouns ben, and in parti Y bileue. 19For it bihoueth eresies to be, that thei that ben prouyd, ben opynli knowun in you. 20Therfor whanne ye comen togidere in to oon, now it is not to ete the Lordis soper; 21for whi ech man bifor takith his soper to ete, and oon is hungry, and another is drunkun. 22Whether ye han not housis to ete and drynke, or ye dispisen the chirche of God, and confounden hem that han noon? What schal Y seie to you? Y preise you, but here yn Y preise you not. 23For Y haue takun of the Lord that thing, which Y haue bitakun to you. For the Lord Jhesu, in what niyt he was bitraied, 24took breed, and dide thankyngis, and brak, and seide, Take ye, and ete ye; this is my bodi, which schal be bitraied for you; do ye this thing in to my mynde. 25Also the cuppe, aftir that he hadde soupid, and seide, This cuppe is the newe testament in my blood; do ye this thing, as ofte as ye schulen drynke, in to my mynde. 26For as ofte as ye schulen ete this breed, and schulen drynke the cuppe, ye schulen telle the deth of the Lord, til that he come. 27Therfor who euere etith the breed, or drynkith the cuppe of the Lord vnworthili, he schal be gilti of the bodi and of the blood of the Lord. 28But preue a man hym silf, and so ete he of `the ilke breed, and drynke of the cuppe. 29For he that etith and drinkith vnworthili, etith and drinkith doom to hym, not wiseli demyng the bodi of the Lord. 30Therfor among you many ben sijke and feble, and manye slepen. 31And if we demyden wiseli vs silf, we schulden not be demyd; 32but while we ben demyd of the Lord, we ben chastisid, that we be not dampnyd with this world. 33Therfor, my britheren, whanne ye comen togidere to ete, abide ye togidere. 34If ony man hungrith, ete he at home, that ye come not togidere in to doom. And Y schal dispose othere thingis, whanne Y come.

1COR 11 ©
