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Wyc GEN Chapter 21

GEN 21 ©

21Forsothe God visitide Sare, as he bihiyte, and fillide tho thingis, that he spak. 2And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone in hir eeld, in the tyme wherynne God biforseide to hir. 3And Abraham clepide the name of his sone, whom Sare childide to him, Ysaac. 4And Abraham circumcidide hym in the eiyte dai, as God comaundide to him, 5whanne he was of an hundrid yeer; for Ysaac was borun in this age of the fadir. 6And Sare seide, The Lord made leiyynge to me, and who euer schal here schal leiye with me. 7And eft sche seide, Who schulde here, and bileue to Abraham, that Sare schulde yyue soukyng to a sone, whom sche childide to him now an eld man? 8Therfor the child encreesside, and was wenyd; and Abraham made a greet feeste in the dai of his wenyng. 9And whanne Sare seiy the sone of Agar Egipcian pleiynge with Ysaac hir sone, sche seide to Abraham, 10Cast thou out the handmayde and hir sone; for the sone of the handmayde schal not be eir with my sone Ysaac. 11Abraham took this heuyli for his sone; 12and God seide to hym, Be it not seyn scharp to thee on the child, and on thin handmayde; alle thingis whiche Sare seith to thee, here thou hir vois, for in Isaac seed schal be clepid to thee; 13but also I schal make the sone of the handmaid in to a greet folk, for he is thi seed. 14And so Abraham roos eerli, and took breed, and a botel of watir, and puttide on hir schuldre, and bitook the child, and lefte hir; and whanne sche hadde go, sche yede out of the weie in the wildirnesse of Bersabee. 15And whanne the watir in the botel was endid, sche castide awei the child vndur a tre that was there; 16and sche yede awei, and sche sat euene ayens as fer as a bowe may caste; for sche seide, Y schal not se the child diynge; and sche sat ayens, and reiside hir vois, and wepte. 17Forsothe the Lord herde the vois of the child, and the aungel of the Lord clepide Agar fro heuene, and seide, What doist thou, Agar? nyle thou drede, for God hath herd the vois of the child fro the place where ynne he is. 18Rise thou, and take the child, and holde his hoond; for Y schal make hym in to a greet folc. 19And God openyde hir iyen, and sche seiy a pit of watir, and sche yede, and fillide the botel, and sche yaf drynk to the child; 20and was with him, and he encresside, and dwellide in wildernesse, and he was maad a yong man an archer, 21and dwellide in the deseert of Faran; and his modir took to him a wijf of the lond of Egipt. 22In the same tyme Abymelech, and Ficol, prince of his oost, seide to Abraham, God is with thee in alle thingis whiche thou doist; 23therfore swere thou bi God that thou noye not me, and myn eiris, and my kynrede; but bi the mersi whych Y dide to thee, do thou to me, and to the lond in which thou lyuedist a comelyng. 24And Abraham seide, Y schal swere. 25And he blamyde Abymelech for the pit of watir, which hise seruauntis token awey bi violence. 26And Abymelech answerde, I wiste not who dide this thing, but also thou schewidist not to me, and Y herde not outakun to dai. 27And so Abraham took scheep and oxun, and yaf to Abymalech, and bothe smyten a boond of pees. 28And Abraham settide seuene ewe lambren of the flok asidis half. 29And Abymelech seide to hym, What wolen these seuene ewe lambren to hem silf, whiche thou madist stonde asidis half? 30And he seide, Thou schalt take of myn hond seuene ewe lambren, that tho be in to witnessyng to me, for Y diggide this pit. 31Therfor thilke place was clepid Bersabee, for euere eithir swore there; 32and thei maden boond of pees for the pit of an ooth. 33Forsothe Abymelech roos, and Ficol, prince of his chyualrie, and thei turneden ayen in to the lond of Palestyns. Sotheli Abraham plauntide a wode in Bersabee, and inwardli clepide there the name of euerlastinge God; 34and he was an erthetiliere ether a comelynge of the lond of Palestynes in many dayes.

GEN 21 ©
