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Wyc ROM Chapter 2

ROM 2 ©

2Wherfor thou art vnexcusable, ech man that demest, for in what thing thou demest anothir man, thou condempnest thi silf; for thou doist the same thingis whiche thou demest. 2And we witen, that the doom of God is aftir treuthe ayens hem, that don siche thingis. 3But gessist thou, man, that demest hem that doen siche thingis, and thou doist tho thingis, that thou schalt ascape the doom of God? 4Whether `dispisist thou the richessis of his goodnesse, and the pacience, and the long abidyng? Knowist thou not, that the benygnyte of God ledith thee to forthenkyng? 5But aftir thin hardnesse and vnrepentaunt herte, thou tresorist to thee wraththe in the dai of wraththe and of schewyng of the riytful doom of God, 6that schal yelde to ech man aftir his werkis; 7sotheli to hem that ben bi pacience of good werk, glorie, and onour, and vncorrupcioun, to hem that seken euerlastynge lijf; 8but to hem that ben of strijf, and that assenten not to treuthe, but bileuen to wickidnesse, wraththe and indignacioun, tribulacioun and angwisch, 9in to ech soule of man that worchith yuel, to the Jew first, and to the Greke; 10but glorie, and honour, and pees, to ech man that worchith good thing, to the Jew first, and to the Greke. 11For accepcioun of persones is not anentis God. 12For who euere han synned without the lawe, schulen perische withouten the lawe; and who euere han synned in the lawe, thei schulen be demyd bi the lawe. 13For the hereris of lawe ben not iust anentis God, but the doeris of the lawe schulen be maad iust. 14For whanne hethene men that han not lawe, don kyndli tho thingis that ben of the lawe, thei not hauynge suche manere lawe, ben lawe to hem silf, 15that schewen the werk of the lawe writun in her hertis. For the conscience of hem yeldith to hem a witnessyng bytwixe hem silf of thouytis that ben accusynge or defendynge, 16in the dai whanne God schal deme the priuy thingis of men aftir my gospel, bi Jhesu Crist. 17But if thou art named a Jew, and restist in the lawe, and hast glorie in God, 18and hast knowe his wille, and thou lerud bi lawe preuest the more profitable thingis, 19and tristist thi silf to be a ledere of blynde men, the liyt of hem that ben in derknessis, 20a techere of vnwise men, a maistir of yonge children, that hast the foorme of kunnyng and of treuthe in the lawe; 21what thanne techist thou another, and techist not thi silf? Thou that prechist that me schal not stele, stelist? 22Thou that techist that me schal `do no letcherie, doist letcherie? Thou that wlatist maumetis, doist sacrilegie? 23Thou that hast glorie in the lawe, vnworschipist God bi brekyng of the lawe? 24For the name of God is blasfemed bi you among hethene men, as is writun. 25For circumcisioun profitith, if thou kepe the lawe; but if thou be a trespassour ayens the lawe, thi circumsicioun is maad prepucie. 26Therfor if prepucie kepe the riytwisnessis of the lawe, whethir his prepucie schal not be arettid in to circumcisioun? 27And the prepucie of kynde that fulfillith the lawe, schal deme thee, that bi lettre and circumcisioun art trespassour ayens the lawe. 28For he that is in opene is not a Jew, nether it is circumsicioun that is openli in the fleisch; 29but he that is a Jew in hid, and the circumcisioun of herte, in spirit, not bi the lettre, whos preisyng is not of men, but of God.

ROM 2 ©
