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OET-RV by cross-referenced section COL 2:6

COL 2:6–2:19 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Living in Messiah

Col 2:6–19

2:6 Living in Messiah

6So in the same way that you all received the messiah, Yeshua the master, keeping living in him. 7You’ve already been rooted in him and then built-up and confirmed in the faith just as all of you were taught, and being very thankful.

8Be careful in case anyone captures your minds with fancy ideas or theories without proof that come from human traditions or from worldly thinking, and not from Messiah. 9Every component of the greatness of God lives in his human body, 10and you also have been completed and are in him. He is the head of all rule and authority.

11It wasn’t just human hands that circumcised you by cutting off part of the body, but Messiah circumcised you all by cutting you away from your sinful acts. 12[ref]You all were buried with him when you were immersed in water, and you came back to life with him when you came up from the water, through faith in God’s working which gave him life after death. 13[ref]You all were dead in your disobedience and because your bodies were ‘uncircumcised’. Then he made us alive together with him after he forgave us for all our disobedience. 14[ref]He erased the writing that listed the charges against us and so it was removed—nailed to the stake. 15He had disarmed the rulers and authorities and publicly exposed them, because he had won the victory over them on the stake.[fn]

16[ref]Don’t let anyone judge you all about what you eat or drink, or about observing feasts or holidays or days of rest. 17They’re just shadows of what’s coming, but the body causing the shadow is that of the messiah. 18Don’t let anyone be disqualifying you all with their apparent humility and worshipping the messengers, telling you what they’ve seen and being arrogant and vain about their earthly minds. 19[ref]They’re not listening to the head which controls all the joints and ligaments of the body and holds it all together as God causes it to grow.

2:15 The meaning of the Greek ‘ἐν αὐτῷ’ literally ‘in it/him’ isn’t clear here and leads to two common translations: a/ ‘on/in him’, or as we have chosen (interpreting the ‘it’ to be referring back to ‘σταυρῷ’ ‘execution stake’ from the previous verse), ‘on the stake’.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Rom 6:4:

4[ref]Therefore we were buried with him through the immersion into death, so that just as Messiah was brought back to life by the father’s power, so too we can walk in newness of life.

6:4: Col 2:12.

Eph 2:1-5:

2:1 God’s mercy, grace, and plans for us

2[ref]You all were dead due to your disobedience and the path of sinning 2that you once walked along when you followed the trends of this world which in turn come from the ruler of the invisible powers—he’s the spirit that works in the children of disobedience. 3In the past, we also lived like them inside our fleshly lusts and then living out those desires and fantasies, and so we were children deserving strong anger just like everyone else.

4But God was generous with his mercy because of the great love that he loved us with, 5so although we were dead as a result of our disobedience, he make us alive along with the messiah. Yes, we have been saved by God’s grace.

2:1-5: Col 2:13.

Eph 2:15:

15[ref]having declared the old commandments to be now void so that Jews and non-Jews can now be peaceably united.

2:15: Col 2:14.

Rom 14:1-6:

14:1 Don’t condemn each other

14[ref]Accept others who are faltering in their faith without highlighting their wrong ideas. 2Some people think it’s ok to eat anything, while others who’re faltering will only eat vegetables. 3The one who eats anything shouldn’t despise the other, and the one who doesn’t eat meat shouldn’t condemn the other, because both are accepted by God. 4Who are you to judge someone else’s house servants? Their own master will judge if they stand or fall, and they’ll stand because the master is able to help them.

5Similarly, some people consider one day to be more important than some other day, yet others consider all the days to be alike. Each one of them should be fully convinced in their own minds. 6Anyone who considers a certain day to be special is thinking about the master. Likewise, anyone who’s eating meat is eating to serve the master and gives thanks to God. The person who doesn’t eat meat is declining to serve the master and gives thanks to God.

14:1-6: Col 2:16.

Eph 4:16:

16[ref]that integrates the entire body together and holds it together by every one of its joints. When each component does its work, the body grows and builds itself up with love.

4:16: Col 2:19.