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OET-RV by cross-referenced section GEN 35:1

GEN 35:1–35:15 ©

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God blesses Yacob at Beyt-el

Gen 35:1–15

35:1 God blesses Yacob at Beyt-el

35Then God told Yacob, “Pack up and move to Beyt-el and settle there, and make an altar there to the God who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esaw.”[ref]

2So Yacob instructed his household and everyone with him, “Remove any foreign idols that are among you, and purify yourselves and change your clothes. 3Then we’ll leave here and make the uphill trip to Beyt-el, and I’ll make an altar there to God, who answered me when I was distressed. He’s been with me wherever I’ve gone.” 4So they gave Yacob all their idols and their earrings, and he buried them under the terebinth tree that was near Shekem.

5Then they started their journey but and the people of the cities around them were afraid of Yacob’s God so they didn’t attack them. 6So Yacob and everyone with him eventually arrived at Luz in the Canaan region (which is now named Beyt-el). 7He built an altar there and named the place ‘El Beyt-el’ (which means ‘the God of Beyt-el’), because God had revealed himself to him there when he was fleeing from his brother Esaw. 8Then Rebekah’s nurse Deborah died and was buried under the oak tree below Beyt-el so he named the place ‘Allon Bakut’ (which means ‘oak of weeping’).

9Now that Yacob had left Paddan Aram and come back to Beyt-el, God appeared to him there again and blessed him 10and told him, “Your name is Yacob but you won’t be called Yacob anymore. From now on, you’ll be called Yisra’el (‘Israel’).” So again[ref] God called him Yisra’el. 11Then God also told him, “I’m God the provider. Be fruitful and multiply. Out of you will come a nation and a community of nations, and kings will come from your descendants,[ref] 12and I’ll give you the land that I gave to Abraham and to Isaac, and in the future, I’ll give the land to your descendants after you.” 13After God finished talking to Yacob, he left him and went back up. 14Then Yacob set up a stone pillar at the place where God had spoken with him, and he poured a drink offering over it, followed by oil,[ref] 15and he named that place ‘Beyt-el’ (which means ‘God’s house’) because God had spoken to him there.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Gen 28:11-17:

11One night after he’d stopped when the sun had gone down, he laid down in that place and used one of the stones there to put under his head for a pillow. 12While he was sleeping, he had a dream, and wow, a stairway was set up on the earth and its top reached to the heavens, and look, God’s messengers were ascending and descending on it.[ref] 13And look, Yahweh was standing above it and he said, “I am Yahweh, the God of Abraham your grandfather and the God of Yitshak. I will give the land that you are lying on to you and to your descendants[ref] 14and they will be as numerous as dust particles, and you’ll all spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.[ref] 15So listen, I’m with you and I’ll watch over you everywhere you go. I’ll bring you back to this land because I won’t leave you until I’ve done what I told you.”

16Then Yacob woke up and said to himself, “Yahweh is certainly here in this place, but I didn’t realise it.” 17So he was afraid and said to himself, “This place is spine-chilling—it’s nothing other than God’s house, and it’s heaven’s gateway.”

28:12: Yhn 1:51.

28:13: Gen 13:14-15.

28:14: Gen 12:3; 22:18.

Gen 32:28:

28“You won’t be called Yacob anymore,” the man said, “but you’ll be ‘Yisra’el’ (or ‘Israel’, which means ‘he struggled with God’), because you have struggled with God and with men, and you won.”[ref]

32:28: Gen 35:10.

Gen 17:4-8:

4“Listen, my agreement with you is that you’ll become the father of many nations, 5so you’ll no longer be calledAbram’, but now your name will be ‘Abraham’ (which means ‘father of many nations’) because I’m making you the father of many nations.[ref] 6I’ll make you and your descendants very fruitful so that they form nations and some of them will become kings.

7I’ll establish my agreement with you and your future descendants for all the following generations. It will be an agreement that never ends, that I’ll be the your God and God of your future descendants.[ref] 8I’ll give this land that you’re staying in—the entire region of Canaan—to you and your descendants as a permanent possession, and I’ll be their God.”[ref]

17:5: Rom 4:17.

17:7: Luk 1:55.

17:8: Acts 7:5.

Gen 28:18-19:

18Then in the morning Yacob got up early, and he took the stone that he’d put under his head and stood it up longways as a pillar, and he poured oil over the top of it. 19He named that place ‘Beyt-el’ (which means ‘God’s house’), even though that town had been named Luz before then.