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Bshps EPH Chapter 1

EPH 1 ©

1Paul an apostle of Iesus Christe by the wyll of God: To the saintes which are at Ephesus, and to the faythfull in Christe Iesus: 2Grace be with you, and peace, from God our father, & from the Lorde Iesus Christe. 3Blessed be God, the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe, whiche hath blessed vs in all spirituall blessyng, in heauenly thynges by Christe: 4According as he had chosen vs in hym before the foundation of the world, that we shoulde be holy, and without blame before hym, through loue. 5Who hath predestinate vs into the adoption of childre, by Iesus Christ vnto hym selfe, according to the good pleasure of his wyll: 6To the prayse of the glorie of his grace, wherein he hath made vs accepted in the beloued. 7In whom we haue redemption through his blood, the forgeuenesse of sinnes, accordyng to the rychesse of his grace, 8Wherein he hath abounded towarde vs in all wysedome and prudence. 9And hath opened vnto vs the misterie of his wyll, accordyng to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himselfe. 10That in the dispensation of the fulnesse of the tymes, he myght gather together in one all thinges in Christe, both which are in heauen, and which are in earth, in hym. 11In whom also we are chosen, beyng predestinate accordyng to the purpose of hym who worketh all thynges after the councell of his owne wyll: 12That we shoulde be vnto the prayse of his glorie, whiche before beleued in Christe. 13In whom also ye, after that ye heard the worde of trueth, the Gospell of your saluation, wherin also after that ye beleued, were sealed with the holy spirite of promyse, 14Whiche is the earnest of our inheritaunce, vnto ye redemption of the purchased possession, vnto the prayse of his glorie. 15Wherfore I also after that I hearde of the fayth which ye haue in the Lorde Iesus, and loue vnto all the saintes, 16Ceasse not to geue thankes for you, makyng mention of you in my prayers: 17That the God of our Lorde Iesus Christe, the father of glorie, may geue vnto you the spirite of wisdome and reuelation, in the knowledge of hym: 18The eyes of your myndes beyng lightened, that ye maye knowe what the hope is of his callyng, and what the richesse of the glorie of his inheritaunce is in the saintes: 19And what is the exceedyng greatnesse of his power to vswarde, which beleue, accordyng to the workyng of his myghtie power, 20Which he wrought in Christe when he raysed hym from the dead, and set him on his ryght hande in heauenly places 21Farre aboue all rule, and power, and myght, and dominion, and euery name that is named, not in this worlde only, but also in the worlde to come. 22And hath put all thynges vnder his feete, and gaue him to be the head ouer all thynges to the Churche, 23Which is his body, the fulnesse of him that fylleth all in all.

EPH 1 ©