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Cvdl JOB Chapter 40

JOB 40 ©

40Morouer, God spake vnto Iob and sayde: 2Can he that stryueth with the Allmightie, be at rest? Shulde not he which disputeth with God, geue him an answere? 3Iob answered the LORDE, sayenge: 4Beholde, I am to vyle a personne, to answere the, therfore will I laye my hande vpon my mouth. 5Once or twyse haue I spoken, but I will saye nomore. 6Then spake the LORDE vnto Iob out of the storme, and sayde: 7gyrde vp yi loynes like a man, and tell me the thige that I will axe the. 8Wilt thou disanulle my iudgment? Or, wilt thou condemne me, yt thou thy self mayest be made rightuous? 9Is thine arme then like the arme of God? Maketh thy voyce soch a soude as his doth? 10Then arme thy self with thine owne power, vp, decke the in thy ioly araye, 11poure out the indignacion of thy wrath: se that thou cast downe all ye proude, 12loke well, that thou makest all soch as be stubburne, to obeye: treade all the vngodly vnder thy fete, 13cast the downe in to the myre, and couer their faces with darcknesse: 14Then will I confesse also, that thyne owne right honde hath saued the. 15Beholde, the cruell beaste (whom I made wt the) which eateth haye as an oxe: 16lo, how stronge he is in his loynes, and what power he hath in the nauell of his body. 17He spredeth out his tale like a Cedre tre, all his vaynes are stiff. 18His shynnes are like pipes off brasse, his rygge bones are like staues of yro 19First when God made him, he ordened the wyldernesse for him, 20yt the mountaynes shulde geue him grasse, where all the beastes off the felde take their pastyme. 21He lyeth amoge the redes in the Mosses, the fennes 22hyde him with their shadowe, and the wylowes of the broke couer him rounde aboute. 23Lo, without eny laboure might he drynke out the whole floude, and suppe off Iordane without eny trauayle. 24Who darre laye honde vpon him openly, and vndertake to catch him? Or, who darre put an hoke thorow his nose, ad laye a snare for him?

JOB 40 ©
