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FBV PSA Chapter 147

PSA 147 ©

147Praise the Lord, for it's good to sing praises to our God! Praise is wonderful and beautiful!

2The Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem, gathering together the people of Israel who have been scattered.

3He heals the broken-hearted, and bandages the wounded.

4He knows how many stars he made, and commands all of them by name.

5Our Lord is great! His power is immense! There's no limit to what he understands!

6The Lord helps those who are bowed down to get up; but he grinds the wicked into the ground.

7Sing thanks to the Lord! Sing praises to our God with a harp!

8He covers the sky with clouds to bring rain to the earth, and makes the grass grow on the hills.

9He gives food to the animals, and to the baby ravens when they call.

10The Lord doesn't appreciate the strength of war-horses or value human power.[fn]

11What the Lord values are those who follow him, those who put their confidence in his trustworthy love.

12Jerusalem, praise the Lord! Zion, praise your God!

13He makes the bars on your city gates strong, and blesses your children around you.

14He keeps the borders of your land safe from attack; he provides you with plenty of the finest wheat.

15He sends his commands around the world—they're quickly implemented.

16He sends snow as white as wool, and scatters frost like ashes.

17He throws hail like stones.[fn] Who can stand the cold he sends?

18Then he sends out his command and it melts; he blows[fn] on it and the water flows.

19He proclaims his word to Jacob; his rules and laws to Israel.

20He has not done this for any other nation—they don't know his laws. Praise the Lord!

147:10 The psalmist is contrasting reliance on human force such as a powerful army with God, the true source of strength, as shown by the following verse.

147:17 “Stones”: literally, “pieces of bread.”

147:18 “Blows”: or, “sends his winds.”

PSA 147 ©
