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PSA - Free Bible Version New Testament


1Happy are those who don't follow the advice of the wicked. They refuse to adopt the ways of sinful people, and they don't make fun of others.

2Instead they love to do what the law of the Lord says, and they think about it day and night.

3They're like trees growing by flowing rivers, producing fruit every season. Their leaves never wither, and they are successful in all they do.

4But it's not like that for the wicked! They are like chaff, blown away by the wind.

5For this reason the wicked will not survive the judgment—sinners have no place among those who live right.[fn]

6For the Lord watches over those who follow the right way, but the way of the wicked leads to death.

2Why are the nations plotting rebellion?[fn] The peoples devise schemes, but they're pointless.

2The kings of the world prepare to attack,[fn] and the rulers conspire together against the Lord and his anointed one,[fn] saying,

3“Let's break the chains and throw away the cords that bind us.”

4But the one who sits enthroned in heaven laughs. The Lord mocks them.

5He will thunder at them, and terrify them in his fury, saying,

6“It is I who placed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”

7“I will proclaim the Lord's decree,” says the king. “He told me, ‘You are my son. Today I have become your father.[fn]

8Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your possessions—the whole earth will belong to you.

9You will break them with a rod of iron, smashing them like pottery.’ ”

10So then you kings, be wise![fn] Be warned, you rulers of the world!

11Serve the Lord in reverence, celebrate with trembling!

12Submit to his son[fn] so that he will not become angry and you die suddenly. His anger[fn] flares up quickly, but how happy are all those who go to him for protection.

3 A psalm of David concerning the time he had to flee from his son Absalom.

3Lord, my enemies have become so many; so many are rebelling[fn] against me.

2So many are telling me, “God can't save you!” Selah.

3But you, Lord, are a shield protecting me. You give me victory;[fn] you hold my head high.

4I cry out to the Lord for help, and he answers me from his holy mountain. Selah.

5I lie down to sleep, and in the morning[fn] I wake up because the Lord takes care of me.

6I'm not afraid of tens of thousands who surround me, people who are against me.

7Stand up for me, Lord! Save me, my God! Hit all my enemies on the cheek; break the teeth of the wicked!

8Salvation belongs to you, Lord; may you be a blessing to your people. Selah.

4 For the music director. A psalm of David, to be accompanied by string instruments.

4When I call, please answer me, God who vindicates me. When I was hemmed in by troubles, you gave me a way out. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

2How long will you people ruin my reputation? How long will you love what is worthless and tell lies? Selah.

3You should realize that the Lord shows special favor to the faithful. The Lord listens when I call to him.

4Be in awe,[fn] do not sin. When you rest, reflect on this, and keep quiet! Selah.

5Offer sacrifices with the right attitude. Trust in the Lord.

6Many say, “Who is going to show us some good?” Lord, may your face shine upon us.[fn]

7The happiness you give me is better than those who have a plentiful harvest of grain and new wine.

8I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you, Lord, alone keep me safe.[fn]

5 For the music director. A psalm of David, to be accompanied by flutes.

5Lord, please listen to me. Don't ignore my groans of distress.

2Hear me pleading for help, my King and my God, because I'm praying to you.

3Please listen to what I have to say in the morning, Lord. Every morning I put my requests to you[fn] and wait for your reply.[fn]

4For you are not a God who has any pleasure in wickedness; evil has no place with you.

5The proud cannot come into your presence; you hate everyone who does evil.

6You destroy those who tell lies. The Lord loathes bloodthirsty and deceptive people.

7But because of the greatness of your trustworthy love, I can come into your house; in awe of you I bow down towards your holy Temple.

8Lead me, Lord, you who always does what is right, save me from my enemies. Make your way clear to me.

9Nothing they[fn] say can be trusted; their main desire is to destroy. Their throat is like an open grave; their tongues are full of flattery.

10God, condemn them as guilty! Make them fall because of their evil plans. Throw them out because of all their sins, for they have rebelled against you.

11But may all those who trust in you be happy—may they sing for joy forever. May you spread your protection over them so that everyone who loves your character may celebrate.

12For you, Lord, bless those who live right; you protect them with your shield of love.

6 For the music director. To be accompanied by stringed instruments, according to the sheminith.[fn] A psalm of David.

6Lord, please don't condemn me because you're angry with me; please don't punish me because you're angry with me!

2Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak; heal me, Lord, for I am sick to the bone.

3I'm shaking all over in fear. How long will it be, Lord, before you do something?

4Turn,[fn] Lord, and rescue me! Save me because of your trustworthy love!

5For no one remembers you when they're dead. Who is able to praise you from the grave?

6My groaning has exhausted me. Every night I soak my bed with my crying; I drench my couch with my tears.

7With all my crying I can hardly see; my eyes grow weak because of the trouble my enemies cause me.

8Leave me alone, all you people who do evil, for the Lord has heard me crying!

9The Lord has heard me calling out for help; the Lord answers my prayer.

10All who hate me will be shamefully defeated and terrified; they will run away in disgrace.

7 A psalm (shiggaion) of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Cush, from the tribe of Benjamin.

7Lord my God, you are my protection. Save me from those who persecute me; please rescue me!

2Otherwise they will tear me apart like a lion, ripping me to pieces with no one to save me.

3If I have done what I'm accused of,[fn] if my hands are guilty,

4If I have paid back a friend with evil, if I have robbed my enemy for no reason,

5Then let my enemies chase me down; let them trample me in the dust and drag my reputation through the dirt. Selah.

6Stand up, Lord, in your anger, rise up against the fury of my enemies; wake up, Lord, and bring me justice![fn]

7Bring together the nations before you; rule them from your throne on high.

8The Lord judges all people. Defend me, Lord, because I do what is right, because of my integrity.

9Please bring an end to the evil done by the wicked; vindicate those who do good, for you are the God of right who examines hearts and minds.

10The Most High God is my defense, the one who saves those who live right.

11God is a fair judge who is always hostile to evil.

12If people do not change their minds, he will sharpen his sword. He has bent and strung his bow.

13He has prepared weapons of death, he has his flaming arrows ready.

14See how the wicked conceive evil! They are pregnant with trouble. They give birth to dishonesty.

15They dig a deep hole to catch people, but then fall into it themselves.

16The trouble they cause rebounds to hit them on the head; their violence against others comes down on their own skulls.

17I will thank the Lord because he does what is right; I will sing praises to the name of the Lord Most High.

8 For the music director. On the gittith. A psalm of David.

8Lord, our Lord, your magnificent reputation[fn] fills the earth! Your majesty is greater than the heavens above,

2and is sung by the voices of children and infants. Your strength counters your opponents, silencing the enemy and the avenger.

3When I contemplate the heavens that your hands made, the moon and stars that you placed there,

4What are human beings that you should concern yourself with them? What are people that you should care for them?

5You created them a little lower than God,[fn] crowning them with glory and majesty.

6You put them in charge of all that you made, giving them authority over everything:

7the sheep, the cattle, and the wild animals,

8the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea—everything that swims in the ocean.

9Lord, our Lord, your magnificent reputation fills the earth!

9 For the music director. According to Muth-labben. A psalm of David.[fn]

9I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the amazing things you have done.

2I will be glad and celebrate in you; I will sing praises to your wonderful nature, Most High God.

3Those who hate me retreat; they fall back and die when you confront them.

4For you have judged that I am right; you have decided fairly from your throne of judgment.

5You have condemned the nations; you have destroyed the wicked; you have wiped out their names forever and ever.

6The enemies are finished, ruined forever; their cities are destroyed—even the memory of them is gone.

7But the Lord rules forever, his throne is set up for judgment.

8The Lord judges the world rightly; he judges the nations fairly.

9The Lord is a place of safety for those who are oppressed, a fortress in times of trouble.

10Those who know your nature[fn] trust in you, for you don't abandon those who come to you.

11Sing praises to the Lord who reigns in Zion! Tell the nations what he has done!

12He does not forget to punish murderers; he does not ignore the cries of the suffering.

13Be gracious to me, Lord! Look at how my enemies are persecuting me! Grab me back from the gates of death,

14so I can praise you at Zion's gates, happy that you have saved me.

15The nations have fallen into their own pit they dug; their feet are trapped by their own net they set.

16The Lord is known for his fairness; the wicked are trapped by their own actions. Higgaion. Selah.

17The wicked depart, going to the grave—all nations who turn their backs on God.

18But the needy will not be ignored forever, the hope of those who suffer will not always be dashed.

19Stand up, Lord! Don't let human beings win! Let the nations be brought before you for judgment!

20Lord, terrify them! Let them know they are only human! Selah.

10Lord, why are you so distant? Why do you hide from me in times of trouble?

2The wicked chase down the poor with impunity. May they be trapped by the evil schemes they themselves invented.

3For the wicked boast about what they want to do. They praise the greedy, but treat the Lord with contempt.

4The wicked are too proud to come to God. In all their thinking they never consider God.

5What they do always seems to go well. They're unaware of God's judgments. They ridicule all their enemies.

6They tell themselves, “Nothing bad is going to happen to me. I'll never be in trouble!”

7Their speech is full of cursing, lies, and threats; their tongues are always ready to spread trouble and cause evil.

8They hide out in ambush in the villages, ready to kill innocent passers-by. They are always on the lookout for their next victim.

9They lie in ambush like a lion ready to attack, ready to leap out from their hiding place to seize their victim. They capture the helpless, throwing a net over them.

10Their victims are knocked down, laid low.[fn] They fall under the strength of the wicked.

11They tell themselves, “God won't notice. He's looking the other way. He won't ever see anything.”

12Take a stand, Lord! Raise your hand to strike! Don't forget those who can't defend themselves.

13Why do the wicked think they can treat God with such contempt? Why do they think that God won't make them accountable?

14But you do see the trouble and grief they cause. Take it into your own hands. The helpless trust in you; you defend the orphans.

15Destroy the power of the wicked, those evil people! Call each of them to account until there are none left!

16Lord, you are King forever and ever! The nations will vanish from their lands.

17Lord, you have heard the longing cries of those who are suffering. You will encourage them, for you will listen to them.

18You will defend the rights of orphans and the oppressed so that those who are mere human beings here on earth will never terrorize them again.

11 For the music director: A psalm of David.

11Lord, you are my protection. So how can you tell me, “Fly away to the mountains like a bird”?

2Look, the wicked are drawing their bows, loading them with arrows ready to shoot from the shadows at good people.

3When the foundations of society are destroyed, what can those who live right do?

4The Lord is in his Temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven. He keeps a close eye on everyone, watching them carefully.

5The Lord examines both those who do right and those who do evil, but he hates those who love violence.

6He will make blazing coals and sulfur rain down on the wicked; a scorching wind is what's coming on them.

7The Lord does what is right, and he loves those who live right. Those who do good will see him face to face.

12 For the music director. To the Sheminith. A psalm of David.

12Help, Lord, for all the good people have gone! Those who trust in you have disappeared from among the people on earth.

2Everyone lies to their neighbors. They flatter with nice talk, but they don't mean what they say.[fn]

3Stop their flattery, Lord, and silence their boasts—

4these people who say, “We will succeed through what we say; our mouths belong to us. We don't take orders from anyone!”

5“Because of the violence the helpless have suffered, and because of the groans of the poor, I will rise up to defend them,” says the Lord. “I will give them the protection they have been longing for.”

6What the Lord says is trustworthy, as pure as silver refined seven times in a furnace.

7You, Lord will keep the oppressed safe; you will protect us from these kinds of people forever;

8even though the wicked are all around us, and evil is being promoted everywhere.[fn]

13 For the music director. A psalm of David.

13How long, Lord, are you going to forget me? Forever? How long will you turn away from me?

2How long must I be in inner turmoil, feeling sad all day long? How long will my enemy be victorious over me?

3Think about this, and answer me, Lord my God. Give me back my strength,[fn] otherwise I'm going to die,

4and my enemy will say, “I defeated him!” and my opponents will celebrate my downfall.

5But I trust in your never-failing love, I will be happy because you save me.

6I will sing to the Lord because he has treated me with such generosity!

14 For the music director. A psalm of David.

14Only fools tell themselves, “God doesn't exist.” They are completely immoral; they commit terrible sins; not a single one of them does anything good.

2The Lord watches from heaven to see whether anyone understands—if there's anyone who wants to come to God.

3They have all gone their own way, they are totally depraved; none of them does anything good, not even one.

4Won't these people who do evil ever learn? They consume my people as if they were eating bread, and refuse to pray to the Lord.

5Look, they will become terrified, because God is with those who live right.

6The wicked dismiss the plans of the poor people, but the Lord looks after them.

7If only the Lord's salvation would come from Zion! When the Lord restores[fn] his people, the people of Jacob will celebrate, and the people of Israel will be glad.

15 A psalm of David.

15Who may enter your sanctuary, Lord?[fn] Who may come into your presence on your holy mountain?

2Those who live without fault and do what is right, those who sincerely tell the truth.

3They do not slander, do not treat their neighbors badly, do not gossip about people they know.

4They reject people the Lord has rejected, but honor those who follow the Lord. They keep their promises even when it's hard to do. They don't change their minds.

5They lend money without charging interest. They don't take bribes to testify against the innocent. Those who act like this will never ever fall.

16 A psalm (miktam) of David.

16Take care of me, Lord, for I come to you for protection.

2I tell the Lord, “Apart from you Lord, I don't have anything that's good.”

3As for the holy people in the land, they are the ones who are truly great. I appreciate them.[fn]

4Those who run after other gods will face a lot of trouble. I will not participate in their offerings of blood, I will not even speak the names of their gods.

5Lord, you alone are all I have; you give me what I need; you safeguard my future.[fn]

6The land divisions have worked out in my favor[fn]—my property is wonderful!

7I will bless the Lord who gives me good advice; even at night my conscience[fn] tells me what is right.

8I have always kept the Lord in front of me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. 9That's why I'm so happy! That's why I am full of joy! That's why my body lives in hope!

10For you will not abandon me in the grave, nor will you allow your Holy One to experience decay.

11You have shown me the path of life, filling me with joy with your presence and the delight of living with you forever.

17 A prayer of David.

17Lord, please hear my cry for justice! Please pay attention to my call for help! Listen to the prayer of an honest man![fn]

2Vindicate me before you—for you see what is right.

3You have observed my thoughts, you have visited me at night, you have examined me—and you have found nothing wrong. I promised myself I wouldn't say anything I shouldn't.

4With regard to the actions of others: I have done what you told me and I have avoided what violent people do.[fn]

5I have not strayed from your path; my feet have not slipped from it.

6God, I call out to you because I know you will answer; please listen carefully to what I have to say.

7Show me how wonderful your trustworthy love really is, Savior of those who come to you for protection against their enemies!

8Keep me safe as someone you love;[fn] hide me underneath your wings.

9Protect me from the attacks of the wicked who want to destroy me, from my enemies who surround me, intent on killing me.

10They have no compassion,[fn] and all they have to say is pure arrogance.

11They hunt me down and surround me, looking for the chance to knock me down in the dust.

12They are like lions, longing to tear their prey apart; like fierce lions crouching in ambush.

13Lord, stand up and confront them! Force them to back down! By your sword rescue me from the wicked!

14Lord, by your power, save me from people whose only thought is for this world. May they be filled with what you have in store for them, their children too, with left-overs for their grandchildren![fn]

15As for me, I shall see your face in all its goodness. When I awake, I will be so pleased to see you face to face.

18 To the music director. A psalm of David the servant of the Lord, who sang the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord saved him from all his enemies, and from Saul. He sang:

18I love you, Lord. You are my strength.

2The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior. He is my God, my rock who protects me. He shields me from harm, his power protects me,[fn] he keeps me safe.

3I call for help from the Lord who should be praised, and he saves me from those who hate me.

4Ropes of death encircled me, surging waters of destruction flooded over me;

5The grave wound its ropes around me; death set snares for me.

6In my despair I called on the Lord—I cried out to my God for help. He heard my voice from his Temple—my cry for help reached his ears.

7The earth shook to and fro; the foundations of the mountains trembled, shaking because of his anger.

8Smoke came out of his nostrils, and fire came from his mouth; burning coals blazed before him.

9He parted the heavens and came down, with dark clouds beneath his feet.

10Riding on an angel[fn] he flew, swooping on the wings of the wind.

11He hid himself in darkness, covering himself with black thunderclouds.

12Hailstones and burning coals flew out from his brightness, passing through his thick clouds.

13The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High sounded among the hailstones and burning coals.

14He fired his arrows, scattering his enemies;[fn] he routed them with his lightning bolts.

15You roared, Lord, and by the wind from the breath of your nostrils the valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth were uncovered.

16He reached down his hand from above and grabbed hold of me. He pulled me out of the deep water.

17He rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and who were much stronger than me.

18They came at me at my worst possible moment[fn], but the Lord supported me.

19He set me free,[fn] he rescued me because he's my friend.[fn]

20The Lord rewarded me because I do what's right; he repaid me because I am innocent.[fn]

21For I have followed the Lord's ways; I have not sinned by turning away from my God.

22I have kept all his laws in mind; I have not ignored his commandments.

23I am blameless in his sight; I keep myself from sinning.

24The Lord rewarded me for doing what's right. I am innocent in his sight.

25You show trust to those who trust; you show integrity to those with integrity,[fn]

26You show yourself pure to those who are pure, but you show yourself smart to those who are crafty.[fn]

27You save the humble, but you bring down the proud.

28You light my lamp! Lord, my God, you light up my darkness!

29With you, I can charge down a troop of soldiers; with you, my God, I can climb a fortress wall.

30God's way is absolutely right.[fn] What the Lord says is trustworthy. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.

31For who is God except the Lord? Who is the rock, except our God?

32God makes me strong and keeps me safe.

33He makes me surefooted like the deer, able to walk the heights in safety.

34He teaches me how to fight in battle; he gives me the strength to draw a bronze bow.

35You protect me with the shield of your salvation; you support me with your powerful right hand; your help has made me great.

36You gave me space in which to walk, and prevented my feet from slipping.

37I chased my enemies, and caught up with them. I did not turn around until I had destroyed them.

38I struck them down—they couldn't get up. They fell at my feet.

39You made me strong for battle; you made those who rose up against me kneel down before me.

40You made my enemies run away; I destroyed all my enemies.

41They cried out for help, but no one came to rescue them. They even called out to the Lord, but he did not answer them.

42I ground them into dust, like dust in the wind. I threw them out like mud in the street.

43You rescued me from rebellious people; you made me ruler over nations—people I didn't know now serve me.

44As soon as they hear of me, they obey; foreigners cringe before me.

45They lose heart, and come trembling in surrender from their strongholds.

46The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock! May the God who saves me be praised!

47God avenges me, he subdues peoples under me,

48he rescues me from those who hate me. You keep me safe from those who rebel against me, you save me from violent men.

49That's why I will praise you among the nations, Lord; I will sing praises about who you are.[fn]

50You have saved the king so often,[fn] showing your trustworthy love to David, your anointed, and to his descendants forever.

19 For the music director. A psalm of David.

19The heavens declare God's glory; the skies above announce what he has made.

2Each day speaks constantly about God's glory to the next day; each night shares knowledge of God with the next night.

3They speak without speech or words; their voice is not audible;

4Yet what they say is heard all over the earth; their message goes to the whole world. God has made a home in the heavens[fn] for the sun.

5It's like a bridegroom coming out of his room, like a fit athlete happy to run a race.

6It rises on one side of the heavens and travels across to the other. Nothing is hidden from its heat.

7The Lord's law is beneficial,[fn] renewing spiritual life. The Lord's teaching is trustworthy, making inexperienced people wise.

8The Lord's instructions are right, making people glad. The Lord's commandments are sincere, helping people see what is good.

9Reverence for the Lord is right, and lasts forever. The Lord's judgments are both true and fair.

10They[fn] are more to be valued than gold, even the finest gold; they are sweeter than honey, even the purest honey coming straight from the honeycomb.

11They also warn[fn] your servant. By keeping them I'm richly rewarded.

12Who's aware of their own mistakes? Don't punish me for these faults I'm unaware of.

13Don't let your servant commit deliberate sins. Don't let them rule over me. Then I will be without fault, innocent of such rebellion.

14May you be pleased with the words I speak, and the thoughts I think, Lord my rock and my redeemer.

20 For the music director. A psalm of David.

20May the Lord answer you when you are in trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.[fn]

2May the Lord send you help from the sanctuary, and may he support you from Zion.

3May the Lord remember all your offerings, and accept all your burnt sacrifices. Selah.

4May the Lord give you whatever you really want; may he make all your plans successful.

5May we shout for joy over your victory, and set up banners in the name of our God.[fn] May the Lord answer all your requests.

6Now I know that the Lord saves the one he has anointed. He will answer him from his holy heaven, and save his anointed by his powerful right hand.

7Some trust in chariots and some in war horses, but we trust in who[fn] the Lord our God is.

8They collapse and fall down, but we rise and stand up.

9May the Lord save the king! Please answer us when we call for help!

21 For the music director. A psalm of David.

21The king celebrates your strength, Lord; he is so happy you made him victorious!

2You gave him everything he wanted; you didn't hold anything back he asked for.

3You welcomed him on his return with special blessings; you placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

4He asked you to give him a good life, and you gave him a long life, forever and ever.

5Your victories brought him great glory; you granted him splendor and majesty.

6You give him blessings forever. He is full of joy because you are with him.

7For the king trusts in the Lord; he stands firm because of the trustworthy love of the Most High.

8You, the king,[fn] will find and capture all your enemies; you will seize everyone who hates you.

9When you appear on the scene you will burn them up like in a furnace; the Lord in his anger will destroy them, burning them up with fire.

10You will wipe out their children from the earth, their descendants from humankind.

11Though they plot evil against you, their malicious schemes will not succeed.

12They will turn and run away when they see your arrows fired at them.

13Rise up, Lord, for you are strong! We will sing and praise your power!

22 For the music director. To the tune “Doe of the Dawn.” A psalm of David.

22My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan, asking for help?

2My God, every day I cry out to you, but you don't answer; at night too, but I get no rest.

3Yet you are holy, and the praises of Israel are your throne.[fn]

4Our forefathers trusted in you; they trusted and you rescued them.

5They cried out to you for help, and they were saved. They trusted in you and were not defeated.[fn]

6But I'm a worm, not a man, scorned and despised by everyone.

7People who see me mock me. They laugh at me[fn] and shake their heads, saying,

8“He trusts in the Lord—well then, let the Lord save him! If the Lord is such a friend, then let the Lord rescue him!”

9However, you brought me safely through birth, and led me to trust in you at my mother's breasts.

10I was entrusted to you from birth; from the time I was born you have been my God.

11Do not be distant from me, because trouble is close by and no one else can help.

12Enemies surround me like a herd of bulls; strong bulls from Bashan have encircled me.

13Like roaring lions tearing at their prey they open their mouths wide against me.

14I feel like I'm being poured out like water. I'm falling apart as if all my bones have become loose. My mind feels like it's wax melting inside me.

15My strength has dried up like a piece of broken pottery. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. You're burying me as if I'm already dead.[fn]

16Evil men surround me like a pack of dogs. They have pierced[fn] my hands and feet.

17I'm so thin[fn] I can count all my bones. People stare at me and gloat.

18They divide my clothing among them; they roll dice[fn] for my clothes.

19But you, Lord, don't be far away from me! You are my strength—hurry, come and help me!

20Save me from death by the sword! Save my life—the only one I have—from the dogs!

21Rescue me from the mouth of the lion and from the wild bulls!

22I will tell my people all the wonderful things you have done;[fn] I will praise you in the congregation.

23Praise the Lord, all who worship him! Honor him, every descendant of Jacob! Be in awe of him, every descendant of Israel!

24For he has not ridiculed or scorned the suffering of the poor; he has not turned away from them, he has listened to their cries for help.

25You are the subject of my praise in the great assembly. I will fulfill my promises before those who worship you.

26The poor shall eat, and they shall be satisfied. All who come to the Lord will praise him—may you all live forever!

27Everyone in the whole world will repent and return to the Lord; all the nations will worship before you.

28For kingly power belongs to the Lord; he is the one who rules over the nations.

29All who prosper come to feast and worship. Bow down before him, all those destined for the grave—for none can keep themselves alive.[fn]

30Our descendants will serve him; they will tell the next generation about the Lord.

31They will come and tell those yet to be born how good the Lord is, and all that he has done!

23 A psalm of David.

23Since the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.

2He gives me rest in green fields. He leads me towards quietly flowing streams.

3He revives me. He guides me along the right paths because that's the kind of person he is.

4Even when I walk through the valley dark as death, I'm not afraid of any evil, because you are right there with me; your rod and your staff protect me.

5You prepare a banquet for me before my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with olive oil. My cup is so full it overflows!

6I'm absolutely certain that your goodness and trustworthy love will be with me all through my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

24 A psalm of David.

24The earth is the Lord's, and everything that is in it belongs to him. The world is his, and everyone who lives there.

2For he is the one who laid its foundations on the seas, setting it in place on the waters.

3Who is allowed to go up the Lord's mountain? Who is permitted to stand in his holy place?

4Those who have clean hands[fn] and pure minds, who don't worship idols,[fn] and who don't lie under oath.

5They will take with them the blessing of the Lord, vindicated by the God who saves them.

6These are the kind of people who may go to the Lord and worship before you, God of Jacob. Selah.

7Open up, you gates! Swing wide, you ancient doors! Let the King of glory come in!

8Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and powerful, mighty in battle.

9Open up, you gates! Swing wide, you ancient doors! Let the King of glory come in!

10Who is this King of glory? The Lord Almighty, he is the King of glory! Selah.

25 A psalm of David.

25Lord, I come to worship you.[fn]

2I trust in you, my God. Don't let me be humiliated, and don't let my enemies triumph over me.

3No one who trusts in you will be humiliated, but humiliation comes to those who are deliberately dishonest.

4Show me your ways, Lord; teach me to follow your paths.

5Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation. All day long I put my trust in you.

6Remember, Lord, your compassion and trustworthy love—they are eternal!

7Please don't remember the sins of my youth when I rebelled against you. Instead, remember me according to your trustworthy love, remember me because of your goodness, Lord.

8The Lord is good and he is right; that is why he shows the way to those who are lost.[fn]

9He leads those who are humble in doing what's right, teaching them his way.

10The Lord's paths are those of trustworthy love and truth for those who keep his agreement[fn] and do as he says.

11Lord, because of your nature, forgive my many sins.

12Who are those who respect the Lord? He will show them the path to choose.

13They will continue to be prosperous, and their descendants will inherit the land.

14The Lord is friends with those who respect him, explaining to them his agreement.

15I always look to the Lord, for he rescues me when I'm trapped.[fn]

16Watch over me and be good to me, because I am all alone and suffering.

17My problems get bigger and bigger. Please save me from all I'm going through.

18See all my troubles and trials. Please forgive my sins.

19Look at how many enemies I have, and how they really hate me![fn]

20Please look after me and save me! Don't let me be humiliated, for you are the one who protects me.

21May integrity and honesty defend me because I place my confidence in you.

22God, please deliver the people of Israel from all their troubles!

26 A psalm of David.

26Confirm that I'm innocent, Lord, for I have acted with integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without fail.

2Examine me, Lord, test me; investigate my thoughts and intentions.

3For I always remember your trustworthy love, and I follow your truth.

4I don't join in with liars and I don't associate with hypocrites.

5I refuse to get together with those who do evil, and I won't involve myself with the wicked.

6I wash my hands to show my innocence. I come to worship[fn] at your altar, Lord,

7singing my thanks, telling of all the wonderful things you have done.

8Lord, I love your house, the place where you live in your glory.

9Please don't sweep me away along with sinners. Don't include me with those who commit murder,

10whose hands carry out their evil schemes and grab hold of bribes.

11For I don't do that—I act with integrity. Save me and be gracious to me!

12I stand for what's right,[fn] and I will praise the Lord when we meet together to worship him.

27 A psalm of David.

27The Lord is my light and my salvation! How could anyone scare me? The Lord is my life's fortress! How could anyone terrify me?

2When evil people come at me to tear me apart, it's my enemies, those who are against me, they're the ones who trip and fall.

3Even if an army surrounds me, I won't be frightened. Even if I am attacked, I will still trust in God.

4I only ask the Lord for one thing: I just want to live in the house of the Lord throughout my life, contemplating the Lord's goodness and thinking about his Temple.

5When troubles come he will protect me and keep me safe, hiding me in his house,[fn] as secure as if he'd placed me on a high rock.

6He will hold my head high over my enemies who are all around me. I shall offer sacrifices in his house with shouts of joy, and I will sing praises to the Lord.

7Listen to me, Lord, when I call for help. Be gracious and answer me.

8You told me, “Come to me.” I am coming to you, Lord.[fn]

9Don't refuse to talk to me. Don't be angry with your servant and turn away. You are the one who helps me, so please don't reject me and abandon me, God of my salvation.

10Even if my father and my mother abandon me, the Lord will take care of me.

11Lord, teach me your way and lead me along the right path, because my enemies are against me[fn]

12don't hand me over to them and their evil intentions, for they are making false accusations against me and threatening me with violence.

13However, I'm absolutely sure that I will see the Lord's goodness even in this life.

14Trust in the Lord! Be confident—he will give you courage! Trust in the Lord!

28 A psalm of David.

28Lord, my rock, I'm calling out to you. Please listen to me! For if you don't respond, I'll be like those who go down into the grave.[fn]

2Listen as I appeal for mercy, as I call for help, as I hold up my hands in prayer towards your holy Temple.

3Don't drag me off with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak nicely to their neighbors while in their minds they're plotting evil.

4Give them what they deserve for their evil actions. Pay them back for what they've done. Give them the reward they've earned!

5For they don't pay any attention to what the Lord does, or to what he created. So he will destroy them—they will never be restored.

6Praise the Lord! For he has heard my appeal for mercy!

7The Lord is my strength and my shield. I trust in him and he helps me. I'm so happy, and I sing my thanks to him.

8The Lord gives strength to his people; he is a safe refuge for the one he has anointed.[fn]

9Save your people! Bless your “special possession”![fn] Be their shepherd and carry them in your arms forever!

29 A psalm of David.

29Honor[fn] the Lord, children of God,[fn] honor his glory and strength.

2Honor the Lord for his glorious character, bow in reverence to the Lord in his brilliant holiness.

3The Lord's voice sounds over the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the vast ocean.

4The Lord's voice is powerful; the Lord's voice is majestic;

5the Lord's voice shatters the cedars, even breaking the cedars of Lebanon.

6He makes the mountains of Lebanon skip like a calf, and Mount Hermon like a young wild ox.

7The Lord's voice blazes out like lightning flashes.

8The Lord's voice causes an earthquake in the desert; the desert of Kadesh shakes.

9The Lord's voice makes the pregnant deer go into labor; it strips bare the forests. In his Temple all the worshipers shout, “Glory!”

10The Lord sits on his throne above the floodwaters; the Lord is the eternal King.

11The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses them with peace.

30 A psalm of David. A psalm for the dedication of the Temple.

30I want to tell everyone how good you are, Lord, for you saved me, and you didn't let my enemies triumph over me.

2Lord, my God, I called out to you for help, and you have healed me.

3Lord, you rescued me from the grave, you brought me back to life, saving me from going down into the pit of death.

4You who trust the Lord, sing praises to him, and be thankful for his holy character!

5For his anger only lasts a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime. You may spend the night in tears, but happiness comes with the morning.

6When things were going well, I said, “Nothing will ever shake me!”

7Lord, when you showed me your favor I stood as strong as a mountain; when you turned away from me I was terrified.

8I called out to you for help, Lord. I asked the Lord for grace, saying,

9What would you gain if I die, if I go down into the pit of death? Would my dust praise you? Would it tell of your trustworthiness?

10Please listen to me, Lord, and be gracious to me! Lord, you are the one who helps me.

11You have turned my weeping into dancing. You have taken off my clothes of sackcloth[fn] and dressed me in happiness,

12so I can sing praises to you and not keep quiet. Lord my God, I will thank you forever!

31 A psalm of David. For the music director.

31Lord, you are the one who keeps me safe; please don't let me ever be humiliated. Save me, because you always do what is right.

2Please listen to me, and be quick to rescue me. Be my rock of protection, my strong fortress of safety.

3You are my rock and my fortress. For the sake of your reputation, please lead me and guide me.

4Help me escape from the hidden net that they set to trap me, for you are the one who protects me.

5I put myself in your hands. Save me, Lord, for you are a trustworthy God.

6I[fn] hate those who devote themselves to pointless idols; I trust in the Lord.

7I will celebrate, happy in your love that never fails, for you have seen the problems I face and have paid attention to my troubles.

8You haven't handed me over to my enemies; you have set me free.[fn]

9Be kind to me Lord, for I am upset. I can hardly see from so much crying. I am completely wasting away.

10Grief is killing me; my life is cut short by sadness; I am falling apart[fn] because of my troubles; I am worn to the bone.

11I am ridiculed by my enemies, particularly by my neighbors. My friends dread meeting me; people who see me in the street run the other way.

12I have been forgotten as if I were dead; I'm ignored like a broken pot.

13I hear many people whispering about me; terror surrounds me. They plot together against me, planning to kill me.

14But I put my trust in you, Lord, saying, “You are my God!”

15My whole life[fn] is in your hands! Save me from those who hate me and persecute me!

16May you look kindly on me,[fn] your servant. Save me because of your trustworthy love.

17Lord, don't let me be disgraced, for I'm calling out to you. Instead let the wicked be disgraced, let them be silent in the grave.

18Shut the mouths of those who tell lies against good people—those who speak contemptuously in their pride and arrogance!

19How wonderful is the goodness you have reserved for those who honor you! In front of everyone you give this goodness to those who come to you for help.

20You shelter and protect them with your presence, far from their enemies who scheme against them. You keep them safe from attacks and accusations.

21Bless the Lord, for he has shown me his wonderful trustworthy love when my city was being attacked

22Terrified I cried out, “I am being destroyed right in front of you!” But you heard my cry when I called out for you to help me.

23Love the Lord, all you who trust in him! The Lord takes care of those who trust him, but he pays back in full those who are arrogant.

24Be strong and be confident,[fn] all you who put your hope in the Lord.

32 A psalm of David.

32How happy are those whose wrongs are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[fn]

2How happy are those whose sins the Lord does not count against them, those who do not act deceptively.

3When I kept quiet,[fn] my body fell apart as I groaned in distress all day long.

4You beat me day and night,[fn] my strength dried up as in the heat of summer. Selah.

5Then I confessed my sins to you. I did not hide the wrongs I had done. I said to myself, “I will confess my disobedience to the Lord,” and you forgave the guilt of my sins. Selah.

6Therefore let all who are faithful pray to you while there's time, so when trouble comes in like a flood it will not overwhelm them.

7For you are my refuge, you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of salvation. Selah.

8“I[fn] will instruct you, teaching you the way to follow. I will advise you, watching out for you.

9You mustn't be like a horse or a mule that doesn't know which way to go without a bit or a bridle. Otherwise they can't be controlled.”[fn]

10The wicked have many problems, but those who trust in the Lord will be surrounded by his never-failing love.

11So be happy in the Lord and celebrate, you who do good. Shout for joy, all you who live right!

33Let those who do good shout for joy—those who live right should praise him!

2Praise the Lord with the lyre, play music to him on the ten-stringed harp.

3Sing a new song to him; play your instruments well and shout for joy.

4For the word of the Lord is true,[fn] and he is trustworthy in everything he does.

5He loves all that is good and right; the earth is full of the Lord's trustworthy love.

6The Lord spoke the word and the heavens were made; his mouth breathed all the stars into existence.

7He gathers the waters of the sea together, he keeps the ocean depths in store.

8Let all the earth show reverence to the Lord; let all the world's inhabitants be in awe of him.

9For he spoke and the world came into existence; he gave the command and it was created.

10The Lord foils the decisions of the nations, he frustrates the plans of the peoples,

11But the Lord's plan stands forever—what he decides lasts for all generations.

12Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as specially belonging[fn] to him.

13The Lord looks from heaven and sees the whole of humanity,

14from his throne he watches all those who live on earth.

15He created their minds,[fn] so he knows everything they do.

16Even the greatest army cannot save a king; the greatest strength cannot save a warrior.

17Don't deceive yourself: a warhorse can't give you victory—even its incredible strength won't save you.

18The Lord watches over those who reverently follow him, those who place their hope in his trustworthy love

19to save them from death and to keep them alive when famine strikes.

20We place our confidence in the Lord; he is our help and our defender.[fn]

21We are so happy about him, for we trust in his holy character.

22Lord, let your trustworthy love rest upon us as we hope in you.

34 A psalm of David concerning the time he pretended to be mad in front of Abimelech who then sent him away.

34I will always bless the Lord; my mouth will continually praise him.

2From the bottom of my heart I am proud of the Lord; those who are humble will hear and be happy.

3Glorify God with me; together let's honor his reputation.

4I asked the Lord for help, and he answered me. He set me free from all my fears.

5The faces of those who look to him will shine with joy; they will never be downcast with shame.

6This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard me, and saved me from all my troubles.

7The angel of the Lord stands guard over all those who honor him, keeping them safe.

8Taste, and you will see that the Lord is good! How happy are those who trust in his protection![fn]

9Show your reverence for the Lord, you who are his holy people, for those who respect him have everything they need.

10Lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who trust in the Lord have all that is good.

11Children, listen to me! I will teach you how to respect the Lord.

12Who of you wants to live a long and happy life?

13Then don't let your tongue speak evil, or your lips tell lies.

14Reject what is evil, do what is good. Look for peace, and work to make it a reality.

15The Lord watches over those who do right, and he hears when they cry for help.

16The Lord sets himself against those who do evil. He will wipe out even the memory of them from the earth.

17But when his people[fn] call out for help, he hears them and rescues them from all their troubles.

18The Lord is close beside those who are broken-hearted; he saves those whose spirits are crushed.

19Those who do right have many problems, but the Lord solves all of them.

20He keeps them safe—not a single one of their bones will be broken.

21Evil kills the wicked. Those who hate good people will suffer for their wrongdoing.

22The Lord saves the lives of his servants. Those who trust in his protection will not suffer for their wrongdoings.

35 A psalm of David.

35Oppose my opponents, Lord; fight those who are fighting against me.

2Put your armor on, and pick up your shield. Get ready, come and help me.

3Draw your spear and your javelin, confront those who are chasing me. Tell me, “I am your salvation!”

4Shame them! Humiliate those who are trying to kill me! Turn them back! Disgrace those who are planning to hurt me!

5Let them be like chaff blown by the wind; let the angel of the Lord drive them away.

6May their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord chasing them down.

7For no reason they set a net to catch me; for no reason they dug a pit to trap me.

8Let disaster come on them suddenly; let the net they set catch them instead; let the pit they dug trap them instead.

9Then I will be glad in the Lord; I will be happy in his salvation.

10Every part of me[fn] will say, Who can compare to you, Lord? You rescue the weak from the strong; the poor and needy from robbers.

11Hostile witnesses stand up to testify against me, accusing me of crimes I don't know anything about.

12They pay me back with evil instead of good. I feel like giving up.[fn]

13But when they were sick, I put on clothes of sackcloth[fn] in sympathy. I denied myself through fasting. May my prayer for them return to bless me too.[fn]

14I was upset for them, as if they were my own friends or family; I bowed down in grief as if I was mourning my own mother.

15But when I was in trouble, they gathered around and laughed at me. Even strangers I don't know attacked me, constantly tearing me apart.

16Like irreligious people mocking a cripple[fn] they mock me and call me names, gnashing their teeth at me.

17How long, Lord, will you sit by and just watch? Save me from their vicious attacks; defend the only life I have from these lions.

18Then I will thank you in front of the whole congregation and praise you in front of all the people.

19Don't let my enemies take pleasure in my troubles, those people who hate me and tell lies about me, gloating over me for no reason.

20They are not looking for peace; they invent malicious and deceptive schemes against innocent peace-loving people.[fn]

21They open their mouths wide to make accusations against me, saying, “Look! Look! We saw it with our own eyes!”

22But Lord, you've seen all this! Say something! Don't give up on me, Lord!

23Wake up! Get up and defend me, my Lord and my God! Take up my case and make sure justice is done!

24Vindicate me, my Lord and my God, because you are just and right. Don't let them gloat over me.

25Don't let them say to themselves, “Look! We got what we wanted!” Don't let them say, “We completely destroyed him!”

26Make them totally ashamed, all those who are happy for the trouble I'm in. Let those who are celebrating over me be covered with shame and dishonor.

27Instead let those who are pleased I've been vindicated celebrate and shout for joy. Let them always say, “How great is the Lord! He is happy when his servants live in peace and have what they need.”[fn]

28I will tell others about your character of truth and right, praising you all day long!

36 For the music director. A psalm of David, servant of the Lord.

36Evil[fn] speaks to the wicked, deep down in their minds, for in their eyes they have no need to respect God.

2In their own eyes they're so wonderful that they can't even see their sin and do something about it.[fn]

3Whatever they say is deceptive and deceitful. They no longer do anything wisely or for good.

4Even when they're lying in bed they think up evil schemes. They commit themselves to a way of life that is no good. They choose evil, and don't reject it.

5Lord, your faithful love reaches to the heavens, your trustworthiness to the clouds.

6Your goodness is like the highest mountains, your fairness is like the deepest oceans. Lord, you save both the people and the animals.

7God, how priceless is your trustworthy love! Everyone can find protection under the shelter of your wings.

8They gain strength from the wonderful food you provide in your house; you give them drink from your refreshing river.

9You are the source of life; you are the light by which we see.

10Extend your trustworthy love to those who know you, and your goodness to those who truly live right.

11Don't let the arrogant trample me down; don't let the wicked drive me out.

12Now look! See how those who do evil have fallen—thrown down, unable to get up.

37 A psalm of David.

37Don't be upset over wicked people, or be jealous of those who do wrong.

2For like grass, they will quickly dry up; like plants, they will soon wither away.

3Trust in the Lord, and do good. Live in the land and feed on faithfulness.

4Find your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you what you want the most.

5Entrust all that you do to the Lord. Place your confidence in him and he will help you.

6He will make your vindication shine like a light, the rightness of your cause like the noonday sun.

7Be still in God's presence; wait patiently for him. Don't be upset over people who prosper when they carry out their evil schemes.

8Give up your anger! Let go your rage! Don't get mad—it only results in evil!

9For the wicked will be destroyed, and those who trust in the Lord will take possession of the land.

10In a little while the wicked will be no more—though you look for them you won't find them.

11The humble will own the land; they will live there happily, in peace and prosperity.

12The wicked plot evil against those who do good, gnashing their teeth at them.

13But the Lord laughs at them, for he sees their coming day of judgment.

14The wicked draw their swords, and bend their bows to destroy the poor and needy, to kill those who live right.

15But the swords of the wicked[fn] will slice through their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.

16It's better to do right and only have a little, than to be wicked and rich.

17For the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports those who do right.

18The Lord knows what is happening to the innocent and grants them an eternal inheritance.

19They will not be humiliated in bad times; even in days of famine they will have plenty to eat.

20But the wicked will die. The enemies of the Lord are like the flowers of the field—they will vanish like smoke.

21The wicked borrow, but don't repay; while those who do right give generously.

22Those who are blessed by God will own the land, but those he curses will die.

23The Lord shows the right path to those who follow him, and is happy with the way they live.

24Though they may trip up, they will not fall to the ground, for the Lord holds their hand.

25Once I was young, and now I've grown old, yet I've never seen those who do right abandoned, nor their children having to beg for bread.

26They are always kind, and generous with their loans; their children are a blessing.

27Reject evil, do what is good, and you will live forever in the land.

28For the Lord loves fairness and he will never abandon those who are trustworthy. He will protect them forever. But the children of the wicked will die.

29Those who do right will own the land and will live there forever.

30People who do right give good advice, explaining what is fair.

31God's law lives in their minds, so they will not slip from his way.

32The wicked lie in wait for those who do good, intending to kill them.

33But the Lord will not let them fall into the hands of the wicked, and he will not let those who do good be condemned when they are put on trial.

34Trust in the Lord, and stay on his path. He will lift you up and give you the land to own. You will see when the wicked are destroyed.

35I have watched the wicked acting brutally, spreading like a large tree in its native land.

36But when I passed that way the next time, they were gone. I searched for them but couldn't find them.

37Observe the innocent, look at those who do right! Those who love peace have a future!

38But those who are rebellious will be altogether destroyed; the wicked have no future.

39The Lord saves those who live right; he is their protection in times of trouble.

40The Lord helps them and rescues them from the wicked. He saves them because they go to him for protection.

38 A psalm of David, for a memorial.

38Lord, please don't condemn me because you're angry with me; don't punish me because you're furious with me!

2Your arrows have pierced me deeply, your hand has come down hard on me.

3Because you're so upset with me, not a single part of my body is healthy; I am completely sick because of my sins.

4I'm drowning in guilt—the burden is too heavy to bear.

5My wounds are infected—they're smelling—all because of my stupidity.

6I am bent over, doubled up in pain. The whole day I walk around crying my eyes out.

7Inside I'm burning up with fever; no part of my body is healthy.

8I'm worn out, totally down. I groan because of the anguish I feel in my heart.

9Lord, you know what I desperately want, you hear every sigh I make.

10My heart is racing, leaving me with no strength; my eyesight is failing.

11My loved ones and my friends don't come near me because they're afraid of what I've got. Even my family keeps me at a distance.

12Those who are trying to kill me set traps for me; those who want to hurt me make threats against me, working on their deceitful schemes all day long.

13I act as if I'm deaf to what they're saying,[fn] and pretend to be dumb so I don't have to speak.

14Like a man who can't hear, and who doesn't reply—that's me!

15For I'm waiting on you, Lord! You will answer for me, my Lord and my God.

16I'm asking you, Lord, please don't let my enemies gloat over me, don't let them be glad when I trip up.

17For I'm about ready to collapse—the pain never stops.

18I do confess my sins; I am terribly sorry for what I've done.

19I have many powerful enemies—they are very active, hating me for no reason.

20They pay me back evil for good; they accuse me for the good I try to do.

21Don't give up on me, my Lord and my God, don't stay away from me.

22Hurry, come and help me, Lord my salvation.

39 For Jeduthun, the music director. A psalm of David.

39I told myself, “I will be careful in what I do, and not sin in what I say. I will keep my mouth shut[fn] when the wicked are around.”

2So I was completely silent—I didn't even say anything good. But the pain inside only got worse.

3My mind burned as if on fire; I had to say what I was thinking:

4Lord, remind me.[fn] How short is my life? How long do I have? Remind me how quickly my life will pass.

5Just look at the tiny amount of days you have given me! In your eyes my whole lifetime is like nothing. Our lives here are just a breath… Selah.

6Human beings are just shadows walking around. They pointlessly rush through life, trying to pile up possessions without knowing who will get them.

7So Lord, what am I looking for? I put my hope in you.

8Save me from my rebellion.[fn] Don't let me be mocked by fools.

9I will stay quiet, I won't say a word, for it's you who has done this to me.

10Please stop hitting me! Your beating has worn me out!

11When you discipline us, reprimanding us for our sins, it's like a moth eating up what is precious to us. All of us are just a breath… Selah.

12Please hear my prayer, Lord! Listen to my cry for help! Don't be deaf to my weeping. Please treat me as your guest, passing through, just like my forefathers.

13Please leave me alone so I can be cheerful again, before I am dead and gone.

40 For the music director. A psalm of David.

40I waited for the Lord patiently, and he turned to me—he heard my cry for help.

2He pulled me out of the pit of destruction,[fn] out from the mud and the slime. He set me on a rock, and gave me a safe place to stand.

3He gave me a new song to sing, a song of praise to our God. Many people will see and be in awe, and they will put their trust in him.

4Happy are those who trust in the Lord, who do not look for help from the arrogant or from those who worship idols.[fn]

5Lord my God, you have done so many wonderful things for us, and you have so many plans for us. No one compares to you. I want to tell all that you've done—blessings too many to count.

6You don't want sacrifices and offerings. Now you have helped me understand[fn]—you're not asking for burnt offerings or sin offerings.

7Then I said, “Look! Here I am! I've come to do what is written about me in the scroll of the Book.

8I am pleased to do your will, my God—your Law guides my mind.”[fn]

9I have announced the good news of salvation to the whole congregation.[fn] I don't keep quiet, Lord, as you know.

10I have not kept the truth of your goodness hidden inside me—I have spoken of your trustworthiness and your salvation. I have not concealed your unfailing love and your faithfulness from the whole congregation.

11Lord, please don't keep back your mercy from me. May your trustworthy love and faithfulness always be my protection.

12For I'm experiencing so many problems—I can't even count them! My sins have piled up so high I can't see over them. They're more than the number of hairs on my head! I feel like giving up![fn]

13Lord, please save me! Hurry, Lord, help me!

14Please defeat and humiliate the people who are trying to kill me; turn back in disgrace those who want to hurt me.

15May they be shocked at their defeat, those who taunted me.

16But may everyone who comes to you be happy and glad; may those who love your salvation always say, “The Lord is great!”

17As for me, I am poor and needy. May the Lord think about me. Help me! Save me! My God, please don't wait!

41 For the music director. A psalm of David.

41How happy are those who take care of the poor! When they are in trouble the Lord will save them.

2The Lord protects them and keeps them alive. They will live happily in the land, and they will not be handed over to their enemies.

3The Lord looks after them when they're sick; he makes them well from their illness.

4“Lord, please be gracious to me,” I asked. “Please heal me, for I have sinned against you.”

5Those who hate me only say evil things about me. “When is he going to die, and people forget all about him?” they ask.

6They come to visit me, but their sympathy is not sincere. They're only interested in the bad news, which they spread around as soon as they leave.

7All who hate me talk in whispers about my condition, hoping for the worst.

8“He's been cursed with some terrible disease,”[fn] they say. “Now he's bed-ridden he'll never recover!”

9Even my best friend,[fn] the one I trusted, who shared meals with me—even he has turned against me.

10But you Lord, please be gracious to me, make me well so I can repay them!

11I know you are pleased with me because you have not let my enemies win and shout in triumph over me.

12You have supported me because of my integrity, you have brought me into your presence forever.

13Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, from eternity to eternity! Amen and amen!

42 For the music director. A psalm (maskil) of the sons of Korah.

42As a deer longs for flowing streams, so I long for you, God.

2I am thirsty for God, the living God. When can I go and see God's face?[fn]

3My tears have been my only food, day and night, while people ask me all day long, “Where is your God?”

4I am crushed[fn] as I remember how I walked with the crowds, leading them in a procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and songs of thanks among the worshipers at the festival.

5Why am I so discouraged? Why do I feel so sad? I will hope in God; I will praise him because he is the one who saves me[fn]

6my God! Even though I am very discouraged, I still remember you: from the land of Jordan and Hermon, and from Mount Mizar.

7You thunder through the raging waters, through the noise of the waterfalls. Your crashing waves surge over me—I feel like I'm drowning.[fn]

8But every day the Lord shows me his trustworthy love; every night he gives me songs to sing—a prayer to the God of my life.

9I cry out, “My God, my rock, why have you forgotten me? Why must I go around weeping because of the attacks of my enemies?”

10The mocking of my attackers crushes my bones. They're always asking me, “Where is your God?”

11Why am I so discouraged? Why do I feel so sad? I will hope in God; I will praise him because he is the one who saves me—my God!

(Psalm 42 and 43 were originally one psalm.)

43God, please vindicate me! Plead my case against an unfaithful nation; save me from these wicked and dishonest people.

2For you, God, are my protection—so why have you turned your back on me? Why must I go around weeping because of the attacks of my enemies?

3Send your light and your truth so they can guide me; let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

4I will go to God's altar, to God who makes me truly happy. I will praise you on the harp, God, my God.

5Why am I so discouraged? Why do I feel so sad? I will hope in God; I will praise him because he is the one who saves me—my God!

44 For the music director. A psalm (maskil) of the sons of Korah.

44God, we have heard with our own ears—our forefathers have told us—all you did in their times, long ago.

2Through your power you drove out the other nations so you could settle our ancestors there; you defeated[fn] the nations and you sent our ancestors to occupy the land.

3They did not conquer the land using their swords; it was not through their own strength that the victory was won—it was by your strength, your power, and your presence with them, because you loved them.

4God, you are my King; command victories for Jacob!

5Only through you can we repel our enemies; only in your name can we defeat our opponents.

6I do not trust my bow; I do not have confidence in my sword to save me.

7You are the one who saves us from our enemies; you defeat[fn] those who hate us.

8God, we proudly thank you all day long, and praise your name forever. Selah.

9But now you have rejected and disgraced us; you no longer accompany our armies.

10You made us run from our enemies, and those who hate us have taken whatever they wanted.[fn]

11You have handed us over like sheep to be slaughtered; you have scattered us among the other nations.

12You have sold your own people for next to nothing, making no profit on the sale.

13You have made a mockery of us before our neighbors, we are ridiculed and laughed at by those around us.

14You have made us a joke to the other nations; they scornfully shake their heads at us.

15We are humiliated all day long; we hold our heads in shame,

16because of all the insults from the people mocking us, because our vengeful enemies are right in front of us.

17All this has happened to us even though we didn't forget you; we haven't been unfaithful to the promises we made to you.[fn]

18We have not turned away from you, not in thought, nor in action.[fn]

19Even so, you crushed us, and made us into a jackal's den. You have covered us with the darkness of death.

20If we had forgotten the name of our God, or worshiped other gods,[fn]

21wouldn't God have been aware of this, because he knows everyone's thoughts?

22But because of you we are killed all day long; we're considered just sheep to be slaughtered.

23Lord, wake up! Why are you sleeping? Get up! Don't turn your back on us forever!

24Why do you look away from us and take no notice of our suffering and misery?

25We lie ruined in the dust, our bodies face down in the dirt.

26Stand up! Come and help us! Save us because of your trustworthy love!

45 For the music director. To the tune “Lilies.” A psalm (maskil) of the sons of Korah. A love song.[fn]

45I am moved to write about this wonderful subject. Let me share what I have written for the king. What I say comes from the pen of a skilled author.

2You are more handsome than anyone else. You always speak graciously, for God has blessed you forever.

3Strap on your sword, mighty warrior, stride out in glory and majesty!

4In your majesty ride out to victory, in the defense of truth, humility, and right, because you are strong and act powerfully.[fn]

5Your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of your enemies; the nations fall under you.

6Your throne comes from God, and lasts forever and ever. The scepter with which you rule is a scepter of fairness.

7You love what is right and hate what is wrong. That is why God, your God, has placed you above everyone else by anointing you with the oil of joy.

8Your robes are perfumed with aloes, myrrh, and cassia; music played on stringed instruments in palaces decorated with ivory makes you happy.

9The daughters of kings are among the noblewomen; the queen stands beside you on your right, wearing jewelry made of gold from Ophir.

10Listen to what I have to say, daughter;[fn] please pay attention. Don't pine for your people and your family.

11May the king desire you in your beauty; respect him, for he is your lord.

12The people[fn] of Tyre will come with gifts; rich people will look for your favor.

13Inside her preparation room the princess bride looks wonderful in her golden gown.

14Wearing her beautiful clothes she is brought to the king, followed by her bridesmaids.

15What a happy, joyful procession enters the king's palace!

16Your sons will take the place of your fathers; as princes you will make them rulers throughout the land.

17Through my words[fn] you will be famous through all generations, and nations will praise you forever and ever.

46 For the music director by the sons of Korah. According to alamoth, a song.

46God is our protection and our strength; always ready to help when troubles come.

2So we will not be afraid though the earth shakes, though the mountains fall into the depths of the sea,

3though the waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble as the waters surge violently! Selah.

4A river flows to bring happiness to those in God's city, the holy place where the Most High lives.

5God is in the midst of the city; it will never fall. God protects it as soon as it is light.[fn]

6Nations are in turmoil, kingdoms collapse. God raises his voice and the earth melts.

7The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob protects us. Selah.

8Come and see what the Lord has achieved! See the amazing things[fn] he has done on the earth!

9He stops wars all over the world. He smashes the bow; he breaks the spear; he sets shields on fire.

10Stop fighting! Recognize I am God! I am the ruler of the nations; I am the ruler of the earth.

11The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob protects us. Selah.

47 For the music director. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

47Everyone, clap your hands! Shout with joy to the Lord!

2For the Lord Most High is awe-inspiring; he is the great King of all the earth.

3He subdues other peoples under us; he puts nations under our feet.

4He chose the land for us to own; the proud possession of Jacob's descendants whom he loves. Selah.

5God ascends his throne[fn] with a great shout, the Lord is accompanied by the sound of the trumpet.

6Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises!

7For God is King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm!

8God rules over the nations; he sits on his holy throne.

9The rulers of the nations gather together with the people of the God of Abraham, for the defenders[fn] of the earth belong to God. He is highly honored everywhere.

48 For the music director. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

48The Lord is supreme! He deserves praise in the city of our God on his holy mountain.

2Mount Zion is high and beautiful, bringing happiness to all the earth; on the northern side[fn] is the city of the great King.

3God himself is in the city's fortresses; he is recognized as its defender.

4Look at what happened when foreign kings joined forces and came to attack the city.

5As soon as they saw it they were astonished and ran away terrified.

6They shook all over, and were in agonizing pain like a woman giving birth,

7just as the strong east wind wrecks the ships from Tarshish.

8Just as we had heard, but now we have seen the city of the Lord Almighty. This is the city of our God; he makes it secure forever. Selah.

9God, we recall your trustworthy love as we worship in the Temple.

10As is fitting for your reputation,[fn] God, praises to you stretch all around the world. What you do is always right!

11Let the people of Mount Zion be glad; let the people of Judah celebrate because your judgments are always fair!

12Go and take a look at Zion. Count the towers as you walk around.

13Inspect the fortifications. Examine the citadels, so you can describe everything to the next generation, telling them:

14“This is who our God is. He is our God forever and ever. He himself will lead us until the very end.”[fn]

49 For the music director. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

49Listen to this, everyone! Pay attention, people of the world—

2whether you are highborn or lowborn, rich or poor!

3For what I say is wise, and my thinking is perceptive.

4I pay attention to wise sayings; I answer hard questions to a tune on the harp.

5Why should I be afraid when trouble comes, when evil enemies surround me?

6They trust in their wealth; they boast about their riches,

7but no one can pay to rescue another from death; no one can pay a ransom to God.

8Redemption is beyond price; no one could ever pay enough

9that they could live forever and not face the grave.

10Everyone knows that the wise die, those who are foolish and stupid too, leaving what they have to the next generation.

11They think[fn] their homes will last forever, that where they live will continue for all generations.

12But human beings, for all their fame, don't understand.[fn] They die, just like the animals.

13This is the way of foolish people, yet those who come after them think they were clever![fn] Selah.

14Like sheep they are destined for the grave. Death will be their shepherd. Those who live right will rule over them in the morning.[fn] Their bodies will decay in the grave, far from their homes.

15But surely God will rescue me from the power of the grave; he will grab me back. Selah.

16Don't be disturbed when people become rich, filling their houses with possessions.

17For they won't take anything with them when they die; their wealth will not go down into the grave[fn] with them.

18They congratulate themselves for all they possess—people always praise you when you do well—

19but their destiny is the same as their forefathers: they will never again see the light of day.

20Human beings, for all their fame, don't understand, and they die, just like the animals.

50 A psalm of Asaph.

50The Lord, the Almighty God, speaks! He summons everyone on earth, from the east to the west.

2God shines out of Mount Zion, perfect in beauty.

3Our God arrives, and does not stay quiet. Fire flames before him, burning everything up; a violent storm rages around him.

4He summons the heavens above and the earth to witness the judgment of his people.

5“Bring me those who trust in me—those who confirmed the agreement[fn] with me through sacrifice.”

6The heavens declare his decisions are right, for God himself is the judge. Selah.

7“My people, listen to what I have to say. I am bringing charges against you, Israel. I am God, your God!

8I'm not complaining about your sacrifices or burnt offerings that you offer all the time.

9I do not require bulls from your barns or goats from your pens,

10for I own all the animals of the forest, and the cattle on a thousand hills belong to me.

11I know every bird of the mountains; all living things in the fields are mine.

12If I were hungry, I wouldn't tell you, for the earth and everything in it are mine.

13Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats?

14Give an offering of thanks to God; keep the promises you made to the Most High,

15and call on me when you're in trouble. I will rescue you, and you will thank me.”

16But to the wicked God says, “What's the point of mechanically repeating my laws or making empty promises about obeying the agreement?

17You hate my discipline,[fn] and you toss my words away, leaving them behind you.

18When you see people stealing, you admire them; you associate with adulterers.

19With your mouth you say evil things; you use your tongue to spread lies.

20You sit there and speak against your brother, slandering your own mother's son.

21I kept quiet when you did these things. You thought I was someone just like you. But now I confront you, and bring my charges against you.

22Think again, you people who dismiss God, or I will tear you apart, and no-one will be able to save you.

23But those who give an offering of thanks honor me, and to those who follow the right I will show them the salvation of God.”

51 For the music director. A psalm of David. When Nathan the prophet came to him after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba.

51God, please be gracious to me, because of your trustworthy love, because of your infinite kindness[fn] please wipe away my sins.

2Wash away all my guilt; cleanse me from my sin.

3I admit my rebellion; my sin always stares me in my face.

4I have sinned against you, you alone. I have done evil in your sight. So you are right in what you say, and fair when you judge.

5It's true that I was born guilty—sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

6But you want truth on the inside; you teach me wisdom deep within.

7Purify me with hyssop[fn] so I can be clean; wash me so I can be whiter than snow.

8Please let me hear joy and happiness again; let the bones you have crushed be glad once more.

9Turn your face away from looking at my sins; please wipe away my guilt.

10Create a pure mind in me, God, and make me trustworthy again.

11Don't expel me from your presence; don't take away your Holy Spirit from me.

12Give me back the happiness of your salvation; help me to have a willing nature.

13Then I will teach your ways to rebellious people, and these sinners will come back to you.

14God, please forgive me for the blood I have shed, God of my salvation, and I will sing for joy of your goodness.

15Open my lips so I can speak your praise!

16For sacrifices don't make you happy, or I would bring one; burnt offerings aren't what pleases you.

17The “sacrifices” that God wants are on the inside—the brokenness of repentance. God won't reject a broken and sorrowful heart.

18Be kind to Zion, help the city; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

19Then you will be pleased with sacrifices given in the right spirit, for all kinds of burnt offerings, and bulls sacrificed on your altar once more.[fn]

52 For the music director. A psalm (maskil) of David, concerning the time when Doeg the Edomite went to Saul and told him, “David has gone to the home of Ahimelech.”

52You great man, why do you boast about the evil things you've done? God's trustworthy love lasts all day long.[fn]

2You plot to make people suffer; your words cut like a sharp razor, you liar!

3You love evil more than good, and telling lies more than speaking the truth. Selah.

4You love slanderous words that destroy others, you liar!

5But God will strike you down so hard you'll never get up. He will grab hold of you and drag you from your tent. He will tear you out of the land of the living. Selah.

6Those who do right will see all this. They will be astonished and laugh, saying,

7“See what happens to those who don't go to God for help but instead rely on their great wealth and strength—which only brings their destruction!”

8But I'm like an olive tree growing strongly in God's house. I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever.

9I will praise you forever, God, for all you have done. In the presence of your trustworthy people, I will place my hope in the kind of person you are,[fn] for you are good.

53 For the music director. According to Mahalath. A psalm (maskil) of David.[fn]

53Only fools tell themselves, “God doesn't exist.” They are completely immoral, they commit terrible sins, not a single one of them does anything good.

2God watches from heaven to see if anyone understands, if anyone wants to come to God.

3They have all fallen away, they are totally depraved; none of them does anything good, not even one.

4“Won't these people who do evil ever learn? They consume my people as if they were eating bread, and refuse to pray to me.”[fn]

5They will become completely terrified, more frightened than they have ever been. God will scatter the bones of those who fight against you; you will defeat[fn] them because God has rejected them.

6If only God's salvation would come from Zion! When God restores[fn] his people, the people of Jacob will celebrate, and the people of Israel will be glad.

54 For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm (maskil) of David, concerning the time when the Ziphites came to Saul and told him, “David is hiding among us.”

54God, because of your very nature,[fn] please save me! Vindicate me by your power!

2God, please hear my prayer; listen to what I'm saying.

3For strangers are coming to attack me—violent men who don't care about God are trying to kill me. Selah.

4But God helps me; the Lord saves my life!

5The evil my enemies have done will come back upon them. I depend on you to destroy them.

6I will happily offer a sacrifice to you; I will praise the kind of person you are,[fn] Lord, for you are good.

7For he has saved me from all my troubles; and I have seen those who hated me defeated.[fn]

55 For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm (maskil) of David.

55God, please hear my prayer; don't ignore my cry for help!

2Please listen, and give me an answer. I'm terribly troubled by my problems! I'm frantic!

3For my enemies are screaming at me; the wicked are intimidating[fn] me. They rain down suffering on me, angrily assaulting me in their hatred.

4My heart thumps in agony! Terrified, I feel I'm about to die!

5I'm in a panic, trembling with fear; feelings of horror wash over me.

6I tell myself, If only God would give me wings like a dove so I could fly away and be at peace!

7I would fly far away to escape, and stay in the wilderness. Selah.

8I would hurry to a place to hide, out of the wind, safe from the raging storm.

9Confuse them, Lord! Muddle what they're saying, for I see violence and conflict in the city.

10They patrol the city walls day and night, and wickedness and trouble are within the city.[fn]

11The ones causing destruction are inside the city; frauds and cheats are always on the streets.

12The problem[fn] is that it's not an enemy who mocks me—I could stand that. It's not someone who hates me who insults me—I could avoid them.

13No, it's you, a man just like me, my best friend who I know so well!

14Our friendship was so close. We used to have great talks together as we walked with everyone to the house of God.

15May death come quickly to them; may they go down into the grave alive, because evil finds its home in them.

16As for me, I cry out to God, and the Lord will save me.

17I weep and groan morning, noon, and night, and he listens to me.

18He rescues me, keeping me safe and sound from my attackers, because there are so many against me.

19God who has ruled from the beginning will hear me and answer them. Selah. For they refuse to change and don't respect God.

20As for my best friend,[fn] he attacked his friends who had no quarrel with him; he broke the promises he had made to them.

21What he says is as smooth as butter, but inside he plans war; his words are as soothing as oil, but they cut like sharp swords.

22Throw your burdens onto the Lord and he will take care of you. He will never allow those who live right to fall.

23But you, God, will bring down murderers and liars, throwing them into the pit of destruction before they have even lived half their lives. As for me, I will trust in you.

56 For the music director. According to “Dove on Distant Oaks.” A psalm (miktam) of David concerning the time the Philistines captured him in Gath.

56God, please be gracious to me, for people are persecuting me; my attackers fight against me all day long.

2My enemies chase me down all the time—there are many of them, attacking me in their arrogance.[fn]

3But when I'm afraid, I trust in you.

4I thank God for his promises. I trust in God, so why should I be fearful? What can mere human beings[fn] do to me?

5They constantly twist my words against me; they spend all their time thinking of evil things to do to me.

6They gather together in their hiding places to keep watch on me, hoping to kill me.

7Will they escape when they do so much evil? God, in anger bring these people down!

8You've kept track of all my wanderings. You've collected all my tears in your bottle.[fn] You've kept a record of each one.

9Then those who hate me will run away when I call for your help. For I know this: God is for me!

10I thank God for his promises. I thank the Lord for his promises.

11I trust in God, so why should I be fearful? What can mere human beings do to me?

12God, I will keep my promises to you. I will give thank offerings to you,

13for you have saved me from death and kept me from falling. Now I walk in the presence of God, in the light that gives life.

57 For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David concerning the time he fled from Saul and hid in the cave.

57Please be kind[fn] to me, God! Be kind to me because I come to you for protection. I will shelter under the shadow of your wings until the danger is past.

2I cry out for help to God Most High, to God who vindicates me.

3From heaven he sends his help, and he saves me. He defeats[fn] those who persecute me. Selah. God sends me his unfailing love, showing he is completely trustworthy.

4I am surrounded by man-eating lions—I am forced to live with them! Their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongues are swords.

5God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory covers the whole earth!

6They set a trap to catch me. I was so depressed. They dug a pit on my path but they were the ones who fell into it. Selah.

7I have confidence in you, God, I have confidence in you. I will sing songs of praise to you.

8I say to myself, “Wake up!” Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn!

9I will thank you among the peoples, Lord; I will sing your praises among the nations.

10Your faithful love reaches to the heavens; your trustworthiness to the clouds.

11God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory covers the whole earth!

58 For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David.

58You leaders,[fn] do you really say what is right? Do you judge people fairly?

2No, for in your minds you plan evil. You cause violence everywhere!

3The wicked are sinners from birth; from the moment they're born they tell lies.

4They have venom like that of a poisonous snake, and just like a cobra they stop listening,

5refusing to hear the voice of the snake charmers or the spellbinders.

6God, break their teeth, and smash the jaws of these lions, Lord.

7May they vanish like water that flows away; when they shoot their arrows may they miss their mark.[fn]

8May they be like the slime of snails that dissolves away, like a stillborn child that never saw the light of day.

9Before the cooking pot is hot from burning thorns, whether fresh or dry, God will blow them away.[fn]

10Those who live right will be happy when they see there is punishment; they will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.

11They will say, “There is definitely a reward for those who live right; there is certainly a God who judges fairly on earth.”

59 For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David, concerning the time Saul sent out soldiers to watch David's house in order to kill him.

59Rescue me from my enemies, God! Protect me from those who are attacking me!

2Rescue me from these evil people! Save me from these murderers!

3See how they're lying in wait to kill me! Powerful men are gathered against me, Lord, even though I have not sinned or done anything wrong.[fn]

4Even though I'm not guilty they hurry to prepare an attack on me. Please stand up, come and help me, and see what's going on.

5You are God, the Lord Almighty, God of Israel. Stand up, and punish all the nations. Don't have any mercy on these evil traitors. Selah.

6In the evening they return, snarling like dogs as they roam around the city.

7See what evil talk comes pouring out of their mouths! Words sharp as swords, for they say to themselves,[fn] “Who can hear us?”

8But you, Lord, you laugh at them; you pour scorn on all the nations.

9You are my strength! I will look to you, God, for you are the one who protects me.

10In his trustworthy love, God will come and save me. He will show me how my enemies are defeated.

11Don't kill them right away, otherwise my people will quickly forget what you have done.[fn] By your power make them stagger around and then fall down, Lord our protection.

12Let them be caught out by the evil things they say, the words they proudly speak—brought down by their curses and the lies they tell!

13Destroy them in your anger! Destroy them completely! Then everyone will know that God rules in Israel![fn]

14In the evening they return, snarling like dogs as they roam around the city.

15They wander around, looking for things to eat, and howl when they're not satisfied.

16But I will sing of your strength; in the morning I will sing for joy about your trustworthy love. For you have been my protection; my place of safety in my time of trouble.

17You are my strength, I sing praises to you, for you are the one who protects me—the God who shows me his trustworthy love!

60 For the music director. According to “Lily of the Testimony.” A psalm (miktam) of David, useful for teaching, about the time he fought against Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, and then Joab returned and killed 12,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

60You, God, have rejected us! You have broken us; you have been angry with us; but now you have to welcome us back![fn]

2You have sent earthquakes on our land and split it apart. Now heal the cracks, for the land is still having tremors.

3You have been very hard on your people; you gave us wine that made us stagger around.

4But you have given those who respect you the banner of truth to unfurl and rally around.[fn] Selah.

5Rescue those you love! Answer us, and save us by your power!

6God has spoken from his Temple: “Triumphantly I divide up Shechem, and portion out the Valley of Succoth.[fn]

7Both Gilead and Manasseh belong to me. Ephraim is my helmet, and Judah is my scepter.[fn]

8I will treat Moab as my washbasin; I will place my sandal on Edom; I will shout in triumph over Philistia.”[fn]

9Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me into Edom?[fn]

10Have you rejected us, God? Won't you lead our armies?

11Please give us help against our enemies, for human help is worthless.[fn]

12Our strength is in God, and he will crush our enemies.

61 For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm of David.

61God, please hear my cry for help; please listen to my prayer.

2From this distant place, far from home, I cry out to you as my courage fails. Take me to a rock high above me where I will be safe,[fn]

3for you are my protection, a strong tower where my enemies cannot attack me.

4Let me live with you[fn] forever; protect me under the shelter of your wings. Selah.

5For you, God, have heard the promises I've made. You have given all those who love your character your special blessing.[fn]

6Please give the king many extra years; may his reign last through generations.

7May he always live in your presence; may your trustworthy love and faithfulness protect him.

8Then I will always sing praises to you, and every day I will keep my promises to you.

62 For Jeduthun, the music director. A psalm of David.

62Only in God do I find peace; my salvation comes from him.

2He is the one who protects me and saves me; he keeps me safe so I will never be in danger.

3How long are you[fn] going to attack me? All of you against one man! To you I'm just a broken wall, a collapsed fence.

4They plan to throw me down from my high position; they love to tell lies. They say nice things to me, but inside they're cursing me. Selah.

5Only in God do I find peace; my hope comes from him.

6He is the one who protects me and saves me; he keeps me safe so I will not be in danger.

7My salvation and my success[fn] come from God alone; God is my security and my protection.

8My people, always trust in him. Pour out all your thoughts to him, for he is the one who looks after us. Selah.

9Ordinary people are mere breaths, while leaders are just fakes. Put them all together and weigh them on scales and they wouldn't weigh more than air!

10Don't trust in money made by extortion or robbery. Don't be proud of your wealth even if you are successful—don't make money what you live for.

11God has already made it clear—I have heard it many times—power belongs to you, God.

12You show us trustworthy love. You give back to people in return for what they've done.

63 A psalm of David, when he was in the Judean desert.

63God, you are my God, I eagerly look for you. I am thirsty for you; all that I am longs for you in this dry, weary, waterless land.

2I see you in the Temple; I watch your power and glory.

3Your trustworthy love is better than life itself; I will praise you.

4I will thank you as long as I live; I lift up my hands as I celebrate your wonderful character.[fn]

5You satisfy me more than the richest food; I will praise you with joyful songs.

6I think of you all night long as I lie on my bed meditating about you.

7For you are the one who helps me; I sing happily from under your wings.

8I hold on to you; your strong arms lift me up.

9Those who are trying to destroy me will go down into the grave.

10They will be killed by the sword; they will become food for jackals.

11But the king will be happy for what God has done. All who follow God[fn] will praise him, but those who tell lies will be silenced.

64 For the music director. A psalm of David.

64God, please listen to my complaint.[fn] Protect me because my enemies scare me.

2Shelter me from the plots of the wicked, from this evil mob.

3What they say cuts like swords; they fire off poisonous words like arrows.

4They shoot from their hiding places at innocent people—doing this without warning, not afraid of being caught.

5They encourage one another to do evil, planning how to secretly trap people, telling themselves, “Nobody will notice.”

6They plot wicked things. “What a great plan we've created!” they say. There are no limits to the depths to which human minds and thoughts can sink.

7But God will shoot them with arrows; all of a sudden they will be wounded.

8What they themselves say will trip them up; people who see them will mock them, shaking their heads at them.

9Then everyone will be frightened. They will say that this is the work of God, and they will think about what he has done.[fn]

10Those who are right with the Lord will be happy in him, they will go to him for protection. Those who live right will praise him.

65 For the music director. A psalm of David. A song.

65God, you deserve to be praised, and in Zion we will keep our promises to you.[fn]

2You hear our prayers; everyone comes to you.

3Even though we're drowning in our sins and our disobedience, you forgive us.

4Happy are those you choose to keep close to you, those who live in your courts! We are delighted with the blessings we receive in your house, your holy Temple!

5In your goodness you answer us through the wonderful things you do, God of our salvation. You can be trusted by everyone on earth, including those sailing distant oceans.

6You made the mountains by your power, for you have great strength.[fn]

7You calm the raging seas and crashing waves, you silence the noisy shouts of the nations.

8Everyone, even those in distant lands, are amazed by the wonderful things you do, from the east to the west they sing for joy.

9You care for the earth and water it; you make it very productive. God, your river is full of water to grow the grain—this is what you have planned.

10You fill the ploughed furrows with water, you soften the ridges; you bless the growing crops.

11You make the high point of the year a wonderful harvest, filling the wagons with good things.[fn]

12The pastures in the wilderness grow lush; the hillsides are clothed in bright flowers.

13The meadows are covered with flocks of sheep, and the valleys with fields of grain. Everything triumphantly sings for joy.

66 For the music director. A song. A psalm.

66Everyone on earth, shout for joy to God!

2Sing about his marvelous reputation; praise him for his goodness!

3Tell God, “What you do is awesome! Your enemies are forced to bow before you because of your power.

4Everyone on earth worships you, singing your praises—singing praises because of who you are.”[fn] Selah.

5Come and see what God has done! What he does for people is truly awesome!

6He turned the Red Sea into dry land, and his people walked across through the waters. We celebrated there because of what he did.

7He rules forever through his power. He keeps an eye on the nations, watching to make sure no rebels rise up in opposition. Selah.

8Let all people everywhere bless our God, and loudly sing praises to him.

9He has kept us alive, and he has not let us fall.

10God, you have tested us, refining us like silver.

11You caught us in your net; you placed heavy burdens on our backs.

12You let people ride roughshod over us;[fn] we suffered through fire and flooding, but you brought us to a safe place.

13I will come to your Temple with burnt offerings; I will fulfill my promises to you,

14the promises I made when I was in trouble.

15I will sacrifice burnt offerings to you of fattened livestock—the smoke of the sacrifice of rams, offerings of bulls and goats. Selah.

16Come and listen, everyone who honors God, and I will tell you all he has done for me.

17I called out to him, and praised him with my voice.

18If my thinking had been sinful,[fn] the Lord would not have listened to me.

19But God did hear me! He listened to what I had to say in my prayer!

20Praise God, who did not disregard my prayer or take his trustworthy love from me.

67 For the music director. To be accompanied by stringed instruments. A psalm. A song.

67May God be gracious to us and bless us. May he look favorably on us. Selah.

2May everyone on earth come to know your ways, your salvation among all people.

3May the people praise you, God; may all the people praise you.

4May they be happy and sing for joy because you judge people fairly, and you guide everyone on earth. Selah.

5May the people praise you, God; may all the people praise you.

6The earth has produced its crops; and God, our God, has blessed us.[fn]

7God will bless us, and all people everywhere will respect[fn] him.

68 For the music director. A psalm of David. A song.

68Stand up, God, and scatter your enemies. Let those who hate him run away from him!

2Blow them away as if they were smoke; melt them like beeswax in a fire. Let the wicked die in God's presence.

3But those who are right with God are happy, and they celebrate in God's presence, full of joy.

4Sing praises to God! Sing praises to his wonderful reputation![fn] Praise the rider of the clouds—his name is the Lord![fn] Be happy in his presence!

5He is a father to the orphans, a protector of widows. This is who God is, who lives in his holy place.[fn]

6God gives those who are abandoned[fn] a family to live with. He sets prisoners free with celebration.[fn] But those who rebel live in a desert wasteland.

7God, when you led your people out,[fn] when you marched through the desert, Selah,

8the earth quaked, and the heavens shook[fn] before God, the one of Sinai; before God, the God of Israel.

9You sent plenty of rain to water the promised land; refreshing it when it was dry.[fn]

10Your people settled there, and because of your kindness, God, you looked after the poor. Selah.

11The Lord gives the command, and a great army of women spread the good news.

12The kings of the foreign armies are quick to run away, and the women[fn] who stayed at home divide the plunder!

13Why are you staying at home?[fn] There are ornaments in the shape of a dove with wings of silver and feathers of fine gold to be taken.[fn]

14The Almighty scattered the foreign kings like a snowstorm on Mount Zalmon.

15“Mountain of God,” Mount Bashan, with your many high peaks, Mount Bashan,

16why do you look enviously, mountain with many peaks, at the mountain God chose as his home, where the Lord will live forever?[fn]

17God's chariots can't be counted; there are thousands and thousands of them. He comes among them from Sinai into his Temple.

18As you ascended to your high throne you led a procession of prisoners. You received gifts from the people, even from those who had rebelled against the home of the Lord God.

19May the Lord be blessed, for every day he carries our burdens.[fn] God is our salvation. Selah.

20For us, God is a God who saves. The Lord God provides our escape from death.

21But God will crush the heads of his enemies, the hairy heads[fn] of those who continue to sin.

22The Lord says, “I will drag them down from Bashan; I will drag them up from the depths of the sea,

23so that you may walk in their blood. Even your dogs will have their share of your enemies.”

24People watch your processions, God—the processions of my God and King as they go into the Temple.

25The singers are at the front, the musicians at the back, and in the middle girls playing tambourines.

26Praise God, everyone who has come to worship; praise the Lord, everyone who belongs to Israel.

27There is the little tribe of Benjamin, followed by the many leaders from Judah; then come the leaders of Zebulun and Naphtali.

28Display your power, God! Reveal your strength, Lord, as you have done for us in the past.

29Because of your Temple in Jerusalem, kings bring tribute to you.

30Condemn the beasts of the reeds, the bulls and calves![fn] May they be humbled and bring bars of silver in tribute! Scatter the war-loving nations!

31Let Egypt come with bronze gifts;[fn] let Ethiopia come quickly and hand over their tributes to God!

32Sing to God, kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to the Lord. Selah.

33Sing to the rider of the ancient heavens,[fn] his strong voice sounding like thunder!

34Let everyone know of God's power: how his majesty extends over Israel, how his strength is revealed in the heavens.[fn]

35How awesome is God in his Temple! The God of Israel gives strength and power to his people! Praise God!

69 For the music director. To the tune “Lilies.” A psalm of David.

69God, please save me, because the water is up to my neck!

2I'm sinking deeper into the mud—there's no solid ground for me to stand. I find myself in deep water; floods wash over me.

3I'm so tired of screaming out for help my throat is totally raw. My eyes are worn out looking for my God to help me.

4Those who hate me for no reason are more than the number of hairs on my head. Many enemies try to destroy me by telling lies. How can I give back what I didn't steal?

5God, you know how foolish I am! My sins are not hidden from you.

6Don't let those who trust you be ashamed because of me, Lord God Almighty. Don't let those who follow you be disgraced because of me, God of Israel.

7For your sake I put up with the insults; my face shows my embarrassment.

8I have become a foreigner to my brother Israelites; a stranger to my very own brothers.

9My devotion for your house is burning me up inside; the insults of those who insulted you have fallen on me.

10I wept and I fasted, but they mocked me;

11I mourned in sackcloth, but they laughed at me.

12People sitting by the town gate gossip about me. I'm the subject of rude songs sung by drunks.

13But my prayer is to you, Lord, believing this is a good time to respond to me. God, in your wonderful trustworthy love, answer me with your sure salvation.

14Please rescue me from the mud—don't let me sink! Save me from those who hate me and from drowning in the deep waters!

15Don't let the flood waters wash over me. Don't let the deep waters pull me down. Don't let the grave close over me.

16Please answer my prayers, Lord, for you are good and love me with your trustworthy love; because of your kindness, please help me.

17Don't turn away from me, your servant. Please answer me quickly because I'm in trouble.

18Come here and rescue me; set me free from my enemies.

19You—you know my shame, my disgrace, my humiliation. You see everything my enemies are doing.

20Insults have broken my heart—I am so sick there is no cure. I looked for some sympathy, but there was no one! Nobody showed me any compassion.

21Instead they gave me bitter[fn] herbs to eat and vinegar to drink.

22May the table set before them become a trap for them, a net that catches them, bringing punishment.[fn]

23May their eyes become blind so they cannot see, and may their backs always be bent low in dejection.

24Pour out your judgment[fn] on them; chase them down in your fierce anger.

25Let the places where they live be deserted. Let their homes be abandoned.

26For they persecute those you have punished, and make it even more painful for those you have disciplined.

27Punish them for the evil they have done. Don't acquit them.[fn]

28Blot out their names from the Book of Life. Don't let them be listed with those who do right.

29But I am suffering and in physical pain. God, please save me and keep me safe.

30I will praise God's character[fn] in song; I will say how incredible he is and how thankful I am.

31The Lord is happier with this than with offering animals as sacrifices: cattle, or bulls with horns and hooves.

32The humble will see this and be happy. May God encourage everyone who comes to him.

33God hears the poor, and he does not ignore his people who are in prison.

34Praise him heaven and earth, the seas and everything that lives in them!

35For God will save Zion, and rebuild the cities of Judah. They[fn] will live there and own the land.

36The descendants of those who follow him will inherit the land, and those who love him will live there.

70 For the music director. A psalm of David. For a memorial.[fn]

70God, save me! Hurry, Lord, help me!

2Please defeat and humiliate the people who are trying to kill me; turn back in disgrace those who want to hurt me.

3May they be shocked at their defeat, those who taunted me.

4But may everyone who comes to you be happy and glad; may those who love your salvation always say, “God is great!”

5As for me, I am poor and needy. Hurry, God, help me! Save me! Lord, don't wait!

71Lord, you are the one who keeps me safe; please don't disappoint me.

2Save me, rescue me, because you always do what is right.

3Please listen to me, and save me. Be my rock of protection where I can always go and hide. You gave the command to save me; for you are my rock and fortress.

4My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked, from the clutches of those who are evil and brutal.

5For you, Lord God, are my hope. You are the one I have trusted since I was young.

6I have depended on you since birth; you have taken care of me[fn] from my mother's womb. That's why I'm always praising you!

7My life has been like a miracle to many people, for you have been my powerful protector.

8All day long I am full of praise for you, telling how wonderful you are!

9Don't reject me now I'm getting old. When my strength is gone, please don't abandon me.

10For my enemies are talking about me; those who want to kill me are plotting together.

11They say, “God has given up on him. Let's go after him because there's no one to save him.”

12God, please don't stay away from me. My God, hurry to help me!

13Defeat my accusers, get rid of them! May those who want to cause me trouble be covered with shame and disgrace!

14As for me, I will go on hoping in you,[fn] and I will praise you more and more.

15I will talk about your goodness and your salvation every day, even though it's more than I can understand.

16I will come and explain what the Lord has done. I will remind people that you alone do what is right.

17God, you have taught me since I was young, and I still tell others about all the wonderful things you do.

18Even though I'm old and gray, please don't abandon me, God. Let me tell the new generation about your power. Let me explain to all who are to come the great things you do.

19God, your trustworthy and true nature[fn] is higher than the highest heaven! You have done incredible things! God, who is like you?

20You had me face many troubles and plenty of misery, but you will bring me back to life; you will rise me up from the depths of the earth.

21You will give me even greater prestige, and you will make me happy again.

22Then I will praise you on the harp for your trustworthiness, my God. I will sing praises to you on the lyre, Holy One of Israel.

23I will shout for joy as I sing praises to you, for you have redeemed me.

24All day long I will tell about all the good things you have done, for those who tried to cause me misery have been disgraced and humiliated.

72 A psalm of Solomon.

72God, please give the king fairness, and give the king's son the ability to do what's right.

2May he rightly judge your people, and may he be fair to the poor.

3May the mountains bring peace[fn] to the people, and the hills bring goodness.

4May he defend the poor and save their children, may he crush those who oppress them.

5May they respect him[fn] as long as the sun and the moon shine above, for all generations.

6May his reign be like rain falling on new grass,[fn] like showers that water the earth.

7May those who live right prosper under his rule; may there be great prosperity until the moon is no more.

8May he rule from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth.[fn]

9Desert tribes will kneel before him; and his enemies will bite the dust.

10The kings of Tarshish and the islands will bring him tribute; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present him with gifts.

11Every king will bow down to him; every nation will serve him.

12He will help the poor when they cry out to him, and help those who are suffering that have no one to support them.

13He has pity on the poor and needy—he saves their lives!

14He rescues them from violence and oppression, for their lives mean so much to him.

15May he live long! May the gold from Sheba be given to him. May people always pray for him and bless him all day long.

16May there be plenty of grain in the land, even growing on mountain-tops. May the fruit on the trees sway like the trees of Lebanon. May the people in the city flourish like grass in a field.

17May his fame live forever, may it last as long as the sun. May all nations be blessed through him, and may they praise him.

18Praise the Lord God, the God of Israel, who is the only one who can do such fantastic things! 19Praise his wonderful nature forever! May the whole world be full of his glory! Amen and amen!

20(This is the end of the psalms of David, son of Jesse.)[fn]

73 A psalm of Asaph.

73Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose minds[fn] are pure.

2But I was stumbling, my feet were starting to slide,[fn]

3because I was jealous of self-important people—I saw how well the wicked were doing.

4They don't ever seem to get sick; they are strong and healthy.

5They don't have problems like other people; they don't get hit by disasters like everybody else.

6They wear their pride like a necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.

7Their eyes bulge out because they're so fat; their minds are full of selfish vanity.[fn]

8They mock people, and speak maliciously; they arrogantly threaten cruelty.

9They talk irreverently against heaven above, and defame people here on earth.

10As a result people turn to them and drink in everything they say.[fn]

11“God won't find out,” they say. “The Most High doesn't even know what's going on!”

12Look at these wicked people! They don't have a care in the world, and they're always making money!

13It's been pointless to keep my mind pure and my hands clean.

14I'm cursed with suffering all day long; every morning I'm punished.

15If I'd talked like this to others,[fn] I would have betrayed your people.

16So I thought about it and tried to understand,[fn] but it looked like a lot of hard work to me—

17until I went into God's Temple. Then I understood what happens to the wicked in the end.

18For you send them on a slippery path; you throw them down to destruction.

19How quickly they're destroyed! They come to a terrifying end.

20Like waking up from a dream, Lord—when you get up you will forget all about them!

21At that time my thoughts were bitter. I felt like I had been stabbed.

22I was stupid and ignorant. I was like a brute beast to you.

23Yet I'm always with you; you hold me by the hand.

24You tell me what to do; and ultimately you will welcome me in glory.

25Who is there in heaven for me except you? And I want nothing on earth except you.

26My body and my mind may fail, but God is the foundation of my life. He is mine forever!

27Those people who are far from God will die. You destroy all those unfaithful to you.

28But I love to stay close to God! I have chosen the Lord God to protect me. I will share all that you have done.

74 A psalm (maskil) of Asaph.

74God, why have you rejected us? Is it forever? Why does your anger burn so hot against the sheep of your own field?

2Remember the people you made your own long ago, the tribe you redeemed and made your own. Remember too Mount Zion, the place where you live.

3Come and walk through the complete devastation.[fn] The enemy has totally destroyed your Temple.

4The enemy shouted in triumph right where you met with us.[fn] There they set up their war banners as signs of their victory.

5They acted like men chopping down a forest with axes.

6With axes and hammers they smashed in the carved wooden panels.

7Then they set fire to your Temple, burning it to the ground. They defiled the place where you live, the place that bears your name.

8They said to themselves, “Let's destroy it all!” So they burned down every place where God was worshiped throughout the land.

9We no longer see any signs.[fn] There are no prophets left. And no one among us knows how long this will last.

10How long will the enemy ridicule you, God? Will they insult your character[fn] forever?

11Why do you hold back from doing something? Take action and destroy them![fn]

12But you, God, are our[fn] king from long ago. You have saved us many times in the land.

13You were the one[fn] who split apart the sea by your strength; you broke the heads of the sea monsters.

14You were the one who crushed the heads of Leviathan,[fn] and you gave its body to the desert animals to eat.

15You were the one who made springs and rivers flow with water. You made permanent rivers dry up.

16You created the day, and also the night; you made the moon[fn] and the sun.

17You set the boundaries of the earth;[fn] you made summer and winter.

18So keep in mind how the enemy ridiculed you, Lord, and how irreverent people insulted your reputation.

19Don't let wild animals kill your turtledoves![fn] Don't abandon your people forever!

20Remember your promises in the agreement,[fn] because the land is full of dark places and violence.

21Don't let those who suffer be mistreated again. Let the poor and needy praise you for you who are.

22Stand up, God, and plead your case. Don't forget how these foolish people insulted you all the time.

23Don't ignore what your enemies have said, for their loud accusations against you are getting worse and worse!

75 For the music director. A psalm of Asaph. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A song.

75We thank you, God, we thank you because you are close beside us.[fn] People tell about the wonderful things you have done.

2God says, “When the time I have decided comes, I will judge fairly.

3When the earth quakes, and all its inhabitants tremble, I am the one who holds it steady.[fn] Selah.

4To those who boast I say, ‘Don't boast!’ I tell the wicked, ‘Don't be proud!’[fn]

5No, don't be proud and arrogant, insulting heaven.”[fn]

6For no one, from the east to the west, or from the wilderness, should think so highly of themselves.

7God is the one who decides—who he will bring down and who he will lift up.

8For the Lord has a cup in his hand, full of bubbling wine mixed with spices. He pours it out,[fn] and all the wicked drink it deeply, down to the last drop.

9But I will speak about you forever. I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

10For God says, “I will break the power of the wicked; but I will give my support to those who do what is good.”

76 For the music director. To be accompanied by stringed instruments. A psalm of Asaph. A song.

76God is famous in Judah; his reputation is great throughout Israel.

2He lives in Jerusalem; his home is in Zion.

3There he broke the flaming arrows, the shields, the swords, and the weapons of war. Selah.

4You shine with light; you are more majestic than the everlasting[fn] mountains.

5Our most courageous enemies have been plundered. They sleep the sleep of death. Even the strongest of them could not raise a hand against us.

6At your command, God of Jacob, both horse and rider fell down dead.

7You are terrifying—who can stand before you when you are angry?

8From heaven you announced judgment. Everyone on earth was afraid and stood still,

9when you stood up to judge, to save the oppressed people of the earth. Selah.

10Even human anger against you makes you look glorious, for you wear it alike a crown.[fn]

11Make your promises to God and be sure to keep them. Everyone bring gifts to the awe-inspiring one.

12For he humbles proud leaders; he terrifies the kings of the earth.

77 For Jeduthun, the music director. A psalm of Asaph.

77I cry out to God for help—I even shout. If only he would listen to me!

2When I was in trouble I prayed to the Lord. All night long I stretched out my hands to him in prayer but nothing brought me any comfort.

3I thought about God, groaning loudly; I meditated on him, but I was discouraged. Selah.

4You stop me going to sleep;[fn] I'm so upset I can't even talk.

5I think of the old days, years ago.

6I remember the songs I sung in the night. I meditate and ask myself:

7Has the Lord given up on me[fn] forever? Won't he ever be pleased with me again?

8Has his trustworthy love disappeared forever? Have his promises permanently ended?

9Has God forgotten to be kind? Has he angrily slammed the door shut on his compassion? Selah.

10Then I said, “This is what hurts me the most: the Most High doesn't treat me the way he used to.”[fn]

11I remember what you have done, Lord; I remember all the wonderful things you did long ago.

12I will think about all you have accomplished; I will think deeply about how you have acted.

13God, your ways are holy; is any god as great as you?

14You are the God who does wonderful things! You have revealed your power to the nations.

15Through your strength you saved your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.

16When the waters saw you, God, when they looked they trembled! Yes, they shook down to the very depths![fn]

17The clouds poured rain down; the skies crashed with thunder; your lightning flew like arrows.

18Your thunder rumbled from the whirlwind; lightning flashes lit up the world; the earth quaked and shook.

19Your way led through the sea; your path passed through the deep sea; yet your footprints were invisible.

20You led your people like a flock, shepherded by Moses and Aaron.

78 A psalm (maskil) of Asaph.

78Listen to what I have to teach you, my people; hear what I have to say.

2I will tell you wise sayings;[fn] I will explain mysteries from the past

3that we have heard before and reflected on; stories our forefathers passed down to us.

4We will not keep them from our children; we will tell the next generation about God's marvelous actions—about his power and the amazing things he has done.

5He gave his laws to the descendants of Jacob; his instructions to the people of Israel. He commanded our forefathers to teach them to their children,

6so that the next generation—children yet to be born—would understand and grow up to teach their children.

7In this way they should place their trust in God and not forget what God has done, and keep his commandments.

8Then they would not be like their forefathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation that was untrustworthy and unfaithful.

9The soldiers of Ephraim,[fn] though armed with bows, ran away on the day of battle.

10They did not keep God's agreement, and refused to follow his laws.

11They ignored[fn] what he had done, and the amazing things he had shown them—

12the miracles he had performed for their forefathers near Zoan[fn] in Egypt.

13He split the sea in two and led them through, making the water stand like walls on either side.[fn]

14He led them with a cloud by day, and by night with a light of fire.

15He split open rocks in the desert to give his people plenty to drink, water as deep as the ocean.

16He made streams flow from the stone; water rushing down like rivers!

17But they repeatedly sinned against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert.

18They deliberately provoked God by demanding the foods they longed for.

19They insulted God by saying, “Can God provide food[fn] here in the desert?

20Yes, he can strike a rock so that water gushes out like flowing rivers, but can he give us bread? Can he supply his people with meat?”

21When he heard this, the Lord became very angry, burning like fire against the descendants of Jacob, furious with the people of Israel,

22for they didn't believe in God and didn't trust him to take care of them.

23Even so he commanded the skies above and the doors of heaven to open,

24and he made manna rain down on them to eat, giving them bread from heaven.

25Human beings ate the bread of angels; he sent them more than enough food.

26He sent the east wind blowing across the sky; by his power he drove the south wind.[fn]

27He rained down meat on them as plentiful as dust; birds as numerous as sand on a beach.

28He made them fall right in the middle of their camp, all around where they were living.

29They ate until they were full. He gave them the food they longed for.

30But before they satisfied their appetite, while the meat was still in their mouths,

31God became angry with them and he killed their strongest men, striking them down in the prime of life.

32Despite all this they went right on sinning. Despite the miracles, they refused to trust him.

33So he snuffed out their futile lives, bringing them to an end in terror.

34When he began killing them, the rest came back to God in repentance, praying to him.

35They remembered that God was their rock, that God Most High was their Savior.

36They flattered him by what they told him, but they were only lying.

37Deep down they were not sincere, and did not keep the agreement[fn] they had with him.

38But being compassionate he pardoned their guilt and did not destroy all of them. He often held back his anger—he did not pour out all his fury.

39He remembered their mortality—that they were like a puff of wind that would not return.

40How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness, giving him grief in the desert!

41Again and again they provoked God, causing pain to the Holy One of Israel.

42They did not remember his strength when he rescued them from their oppressors,

43performing miracles in Egypt, doing wonderful things on the plain of Zoan.

44There he turned their[fn] rivers and their streams into blood so that no one could drink from them.

45He sent flies among them to destroy[fn] them, and frogs to ruin everything.

46He gave their crops to locusts; everything they worked had for was taken by locusts.[fn]

47He destroyed their vines with hail, and their fig trees with freezing rain.

48He handed over their cattle to hail and their flocks to lightning bolts.

49He poured out on them his fierce anger—rage and hostility and anguish—sending a band of destroying angels against them.

50He sent his unrestrained anger against them; he did not spare them from death, handing them over to the plague.

51He struck down all the firstborn of Egypt, the first to be conceived in the tents of Ham.[fn]

52But he led out his people like sheep, and guided them like a flock in the wilderness.

53He led them to safety, and they were not afraid. He drowned their enemies in the sea.

54He brought them to the border of his holy land, to this mountainous land that he had conquered for them.

55He drove out the heathen nations before them. He divided up the land for them to own. He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.

56But they provoked God Most High, rebelling against him. They did not follow what he had told them.

57Just like their forefathers they turned away from God and were unfaithful to him, as twisted as a defective bow.[fn]

58They made him angry with their pagan high places of worship; they made him jealous with their idols.

59When God heard their worship he became furious and he totally rejected Israel.

60He abandoned his place at Shiloh, the Tabernacle where he lived among the people.

61He surrendered the Ark of his power, allowing it to be captured; handing it over into enemy hands.

62He handed over his people to be slaughtered by the sword; he was furious with his chosen people.

63Their young men were destroyed by fire; their young women had no wedding songs.[fn]

64Their priests were killed by the sword; their widows were unable to mourn.

65Then the Lord woke up as if from sleep, as a warrior sobering up from drinking wine.

66He defeated his enemies, striking them on the back, causing them everlasting shame.

67He rejected the descendants of Joseph, and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim.[fn]

68Instead he chose the tribe of Judah, and Mount Zion which he loves.

69There he built his sanctuary, high like the heavens, on earth that he made to last forever.

70He chose his servant David, taking him from the sheep pens,

71taking him from caring for the sheep and lambs to be a shepherd to the descendants of Jacob—God's special people, Israel.

72Like a shepherd, he took care of them with sincere devotion, leading them with skillful hands.

79 A psalm of Asaph.

79God, heathen nations have invaded your land. They have defiled your holy Temple. They have turned Jerusalem into heaps of rubble.

2They have given the dead bodies of your servants as food to the birds of the air, the flesh of your faithful people to the beasts of the earth.

3They have poured out the blood of Jerusalem's people like water all through the city; no one remains to bury the dead.

4We have been made a mockery before our neighbors, ridiculed and laughed at by those around us.

5How long, Lord? Will you be angry with us forever? Will your jealousy always burn like fire?

6Pour out your anger on the heathen nations that don't know you, and on those kingdoms that don't worship you!

7For they have destroyed the descendants of Jacob, and turned our country into a wasteland.

8Don't hold the sins of our forefathers against us! Come to us quickly for we desperately need your compassion.

9Help us, God of our salvation, because of your wonderful character! Save us and forgive us our sins because that's the kind of person you are![fn]

10Why should the heathen nations be able to say, “Where is their God?” May they experience your punishment for shedding the blood of your servants, and may we see it.

11Listen to the groans of the prisoners; with your great power save those condemned to die.

12Pay each of these neighbors back seven times for the scorn and ridicule they directed against you, Lord.

13Then we your people, the flock of your pasture, will praise you forever. We will thank you for all generations to come.

80 For the music director. A psalm of Asaph. To the tune “Lilies of the Covenant.”

80Please hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead the descendants of Joseph like a flock. You who sit on your throne above the cherubim, shine out

2in the presence of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Gather together your power and come to save us!

3God, please restore us! Let your face shine on us so we can be saved.

4Lord God Almighty, how long will you be angry with the prayers of your people?

5You fed them with the bread of tears, and gave them a full bowl[fn] of tears to drink.

6You turn us into victims our neighbors fight over; our enemies mock us.

7God Almighty, please restore us! Let your face shine on us so we can be saved!

8You carried us out of Egypt like a vine. You drove out the heathen nations, and then you planted the vine.

9You prepared the ground for the vine. It took root and filled the land.

10The mountains were covered by its shade; its branches covered the great cedars.

11It sent its branches as far west as the Mediterranean Sea, and its shoots as far east as the Euphrates River.

12So why have you broken down the walls that protect it[fn] so that everyone who passes by can steal its fruit?

13Wild pigs from the forest eat it, wild animals feed on it.

14God Almighty, please return to us! Look down from heaven and see what's happening to us! Come and care for this vine

15that you planted yourself, this son that you brought up yourself.

16We, your vine, have been chopped down and burned. May those who did this[fn] die when you glare at them.

17Protect the man who stands beside you; strengthen the son you have chosen.

18Then we will not turn away from you. Revive us so we can pray to you.[fn]

19Lord God Almighty, please restore us! Let your face shine on us so we can be saved.

81 For the music director. On the gittith. A psalm of Asaph.

81Sing aloud to God our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob.

2Start the song! Play the tambourine, sweet-sounding lyre, and harp.

3Blow the trumpet at the new moon, and at full moon, to begin our festivals,

4for this is a rule for Israel, a regulation of the God of Jacob.

5God made this statute for Joseph when he opposed the land of Egypt. I heard a voice I didn't know, saying:[fn]

6“I took the load from your shoulders; I freed your hands from carrying heavy baskets.

7In your suffering you cried out to me, and I saved you. I answered you from the thundercloud. I tested you at the waters of Meribah.[fn] Selah.

8My people, listen to my warnings! Israel, please listen to me!

9There must not be a strange god among you; you must never bow down to foreign gods and worship them.

10I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.[fn]

11But my people didn't listen to me. Israel didn't want anything to do with me.

12So I sent them away to follow their stubborn thinking, living as they chose.

13If only my people would listen to me; if only Israel would follow my ways!

14It wouldn't take me long to conquer their enemies, to strike down their foes.

15Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, forever doomed.

16But I would feed you the best wheat and satisfy you with honey from the rock.”

82 A psalm of Asaph.

82God stands in the midst of his great assembly to judge among the gods.[fn]

2How long will you make unfair judgments and show favoritism to the wicked? Selah.

3Defend the poor and orphans; support the rights of those who are oppressed and suffering.

4Rescue the poor and those unable to help themselves; save them from the clutches of evil people.

5They don't have any wisdom; they live in the dark; the foundations of the earth are shaken.

6I say, “You are gods; all of you are children of the Most High.

7But you will die like any human being, you will fall like any other leader.”

8Stand up, Lord, and judge the earth, for all the nations belong to you.

83 A song. A psalm of Asaph.

83God, please do not stay silent! You can't remain unmoved! God, you must not keep quiet!

2Can't you hear the roars of your enemies? Can't you see how those who hate you are defiantly lifting up their heads?

3They invent cunning plans to conspire against your people; they plot against those you treasure.

4They say, “Come on! Let's destroy them as a nation so the name ‘Israel’ will be completely forgotten.”

5They all agree in their conspiracy; they've made a treaty together to attack you—

6the people of Edom, the Ishmaelites, Moab, and the Hagirites;

7the people of Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia, and the inhabitants of Tyre.

8Assyria too has joined them, allied with the descendants of Lot. Selah.

9Do to them what you did to Midian, what you did to Sisera and Jabin[fn] at the Kishon River.

10They were destroyed at Endor and became like manure to fertilize the ground.

11Make their leaders like Oreb and Zeeb; all their rulers like Zebah and Zalmunna,[fn]

12for they said, “Let's take the pastures of God for ourselves!”

13My God, make them like whirling tumbleweeds, chaff blown away by the wind.

14Just like fire that burns the forest, a flame that sets fire to the mountains,

15in the same way chase them down with your storm, terrify them with your whirlwind.

16Shame them in defeat[fn] so that they come to you, Lord!

17Make them ashamed, terrify them forever so that they die in disgrace.

18Let them understand that you alone, called the Lord, are the Most High who rules over all the earth.

84 For the music director. A psalm of the descendants of Korah. On the gittith.

84How wonderful is the place where you live, Lord Almighty!

2I long, I ache, to be in the courts[fn] of the Lord. My mind and my body sing for joy to the living God.

3Even a sparrow finds a home there, and a swallow builds a nest for herself where she can raise her chicks near to your altars, Lord Almighty, my king and my God.

4How happy are those who live in your house—they are always praising you! Selah.

5How happy are those whose strength is in you, those who are determined to make a pilgrimage.

6As they walk through the Valley of Tears[fn] it becomes a spring of water; autumn rains cover it with pools.

7They go from strength to strength, and each one will appear before God in Jerusalem.

8Lord God Almighty, please hear my prayer; please listen, God of Jacob. Selah.

9Please God, look at our defender, look at the face of your anointed one.

10One day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else. I'd rather stand as a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live comfortably in the homes of the wicked.

11For the Lord God is our sun and shield, and he gives us grace and honor. The Lord doesn't hold back anything good from those who do right.

12Lord Almighty, how happy are those who trust in you.

85 For the music director. A psalm of the descendants of Korah

85Lord, you have shown your kindness to your land; you have restored Jacob's prosperity.[fn]

2You took away your people's guilt; you forgave all their sins. Selah.

3You took back your fury; you turned away from your fierce anger.

4Bring us back to you, God of our salvation! Take away your anger towards us.

5Are you going to be furious with us forever? Will you stay angry with us for all future generations?

6Won't you restore our lives so your people can find happiness in you?

7Show us your trustworthy love, Lord! Give us your salvation!

8Let me hear what God has to say. God speaks peace to his people, to those who trust in him. But they must not return to their foolish ways.

9Truly God's salvation is with those who do as he says. His glorious presence will live with us in our land.

10Trustworthiness and faithful love join together; goodness and peace have kissed each other.

11What is true grows up from the earth; what is right looks down from heaven.

12The Lord will certainly give us all that is good, and our land will produce fine crops.

13Truth and right go ahead of him to prepare a path for him to walk on.

86 A prayer of David.

86Please listen to me, Lord! Please answer me, for I am weak and really need your help!

2Don't let me die, for I am faithful to you. Save me, for I am your servant and I trust in you. You are my God.

3Be kind to me, Lord, for I call out to you all day long.

4Make me happy, Lord, for I've dedicated my life to you.

5For you, Lord, are good; you are forgiving and full of trustworthy love for all who come to you.

6Lord, please listen to my prayer. Hear my call for help.

7When I'm in trouble I cry out to you because I know you will answer me.

8There's no one like you among the “gods,” Lord. No one can do the things you do.

9You created all the nations, and they will come and bow down before you, Lord. They will declare how wonderful you are.

10For you are great, and do wonderful things! Only you are God.

11Lord, please teach me your way, so I can depend on your trustworthiness. Make me single-minded, so I can consistently honor the kind of person you are.

12Lord my God, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will praise your character forever.

13For your trustworthy love for me is so great; you have saved me from death.[fn]

14God, arrogant people are attacking me, vicious people are trying to kill me. To them you count for nothing.

15But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to become angry, full of trustworthy love and faithfulness.

16Turn to me, have mercy on me. Give me your strength, your servant; save the son of your servant-girl.

17Show me a sign that you approve of me! Those who hate me will see it, and they will be ashamed because you, Lord, have helped me.

87 A song. A psalm of the descendants of Korah.

87The Lord founded the city on his holy mountain.

2Jerusalem is the city that the Lord loves more than any other city in Israel.[fn]

3Many wonderful things are said of you, city of God! Selah.

4I mention Egypt[fn] and Babylon as those who know me, and in addition Philistia, Tyre, and Ethiopia—“this man was born there.”[fn]

5It will be said concerning Jerusalem, “Everyone was born there,”[fn] and the Most High will make it secure.

6When the Lord registers the nations, he will write, “They were born there.”[fn] Selah.

7Singers and dancers alike say, “Living here I am at home.”[fn]

88 A song. A psalm of the descendants of Korah. For the music director. To the tune “Mahalath Leannoth.” A maskil by Heman the Ezrahite

88Lord, God of my salvation, I cry out to you day and night.

2Please listen to my prayer; hear my words as I plead with you.

3My life is full of troubles, and my death is approaching.[fn]

4I'm counted among the dying; a man with no strength.

5I am abandoned among the dead, lying like a corpse in the grave, forgotten and beyond your care.

6You have placed me in a deep pit, in the depths of darkness.

7Your hostility crushes me; you are drowning me under your crashing waves. Selah.

8You have made my friends avoid me by making me look repulsive to them. I'm trapped, I can't go out.[fn]

9I've cried my eyes out begging you every day for your help, Lord, holding out my hands to you.

10Do you do miracles among the dead? Do the dead stand up to praise you? Selah.

11Your faithful love—is it mentioned in the grave? Your trustworthiness—is it discussed in the place of destruction?[fn]

12Are the wonderful things you do known in the darkness? Is your goodness known in the land of forgetfulness?

13But I cry out to you for help; every morning I pray to you.

14Lord, why do you reject me? Why do you turn away from me?

15I have been sick since I was young, often at death's door. I have had to bear the terrible things you've done to me. I'm in despair!

16Your anger has overcome me; the terrible things you do have destroyed me.

17They surround me all the time like floodwaters, swallowing me up.

18You have made my family and friends avoid me. Darkness is my only friend.

89 A psalm (maskil) of Ethan the Ezraite

89I will sing of the Lord's trustworthy love forever; I will tell all generations of your faithfulness.

2For I have said, “Your unfailing love lasts forever; your faithfulness endures as long as the heavens.”

3You[fn] said, “I have made an agreement[fn] with my chosen one, I gave a binding promise to my servant David:

4I will make sure your lineage lasts forever; I will keep your throne secure for all generations.” Selah.

5All the heavenly beings will sing of the wonderful things you have done, Lord; angels will gather to sing of your faithfulness.

6For who in heaven can compare to the Lord? Who is like the Lord even among the angels?

7The heavenly council are in awe of God; all who surround him are overwhelmed by him.

8Lord God Almighty, who is as powerful as you? In all this,[fn] Lord, you are completely trustworthy.

9You rule the restless seas; you calm their stormy waves.

10You crushed Rahab the sea-monster to death; by your power you scattered your enemies.

11The heavens belong to you, and the earth too; you made the world and everything in it.

12You created north and south; Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon celebrate you.

13Your arm is powerful. Your hand is strong. Your right hand is held up high in command.[fn]

14Your character of goodness and fairness is the basis for the way you rule; dependable love and trustworthiness are always with you.

15How happy are those who know how to shout your praises, Lord.[fn] They live in the light of your presence.

16They celebrate the person you are all day long, so glad that you do what's right.

17They rely on you, their glory and strength; by your grace you lift us up.

18Yes, the Lord is the one who shields us, and our king belongs to the Holy One of Israel.

19Once you spoke in a vision to your faithful servant and said,[fn] “I have given strength to the warrior I have chosen from the people to become king.

20I have selected David my servant, and I have anointed him with the oil of my holiness.

21I have placed my hand on him to steady him; and I have made him strong by my powerful arm.

22His enemies will not deceive him; the wicked will not bring him down.

23I will wipe out his enemies before him; I will strike down those who hate him.

24My trustworthiness and unfailing love will be with him, and through me he will be victorious.[fn]

25I will extend his rule from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River.[fn]

26He will call out to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.’

27I will also make him my first-born son, the highest of the kings of the earth.

28I will love him faithfully forever; my agreement[fn] with him shall never come to an end.

29I will make sure his royal line lasts forever; his dynasty[fn] will continue as long as the heavens endure.

30But if his descendants abandon my laws, if they do not follow my rules,

31if they break my decrees, and do not keep my commandments,

32I will punish their rebellion by beating them with a rod, and their sin by lashing them with a whip.

33However, I will not take away my love from him; I will not break my promise to him.

34I will not annul the agreement I have with him; I will not alter a single word I've said.

35By my holy character I have made a vow to David that I will not lie to him.

36His royal line will last forever, and his dynasty will continue before me as long as the sun endures.

37It will continue forever like the moon, an enduring witness in the heavens.” Selah.

38But you[fn] have rejected and abandoned him! You are angry with your chosen king![fn]

39You have broken the agreement you had with him; you have thrown his crown to the ground!

40You have torn down his defensive walls; you have ruined his fortresses.[fn]

41Everyone who passes by has robbed him; he has become an object of mockery to the nations nearby.

42You have made his enemies strong; you have made them celebrate their victory.[fn]

43You have repelled his sharp sword; you have not helped him in battle.

44You took away his glory; you threw his throne to the ground.

45You have made him grow old before his time; you have totally humiliated him. Selah.

46How long, Lord? Will you hide yourself from us forever, your anger burning like fire?

47Remember me—my life is so short! Why did you bother creating futile humanity?

48There's no one who doesn't die—no one can save themselves from the power of the grave. Selah.

49Where is the trustworthy love you used to have, Lord, that you faithfully promised to David?

50Don't forget, Lord, how your servants are being humiliated! I'm burdened down[fn] with the insults of so many nations!

51Your enemies taunt me, Lord, mocking your king[fn] wherever he goes.

52May the Lord be blessed for ever. Amen and amen.

90 A prayer of Moses, the man of God.

90Lord, through every generation, you have been “home” for us!

2Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the universe, from eternity past to eternity future, you are God.

3You turn people back into dust, saying, “Return to dust, human beings.”

4In your eyes, a thousand years are like a day that's already gone; like a few passing hours of the night.

5You bring people's lives to a sudden end, like dreams that vanish. They are like grass that grows up in the morning—

6it sprouts in the morning, fresh and new, but by the evening it is withered and dead.

7We are burned up by your anger, terrified by your fury.

8You have set out our sins before you—our secret sins are visible in the light of your presence.

9Our lives fade away under your anger, coming to an end as quickly as a sigh.

10We live for seventy years—eighty if we have the strength. But even in the prime of life all that we have is hardship and suffering. Soon our lives are over and we're gone.

11Who can know the power of your anger? Who understands your fury so you can be shown reverence?

12Teach us to value every one of our days so we can live wisely!

13Lord, how long will it be before you come back to us and have pity on us your servants?

14Show us every morning your trustworthy love so we may be happy, full of joy throughout our lives.

15Make us glad for as many days as you made us sad, for all the years we suffered!

16May we, your servants, see you at work for us[fn] again; may our children see your glory.

17May our Lord God be pleased with us, blessing what we do, blessing what we do.

91Those who live under the protection of the Most High are kept safe by the Almighty.

2This is what I say about the Lord: “He is the one who defends and protects me. He is my God, and I trust in him.”

3For he will save you from hidden traps and deadly diseases.[fn]

4He will hide you under his feathers, and shelter you with his wings. His trustworthiness shields and protects you.

5You will not be afraid of terror at night or an arrow that flies in the day,

6or disease that attacks at night, or catastrophe that falls at noon.

7A thousand may fall beside you, ten thousand die at your right hand, but you won't be harmed.

8You only have to open your eyes and you will see how the wicked are repaid.

9Because you have made the Lord your protection, and the Most High your home,

10nothing evil will happen to you; no plague will come near where you live.

11For he will command his angels to take care of you in everything you do.

12They will hold you up with their hands so you won't trip and fall down.

13You will trample lions and snakes; you will tread young lions and serpents underfoot.

14I[fn] will save anyone who loves me; I will protect anyone who accepts me.

15When they call out to me for help, I will answer; when they are in trouble, I will be with them. I will save and honor them.

16I will grant them long lives, and show them my salvation.

92 A psalm. A song for the Sabbath day.

92How good it is to thank the Lord, to sing praises to you, Most High,

2to tell of your trustworthy love in the morning, and your faithfulness in the night,

3to the music of a ten-stringed harp and the melody of a lyre.

4You've made me so happy, Lord, because of all you've done for me! I sing for joy at what you've done!

5Lord, what you do is amazing; your thoughts are very profound!

6Only senseless people and fools don't know and understand this:

7even though the wicked grow up quickly like grass, and even though people who do evil flourish, they will be destroyed forever!

8But you, Lord, rule on high forever.

9Your enemies, Lord, your enemies will die; everyone who does evil will be destroyed!

10But you have made me as powerful as a wild bull; you have anointed me with the best olive oil.

11My eyes look with pleasure to see my enemies defeated; my ears have heard the downfall of those who tried to attack me.[fn]

12Those who live right flourish like a palm tree; they grow tall like a cedar tree in Lebanon.

13They are planted in the house of the Lord; they thrive in the courts of our God.

14Even when they are old they will still produce fruit, staying fresh and green.

15They will declare, “The Lord does what is right! He is my rock! There is no wrong in him!”

93The Lord reigns, clothed in majesty! He wears his royal robes, with his power worn like a belt. The world is held together firmly—it cannot be broken apart.

2Your throne has existed from ages past; you are from eternity.

3The floods have raised up, Lord; the floods have raised their voices; the floods have raised up their crashing waves.

4But greater than the most violent ocean, greater than the largest waves of the sea, the greatest is the Lord above.

5Your laws are totally trustworthy. Your house,[fn] Lord, is holy forever.

94The Lord is a God of vengeance! God of vengeance, shine out![fn]

2Stand up, judge of the earth, and pay back those who are proud what they deserve.

3How long, Lord? How long will the wicked celebrate in triumph?

4How long will you let them pour out their arrogant words? How long will these evil people go on boasting?

5Lord, they crush your people; they oppress those you call your own.

6They kill widows and foreigners; they murder orphans.

7They say, “The Lord can't see what we're doing. Israel's God doesn't pay any attention to us.”

8Take another look, you stupid people! Fools—when will you ever get the point?

9Do you think the creator of the ear can't hear? Do you think the maker of the eye can't see?

10Do you think that the one who punishes nations won't punish you too? Do you think that the one who teaches human beings knowledge doesn't know anything?[fn]

11The Lord knows the thoughts of human beings—he knows they are pointless.

12Those you discipline are happy, Lord; those you teach from your Law.

13You give them peace in days of trouble, until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.

14For the Lord will not give up on his people; he will not abandon his own.

15Justice will once again be based on what is right; those who are sincere will support it.

16Who came to my defense against the wicked; who stood up for me against those who do evil?

17If the Lord hadn't helped me, I would have soon gone down into the silence of the grave.

18I shouted out, “My foot's slipping!” and your trustworthy love, Lord, kept me from falling.

19When my mind was full of worries, you comforted me and encouraged me.

20Can unjust judges really be on your side, Lord, when their corrupt use of the law causes misery?

21They work together to destroy good people; they condemn those who are innocent to death.

22But the Lord protects me like a fortress; my God is the rock that keeps me safe.

23He will turn the wickedness of evil people back upon them; he will destroy them because of their sins; the Lord our God will destroy them.

95Come, let's sing for joy to the Lord! Let's shout in triumph to the rock of our salvation!

2Let's go before him with thanksgiving! Let's sing loudly to him in celebration!

3For the Lord is a great God, a great king above all gods.

4He rules over the depths of the earth and the heights of the mountains.

5The sea is his, because he made it; the dry land, because he formed it.

6Come, let's enter in[fn] and worship, let's kneel before the Lord our Creator.

7For he is our God, and we are the people he looks after like a shepherd, the flock he cares for. If you hear his voice calling you today,

8don't have a hard-hearted attitude,[fn] “as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the desert,

9when your forefathers provoked me, testing my patience, even though they had seen everything I'd done.

10For forty years I was disgusted with that generation, and I said, ‘They are people who are unfaithful to me in their minds, and they refuse to accept my ways.’

11So in my frustration I vowed, ‘They will certainly not enter my rest.’ ”[fn]

96Sing to the Lord a new song! All the earth, sing to the Lord!

2Sing to the Lord, and of his wonderful reputation![fn] Each day let everyone know of his salvation!

3Declare his glorious acts among the nations, the amazing things he does among all peoples.

4For the Lord is great, and deserves the best praise! He is to be respected with awe above all gods.

5For all the gods of other nations are idols; but the Lord made the heavens!

6Splendor and majesty are his; power and glory are in his sanctuary.

7Give the Lord acclamation, nations of the world, acclaim him with glory and strength.

8Give the Lord the glory he deserves; bring an offering and come into his courts.

9Worship the Lord in his magnificent holiness; let all the earth tremble in his presence.

10Tell the nations, “The Lord is in charge!” The world is held together firmly—it cannot be broken apart. He will judge everyone fairly.

11Let the heavens sing for joy, let the earth be happy, let the sea and everything in it shout with praise!

12Let the fields and everything there celebrate; let all the trees in the forest sing for joy.

13In fact, let everything that stands before the Lord sing praises,[fn] for he is coming, coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with fairness, and the nations with his truth.

97The Lord reigns! Let the earth be glad, and distant lands be full of joy!

2He is surrounded by clouds and thick darkness; his throne is founded on justice and right.

3Flames proceed him, burning up his enemies on every side.

4His flashes of lightning light up the world; the earth watches and trembles.

5The mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth.

6The heavens proclaim his goodness; everyone sees his glory.

7All those who worship idols are humiliated, those who are proud of their idols—for all “gods” bow down before him.

8Jerusalem hears this and celebrates; all the towns of Judah are happy because of your judgments, Lord.

9For you, Lord, are the highest of all, ruling over the whole earth; your position is far above any other god.

10You who love the Lord, hate evil! He protects the lives of those who are faithful to him, and saves them from the power of wicked people.

11Light shines[fn] on those who do good, giving joy to those who live right.

12Be happy in the Lord, you who do right, and thank him for his holy nature!

98 A psalm.

98Sing the Lord a new song, for he has done wonderful things: by his powerful right hand and his strong arm he has won the victory.

2The Lord has revealed his salvation to the nations, and shown them his goodness.

3He has not forgotten to show his trustworthy love and faithfulness to the descendants of Israel. Our God has made his salvation clear to the ends of the earth.

4Everyone on earth, shout in triumph to the Lord; break out in joyful songs of praise!

5Sing praises to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and melodious voices;

6with trumpets and the sound of the ram's horn sing in happiness before the Lord, the King.

7Let the sea and everything in it shout with praise, together with the earth and everything living in it.

8Let the rivers celebrate, let the hills join in the celebration[fn]

9before the Lord, for he is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world justly, and the nations fairly.

99The Lord reigns; let the nations tremble! He sits on his throne above the cherubim; let the earth shake!

2The Lord rules supreme in Zion, he is sovereign over all the nations.

3Let them praise his greatness, and respect him for who he is—for he is holy,

4having kingly power. You love justice; you make impartial decisions. You have made sure everything is done in fairness and according to what's right.

5Give respect to the Lord our God! Bow down at his feet, for he is holy!

6Moses and Aaron were among his priests; Samuel also prayed to him. They called out to the Lord for help, and he answered them.

7He spoke to the people from the pillar of cloud, and they kept the laws and decrees he gave them.

8Lord our God, you answered them. You were a forgiving God to them, but you punished them when they did wrong.

9Honor the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain. For the Lord our God is holy!

100 A psalm of thanksgiving.

100Everyone on earth shout for joy to the Lord!

2Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with joyful songs!

3Know that the Lord is God! He made us, so we belong to him.[fn] We are his people, the flock he cares for.

4Go in through his gate with thanks; enter his courts with praise. Thank him; praise him for who he is.

5For the Lord is good. His trustworthy love lasts forever; his faithfulness continues for all generations.

101 A psalm of David.

101I will sing of your faithful love and good judgment. I will sing praises to you, Lord.

2I will make sure my life is blameless. When will you come and help me? My life will be one of integrity even in private.[fn]

3I will not look at anything evil. I hate doing wrong—I won't have anything to do with it.

4I won't think bad thoughts—I won't even consider anything evil.

5I will silence anyone who secretly slanders their neighbor. I won't tolerate anyone who is proud and arrogant.

6I look for faithful people to live with me; only those who are trustworthy will serve me.

7No one who is dishonest will live in my house; no liars will be allowed in my presence.

8I work every day to silence the wicked in the land, to rid the city of the Lord of all who do evil.

102 A prayer from someone who is suffering and is tired out, pouring out their troubles to the Lord.

102Lord please hear my prayer, my cry for help!

2Don't hide your face from me in my time of trouble! Turn and listen to me, and answer me quickly when I call.

3My life is disappearing like smoke; my body feels like it's on fire!

4I'm like grass that's dried up, withered away—I even forget to eat!

5All my groaning has worn me out; my bones show through my skin.

6I'm like a desert owl,[fn] like a little owl among the ruins.

7I can't sleep. I'm like a lonely bird on a rooftop.

8My enemies taunt me all day long. They mock me and swear at me.

9Ashes are the food I eat; my tears drip into my drink,

10because of your anger and hostility, for you have picked me up and tossed me away.

11My life is fading away like a shadow that lengthens—I'm withering away like grass.

12But you, Lord, reign[fn] forever, your fame will last for all generations.

13You will take action and have pity on Jerusalem, for it's time to be kind to the city, the time has come.

14For the people who follow you love its stones; they value even its dust!

15Then the nations will be in awe of who you are, Lord; all the kings of the earth will be in awe of your glory.

16For the Lord will rebuild Jerusalem; he will appear in glory.

17He will pay attention to the prayers of the homeless; he will not disregard their requests.

18Let this be recorded for generations to come, so that people yet to be born may praise the Lord:

19The Lord looked down from above, from the heights of his holy place; he looked down from heaven to the earth,

20to respond to the groans of prisoners, to set free the children of death.[fn]

21As a result[fn] the wonderful nature of the Lord will be celebrated with praise in Jerusalem,

22when the people of many kingdoms gather together to worship the Lord.

23But as for me,[fn] he broke my health while I was still young, cutting my life short.

24I cried out, “My God, don't take my life while I'm young! You are the one who lives forever.

25Long ago you created the earth; you made the heavens.

26They will come to an end, but you will not. They will all wear out, like clothes—you will change them, and throw them away.

27But you are the one who always is;[fn] your years never come to an end.

28Our children will live with you, and our children's children will grow in your presence.”

103 A psalm of David.

103Let every part of me praise the Lord; let my whole being praise his holy character.

2Let every part of me praise the Lord; don't let me forget the wonderful things he's done for me.

3He forgives my sins, and he heals all my diseases.

4He saves me from death; he honors[fn] me with trustworthy love and mercy.

5He fills my life with all that's good; he makes me young again, strong as an eagle.

6The Lord does what is right, and vindicates those who are exploited.

7He explained his ways to Moses: he told the people of Israel what he was going to do.

8The Lord is kind and gracious, not quick-tempered, and full of trustworthy love.

9He doesn't keep on accusing us; he doesn't stay angry with us forever.

10He does not punish us for our sins as he ought to; he does not pay us back for our wrongdoing as we deserve.

11For as high as the heavens are above the earth is the extent of his trustworthy love to those who honor him.

12As far as the east is from the west is how far the Lord has taken our sins away from us.

13Like a loving father, the Lord is kind and compassionate to those who follow him.

14For he knows how we are made; he remembers we are only dust.

15Human lifetimes are like grass: we blossom like flowers in a field,

16but then the wind blows and we are gone, disappearing without a trace.

17But the Lord's trustworthy love lasts for all eternity to those who accept him; his goodness to all generations,

18to those who keep his agreement and who remember to follow his commandments.

19The Lord has set up his throne in the heavens, and he rules over all.

20Praise the Lord, you angels, you powerful ones who do what he says, listening to what he tells you!

21Praise the Lord, you heavenly armies who serve him and carry out his will!

22Praise the Lord, everything in his creation, everyone under his rule, and let every part of me praise the Lord!

104Let every part of me praise the Lord! Lord my God, you are so great, clothed with majesty and splendor!

2You wear light as your clothing; you stretch out the fabric[fn] of the heavens.

3You place the roof-beams of your house in the rainclouds. You make the clouds your chariots. You ride on the wings of the wind.

4You make your angels winds, and your servants flames of fire.[fn]

5You set the earth on its foundations; it will never be shaken.

6It was clothed with ocean depths—the waters even covered the mountains—

7but at your command the waters fled; at the sound of your thunder they rushed away.

8The mountains rose up and the valleys sank down to where you had determined.

9You set a boundary for the oceans so they would not come back and cover the earth.

10You make springs flow into the streams, running down between the hills.

11They provide water for all the wild animals, and wild donkeys quench their thirst.

12Birds build their nests in trees along the streams, singing from among the leaves.

13You send down rain on the mountains from your home high above; you fill the earth with good things.

14You make the grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to eat—crops produced by the earth for food,

15and wine to make them happy, olive oil to make their faces shine, and bread to make them strong.

16The Lord's trees are well-watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

17Sparrows make their nests there; herons make their homes in the tall trees.

18Wild goats live high in the mountains; hyraxes hide among the rocks.

19You made the moon to mark the months, and the sun knows when to set.

20You make darkness fall and the night comes, the time when the forest animals come out to hunt.[fn]

21The young lions roar as they seek their prey, looking for the food that God provides for them.

22When the sun rises they return to their dens to rest.

23Then people leave for work, working until the evening.

24Lord, how many different things you have made—all of them wisely created! The earth is full of your creatures.

25Consider the sea, deep and wide, full of all kinds of living things, large and small.

26Ships sail there, and Leviathan,[fn] that you made to play in it.

27All creatures look to you to give them food at the right time.

28When you provide it, they gather it up. You hand out food to them, and they are well-fed.

29When you turn away from them, they're terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to dust.

30When you send your breath, they are created, and life covers the earth again.

31May the Lord's glory last forever! The Lord is happy with all he has made.

32He only has to look at the earth and it trembles; mountains pour out smoke at his touch.

33I will sing to the Lord for as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God my whole life.

34May he be pleased with my thoughts[fn] because I am happy in the Lord.

35Let sinners be destroyed from the earth; let the wicked cease to exist. Let every part of me praise the Lord!

105Give the Lord thanks, worship his wonderful nature, let people know what he's done!

2Sing to him, sing his praises; tell everyone the great things he's done!

3Be proud of his holy character; be happy, all who come to the Lord!

4Look for the Lord, and his strength; always look to be in his presence.

5Remember all the wonderful things he's done, the miracles he's performed, and the judgments[fn] he's carried out,

6descendants of Abraham, children of Israel, his chosen people.

7He is the Lord, our God, his judgments cover the whole earth.

8He remembers his agreement forever, the promise he made lasts for a thousand generations;

9the agreement he made with Abraham, the vow he gave to Isaac.

10The Lord legally confirmed it with Jacob, he made this binding agreement with Israel:

11saying to you, “I will give the land of Canaan for you to possess.”

12He said this when they were only a few, just a small group of foreigners in the land.

13They wandered from country to country, from one kingdom to the next.

14He didn't let anyone one treat them badly; warning kings to leave them alone:

15“Don't touch my chosen people; don't harm my prophets!”

16He caused[fn] a famine in the Land of Canaan so that there was no food.

17Before that he sent a man, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.[fn]

18They hurt his feet by placing them in shackles, and they put an iron collar around his neck,

19until the time predicted came when the Lord tested him.

20The king[fn] sent for him and released him; the king of the people set him free.

21He put Joseph in charge of the royal household, manager of everything he had,

22to teach[fn] the king's officials whatever he wanted, to make the king's advisors wise.

23Then Israel entered Egypt—Jacob settled as a foreigner in the land of Ham.[fn]

24The Lord made his people more fertile and more powerful than their enemies.

25He made the Egyptians[fn] change their minds and hate his people and act deceptively towards them.

26He sent his servant Moses, together with Aaron, whom he had chosen.

27They[fn] carried out his miraculous signs among the Egyptians, his wonders in the land of Ham.

28He plunged the country into darkness—for hadn't they defied what the Lord had said?[fn]

29He turned their water into blood, killing all the fish.

30Then he sent a plague of frogs across the land that even entered the bedrooms of their rulers.

31He gave the command, and flies spread throughout their land; mosquitoes were everywhere.

32He rained down hail on them, and lightning flashed across their land.

33He struck down their grape vines, and tore down their trees.

34He gave the command, and swarms of locusts came—countless locusts:

35they ate up all the vegetation in their land; they consumed all the growing crops.

36He killed all the firstborn in Egypt, the first to be produced in their vigor and strength.

37Then he led his people out of Egypt, carrying silver and gold—not one among the tribes was stumbling along.

38The Egyptians were delighted to see them go, for they were frightened of the Israelites.

39He spread a cloud above them as a covering, and at night a fire to give them light.

40He gave them quails to eat when they asked him; he fed them with the bread of heaven until they were full.

41He split the rock open, and water gushed out—a river flowing through the desert.

42For he remembered his holy promise to his servant Abraham.

43So he led his people out, his chosen ones, as they sang for joy.

44He gave them the lands of the heathen nations, and they inherited what other people had worked for.

45The Lord did this so they could follow his instructions and keep his laws. Praise the Lord!

106Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love lasts forever.

2Who can give an account of all the wonderful things the Lord has done?[fn] Who can give him all the praise he is due?

3Happy are those who treat people fairly, who always do what is right.

4Please remember me when you are generous to your people; think of me when you come to save.

5Let me see your chosen people prosperous; let me be happy together with your nation; let me share in being proud of you with those who belong to you.

6We have sinned just like our forefathers. We have done wrong. We are guilty.

7They didn't pay attention to the wonderful things you did. They didn't keep in mind how much you loved them, but chose to rebel at the sea, the Red Sea.[fn]

8Even so he saved them because of the kind of person he is, and to show his power

9He gave his order[fn] to the Red Sea, and it dried up. He led his people across the seabed as if it were a desert.

10He rescued them from those who hated them; he saved them from their enemies' power.

11The water drowned their enemies—none of them survived,

12Then his people trusted in what he promised, and sang his praises.

13But they quickly forgot what he had done for them, and they didn't listen to his advice.

14They were filled with desperate cravings[fn] in the wilderness; they provoked God in the desert.

15He gave them what they wanted, but sent them a plague[fn] as well.

16In the camp the people became jealous of Moses, and of Aaron, the Lord's holy priest.

17The earth split open and swallowed up Dathan; it buried Abiram and his followers.[fn]

18Fire broke out among them—a flame that burned them up.

19At Mount Sinai[fn] they made a calf, they bowed down before a metal idol.[fn]

20They replaced their God of glory with a bull that eats grass!

21They forgot God, their Savior, who had done marvelous things in Egypt;

22performing miracles in the land of Ham,[fn] doing amazing things at the Red Sea.

23So he said he was going to destroy them But Moses, his chosen leader, placed himself between the Lord and the people to persuade the Lord not to destroy them in his anger.

24Later the people refused to enter the Promised Land; they didn't trust him to do as he'd promised.

25They complained in their tents about the Lord, and refused to obey what he told them.

26So he raised his hand to give them a serious warning that he would bring them down in the wilderness,

27that he would disperse[fn] their descendants among the heathen nations, scattering them among countries far away.

28They gave their allegiance to Baal Peor,[fn] and ate food sacrificed to the dead.

29They provoked the Lord by what they did, making him angry, so a plague broke out among them.

30But Phinehas took a stand for the Lord and intervened, and the plague was stopped in its tracks.

31He has been considered as a man who lived right[fn] from that time on and for all generations.

32They also angered him at the waters of Meribah where things went badly for Moses because of them.

33They upset him so much that he spoke without thinking in the heat of the moment.

34They did not destroy the heathen peoples as the Lord had told them to do,

35but instead they joined in with them and adopted their way of life.

36They worshiped their pagan idols which became a trap for them.

37The even sacrificed their sons and daughters to these demons.

38They shed the blood of innocent children, their sons and daughters, sacrificing them to the idols of Canaan. By doing so they defiled the land with blood.

39The also defiled themselves by what they did: their actions were spiritual adultery.

40So the Lord was angry with his people—he loathed those who belonged to him.

41He handed them over to the heathen nations. These people who hated them now became their rulers.

42Their enemies dominated and subdued them with their power.

43The Lord repeatedly rescued them, but they continued with their rebellious ideas, until they were finally destroyed by their own sins.

44Despite all this, the Lord was moved by their suffering; he heard their sad cries.

45He remembered the agreement he had made with them, and he held back because of his great kindness and love.

46He made the people who captured them treat them with mercy.

47Save us, Lord, our God! Bring us back together from among the nations, so we can thank you and declare how magnificent and holy you are.

48How wonderful is the Lord, the God of Israel, who lives forever and ever! Let all the people say “Amen”! Praise the Lord!

107Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love continues forever!

2Let those the Lord has saved say that they are saved; those he has rescued from the power of the enemy.

3He has gathered them together from distant lands, from the east and the west, the north and the south.[fn]

4They wandered in the desert wilderness, unable to find a way to a city where they could live.

5Hungry and thirsty, they became very discouraged.

6Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.

7He led them along a straight way to a city where they could live.

8Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.

9For he gives drink to those who are thirsty, and food to those who are hungry.

10Some sat in complete darkness, prisoners of misery and bound with iron chains,

11for they had rebelled against what God had said; they had rejected the guidance of the Most High.

12So he humbled their pride with the troubles of life; they tripped over and no one was there to stop them falling.

13Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.

14He brought them out of complete darkness, he broke their chains to pieces.

15Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.

16For he breaks down the bronze doors, and cuts through the iron bars.[fn]

17They were stupid because they rebelled; they suffered for their sins.

18They didn't want to eat; they were at death's door.

19Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.

20He gave the command and he healed them; he saved them from the grave.

21Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.

22Let them present thank offerings and sing with joy about what he has done.

23Those who set sail in ships, crossing the seas to earn their living,

24they have seen the Lord's incredible power at work—the wonderful things he did in the deepest oceans.

25He only had to speak to cause a stormy wind that stirred up towering waves,

26lifting the ships high in the air and then plunging them down. The sailors were so terrified that their courage melted away.

27They staggered around, falling from side to side like drunks—all their seamanship skills were useless.

28Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.

29He calmed the storm, the waves were quiet.

30The sailors were so happy when it all calmed down, and he brought them to the harbor they wanted.

31Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.

32Let them say how wonderful he is in front of the whole congregation and the elders.

33He dries up rivers and turns the land into a desert; the water springs stop flowing and the earth turns dry and dusty.

34Fruitful ground becomes a salty wasteland because of the wickedness of those living there.

35But he also turns around and makes pools of water in the desert, and makes water springs flow in a dry and dusty land.

36He brings hungry people to live there—a place they can build their cities.

37They sow their fields and plant their vineyards, producing a good harvest.

38He takes care of them, and their numbers increase dramatically—their cattle too!

39When they become few, brought low by oppression, misery, and sorrow,

40He pours out his contempt on their leaders, making them wander, lost in the wilderness.

41But he lifts the poor out of their troubles, and makes their families as big as flocks.

42Those who live right will observe what is happening and be glad, but the wicked will be silenced.

43Those who are wise will pay attention to all this, and thoughtfully reflect on the Lord's trustworthy love.

108 A song. A psalm of David.

108God, I have complete confidence in you! My whole being sings praises to you!

2Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn!

3I will thank you among the peoples, Lord, I will sing your praises among the nations.[fn]

4For your trustworthy love reaches higher than the heavens, your faithfulness is higher than the clouds.

5God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory is over all the earth![fn]

6Rescue those you love! Answer us, and save us by your power!

7God has spoken from his Temple: “Triumphantly I divide up Shechem, and portion out the Valley of Succoth.

8Both Gilead and Manasseh belong to me. Ephraim is my helmet, and Judah is my scepter.

9I will treat Moab as my washbasin; I will place my sandal on Edom; I will shout in triumph over Philistia.”

10Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me into Edom?

11Have you rejected us, God? Won't you go out with our armies?

12Please give us help against our enemies, for human help is worthless.

13Our strength is in God, and he will crush our enemies.[fn]

109 For the music director. A psalm of David.

109God, the one I praise, please don't remain silent,

2because wicked and deceitful people are attacking me, telling lies about me.

3They surround me with words of hate, fighting against me for no reason.

4I love them, but they respond with hostility towards me, even while I'm praying for them!

5They pay me back with evil instead of good, with hatred instead of love.[fn]

6“Appoint someone wicked over him.[fn] Have someone stand as an accuser against him.

7When he is judged and sentenced, may he be found guilty. Let his prayers be counted as sins.

8May his life be short; let someone else take over his position.

9May his children be left fatherless, and his wife become a widow.

10May his children be homeless, wandering beggars, driven from their ruined houses.

11May creditors seize all that he owns; may strangers take all that he worked for.

12May no one be kind to him; may no one take pity on his fatherless children.

13May his descendants die; may his family name be wiped out in the next generation.

14May the Lord be reminded of the sins of his fathers; may his mother's sins not be blotted out.

15May their sins be constantly before the Lord; may his name be totally forgotten by people.

16For he didn't think to be kind to others, instead he harassed and killed the poor, the needy, the brokenhearted.

17He loved to put a curse on others—let it come back on him. He had no time for blessings—so may he never receive any.

18He cursed as often as he got dressed. May his curses go into him like the water he drinks, like the olive oil he rubs on his skin that enters his bones.

19May his curses stick to him like clothing, may they be pulled tight around him like a belt.”

20May all this be the punishment of the Lord on my enemies, on those who speak evil of me.[fn]

21But treat me well, Lord God, because of your own reputation. Save me because you are faithful and good.

22For I am poor and needy, and my heart is breaking.

23I am fading away like an evening shadow; I am like a locust that is shaken off.

24I am so weak from lack of food that my legs give way; my body is just skin and bones.

25People ridicule me—they look at me and shake their heads!

26Help me, Lord my God; save me because of your trustworthy love.

27May they recognize that this is what you are doing—that you are the one who saves me.

28When they curse me, you will bless me. When they attack me, you will defeat them. And I, your servant, will be happy.

29May those who accuse me be clothed with disgrace; may they cover themselves with a cloak of shame.

30But I will keep on thanking the Lord, praising him to everyone around me.

31For he takes a stand to defend the needy, to save them from those who condemn them.

110 A psalm of David.

110The Lord said to my Lord,[fn] “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for you.[fn]

2The Lord will expand your royal power from Zion; you will rule over your enemies.

3Your people willingly follow you on the day when your power is revealed on the holy mountains, renewed in strength every morning like dew at dawn.[fn]

4The Lord has made a vow he will not break: “You are a priest forever, following the order of Melchizedek.”

5The Lord stands right beside you to support you; he will strike down kings in his anger.

6He will execute judgment on the nations, filling their lands with corpses. He will strike down those who rule all over the earth.

7He[fn] will drink from streams beside the path.[fn] Therefore[fn] he will be victorious.

111Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart in the congregation of the faithful.

2All the wonderful things the Lord has done are studied by everyone who loves them.

3His majesty and honor are revealed by what he does; his goodness lasts forever.

4He wants the wonderful things he has done to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and kind.

5He feeds those who respect him; he always remembers the agreement he made.

6He demonstrated to his people the powerful things he could do by giving them the lands of other nations.

7Everything he does can be depended on, and is right; all his commandments are trustworthy.

8They remain rock-solid forever. He was true and right in saying what should be done.

9He delivered[fn] his people. He commanded that his agreement would continue forever. How holy and awesome is his reputation!

10The beginning of wisdom is honoring the Lord. Those who follow what he says do well. He is to be praised forever!

112Praise the Lord! Happy are those who respect the Lord, who love to do what he says!

2Their descendants will prosper in the land; the children of those who do good will be blessed.

3Their families[fn] will be wealthy; the good they do has eternal results.

4Light shines in the darkness for those who live right, for those who are gracious, compassionate, and good.

5Good things come to those who are generous in their lending and are honest in doing business.

6They will never fall. Those who live right won't be forgotten.

7They aren't afraid of bad news because they rely totally on the Lord.

8They are confident and brave, and see their enemies defeated.

9They share generously, giving to the poor; the good they do has eternal results. They are greatly respected.

10The wicked observe all this and are mad; they gnash their teeth in anger. They waste away, and all that they hoped for comes to nothing.

113Praise the Lord! Praise him, servants of the Lord! Praise the Lord's as he is![fn]

2Let the Lord's nature be praised, now and forever.

3Let everyone everywhere, from the east to the west,[fn] praise the Lord as he is!

4The Lord rules supreme over all nations; his glory extends higher than the heavens.

5Who is like the Lord our God? He is the one who lives on high, seated on his throne.

6He has to stoop low to look down on the heavens and the earth.

7He helps the poor up from the dust; he lifts the needy from the dump.

8He gives them positions of honor[fn] together important leaders,[fn] with leaders of his own people.

9He makes the childless woman happy in her home by giving her children. Praise the Lord!

114At the time of the exodus of Israel from Egypt, when the descendants of Jacob left that foreign country,[fn]

2the land of Judah became the Lord's sanctuary, Israel his kingdom.

3The Red Sea saw them and ran away; the Jordan River retreated.

4Mountains jumped in fright[fn] like rams, hills startled[fn] like lambs.

5Red Sea—why did you run away? Jordan River—why did you retreat?

6Mountains—why did you jump in fright? Hills—why did you startle like lambs?

7Earth, tremble in the presence of the Lord, tremble in the presence of the God of Jacob!

8He is the one who turned the rock into a pool of water; making water flow from the hard rock.[fn]

115Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to you all glory should be given, because of your trustworthy love and faithfulness.

2Why should the heathen nations ask, “Where is your God?”

3Our God is in heaven, and he does whatever he wants.

4Their idols are just things of silver and gold made by human hands.

5They have mouths, but can't speak. They have eyes, but can't see.

6They have ears, but can't hear. They have noses, but can't smell.

7They have hands, but can't feel. They have feet, but can't walk. No sound comes from their throats.[fn]

8Those who make idols become just like them, and so does everyone who trusts in them.

9Israel, trust in the Lord! He is the one who helps you and protects you.

10Descendants of Aaron, trust in the Lord! He is the one who helps you and protects you.

11Those who honor the Lord, trust in the Lord! He is the one who helps you and protects you.

12The Lord keeps us in mind and will be good to us. He will bless Israel, he will bless the descendants of Aaron.

13The Lord will bless all those who worship him, whoever they are.[fn]

14May the Lord be good to you, you and your children.

15May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth.

16The heavens belong to the Lord, but he has given the earth to humankind.

17The dead do not praise the Lord, those who have gone down into the silence of the grave.

18But we the living will always praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

116I love the Lord because he listens to me, he hears my calls for help.

2Because he pays attention to what I say I will pray to him as long as I live.

3I was caught in the snares of death; I was trapped by terrors of the grave. All I experienced was suffering and grief.

4Then I cried out to the Lord, “Lord, please save me!”

5The Lord is so kind and good! Our God is so compassionate!

6The Lord takes care of those who are powerless;[fn] when I was brought down he saved me.

7I can once again be at peace because the Lord has been good to me.

8For you have saved me from death, my eyes from crying, and my feet from stumbling.

9Now I can walk with the Lord in the land of the living.

10I trusted in you, so I told you, “I'm suffering terribly!”

11I was so upset that I said, “Everyone's a liar!”

12What can I give the Lord in return for all he's done for me?

13I will lift up the cup of salvation[fn] and worship the Lord.

14I will keep my promises to the Lord so everyone can see.[fn]

15It hurts[fn] the Lord when those who trust in him die.[fn]

16Lord, I really am your slave, serving you as my mother served you before me, yet you have set me free.

17I will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to you and I will worship you.

18I will keep my promises to the Lord so everyone can see,

19there in the house of the Lord, right in Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!

117Praise the Lord, all nations; everyone everywhere, praise how wonderful he is!

2For his trustworthy love for us is above all; his faithfulness is eternal. Praise the Lord!

118Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love lasts forever.

2Let all Israel say, “His trustworthy love lasts forever.”

3Let Aaron's descendants say, “His trustworthy love lasts forever.”

4Let those who honor the Lord say, “His trustworthy love lasts forever.”

5I was suffering badly, so I cried out to the Lord for help. He answered me and set me free from my pain.

6The Lord is with me, so I have nothing to fear. No one can harm me.

7The Lord is with me, he will help me. I will see those who hate me defeated.

8It's better to rely on the Lord than to trust in people.

9It's better to rely on the Lord than to trust in the rich and powerful.[fn]

10Even though all the heathen nations surrounded me,[fn] I defeated them with the help of the Lord.[fn]

11They completely surrounded me, but even so I defeated them with the help of the Lord.

12Like a swarm of bees they attacked, but their attack died out as quickly as burning thorn twigs. I defeated them with the help of the Lord.

13They tried as hard as they could to kill me, but the Lord helped me.

14The Lord is my strength, and the one I sing about. He is the one who saves me.

15Songs of celebration and victory come from the tents of the faithful. The Lord's powerful hand has done amazing things!

16The Lord raises his powerful hand in victory! The Lord's powerful hand has done amazing things!

17I'm not going to die. In fact I'm going to live, and let people know what the Lord has done.

18Even though the Lord punished me severely, he did not let me die.

19Open the gates of the faithful[fn] for me so I can go in and thank the Lord.

20These are the gates of the Lord where God's faithful people enter.

21I want to thank you for answering me and for being the one who saves me.

22The stone rejected by the builders has turned out to be the chief cornerstone.

23The Lord has done this, and it looks wonderful to us!

24The Lord made this day happen! We will celebrate and be happy for it!

25Lord, please save us! Lord, please make us successful!

26May the one who comes in the power of the Lord by blessed! We bless you from the house of the Lord!

27The Lord is God, and his goodness shines on us.[fn] Branches in hand, start the procession up towards the altar.

28You are my God, and I will thank you! You are my God, and I will praise you!

29Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love lasts forever!

119 Aleph[fn]

119Happy are those who do what is right, who follow what the Lord says.

2Happy are those who keep his commandments, who sincerely want to follow him.

3They don't do what's wrong; they walk in his ways.

4You have ordered us to follow your instructions carefully.

5May I be reliable in the way I keep your rules!

6Then I won't be ashamed when I compare what I do to what you have said.

7I will praise you sincerely as I learn from you the right way to live.

8I will observe your laws. Please never give up on me!


9How does a young person remain pure? By following what you say.

10I worship you sincerely; please don't let me stray from your commands.

11I keep what you say in mind so I won't sin against you.

12Thank you Lord! Teach me what to do!

13I repeat out loud your instructions.

14I enjoy your laws more than having plenty of money.

15I will think deeply about your teachings, and reflect on your ways.

16I will take pleasure in following your directions; I won't forget what you say.


17Be kind to your servant so I can live and follow what you teach.

18Open my eyes so I may discover wonderful things in your law.

19I'm only here for a short time—don't let me miss what you have to say.[fn]

20I'm always so keen to know your instructions.

21You reprimand those who are arrogant; those who don't follow your commandments are cursed.

22Don't let me be scorned and insulted, for I have kept your laws.

23Even leaders[fn] sit down together and slander me, but I, your servant, will think seriously about your instructions.

24Your laws make me happy—they are my wise advisors.

25I'm dying here, lying in the dust. Keep me alive as you promised.

26I explained my situation to you, and you answered me. Teach me to follow your directions.

27Help me understand what your laws mean, and I will meditate on the wonderful things you do.

28I'm weeping because I'm so sad; please encourage me as you promised.

29Stop me fooling myself; kindly teach me your law.

30I have chosen to trust in you. I always pay attention to what you say.

31I hold on to your teachings, Lord. Don't let me be ridiculed.

32I run to follow your commands, for you have expanded my mind![fn]


33Teach me the meaning of your laws, and I will always keep them.

34Help me to understand so I can be totally committed to doing what you want.

35Lead me to follow your commands, for this is what I love to do

36Help me to concentrate on what you say[fn] rather than on making a profit.

37Don't let me focus on things that are worthless. Help me live in your ways.

38Please keep your promise to me, your servant, that you made to those who worship you.

39Take away the shame I dread, for your law is good.

40I always want to do what you say. Please let me live, for you do what is right.


41Lord, please love me with your trustworthy love; please give me the salvation you promised.

42Then I can reply to those who mock me, for I trust what you say.

43Don't ever prevent me from being able to speak your words of truth, for I place my complete confidence in your just judgments.

44I will continue to follow your teachings, forever and ever.

45I shall live in freedom, for I have committed myself to obeying you.

46I will instruct kings about your laws—I won't be embarrassed.

47I'm so happy for your instructions. I love them!

48I lift up my hands in prayer, honoring your commandments. I will think deeply about all you say.


49Remember your promise to me, your servant. It's my only hope.

50This is what brings me encouragement in my misery—your promise keeps me going!

51Arrogant people mock me terribly, but I don't give up on your teachings.

52I think about the instructions you gave long ago, Lord, and they reassure me.

53I am angry with the wicked because they have rejected your law.

54Your instructions have been music to my ears[fn] wherever I have lived.

55At night I think about the kind of person you are, Lord, and do what you say.

56For this is how I live my life—by following your principles.


57Lord, you are mine! I have promised to do as you say.

58My whole being wants your blessing—please be kind to me, as you have promised!

59As I think about my life, I turn to follow what you have said.

60I hurry to keep your commandments without delay

61Even though wicked people try to tie me up, I won't forget your instructions.

62I get up in the middle of the night to thank you for your good laws.

63I identify with all those who follow you, those who do what you tell them.

64Lord, you love everyone on earth;[fn] please teach me what to do.


65Lord, you have been so good to me, your servant, as you have promised.

66Now teach me wise judgment and discernment because I believe in your instructions.

67Previously I was suffering, wandering away from you, but now I do what you say.

68Since you are good, everything you do is good. Teach me your ways.

69Arrogant people smear my reputation with lies; but I whole-heartedly follow your commands.

70They are cold and unfeeling,[fn] but I love your law.

71The suffering[fn] I went through was good for me, so I could think about what you have stipulated.

72What you tell me to do is worth more to me than much gold and silver.


73You created me and made me what I am; help me to learn and better understand your commandments.

74May those who worship you be happy when they see me, for I place my confidence in your word.

75Lord, I know that what you decide is right; you brought me down in order to help me because you are trustworthy.

76May your trustworthy love comfort me as your promised me, your servant.

77Be compassionate to me so I may live, for I love your teachings.

78Bring down those proud people who wronged me with their lies. I will spend time thinking about your instructions.

79Let those who follow you turn to me, those who understand your laws.

80May I be innocent in the way I keep your rules so that I won't be ashamed.


81I'm exhausted waiting for you to save me, but my hope is in your word.

82I strain my eyes looking for you to keep your promises, asking “When will you comfort me?”

83I've become like a wineskin that's been shriveled up by smoke, but I have not forgotten to do as you say.

84How long do I have to wait before you punish my persecutors?

85These arrogant people have dug pits to trap me, these people who don't care anything about your law.

86All your commands are trustworthy. Help me against these people who persecute me with their lies!

87They have almost killed me, but I have not given up on what you say.

88Since you love me with your trustworthy love, don't let me die, so I can go on following the instructions you have given.


89Your word, Lord, lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens.

90Your faithfulness lasts for all generations, as permanent as the earth you created.

91Your judgments stand—they are as true today as ever—for everything serves your will.

92If I didn't love your teachings, my suffering[fn] would have killed me.

93I will never forget your instructions, for through them you give me life.

94I belong to you, so please save me! I am committed to following your rules.

95Even though wicked people are waiting to ambush and kill me, I will focus my mind on what you say.

96I recognize that human perfection has its limits, but your law is limitless.


97I really love your law! I meditate on it all day long.

98Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for I'm always thinking about your instructions.

99In fact I have a better insight than all of my teachers because I spend time concentrating on what you say.

100I even understand more than the elders because I follow your directions.

101I avoid any course of action that leads to evil, because I want to remain faithful to your word.

102I have not disregarded your instructions because you yourself taught me what to do.

103Your words taste so sweet to me! They are sweeter than honey to my mouth.

104I gain understanding from what you say, so I hate any way of life that's just a lie.


105Your word is a lamp that shows me where to walk, it's a light for my path.

106I've made a promise, and I will keep it: I will keep your rules that are always right!

107Lord, I'm really suffering! Please let me live, as you have promised.

108Lord, please accept my offerings of praise that I freely give you. Teach me your rules.

109My life is always at risk,[fn] but I will not forget your law.

110Wicked people have set a trap for me, but I will not stray from your commandments.

111I will always hold on to what you say for your words make me really happy,

112I have made up my mind to follow your instructions to the very end.


113I hate people who are two-faced,[fn] but I love your law.

114You keep me safe and you defend me, your word gives me reason to hope.

115Leave me alone, you evil people, and let me keep the commandments of my God.

116Support me, Lord, as you promised, so I can live. Don't let my hope turn into discouragement.

117Support me, so I can be saved and always pay attention to your instructions.

118You reject all those who don't follow your instructions—they're fooling themselves by living a lie.

119You treat the wicked people on earth as something worthless[fn] to be discarded; therefore I love your laws.

120I have goose bumps thinking of you—I'm in awe! I'm scared of your judgments!


121I have done what's fair and right, so please don't abandon me to my enemies.

122Please promise you'll take care of me, your servant. Don't let these arrogant people mistreat me.

123I strain my eyes looking for your salvation, watching for you to fulfill your promise to make everything good.[fn]

124Please treat me, your servant, according to your trustworthy love. Teach me what you want me to do.

125I am your servant. Please give me discernment so I can understand your instructions.

126Lord, it's time for you to act, for these people have broken your laws.

127This is why I love your commandments more than gold, more than the finest gold.

128All of your rules are right in every way, and so I hate any way of life that's just a lie.


129Your laws are truly wonderful—that's why I keep them!

130Studying your words brings light so that even the uneducated[fn] can understand.

131With keen desire[fn] I long for what you have to say.

132Please pay attention to me and be kind to me, as you are with those who love you.

133Tell me by your word the way I should go, and don't let any kind of evil control me.

134Save me from cruel people so I can follow your instructions.

135Please look favorably on me, your servant, teach me what I should do.

136My tears stream down as I weep for those who don't keep your law.


137Lord, you are right, and what you decide is just!

138You have given your instructions which are fair and totally trustworthy.

139My devotion is burning me up inside because my enemies ignore your words.

140Your promises have been proved true, and that's why I, your servant, love them.

141I may be unimportant and looked down on, but I don't forget your commandments.

142Your goodness and justice last forever; and your law is the truth.

143When I have problems and sadness, your commands make me happy.

144Your laws are always right; help me to understand what they mean so I can live.


145My whole being is crying out! Lord, please answer me! I will follow your instructions.

146I pray to you, asking, “Please save me!” so I can do what you say.

147I get up before dawn, and call out to you for help and put my hope in your word.

148During the night I stay awake, meditating on your word.

149Listen to what I have to say, Lord, because of your trustworthy love. Keep me alive, Lord, because you always do what's right.

150Evil people come running to attack me—they totally disregard your law.

151But you, Lord, are close beside me; all your commandments are true.

152Long ago I realized that your laws will last forever.


153Please look at my suffering and save me! I have not forgotten your teachings.

154Plead my case, and save me as you promised! Let me live!

155Wicked people can't be saved, because they don't care about what you say.

156Lord, your mercy is so great! Because you are always fair, please let me live!

157Despite the many people who persecute and mistreat me, I have not strayed from your laws.

158Watching these unfaithful people disgusts me because they take no notice of your word.

159See how much I love your commandments, Lord. Please let me live because of your trustworthy love.

160Your word can be summed up in one word: truth! All of your just laws will last forever.


161Leaders[fn] persecute me for no reason, but I am in awe only of your word.

162Your word makes me so happy—I'm like someone who discovers immense treasure.

163I hate and detest lies, but I love your teachings.

164I praise you seven times a day because your laws are good.

165Those who love your teachings have wonderful peace and nothing trips them up.

166Lord, I look forward to your salvation. I keep your commandments.

167I obey your laws and love them very much.

168I keep your commandments and laws because you see everything I do.


169Lord, please listen to my sad cry; help me to understand, as you promised.

170Please hear what I have to say to you, and save me, as you promised.

171Let me pour out my words of praise, for you teach me what to do.

172I will sing about your word, for all your commandments are right.

173Please be ready to help me, for I have chosen to follow your instructions.

174I long for your salvation, Lord; your teachings make me happy.

175May I live my life in praise to you, and may your instructions help me.

176I have wandered away like a lost sheep, so please come looking for me, for I have not forgotten your commandments.

120 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

120I called out to the Lord for help in all my troubles, and he answered me.

2Lord, please save me from liars and cheats!

3What will the Lord do to you, you liars? How will he punish you?

4With the sharp arrows of a warrior and burning coals made from a broom tree.

5I'm sorry for myself, because I live as a foreigner in Meshech, or among the tent-dwellers of Kedar.[fn]

6I have lived for far too long among people who hate peace.

7I want peace, but when I talk of peace, they want war.

121 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

121I look to the hills[fn]—but is that where my help comes from?

2My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

3He will not let you fall; he who watches over you won't fall asleep.

4In fact he who watches over you doesn't take naps or fall asleep.

5The Lord keeps watch over you; the Lord protects you; he stands right beside you.

6The sun won't hurt you during the day, nor the moon at night.

7The Lord will protect you from all kinds of evil; he will keep you safe and sound.

8The Lord will look after you when you leave, and when you return, now and forever.

122 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

122I was so happy when they said to me, “Let's go the house of the Lord.”

2Now we're standing inside your gates, Jerusalem!

3Jerusalem is built as a city where people can be together.[fn]

4All the tribes—the tribes of the Lord—go up there, following the command given to Israel to give thanks to the Lord.

5This is where the thrones are placed, where judgment is given, the thrones of the house of David.

6Pray that Jerusalem may be at peace. May everyone who loves Jerusalem be kept safe.

7May there be peace within your walls, and safety within your fortresses.

8On behalf of my family and friends, I will now say, “May you be at peace.”

9On behalf of the house of the Lord our God, I pray that everything goes well for you.

123 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

123I look up to you, the one who rules from heaven.

2Just as servants look to their master, or a maid looks to her mistress, so we keep our eyes on you, Lord our God, waiting for you to be merciful to us.

3Please have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy. We've had enough of people's contempt.

4We've had more than enough of the scorn of the proud, and the contempt of the arrogant.

124 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

124If the Lord hadn't been for us, what would have happened? Let everyone in Israel say:

2If the Lord hadn't been for us, what would have happened when people came and attacked us?

3They would have swallowed us alive when their anger raged against us.

4Like a flood they would have swept over us; like a rushing torrent they would have submerged us.

5They would have rushed over us like raging waters, drowning us.

6Praise the Lord, who didn't hand us over to them as prey to be ripped apart by their teeth.

7We escaped from them like a bird flying out of a hunter's trap. The trap was broken and we flew away!

8Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

125 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

125Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, for it is unshakeable and endures forever.

2In the same way that the mountains surround Jerusalem, the Lord surrounds his people, now and forever.

3The wicked will not always rule[fn] over the land of the faithful, otherwise the faithful might also end up doing wrong.

4Lord, please do good to those who do good, those who sincerely do what is right.

5But as for those who turn aside to follow their own crooked ways—those the Lord will lead them away together with those who do evil.[fn] May Israel be at peace!

126 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

126When the Lord brought his people back from captivity to Zion, it was as if we were dreaming!

2We laughed so much, we sang for joy. The other nations said, “The Lord has done wonderful things for these people.”

3The Lord certainly has done wonderful things for us. How happy we were!

4Please return and help us again, Lord. Renew us like streams of water that renew the Negev desert.

5Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy!

6Those who weep as they go out to sow their seed will be singing in celebration when they carry the harvest home.

127 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. A psalm of Solomon.

127If the Lord doesn't build the house, the work of the builders is futile. If the Lord doesn't guard the city, the work of the guards is pointless.

2It's useless to get up early in the morning and go to work, and stay late into the evening, worrying about earning enough to eat, when the Lord gives rest to those he loves.

3Children certainly are a gift from the Lord, for a family is a blessing.[fn]

4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of a young man.

5Happy is the father who fills his quiver[fn] with them! Such fathers will not be embarrassed when they confront their enemies at the city gate.[fn]

128 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

128Happy are all those who worship the Lord, everyone who follows his ways!

2You will eat what your own hands have produced. You will be happy and do well.

3Your wife will be like a fruitful vine growing in your home. Your children will be like the shoots of an olive tree around your table.

4This will certainly be the Lord's blessing on those who worship him.

5May the Lord go on blessing you from Zion; may you see Jerusalem prosper all the days of your life.

6May you see your children's children. May Israel be at peace!

129 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

129Many enemies have attacked from the time I was young. Let everyone in Israel say:

2Many enemies have attacked from the time I was young, but they never defeated me.

3They beat me on my back, leaving long furrows as if it had been ploughed by a farmer.

4But the Lord does what is right: he has cut me free from the ropes of the wicked.

5May everyone who hates Zion be driven back in humiliating defeat.

6May they be like grass that grows on a roof that withers before it can be harvested,

7There's not enough even for a reaper to hold, not enough even for the binder to bind.[fn]

8May passers-by not say to them, “The blessing of the Lord be on you; we bless you in the name of the Lord.”

130 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

130Lord, I cry out to you from the depths of my pain.[fn]

2Please listen to my cry, and pay attention to what I'm asking.

3Lord, if you kept a list of sins, who could escape being condemned?

4But you are forgiving so that we might respect you.

5I'm waiting for the Lord, longingly waiting, for I trust in his word.

6I long for the Lord to come, more than watchmen longing for the dawn to come, more than watchmen longing for the dawn to come.

7Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for the Lord loves us with a trustworthy love and his salvation knows no limits.

8He will save Israel from every sin.

131 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

131Lord, I'm not proud or arrogant. I don't worry about things that are beyond me, matters that are far beyond my experience.

2On the contrary, I have chosen to be calm and quiet, like a weaned child with its mother. I am like a weaned child with its mother.

3Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever!

132 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

132Lord, remember David, and all that he went through.

2He made a promise to the Lord, a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob:

3“I will not go home, I will not go to bed,

4I will not go to sleep, I will not take a nap,

5until I find a place where the Lord can live, a home for the Mighty One of Jacob.”

6In Ephrathah we received information about the Ark of Agreement, and we found it in fields near Jaar.[fn]

7Let's go to the place where the Lord lives and bow down at his feet in worship.

8Come, Lord, and enter your home,[fn] together with your Ark of your power.

9May your priests wear goodness like clothing; may your faithful people shout for joy.

10For the sake of your servant David, don't reject the king you have chosen.

11The Lord made a solemn promise to David, one he will never cancel—“I will put one of your descendants on your throne.

12If your sons keep to my agreement and my laws that I will teach them, then their sons will always occupy your throne.”

13For the Lord has chosen Zion, wanting to make his home there, saying:

14“This will always be my home; this is where I want to live.

15I will provide the people of the city with all they need; I will feed the poor.

16I will clothe its priests with salvation; and its faithful people will shout for joy.

17I will make the line of David even more powerful.[fn] I have prepared a lamp for my chosen king.

18I will humiliate his enemies, but the crown he wears will shine brightly.”

133 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

133How good, how delightful it is when people live together lin harmony!

2This is as precious as the oil used to anoint Aaron, running down from his head onto his beard, onto the collar of his clothes.

3It's like the dew of Mount Hermon that falls on Zion's mountains. That is where the Lord gave his blessing of life that lasts forever.

134 A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem.

134Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who worship at night in the house of the Lord.

2Lift up your hands towards the holy place and praise the Lord.

3May the Lord bless you from Zion, he who made the heavens and the earth.

135Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord's reputation![fn] Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord

2who worship in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God.

3Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praises to his character because it is wonderful!

4For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself; Israel as his very own.

5I know how great the Lord is—our Lord is greater than all gods.

6The Lord does whatever he wants throughout heaven and earth, on the seas and in the ocean depths.

7He causes the clouds to rise all over the earth, he makes lightning flash and give rain, he sends the winds from his storehouses.

8He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, both human and animal.

9He did wonderful miracles among you in Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants.

10He struck down many nations, he killed powerful kings, such as[fn]

11Sihon, king of the Amorites, Og, king of Bashan, and all the kings who ruled in Canaan.

12He handed over their lands to Israel, his special people, for them to possess.

13Your reputation,[fn] Lord, stands forever; you, Lord, are remembered for all generations.

14The Lord will vindicate his people; he will show compassion to those who follow him.

15The idols of the foreign nations are only objects of silver and gold, made by human hands.

16They have mouths, but can't speak; they have eyes, but can't see.

17They have ears, but can't hear; they can't even breathe![fn]

18Those who make idols will become just like them, and so will everyone who trusts in them.

19People of Israel, praise the Lord! Descendants of Aaron,[fn] praise the Lord!

20Levites, praise the Lord! Everyone who worships the Lord, praise the Lord!

21Praise the Lord from Zion, for he lives in Jerusalem! Praise the Lord!

136Thank the Lord, because he is good! For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

2Thank the Lord, the God of gods! For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

3Thank the Lord of lords! For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

4To him who alone does amazing things! For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

5To him who knew how to make the heavens. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

6To him who spread out the earth over the waters. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

7To him who made the lights above. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

8The sun to rule the day. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

9The moon and stars to rule the night. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

10To him who struck down the firstborn in Egypt. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

11He led his people out of Egypt.[fn] For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

12He did this with his strong hand and outstretched arm. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

13To him who parted the Red Sea. For his trustworthy love lasts forever,

14And led Israel through it. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

15But threw Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

16To him who led his people through the wilderness. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

17To him who struck down powerful kings. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

18To him who killed powerful kings. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

19Sihon, king of the Amorites. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

20Og, king of Bashan. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

21He gave Israel[fn] their land to possess. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

22He granted ownership to his servant Israel. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

23He remembered us even in our humiliation. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

24He rescued us from our enemies. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

25To the one who provides food for every living creature. For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

26Thank the God of heaven! For his trustworthy love lasts forever.

137When we sat down by the rivers of Babylon we wept as we remembered Zion.

2We hung up our harps on the willow trees.

3For those who had taken us captive asked us for a song—our tormentors wanted us to sing a happy song from Jerusalem.

4But how could we sing a song dedicated to the Lord in a pagan land?

5If I forget Jerusalem, may my right hand forget how to play;[fn]

6May my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I don't remember you—if I don't consider Jerusalem my greatest joy.[fn]

7Lord, please remember what the people of Edom did on the day Jerusalem fell, the ones who said “Tear it down! Destroy it down to its foundations!”

8Daughter of Babylon, you will be destroyed! Happy is the one who pays you back, who does to you what you did to us!

9Happy is the one who grabs your children and smashes them against the rocks!

138 A psalm of David.

138I thank you with my whole being; I sing your praises before the heavenly beings.[fn]

2I bow down before your holy Temple, and I am thankful because of who you are—for your trustworthy love and faithfulness—and for the fact that your promises are even greater than what people expect of you.[fn]

3On the day I cried out to you for help, you answered me. You encouraged me and made me strong.

4All the kings of the earth will praise you, Lord, for they have heard what you have said.

5They will sing about what the Lord has done and about the great glory of the Lord.

6Though the Lord is high above, he pays attention to the lowly; but he recognizes the proud a long way off.

7Even though I walk into a great deal of trouble, you protect me. You reach out to defend me from the anger of those who hate me—your strong hand saves me.

8The Lord vindicates me! Lord, your trustworthy love lasts forever! Don't give up on what you have made![fn]

139 For the music director. A psalm of David.

139Lord, you have examined me from the inside out—you know everything about me!

2You know when I sit down and when I get up. You know what I'm thinking even when I'm a long way away.

3You observe where I go and when I rest. You're familiar with everything I do.

4Lord, you even know what I'm going to say before I say it.

5You're always there—behind me, in front of me, and all around me. You place your caring hand on me.

6This amazing knowledge[fn] you have is far beyond me, way beyond my understanding!

7Where can I go that you're not already there? Where can I run to escape your presence?

8If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I lie down in Sheol,[fn] look—you are there too!

9If I were to fly away on wings of the dawn to the east; if I were to live on the far western shore of the sea,

10even there your hand would lead me, your right hand would support me.

11If I asked the darkness to hide me, and light to become night around me,

12Even darkness would not be dark for you, and the night would be bright as day, for darkness is like light to you.

13You made me from the inside out,[fn] shaping me in my mother's womb.

14I praise you for making me in such an awesome and wonderful way. What you do is incredible—I realize this completely!

15My growing body[fn] was not hidden from you as I was formed in secret, as I was intricately put together “in the depths of the earth.”[fn]

16You saw me as an embryo, and in your book all my days were written down—the days that were made for me before any of them existed.

17God, your thoughts are so valuable[fn] to me! Taken together, they can't be counted!

18If I tried to count them, they would be more than every grain of sand. Yet when I awake[fn] I am still with you.

19God, if you would only kill the wicked! Murderers,[fn] get away from me!

20When they speak of you they're being deceptively evil. Since they are your enemies, they call on you in vain.

21Lord, don't I hate those who hate you? I despise those who rebel against you!

22I hate them with absolute hatred—they have become my enemies!

23Examine me carefully, God, so you can be sure of my true feelings. Check me out so you can know what I really think.

24Please show me if I'm following any kind of idol, and lead me along the path of eternal life.

140 For the music director. A psalm of David.

140Lord, please save me from those who do evil; protect me especially from those who are violent!

2Their minds are busy plotting evil things, stirring up trouble all day long.

3Their tongues are as sharp as those of snakes; viper's venom is on their lips. Selah.

4Lord, please keep me from falling into the hands of the wicked; protect me especially from those who are violent, who are plotting my downfall.

5Proud people have hidden a trap for me—they have strung out a net on the path, they have set snares to catch me. Selah.

6I told the Lord, “You are my God! Lord, please listen to my cries for help!”

7Lord God, my powerful Savior, you covered my head like a helmet[fn] on the day of battle.

8God, don't allow the wicked to get what they want—don't let them be successful in what they plan so they don't become proud. Selah.

9May the harm spoken against me by those who surround me fall back on them,[fn]

10Let burning coals rain down on them! Let them be thrown into the fire, or into bottomless pits, never to rise again.

11Don't let people who slander others live in our land. May disaster strike down violent people.

12Yet I know the Lord defends the rights of those who are persecuted, and gives justice to the poor.

13Truly those who live right are thankful for the kind of person you are,[fn] and those who are honest[fn] will live in your presence.

141 A psalm of David.

141Lord, I'm calling out to you! Please hurry up and help me! Please listen to me when I cry out to you!

2May my prayer be like incense before you, my uplifted hands like an evening offering.

3Lord, make sure I don't say anything I shouldn't—keep a watch over my conversations.

4Don't let me think about evil things or take part in doing anything wrong with wicked people. I won't join in eating fancy food at their feasts.[fn]

5Let a good person punish me in love—let them correct me. It will be like an anointing—I won't refuse it. But I still pray against those who do evil.[fn]

6They shall be thrown down by the power of the rock that judges them, and then they will recognize what I said was true!

7Just as the earth is broken up by the plough, so shall their bones be scattered at the mouth of Sheol.[fn]

8But I'm looking to you, Lord God, for I find protection in you. Don't let me die!

9Keep me safe from the traps they have set to catch me, from the snares of evil people.

10Let them fall into their own traps while I pass by unharmed.

142 A maskil of David, when he was in the cave. A prayer.

142I call out to the Lord for help; pleading with the Lord for mercy.

2I pour out my complaints before him; I tell him what's troubling me.

3When I'm totally discouraged, you know the direction I should take. But whichever way I go, people set traps for me.

4I look to my right for someone to support me—but no one pays me any attention. There's no safe place for me—no one cares about me at all.

5I cry out to you, Lord, for help, saying, “You are the one who keeps me safe; you are all I need in life.[fn]

6Please listen to my sad cry, for I'm feeling very low. Please save me from those who are after me, for they're too strong for me.

7Release me from my prison so I can praise you for the person you are! Those who live right will gather round me because you have treated me so well.”

143 A psalm of David.

143Lord, please hear my prayer. Because you are faithful, please listen to my appeal for mercy. Answer me because you do what is right!

2Please don't place me, your servant, on trial, because nobody is innocent in your sight.

3The enemy has chased me down. He crushes me to the ground. He makes me live in darkness like those who died a long time ago.

4I sense myself fading away inside; I am overwhelmed by a sense of desolation.

5I think of days long ago, and as I meditate I talk to myself about all you have done, I reflect on what you have accomplished.

6I stretch out my hands to you, thirsting for you like dried-out land. Selah.

7Please answer me quickly, Lord! I'm dying! Don't turn away otherwise I'll be just like those who are going down into the grave.

8Tell me every morning about your trustworthy love, because I put my confidence in you. Show me the way I should go, because I dedicate myself to you.

9Save me from those who hate me, Lord—I run to you for protection.

10Teach me your will for you are my God. May your spirit of goodness lead me and make my way smooth.

11Because of the kind of person you are, let me go on living. Because you always do what's right, get me out of the trouble I'm in.

12In your trustworthy love, get rid of those who hate me, destroy all my enemies, for I am your servant.

144 A psalm of David.

144Praise the Lord—he is my rock. He trains me for battle, he gives me skill for war.

2He is the one who faithfully loves me, protects me, and defends me. He is the one who rescues me, shields me from danger, and keeps me safe. He defeats nations and places them under my rule.

3Lord, what are human beings that you should care about them? What are people that you should concern yourself with them?

4Humanity is like a breath; their lives are like a passing shadow.

5Part your heavens and come down.[fn] Touch the mountains so that they give off smoke.

6Scatter your enemies[fn] with flashes of lightning! Let your arrows fly and send them running in confusion!

7Stretch down your hand from heaven and set me free. Rescue me from raging waters, from the oppression of foreign enemies.

8They are such liars, even telling lies under oath.[fn]

9God, I will sing a new song to you, accompanied by a ten-stringed harp,

10to you, the one who gives victory to kings. You saved your servant David from death by the sword.

11Set me free. Rescue me from the oppression of foreign enemies. They are such liars, even telling lies under oath.

12Then our sons will grow up like plants in their youth and become mature, and our daughters will be like beautiful pillars carved to support a palace.

13Our storehouses will be full of all kinds of crops; our flocks of sheep will grow by thousands, increasing by tens of thousands in the pastures.

14Our cattle will grow fat. No one will break down our city walls, there will be no exile, no cries of mourning in our town squares.

15The people who live like this will be happy. Happy are those whose God is the Lord.

145 A psalm of David. A song of praise.

145I will glorify you, my God and King! I will praise who you are forever and ever!

2I will praise you every day; I will praise your character forever and ever!

3The Lord is great and deserves much praise! His greatness cannot be measured!

4Let every generation tell the next all that you do, sharing the stories of your amazing miracles!

5They will speak[fn] of your majesty, your glorious splendor, and I will meditate on the wonderful things you have done.

6They will speak of the power of your awesome actions, and I will say how wonderful you are.

7They will explain to everyone how famous you are for your tremendous goodness, and joyfully celebrate how you always do what is right.

8The Lord is merciful and gracious, not easily angered, and full of trustworthy love.

9The Lord is good to everyone, and he shows mercy to all his created beings.

10All the created beings will thank you, Lord, and all who faithfully follow you will praise you.

11They will praise the glory of your kingdom, and talk about your power.

12They will explain to people your wonderful miracles, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.

13Your kingdom never ends, and your rule continues for all generations. What the Lord promises can always be trusted; he is merciful in all he does.[fn]

14The Lord helps up all those who fall down; he lifts up all those who are bowed down.

15All eyes are on you, waiting in hope, and you give food at just the right time.

16You give generously and satisfy the needs of every living thing.

17The Lord does right in everything—his actions are always trustworthy.

18The Lord is close to all who ask for his help, to all who ask in sincerity.

19He satisfies the needs of those who follow him. He hears their cries for help and he saves them.

20The Lord takes care of all those who love him, but he will destroy all those who are wicked.

21I will speak in praise of the Lord, and may everyone honor his holy character, forever and ever.

146Praise the Lord! With my whole being I praise the Lord!

2I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have breath.

3Don't put your confidence in human leaders—they cannot save you.

4Once they breathe no more, they go back to dust. On that very day everything they planned dies with them.

5Happy are those who have the God of Jacob to help them—their hope is in the Lord their God—

6the one who made heaven and earth, and the sea along with everything it contains. He is trustworthy forever.

7He makes sure the oppressed receive justice. He gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free.

8The Lord makes the blind see. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down. The Lord loves those who do what is right.

9The Lord takes care of strangers among us. He looks after widows and orphans. But he makes life difficult for the wicked.

10The Lord will reign forever. Zion, he will be your God for all generations. Praise the Lord!

147Praise the Lord, for it's good to sing praises to our God! Praise is wonderful and beautiful!

2The Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem, gathering together the people of Israel who have been scattered.

3He heals the broken-hearted, and bandages the wounded.

4He knows how many stars he made, and commands all of them by name.

5Our Lord is great! His power is immense! There's no limit to what he understands!

6The Lord helps those who are bowed down to get up; but he grinds the wicked into the ground.

7Sing thanks to the Lord! Sing praises to our God with a harp!

8He covers the sky with clouds to bring rain to the earth, and makes the grass grow on the hills.

9He gives food to the animals, and to the baby ravens when they call.

10The Lord doesn't appreciate the strength of war-horses or value human power.[fn]

11What the Lord values are those who follow him, those who put their confidence in his trustworthy love.

12Jerusalem, praise the Lord! Zion, praise your God!

13He makes the bars on your city gates strong, and blesses your children around you.

14He keeps the borders of your land safe from attack; he provides you with plenty of the finest wheat.

15He sends his commands around the world—they're quickly implemented.

16He sends snow as white as wool, and scatters frost like ashes.

17He throws hail like stones.[fn] Who can stand the cold he sends?

18Then he sends out his command and it melts; he blows[fn] on it and the water flows.

19He proclaims his word to Jacob; his rules and laws to Israel.

20He has not done this for any other nation—they don't know his laws. Praise the Lord!

148Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from heaven; praise him in the heights above!

2Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly armies!

3Praise him, sun and moon! Praise him, all you shining stars!

4Praise him, highest heavens, and the waters above the heavens![fn]

5Let them all praise the Lord and his nature,[fn] for he gave the order and they were created.

6He placed them in their positions forever and ever; he established a law that will never end.

7Praise the Lord from the earth, and creatures from all the depths of the seas,

8lightning[fn] and hail, snow and clouds, and stormy wind—everything that does as he commands.

9Mountains and all the hills, fruit trees and all the trees of the forest,

10wild animals and all livestock, crawling animals and wild birds,

11earthly kings and all peoples, leaders and rulers of the world,

12young men and women, old people and children—

13Let them all praise the Lord, for his reputation[fn] is unequalled; his glory is above anything on earth or in heaven.

14He has given his people a source of strength,[fn] bringing praise to his faithful followers, the people of Israel who are dear to him. Praise the Lord!

149Praise the Lord! Sing a new song to the Lord! Praise him wherever his faithful followers gather!

2Let Israel celebrate their Creator; let the people of Zion be happy in their King.

3Praise his nature with dancing; sing praises to him, accompanied by tambourine and harp.

4For the Lord enjoys his people; he honors the oppressed with salvation.

5Let the faithful celebrate how he honors them; let them sing happily even from their beds.

6May their praises of God always be on their lips, a double-edged sword in their hands,

7ready to take revenge on the nations, to punish the foreign peoples,

8to imprison their kings in shackles and their leaders in iron chains,

9to impose the judgment decreed against them. This is an honor for all his faithful followers. Praise the Lord!

150Praise the Lord! Praise God in his holy place![fn] Praise him in the great expanse of heaven!

2Praise him for the amazing things he does! Praise him for how wonderfully great he is!

3Praise him with the sound of the trumpet, praise him with harp and lyre!

4Praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with strings and flutes!

5Praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with really loud cymbals!

6Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

1:5 “Those who live right”: literally, “the righteous.” However, this term is little used in general non-church language and so in this translation it is replaced with phrases such as “those who live right” or “those who do good/right” etc. This is more than being correct, it means living a life that is morally right.

2:1 “Plotting rebellion”: The word is only found here in the OT and is variously translated as “rage,” “uproar,” “assemble,” “consult together.” In the context and with the Hebrew verse parallelism it seems that “conspiring” or “plotting rebellion” best fits here.

2:2 “To attack”—implied.

2:2 In this context “anointed one” means the king of Israel.

2:7 Literally, “begotten you.”

2:10 Referring back to those mentioned in verse 2.

2:12 “Son”: referring to verse 7.

2:12 “Anger”: throughout the Psalms God is spoken of as becoming angry, usually in response to sin and wickedness. However, this should not be equated to the human form of anger with its volatile, unpredictable, and emotional elements. It is really describing God's strong hostility to evil.

3:1 Since David is the writer this is clearly a reference to a widespread rebellion against him as king.

3:3 Literally, “you are my glory” which makes little sense in English.

3:5 Implied.

4:4 Some translate this word as “anger,” but the sense of this verse is to realize God's abilities and consequently to turn away from sinful actions.

4:6 See Numbers 6:26.

4:8 Alternatively: “for you Lord keep me safe, even being alone.”

5:3 “I put my requests to you.” Alternatively “I offer a sacrifice to you.”

5:3 Implied.

5:9 Referring to David's enemies.

6:0 The meaning of this term is not known.

6:4 This could either mean to turn towards the psalmist, or for the Lord to change his mind and heal the psalmist.

7:3 “Done what I'm accused of”: literally, “done this.”

7:6 The psalmist is using imagery that is very human to describe God. Telling God to wake up is surely not meant to be taken literally, but a plea for God to act. Similarly the appeal for God's anger to be directed against the fury of his enemies reflects a desire to be vindicated, not a description of the nature of God.

8:1 Literally, “name.” In Hebrew thought name was a description of reputation and character.

8:5 “God”: or, “the angels” or “heavenly beings.” The word used is “elohim,” one of the usual names for God.

9:0 In some Hebrew manuscripts and the Septuagint, Psalms 9 and 10 are combined as one.

9:10 Literally, “name.”

10:10 It is uncertain as to whether this line refers to the victims or the wicked. If it is the latter, it could be translated, “They crouch down and lie low.”

12:2 Literally, they have “double hearts.”

12:8 “Everywhere”: literally, “among the offspring of humankind.”

13:3 Literally, “give light to my eyes.” Bright eyes were seen as indicative of good health.

14:7 The term used here is often applied to the return from Exile, but here would apply to the blessings the people would receive when they returned to God.

15:1 Literally, “Who may dwell in your tent?”

16:3 The meaning of this verse is unclear.

16:5 Literally, “You are my portion, my cup, and you maintain my lot.”

16:6 Referring to the way in which land was divided up, particularly when the Promised Land was first settled. What the psalmist is saying is that the dividing lines produced land that was good for him. Literally, “The measuring lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.”

16:7 Literally, “my kidneys.”

17:1 Literally, “which is not among the lips of deceit.”

17:4 Or “I have seen what happens to violent people.”

17:8 Literally, “Guard me as the pupil of your eye.”

17:10 Literally, “They close up the fat.”

17:14 The meaning of this verse is uncertain, even whether it is a blessing or a curse. From the context it is certainly an appeal for God to vindicate the good and punish the bad.

18:2 Literally, “horn of my salvation.”

18:10 Literally, “cherub,” but in English this has become associated with an angelic baby.

18:14 Implied.

18:18 Literally, “my day of disaster.”

18:19 Literally, “brought me out to a spacious place.”

18:19 Or “he delights in me.”

18:20 Literally, “because of the cleanness of my hands.”

18:25 The word used here means “complete” or “sound.”

18:26 Both words used here have to do with being “twisted,” the first in the sense of being clever, the second in the sense of being devious and perverse.

18:30 The word used here, often translated as “perfect,” is the same as in 18:25.

18:49 “Of who you are”: Literally, “to your name”: the concept of name in Hebrew is far more than a simple designation; it refers to the character of the person.

18:50 Or “You have given many victories to the king.”

19:4 Implied; literally, “in them.”

19:7 The word used here, often translated as “perfect,” is the same as in 18:25 and 18:30, and indicates not only perfection but aspects that are wholesome and healthful.

19:10 Referring to God's laws.

19:11 Or “enlighten.”

20:1 The word “name” in the Old Testament represents not just the person but their nature and character.

20:5 The people address the king and his victory, and then look to set up banners in celebration.

20:7 “Who”: literally, “name.”

21:8 Implied.

22:3 The image is thought to be of the Ark of Agreement within the Temple as the earthly location of the presence of God.

22:5 “Defeated”: literally, “put to shame.” The concept of being disgraced is closely linked to defeat and is used in this connection in several psalms.

22:7 Literally, “they open wide their lips.”

22:15 Literally, “you lay me down in the dust of death.”

22:16 Dead Sea Scrolls. The Hebrew text reads “like a lion.”

22:17 Implied.

22:18 Literally, “cast lots.”

22:22 Literally, “proclaim your name.”

22:29 The Hebrew of this verse is unclear.

24:4 “Clean” in the sense of innocent and not guilty of sin.

24:4 “Don't worship idols” or “don't take the name of the Lord in vain.”

25:1 Literally, “I lift up my soul to you.”

25:8 “Those who are lost”: often translated “sinners,” the underlying meaning is “those who miss the right path,” “go astray.”

25:10 Or “covenant.” Also verse 14.

25:15 “Rescues me when I'm trapped”: literally, “pulls my feet out of the net” (for catching birds).

25:19 Literally, “hate me with violent hatred.”

26:6 Literally, “I march around your altar”—part of the actions of worship.

26:12 “I stand for what's right”: literally, “My foot stands on level ground.”

27:5 “House”: literally, “tent.” Also verse 6.

27:8 Or “I told myself, ‘I will go to the Lord.’ Lord, I am coming to you.”

27:11 “Are against me”: implied.

28:1 “Grave”: literally, “pit.”

28:8 In context this probably referred to Israel's king.

28:9 The Lord's “special possession” is his people Israel.

29:1 “Honor,” often translated by the now rather archaic term, “ascribe,” meaning to affirm a quality or attribute, give respect.

29:1 Literally, “sons of gods.” This may refer to angels or to all thinking beings.

30:11 Wearing sackcloth was a sign of mourning.

31:6 Some manuscripts have “You.”

31:8 “You have set me free”: literally, “you have set my feet in an open area.”

31:10 “Falling apart”: literally, “stumbling.”

31:15 “My whole life,” literally, “my times.”

31:16 Literally, “Let your face shine upon me.”

31:24 Literally, “strong of heart.”

32:1 The two verbs used here reflect differing ideas in relation to how sins are dealt with. In the first they are “carried away” (the Hebrew meaning of forgiveness), while in the second they are “covered” in the sense that they are no longer seen, rendered invisible. As in all metaphors, such concepts are limited since one can argue that sins cannot be “removed” in that the actions cannot be undone, nor are sins amenable to a “cover up” operation—meaning that while they are concealed they are still there. In all such discussions the wider concepts of the meaning of sin must be considered: as primarily a broken relationship with God, with wrong attitudes and actions that lead to separation and death.

32:3 “Kept quiet”—not confessing his sin. The resulting inner turmoil and stress resulted in health issues.

32:4 Literally, “Your hand was heavy on me.”

32:8 It is not clear from the text whether “I” refers to the Lord or to the psalmist. Here the verse is placed in quote marks assuming these are words of the Lord.

32:9 Literally, “or they will not come near you.”

33:4 Literally, “upright.”

33:12 Literally, “inheritance.”

33:15 Literally, “hearts.”

33:20 Literally, “shield.”

34:8 Literally, “take refuge in him.”

34:17 Implied.

35:10 Literally, “all of my bones.”

35:12 Literally, “my soul is forlorn.”

35:13 “Clothes of sackcloth”—a sign of mourning.

35:13 Literally, “my prayer returned to my bosom.”

35:16 The Hebrew here is unclear.

35:20 Literally, “the quiet ones of the land.”

35:27 The word used here “shalom” is often translated as simply “peace.” However, it is not simply the absence of conflict but also refers to a happy and prosperous life.

36:1 The word used here to personify evil is that normally used when God is speaking.

36:2 The Hebrew of this verse is unclear.

37:15 Implied.

38:13 Implied.

39:1 Literally, “I will keep a muzzle over my mouth.”

39:4 The psalmist is not actually asking for information, but protesting that he is suffering when his life is so short.

39:8 Sin is often regarded as rebellion against God.

40:2 The word used here is usually translated “tumult” or “roaring” but is here thought to mean “desolation” or “destruction.”

40:4 It is unclear from the text whether people or false gods are being described here.

40:6 Literally, “you have dug ears for me.”

40:8 Literally, “your Law is in the midst of my intestines.”

40:9 Probably referring to the large meetings at the Temple.

40:12 Literally, “my heart fails me.”

41:8 Literally, “a thing of wickedness has been poured out on him,” suggesting they think is under some kind of punishment.

41:9 Literally, “the man of my peace.”

42:2 This phrase is thought to mean a spiritual experience, perhaps in the Temple.

42:4 Literally, “I pour out within me my soul.”

42:5 Literally, “the acts of salvation of his face, my God.”

42:7 Implied.

44:2 Literally, “afflicted.”

44:7 Or “humiliated.”

44:10 Literally, “plundered us.”

44:17 Literally, “covenant.”

44:18 Literally, “Our hearts have not turned back and our steps have not turned aside from your way.”

44:20 Literally, “spread out our hands to another god.”

45:0 The theme is one of a royal wedding.

45:4 Literally, “Let your right hand teach you fearful deeds.”

45:10 The psalmist is addressing the queen.

45:12 Literally, “daughter.”

45:17 Implied. Clearly the psalmist himself would not live through all generations.

46:5 That is not to say that the city had no protection at night, but that as soon as there was enough light for an enemy to see to attack, God would protect the city.

46:8 The word used here is often translated “desolation” but not all God's actions that are described are destructive.

47:5 Implied.

47:9 Literally, “shields.”

48:2 One interpretation is that this refers to the northern extension of Jerusalem that was not originally part of the city captured from the Jebusites. This new northern part was where the Temple and palace of Solomon were built.

48:10 Literally, “name.”

48:14 “End.” There is some debate as to how this psalm ends. Some take the phrase to mean “death,” others “forever,” while still others think it was part of the superscription for the following psalm.

49:11 Some believe the word used here has been misspelled and translate it as “their graves.”

49:12 “Don't understand” or “don't last a night.”

49:13 The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.

49:14 The significance of this verse is not clear.

49:17 “Into the grave” implied.

50:5 Literally, “covenant,” also verse 16.

50:17 Or “teaching.”

51:1 The word used here, often translated “compassion” is related to intense feelings of love and pity. It is related to the Hebrew word for “womb.”

51:7 A plant used for cleansing, but this is not a useful image for most today.

51:19 Some believe the last two verses are later additions.

52:1 “God's trustworthy love lasts all day long.” This is the meaning of the Hebrew text but the thought seems out of place here.

52:9 Literally, “in your name.”

53:0 This psalm is almost identical to Psalms 14.

53:4 These are clearly the words of God so are placed within quotes.

53:5 Or “put them to shame.”

53:6 The term used here is often applied to the return from Exile, but here would apply to the blessings the people would receive when they returned to God.

54:1 Literally, “name.”

54:6 Literally, “your name.”

54:7 “Defeated”: implied. Literally, “with my eye I have looked at those who hate me.”

55:3 Literally, “pressuring.”

55:10 This could mean that though the city walls are patrolled, the evil is inside the city; or that violence and conflict are symbolically the ones on patrol, so inevitably wickedness and trouble are within the city as well.

55:12 Implied.

55:20 Implied.

56:2 The word used here means “height” and it is thought this refers to superiority or arrogance.

56:4 Literally, “flesh.”

56:8 To record the extent of the psalmist's sorrow.

57:1 Or “gracious.”

57:3 Or “disgraces.”

58:1 The word in the Hebrew is unclear. One interpretation “gods” is surely incorrect.

58:7 The meaning of the second part of this verse is unclear.

58:9 The meaning of this verse is unclear.

59:3 This could be either some offense against the enemies or against God.

59:7 Implied.

59:11 Implied—the text simply says “lest my people forget.”

59:13 Literally, “Jacob.”

60:1 Literally, “restore.”

60:4 The Hebrew is unclear and capable of many interpretations.

60:6 This presumably refers to the dividing up of the country when the Israelites entered the Promised Land.

60:7 Ephraim was the tribe of many warriors, and synonymous with the northern kingdom, while Judah was the tribe from which the kings came, and symbolized the southern kingdom.

60:8 These are all symbols of victory and subjugation.

60:9 Since it is unlikely that the speaker of these lines is God, it is conjectured that it is now the king that is speaking. The fortified city is probably Sela, the capital of Edom, later called Petra.

60:11 Literally, “the help of man is vain.”

61:2 “Where I will be safe”: implied.

61:4 “Live with you”: literally, “dwell in your tent.”

61:5 Literally, “you have given an inheritance to those who fear your name.” The “inheritance” was originally linked to the possession of the Promised Land, and then expanded to mean all of God's blessings to his people.

62:3 The psalmist now addresses his enemies.

62:7 Literally, “glory.”

63:4 Literally, “to your name.”

63:11 “Follow God”: literally, “swear by God.”

64:1 Or “problem.”

64:9 Or “They will announce God's works and understand his labor.”

65:1 Or “a vow to you will be fulfilled in Zion.”

65:6 Literally, “you are girded with might.”

65:11 Literally, “You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon-tracks drip with fatness.”

66:4 Literally, “your name.”

66:12 The image is of an enemy army overwhelming them.

66:18 Literally, “If I had seen evil in my heart.” It was believed that it was in the heart that thinking happened.

67:6 Or “May the earth produce its crops; may God, our God, bless us.”

67:7 Literally, “fear.”

68:4 Literally, “name.”

68:4 Literally, “Yah,” a short form of Yahweh.

68:5 “His holy place”—this may be a reference to heaven or the Temple.

68:6 Or “lonely.”

68:6 Or “singing.” This word only occurs once in the Old Testament. It has also been translated as “prosperity.”

68:7 Referring to the Exodus.

68:8 Or “poured down rain.”

68:9 This line could also be directly applied to the people of Israel, since the “inheritance” was both the land and the people.

68:12 The women of Israel.

68:13 The meaning here is uncertain. Literally, “you lie down by the hearthstones (or sheepfolds).”

68:13 “To be taken.” Implied. Though the text is not clear it seems that this is related to the plunder mentioned in verse 12.

68:16 While this verse is complex, it seems to be suggesting that there were those who questioned the superiority of Mount Zion, and that their own mountains (Mount Bashan) were equally acceptable as places for God to dwell and be worshiped. It's interesting to note that even much later this issue of “which mountain” was brought up by the Samaritan woman to Jesus, since the Samaritans identified Mount Gerizim as their holy mountain.

68:19 Or “every day he carries us.”

68:21 This may refer to the practice of warriors not cutting their hair during times of war.

68:30 The meaning of this line is not clear. It may refer to Egypt, and also to other foreign nations.

68:31 The word only occurs here in the OT. Alternatively it may mean ambassadors, natron, or expensive cloth.

68:33 In other words, the Creator.

68:34 Literally, “clouds” as a symbol of heaven above.

69:21 Or “poisonous.”

69:22 Following the Septuagint text.

69:24 Literally, “indignation.”

69:27 Literally, this verse reads, “Give guilt to their guilt. Do not let them come to your righteousness.”

69:30 Literally, “name.”

69:35 God's people.

70:0 This psalm is taken from Psalms 40 with a few minor changes.

71:6 “Taken care of me”: the meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain.

71:14 “In you”: implied.

71:19 “Trustworthy and true nature”: often translated “righteousness.” The root word comes from the idea of being “straight.” Simply put, God is always straight.

72:3 Or “prosperity.”

72:5 Or “you.”

72:6 Literally, “mown grass.” A period of rain was needed after the first crop was cut in order for the second crop to grow.

72:8 From sea to sea probably refers to the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea (or Red Sea); the river to the Euphrates.

72:20 It is thought that this is an editorial comment that concludes the second book of Psalms (42-72).

73:1 Literally, “hearts.” In Hebrew understanding the heart was where thinking was done.

73:2 The psalmist is indicating he was losing faith.

73:7 Or “from their evil hearts pours out iniquity.”

73:10 The Hebrew text is hard to understand: “Therefore he brings back his people here and abundant waters are drained by them.”

73:15 Referring back to what the wicked said in verse 11.

73:16 The psalmist is trying to understand why the wicked prosper.

74:3 Of Jerusalem.

74:4 Referring to the Temple.

74:9 Generally taken to mean miraculous signs from God.

74:10 Literally, “name.”

74:11 The Hebrew imagery here needs some interpretation. Literally, “Why do you hold back your hand? And your right hand from your bosom consume.”

74:12 Hebrew has “my.”

74:13 The personal pronoun is emphasized here and in subsequent verses. It may be to identify that it was the true God of Creation who did these things, in contrast to similar stories that gave credit to pagan gods.

74:14 A sea monster also mentioned in Job.

74:16 Literally, “luminary,” this may also include light from the stars.

74:17 See Genesis 1:9-10.

74:19 The people of Israel are compared to doves in their meekness and inability to defend themselves.

74:20 Literally, “covenant.”

75:1 “Close beside us,” literally, “your name is near.”

75:3 Literally, “hold firm its pillars.”

75:4 “Don't be proud”: literally, “Don't lift up the horn.”

75:5 The Hebrew expressions need to be recast. Literally, the text says “You must not lift up on high your horn; you must not speak with an arrogant neck.”

75:8 In judgment.

76:4 Septuagint reading. Hebrew has “mountains of prey.”

76:10 The Hebrew text is unclear. The interpretation followed here is that human hostility to God ends up showing what he is truly like in the way that he deals with it.

77:4 Literally, “you seize my eyelids.”

77:7 “On me.” No object is given in these verses—it could also be “us” or “the people.”

77:10 Literally, “And I said, ‘This is my wound: the right hand of the Most High has changed.’ ”

77:16 The word used here relates to the deep mentioned in Genesis 1:2. The image also recalls the parting of the Red Sea during the Exodus, an allusion confirmed in verse 20.

78:2 Or “proverbs.”

78:9 Ephraim is often used as a term for the whole northern kingdom.

78:11 Literally, “forgot,” but here it means more than simply poor memory.

78:12 Identified as the city of Rameses (see Exodus 1:11).

78:13 “On either side”: implied.

78:19 Literally, “set a table.”

78:26 A reference to the miraculous arrival of quail (Numbers 11:31).

78:37 Or “covenant.”

78:44 “Their”—referring to the Egyptians.

78:45 Literally, “consume” but it is unlikely that flies could be seen as eating human beings.

78:46 Two different words are used for “locusts.”

78:51 Ham—referring to Egypt.

78:57 “Defective bow”—a bow that could not shoot arrows straight.

78:63 Literally, “were not praised.” Either that the men were dead so they could not marry, or they were killed themselves.

78:67 This is a reference to the Ark once it had been returned. 1 Samuel 6; 2 Samuel 6.

79:9 Literally, “for your name's sake.”

80:5 Literally, “full measure.”

80:12 “That protect it”: implied.

80:16 Implied.

80:18 Literally, “call on your name.”

81:5 Meaning unclear. Literally, “I hear lips I do not know.”

81:7 See Exodus 17.

81:10 In other words God will supply all their needs.

82:1 The word used here can mean “gods,” “heavenly beings,” or perhaps more likely here in the context, the “judges of Israel” (used in this sense in Exodus 21:6 and Exodus 22:8-9).

83:9 Sisera and Jabin: see Judges 4.

83:11 Oreb and Zeeb; Zebah and Zalmunna: see Judges 6 and Judges 7.

83:16 Literally, “fill their faces with shame.”

84:2 Meaning the Temple.

84:6 Septuagint reading.

85:1 From the context is appears this psalm was written after the Babylonian captivity.

86:13 “From death”: literally, “from the depths of Sheol.”

87:2 “Israel”: literally, Jacob.

87:4 Literally, “Rahab.”

87:4 The meaning of this verse is debated. What it seems to be saying is that despite the patriotism for each country/city mentioned, the best is to be born in Jerusalem. (See following verse.)

87:5 In other words, everyone will have the right to citizenship in Jerusalem.

87:6 In Jerusalem.

87:7 Literally, “All of my springs are in you.”

88:3 Literally, “my life reaches out to Sheol.”

88:8 Perhaps because he is regarded as unclean.

88:11 “Place of destruction”: literally, “Abaddon.”

89:3 Referring to God.

89:3 Or covenant.

89:8 “In all this”: implied.

89:13 “In command”: implied.

89:15 This may have involved the shouts that accompanied the start of religious festivals.

89:19 See 2 Samuel 7:4-17.

89:24 Literally, “In my name his horn will be exalted.”

89:25 Literally, “I will set his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers.”

89:28 Or “covenant.”

89:29 Literally, “throne.”

89:38 The psalmist is now addressing God.

89:38 Literally, “anointed one.”

89:40 The king is used as a symbol for Jerusalem which has been attacked and destroyed.

89:42 “Their victory”—implied.

89:50 “I am burdened down”: literally, “I carry in my lap.”

89:51 Literally, “anointed one.”

90:16 “For us”—implied.

91:3 “Hidden traps and deadly diseases”: literally, “the fowler's snare and plague of destruction.”

91:14 The Lord is speaking.

92:11 This appears to be the meaning of the text, but the words “defeated” and “downfall” are supplied, otherwise there would be no reason to celebrate.

93:5 “Your house”: this could refer to the Temple, or to the Lord's enduring reign.

94:1 The shining out of God's vengeance is a call for the display of justice and right. Vengeance when it is applied to God should not be taken as a vindictive action of retaliation as human beings do when they exact revenge. It is an establishing of what is right, correcting wrongs, and making sure there is resolution to the problem of evil.

94:10 “Doesn't know anything”—implied.

95:6 Speaking of entering into the Temple to worship.

95:8 “Have a hard-hearted attitude”: literally, “do not harden your hearts.”

95:11 “My rest,” referring to the Promised Land.

96:2 “Reputation”: literally, “name.”

96:13 Expanded for clarity.

97:11 Or “is sown.”

98:8 Literally, “let the rivers clap their hands together, let the hills sing for joy.”

100:3 “So we belong to him”: alternatively, “we did not make ourselves.”

101:2 “Even in private”: literally, “in my house.”

102:6 “Owl”: some identify this bird as a pelican or cormorant.

102:12 Literally, “sit.”

102:20 Meaning “those condemned to die.”

102:21 Implied.

102:23 Added for clarity.

102:27 “You are the one who always is”: literally, “you are he.”

103:4 Literally, “crowns.”

104:2 Literally, “tent curtain.”

104:4 Septuagint reading; also quoted in Hebrews 1:7.

104:20 “To hunt”: implied.

104:26 A sea monster.

104:34 Or “meditation,” “composition.”

105:5 In the context, probably referring to the judgments on heathen nations.

105:16 Literally, “called.”

105:17 This refers to the story in Genesis of Joseph being sold as a slave and taken to Egypt.

105:20 Referring to the Pharaoh.

105:22 Septuagint reading.

105:23 “Land of Ham”: an old term for Egypt.

105:25 Literally, “them.” In the context it is the people of Egypt, particularly the Pharaoh.

105:27 Or “he.”

105:28 “For hadn't they defied what the Lord had said?” This applies to the Egyptians. Alternatively it could be translated, “for they had not defied what the Lord had said,” referring to Moses and Aaron.

106:2 In other words, no one knows the full extent of God's activities.

106:7 “The Sea of Reeds.”

106:9 Literally, “rebuked.”

106:14 For food, particularly meat.

106:15 See Numbers 11:33-34.

106:17 See Numbers 16.

106:19 Literally, Horeb: another name for Mount Sinai.

106:19 See Exodus 32.

106:22 “Land of Ham”—another name for Egypt.

106:27 Following the parallel passage in Ezekiel 20:23.

106:28 A heathen god, see Numbers 25.

106:31 The same phrase is used about Abraham in Genesis 15:6.

107:3 “South”: literally “the sea.”

107:16 Of imprisonment.

108:3 These verses are almost the same as Psalms 57:8-9.

108:5 This verse is the same as Psalms 57:11.

108:13 These verses (6-13) are substantially the same as Psalms 60:5-12. For footnotes see Psalms 60.

109:5 There is a change between verse 5 and 6. The psalmist has been referring to his enemies as “they,” but from verses 6 to 19, the person being addressed is “he.” While there is no indication in the text that a different person is speaking, it seems very likely that the psalmist is quoting the words of his enemies against him. (Quotation marks were not a part of ancient punctuation.) This is the more compelling when the content of what is being said is examined. While writers of the psalms certainly do condemn their enemies and call on God to act against them, in no other psalm is there a request for inappropriate action such as the perversion of justice in rendering a guilty verdict, or counting prayers as sins. In addition the context provided by verses 1 to 5 reveals that the whole theme is one of lies and deceit practiced by the psalmist's enemies. For these reasons verses 6 to 19 are placed in quotation marks here, believing that these words originate with those who are accusing the psalmist.

109:6 This may refer to the appointment of an unjust judge to hear the case.

109:20 In this verse the psalmist returns to speaking of his enemies, and wishes all that has been said rebounds upon them.

110:1 “My Lord”: by the time of the New Testament this was applied to the Messiah, but it is not made explicit in the text here. (See for example Matthew 22:41-46; Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44).

110:1 “Footstool”: A symbol of submission.

110:3 This verse has many problems in translation, particularly at the end. Literally: “from the womb from the dawn to you the dew of our youth.”

110:7 Referring to the king that is made explicit in verse 2, not the Lord God.

110:7 In other words the king will be refreshed.

110:7 “Therefore”: probably meaning for all the reasons cited in the psalm.

111:9 Referring to the Exodus. The same word is used in Exodus 8:23.

112:3 Literally “house,” but not in the sense of a building, but a family line.

113:1 “As he is!” literally, “name,” but this word in Hebrew means far more than simply an appellation, “name” is indicative of nature and character. Also in verses 2 and 3.

113:3 Or “from sunrise to sunset.”

113:8 “Gives them positions of honor”: literally, “makes them sit.”

113:8 “Important leaders”: literally, “princes.”

114:1 “Foreign country”: literally, “people of a foreign language.”

114:4 Literally “skipped,” but this suggests a playful action when the context makes it clear that the jumping is due to fear, not joy.

114:4 “Startled”: implied. The image is of mountains and hills shaking as in an earthquake.

114:8 See Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 20:1-13.

115:7 In other words, there is no sound of breathing.

115:13 “Whoever they are”: literally, “the small with the great.”

116:6 Literally, “simple.”

116:13 Thought to refer to the wine offering.

116:14 Usually understood to mean promises to make offerings as part of the sacrificial system.

116:15 “It hurts”: the word used here is “costly,” in other words the Lord suffers a loss when those who trust in him die.

116:15 In other words, he cares deeply about those he loves and is saddened when they die.

118:9 “Rich and powerful”: literally, “princes.”

118:10 Probably referring to Israel's king.

118:10 “With the help of the Lord”: literally, “in the name of the Lord.”

118:19 Referring to the gates of the Temple.

118:27 “His goodness shines on us”: literally, “he has given us light.”

119:0 This Psalm is an acrostic, that is each group of stanzas begin with one letter of the Hebrew alphabet, from Aleph to Taw.

119:19 “I'm only here for a short time—don't let me miss what you have to say”: literally, “I am an alien in the land; you must not hide your commandments from me.”

119:23 Literally, “princes.”

119:32 “Expanded my mind”: literally, “made wide my heart.” In Hebrew thinking of the time the heart was where thoughts occurred, not emotions.

119:36 Literally, “your testimonies.”

119:54 “Music to my ears”: literally, “songs.”

119:64 Literally, “your love, Lord, fills the earth.”

119:70 Literally, “their hearts are thick like fat.”

119:71 Referring back to verse 67.

119:92 Referring back to verses 71 and 67.

119:109 Literally, “My life is continually in my hand.”

119:113 Or “duplicitous.”

119:119 “Something worthless”: literally, “dross.”

119:123 “Your promise to make everything good”: literally, “the word of your righteousness.”

119:130 Literally, “simple.”

119:131 Literally, “I open my mouth and pant.”

119:161 Literally, “princes.”

120:5 Far-off places, very distant from each other.

121:1 It seems most likely that this reference is to pagan worship which occurred on the “high places” of the hills, and that this is contrasted with the true source of help in verse 2—the Lord.

122:3 “Where people can be together,” or, “that is closely joined together.”

125:3 Literally, “the scepter of wickedness.”

125:5 It seems that two groups are in view here: unfaithful Israelites, and heathen people who do wrong.

127:3 Literally, “the reward of the fruit of the womb.”

127:5 A container for arrows.

127:5 “City gate.” The place where judgments were made, similar to a court.

129:7 The image is of something that's completely useless.

130:1 “Of my pain”: implied.

132:6 Kiriath Jearim. See 1 Samuel 7.

132:8 Literally, “resting place,” but with the sense that this is the usual place where someone resides, hence “home.”

132:17 Literally, “I will make a horn sprout for David.”

135:1 Or “character”: literally, “name.” Also verse 3.

135:10 “Such as”: implied.

135:13 “Reputation”: literally, “name.”

135:17 Literally, “indeed there is no breath in their moiuth.”

135:19 That is, the priests.

136:11 “Out of Egypt”: literally, “from among them.”

136:21 Implied.

137:5 Play music.

137:6 The meaning is that it would be an expression of unfaithfulness to the Lord to sing holy songs meant for Temple worship in a pagan country, and that Jerusalem needed to be still considered as God's holy city.

138:1 The word used here is “elohim” which would usually be translated as “gods,” but this seems strange here since the gods worshiped by pagans do not exist. It could be translated “false gods,” but why would the psalmist be singing God's praises before them? The Septuagint translates the words as “angels,” the Syriac has “kings,” and in the Targum it is “judges.” Other versions have “divine beings,” “the powers in heaven,” “the mighty,” etc. Note also the use of this word in Psalms 82:1.

138:2 Following the thought that here the reference is to “name” as “reputation.”

138:8 This probably refers to the psalmist, but it could also mean the people of Israel, or God's creation generally.

139:6 God's knowledge of the psalmist.

139:8 The place of the dead.

139:13 Literally, “kidneys,” as representative of internal organs.

139:15 “My growing body,” literally, “my bones.”

139:15 “In the depths of the earth”: this may relate to a belief that children were formed in the earth before entering the womb, or it may simply be a metaphor for the womb. In any case the point being made is that God observed the process that is hidden from human eyes.

139:17 Or “challenging.”

139:18 “Awake”: or “come to an end of counting.”

139:19 Literally, “men of blood.”

140:7 “Like a helmet”: implied.

140:9 The meaning of the Hebrew is unclear.

140:13 “Kind of person you are”: literally, “your name.”

140:13 “Those who are honest”: literally “the upright.”

141:4 This may refer to pagan festivals.

141:5 The Hebrew in this verse and the next is not clear.

141:7 The place of the dead. This may mean they do not receive a proper burial.

142:5 Literally, “you are my portion in the land of the living.”

144:5 See Psalms 18:9.

144:6 “You enemies”: implied.

144:8 Literally, “their right hand is a right hand of falsehood”—referring to the practice of raising the right hand when swearing an oath.

145:5 “They will speak”: Qumran text.

145:13 The second half of this verse is found in the Septuagint and the Syriac version, and also in the Qumran text. Since this poem is an acrostic, each verse beginning with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet, these lines provide the missing letter (nun).

147:10 The psalmist is contrasting reliance on human force such as a powerful army with God, the true source of strength, as shown by the following verse.

147:17 “Stones”: literally, “pieces of bread.”

147:18 “Blows”: or, “sends his winds.”

148:4 Understood as the heavenly dome above, where rain came from.

148:5 Literally, “name.”

148:8 Or “fire.”

148:13 Literally, “name.”

148:14 Literally, “he has raised up a horn for his people.”

150:1 Or “sanctuary.”