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KJB-1611 by section PSA 97:0

PSA 97:0–97:12 ©

Psalmes 97

01 The Maiestie of Gods kingdome. 7 The Church reioyceth at Gods iudgements vpon Idolaters. 10 An exhortation to godlinesse and gladnesse. XCVII[fn]The LORD raigneth, let the earth reioyce: let the multitude of Isles bee glad thereof. 2[fn][fn]Clouds and darkenesse are round about him: righteousnesse and iudgement are the habitation of his throne. 3A fire goeth before him: and burneth vp his enemies round about. 4His lightnings inlightned the world: the earth sawe, and trembled. 5The hilles melted like waxe at the presence of the LORD: at the presence of the LORD of the whole earth. 6The heauens declare his righteousnesse: and all the people see his glory. 7[fn]Confounded be all they that serue grauen images, that boast themselues of idoles: worship him all yee gods. 8Sion heard, and was glad, and the daughters of Iudah reioyced: because of thy iudgements, O LORD. 9For thou, LORD, art high aboue all the earth: thou art exalted farre aboue all gods. 10[fn]Yee that loue the LORD, hate euil; hee preserueth the soules of his Saints: hee deliuereth them out of the hand of the wicked. 11Light is sowen for the righteous: and gladnesse for the vpright in heart. 12[fn]Reioyce in the LORD, ye righteous: and giue thanks at the remembrance of his holinesse.

97:1 Heb. many, or, great Isles.

97:2 Psal.89. 15.

97:2 Or, establishment.

97:7 Exod.20. 4. Leuit. 26 1. Deut.5. 8. Heb. 1. 6.

97:10 Psal. 34. 13. amos 5. 15. rom.12. 9.

97:12 Or, to the memoriall.

PSA 97:0–97:12 ©
