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RV GES Chapter 6

GES 6 ©

6Now [ref] in the second year of the reign of Darius, Aggaeus and Zacharius the son of [fn] Addo, the prophets, prophesied unto the Jews in Jewry and Jerusalem; in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel, prophesied they unto them. 2Then stood up Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and Jesus the son of Josedek, and began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, the prophets of the Lord being with them, and helping them. 3[ref] At the same time came unto them [fn] Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phoenicia, with [fn] Sathrabuzanes and his companions, and said unto them, 4By whose appointment do ye build this house and this roof, and perform all the other things? and who are the builders that perform these things? 5Nevertheless the elders of the Jews obtained favour, because the Lord had visited the captivity; 6and they were not hindered from building, until such time as communication was made unto Darius concerning them, and his answer signified.

7The copy of the letter which Sisinnes, governor of Syria and Phoenicia, and Sathrabuzanes, with their companions, the rulers in Syria and Phoenicia, wrote and sent unto Darius; 8To king Darius, greeting: Let all things be known unto our lord the king, that being come into the country of Judaea, and entered into the city of Jerusalem, we found in the city of Jerusalem the elders of the Jews that were of the captivity 9building a house unto the Lord, great and new, of hewn and costly stones, with timber laid in the walls. 10And those works are done with great speed, and the work goeth on prosperously in their hands, and with all glory and diligence it is accomplished. 11Then asked we these elders, saying, By whose commandment build ye this house, and lay the foundations of these works? 12Therefore, to the intent that we might give knowledge unto thee by writing who were the chief doers, we questioned them, and we required of them the names in writing of their principal men. 13So they gave us this answer, We are the servants of the Lord which made heaven and earth. 14And as for this house, it was builded many years ago by a king of Israel great and strong, and was finished. 15But when our fathers sinned against the Lord of Israel which is in heaven, and provoked him unto wrath, he gave them over into the hands of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, king of the Chaldeans; 16and they pulled down the house, and burned it, and carried away the people captives unto Babylon. 17But in the first year that Cyrus reigned over the country of Babylon, king Cyrus wrote to build up this house. 18And the holy vessels of gold and of silver, that Nabuchodonosor had carried away out of the house at Jerusalem, and had set up in his own temple, those Cyrus the king brought forth again out of the temple in Babylonia, and they were delivered to Zorobabel and to [fn] Sanabassarus the governor, 19with commandment that he should carry away [fn] all these vessels, and put them in the temple at Jerusalem; and that the temple of the Lord should be built in its place. 20Then Sanabassarus, being come hither, laid the foundations of the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem; and from that time to this being still a building, it is not yet fully ended. 21Now therefore, if it seem good, O king, let search be made among the royal archives of our lord the king that are in Babylon: 22and if it be found that the building of the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem hath been done with the consent of king Cyrus, and it seem good unto our lord the king, let him signify unto us thereof.

23[ref] Then commanded King Darius to seek among the archives that were laid up at Babylon: and so at Ekbatana the palace, which is in the country of Media, there was found a [fn] roll wherein these things were recorded. 24In the first year of the reign of Cyrus king Cyrus commanded to build up the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem, where they do sacrifice with continual fire: 25whose height shall be sixty cubits, and the breadth sixty cubits, with three rows of hewn stones, and one row of new wood of that country; and the expenses therof to be given out of the house of king Cyrus: 26and that the holy vessels of the house of the Lord, both gold and silver, that Nabuchodonosor took out of the house at Jerusalem, and carried away to Babylon, should be restored to the house at Jerusalem, and be set in the place where they were before. 27And also he commanded that Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phoenicia, and Sathrabuzanes, and their companions, and those which were appointed rulers in Syria and Phoenicia, should be careful not to meddle with the place, but suffer Zorobabel, the servant of the Lord, and governor of Judaea, and the elders of the Jews, to build that house of the Lord in its place. 28And I also do command to have it built up whole again; and that they look diligently to help those that be of the captivity of Judaea, till the house of the Lord be finished: 29and that out of the tribute of Coelesyria and Phoenicia a portion be carefully given these men for the sacrifices of the Lord, that is, to Zorobabel the governor, for bullocks, and rams, and lambs; 30and also corn, salt, wine and oil, and that continually every year without further question, according as the priests that be in Jerusalem shall signify to be daily spent: 31that drink offerings may be made to the Most High God for the king and for his children, and that they may pray for their lives. 32And that commandment be given that whosoever shall transgress, yea, or neglect anything [fn] herein written, out of his own house shall a tree be taken, and he thereon be hanged, and all his goods seized for the king. 33The Lord therefore, whose name is there called upon, utterly destroy every king and nation, that shall stretch out his hand to hinder or endamage that house of the Lord in Jerusalem. 34I Darius the king have ordained that according unto these things it be done with diligence.

6:1 Iddo. Another reading is, Eddin

6:3 Tattenai.

6:3 Shetharbozenai

6:18 Another reading is, Sabunassarus.

6:19 Another reading is, the same.

6:23 Another reading is, place.

6:32 ft Another reading is, afore spoken or written.

6:1 Ezra iv. 24. and v. 1, &c.

6:3 Ezra v. 3.

6:23 Ezra vi. 1, &c.

GES 6 ©