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TCNT by section MARK 5:1

MARK 5:1–5:20 ©

Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man

Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man

5Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the region of the [fn]Gadarenes. 2As Jesus got out of the boat, he was immediately met by a man from the tombs who had an unclean spirit. 3This man lived among the tombs, and no one could bind [fn]him, not even with chains. 4For he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he tore the chains apart and broke the shackles in pieces. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5Night and day, [fn]on the mountains and among the tombs, he would continually cry out and cut himself with stones.

6When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and bowed down before him. 7Then he cried out with a loud voice and said, “What do yoʋ have to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure yoʋ by God, do not torment me.” 8For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of the man, yoʋ unclean spirit!” 9Then Jesus asked him, “What is yoʋr name?” He [fn]answered, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” 10And he earnestly begged Jesus not to send them out of that region.

11Now there was a large herd of pigs feeding there near the [fn]mountain. 12[fn]All the demons begged Jesus, “Send us into the pigs, so that we may go into them.” 13So he [fn]immediately gave them permission, and the unclean spirits came out and went into the pigs. Then the herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the sea, and were drowned in the sea.

14Those who had been feeding the pigs then ran off and reported it in the city and in the countryside. So the people went out to see what had happened. 15They came to Jesus and saw the man who had been possessed by demons sitting there, clothed and in his right mind—the man who had been possessed by the “Legion”—and they were afraid. 16Those who had seen it told them what had happened to the man who had been possessed by demons, and they also told them about the pigs. 17Then the people began begging Jesus to depart from their region. 18When Jesus got into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged to go with him. 19But Jesus did not permit him to do so. Instead, he said to him, “Go to yoʋr house and to yoʋr people, and report to them all that the Lord has done for yoʋ and how he has had mercy on yoʋ.” 20So the man went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him, and all the people were amazed.

5:1 Gadarenes 95% ¦ Gergesenes ANT 4% ¦ Gerasenes CT 0.3%

5:3 him ¦ him anymore CT

5:5 on the mountains and among the tombs ¦ among the tombs and on the mountains ANT CT PCK

5:9 answered ¦ said to him CT

5:11 mountain ¦ mountains TR

5:12 All the demons ¦ They CT

5:13 immediately ¦ — CT

MARK 5:1–5:20 ©
