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UST HEB Chapter 9

HEB 9 ©

9As for the earlier agreement that God made with Israel, it required people to worship God in a specific way in a sanctuary on earth. 2The sanctuary that the Israelites set up was a sacred tent that had two sections. They called the outer section the Holy Place. In it, they put a stand for lamps and a table on which they laid out special bread. 3The inner section was on the other side of an inner cloth hanging. They called this inner section the Most Holy Place. 4In it, they put the altar for incense and the sacred chest, both of which they completely coated with gold. In the sacred chest, they put a gold container with manna inside, the food that God gave the Israelites while they lived in the desert. They also put in it Aaron’s staff that God caused to produce leaves. They also put in it the stone slabs on which Moses wrote the most important parts of the agreement with God. 5On top of the sacred chest, they put two statues of glorious spiritual beings with wings. These statues cast shadows on the lid for the sacred chest. However, now is not the right time to carefully discuss each of these objects.

6After they had set up all those things, the priests went into the outer section of the sacred tent every day to serve God. 7On the other hand, on only one day a year does the current ruling priest go into the inner section of the sacred tent. He has to take blood from an animal with him, which he presents to God to take away his own sins and the sins that the rest of the Israelites committed by accident. 8The Holy Spirit shows through what the priests do in the sacred tent that God did not reveal how to enter the heavenly Most Holy Place during the time when he required people to use the first section of the earthly sacred tent. 9This first section of the earthly sacred tent figuratively describes the time in which those Israelites lived. In that time, priests presented offerings that could not enable the people who brought the offerings to distinguish properly between what is right and what is wrong. 10They also followed rules that were only about bodily things, including rules about what to eat and drink and how to wash with water often. God gave them these rules to follow until he made a new agreement with his people.

11In contrast, when the Messiah began to serve as a ruling priest, he gave us the good things that we now have. He passed through the heavenly sacred tent that functions better than the earthly one. God, not humans, made this sacred tent, and it does not belong on the earth. 12Then, when he went into the heavenly Most Holy Place only one time, he did not present blood from animals that someone sacrificed, like the priests who are descendants of Levi do. Instead, he presented his own blood and freed his people from their sins forever. 13Now those priests present blood from animals that someone sacrificed, and they scatter ashes from a female cow, which they have burned, on unclean people. When the priests do these things, they really do cleanse the outside of a person. 14Since that is true, what the Messiah does with his blood cleanses people much more! He presented himself as a perfect sacrifice to God, and the Spirit who lives forever enabled him to do so. He cleanses the inside of you all, removing what you do that accomplishes nothing and enabling you to do what the only real God requires.

15Because the Messiah cleanses the inside of people, God has made a new agreement through him. That way, God gives to those whom he chose what he promised that they would receive forever. That can happen because Jesus died to free his people from what they did wrong when they disobeyed the agreement that God made with Israel.

16Now when someone sets up a will, which is a type of agreement, that person needs to die before the will becomes effective. 17In fact, every will is valid only because of a dead person. That is because a will is not effective while the person who set it up is alive. 18Much like that, God definitely required the Israelites to use blood when he made the agreement with them. 19Indeed, after Moses declared everything that God commanded in his law to the Israelites, he picked up a bowl containing blood from animals that someone had sacrificed. Then, also using water, red cloth, and parts of a hyssop plant, he scattered the blood on the book in which he wrote what God commanded and on all the Israelites. 20When he scattered the blood, he said to them, “This blood signifies that the agreement that God made with you is now effective.” 21Moses likewise scattered blood on the sacred tent and on every tool that the priests used to serve God. 22Further, God commanded in Moses’ law that the priests should use blood almost every time they cleansed people or things. In fact, God does not forgive anyone unless a priest presents blood from an animal that someone has sacrificed.

23So then, the priests had to sacrifice animals to purify the earthly copy of the heavenly Most Holy Place. Much like that, Jesus had to present an even greater offering to purify the heavenly Most Holy Place itself. 24When he presented that offering, the Messiah went into the highest heaven, where he reveals himself right now before God to help us. He did not go into a Most Holy Place that humans have made, which is a model of the most real Most Holy Place. 25Further, he went into the highest heaven to present himself as an offering only once. That is not what the earthly ruling priests do. They go into the Most Holy Place every year and present blood from an animal that someone has sacrificed. 26If Jesus had actually needed to present himself as an offering more than once, then he would have needed to die very often since the time when God created everything. But here is what is true about Jesus: during this final time period, he presented himself one time only as an offering to make sin powerless. 27Humans will each die one time only, and then God will decide whether they are guilty or innocent. 28Much like that, the Messiah presented himself one time only as an offering to take away many people’s sins. Then, he will come again to earth, not to take away sins, but to rescue his people, who are persistently expecting him.

HEB 9 ©
