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UST LEV Chapter 9

LEV 9 ©

9Eight days later, Moses summoned Aaron, his sons, and the oldest and most respected people of Israel. 2He said to Aaron, “Take a totally healthy calf from the domesticated bulls that you own and offer it as a purifying sacrifice along with a totally healthy ram that you will offer as a wholly burned sacrifice. Present these animals to Yahweh. 3Then tell the Israelite people to take a male goat and offer it as a purifying sacrifice, along with a calf and a lamb that they will offer as a wholly burned sacrifice. Tell them to make sure that both animals are a year old and totally healthy. 4Also tell the Israelite people to take an ox and a ram and offer them as fellowship sacrifices when they sacrifice in Yahweh’s presence. They should offer these animals along with a grain offering that consists of wheat flour that they have combined with olive oil. Tell them that they should bring these offerings because Yahweh himself is going to appear to them today.”

5After Aaron relayed these instructions to the Israelite people, the people brought to the courtyard in front of the sacred tent everything that Moses told them to bring. Then all the people presented the animals and the offerings, and they stood together in Yahweh’s presence. 6Then Moses said, “This is exactly what Yahweh told you to do. Now you will see how glorious he is.”

7Then Moses said to Aaron, “Approach the altar and perform the purifying sacrifice and the wholly burned sacrifice that Yahweh told you to offer. Do this so that Yahweh will remove your sins from you and restore you and the people to relationship with him. Then perform the sacrifices that Yahweh told the people to offer. Do this so that Yahweh will remove the peoples’ sins from them and restore them to relationship with him. Perform these sacrifices exactly as Yahweh instructed.”

8So Aaron approached the altar and killed the calf that he would offer as a purifying sacrifice to cleanse the holy space dedicated to Yahweh from the impurity of his own sin. 9Then, after they collected some of the calf’s blood in a bowl, Aaron’s sons presented the blood to their father. Aaron dipped one of his fingers into the blood and applied some of it to the four projections on the corners of the altar. He poured the rest of the blood onto the base of the altar. 10He then burned the calf’s fat, including the kidneys and the lobe of the liver of the calf that Aaron sacrificed as a purifying sacrifice, on the altar in a way that caused smoke to go up Aaron did this exactly as Yahweh told Moses. 11But someone else completely burned the rest of the calf’s meat and its skin at a clean place outside of the camp.

12Then Aaron killed the ram that he was going to offer as a wholly burned sacrifice. After collecting some of the blood of the ram, his sons brought him some of the blood, and he splattered it on every side of the altar. 13Then, after cutting the ram into its appropriate portions, Aaron’s sons brought him the appropriate portions of the ram’s meat, fat, and internal organs, including the animal's head. Aaron burned them on the altar in a way that caused smoke to go up. 14Then Aaron washed the ram’s intestines and legs, and he burned them on the altar in a way that caused smoke to go up. He placed them on top of the other portions of the sacrifices that he was already burning on the altar.

15Then Aaron brought the animals that the Israelite people offered to Yahweh. He took the goat that the people required for their purifying sacrifice, and he killed it. By offering it, Aaron cleansed the people from the impurity of their sin, just as he had done with the goat that he offered for himself.

16In this way, he presented the animal that the people required for their sacrifice. Aaron offered this sacrifice in the way that Yahweh had instructed Moses. 17Then Aaron presented the offering that consisted of a sacrifice of harvested grain. He took a handful of it and burned it on the altar in a way that caused smoke to go up, in addition to the animal sacrifices that he had prepared and completely burned on the altar in the morning.

18Then Aaron killed the ox and the ram that the Israelite people required for their sacrifice that promised friendship with Yahweh. After catching some of the blood of the animals, his sons brought him the blood, and he flicked the blood against every side of the altar. 19He took the fat portions from the ox and the ram, including their fatty tails, their visceral fat that was attached to the animals' internal organs, their kidneys, and the lobes of their livers. 20Then he placed all these portions of fat and internal organs on top of the breast meat of those animals, and he burned these portions on the altar in a way that caused smoke to go up. 21Next, Aaron wafted the breast meat and the right thigh of those animals in Yahweh's presence, exactly as Yahweh told Moses.

22When he had finished offering all the sacrifices, Aaron lifted his hands over the people, and he asked Yahweh to bless them. Then, he came down from the altar where he had offered the purifying sacrifices, the wholly burned sacrifices, and the fellowship sacrifices that he and the people had required.

23Then Moses and Aaron entered into the Holy Place in the sacred tent. When they came out later, they asked Yahweh to bless the people again. When they did this, all the people saw how glorious Yahweh was. 24Fire came out from the sacred precincts where Yahweh lived among the Israelites and completely burned everything that was on the altar, including the wholly burned offerings and all the portions of fat. When all the people saw this happen, they shouted joyfully and bowed themselves down on the ground to worship Yahweh.

LEV 9 ©
