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Wyc 2TIM Chapter 2

2TIM 2 ©

2Therfor thou, my sone, be coumfortid in grace that is in Crist Jhesu. 2And what thingis thou hast herd of me bi many witnessis, bitake thou these to feithful men, whiche schulen `be also able to teche othere men. 3Trauele thou as a good knyyt of Crist Jhesu. 4No man holdinge knyythod to God, wlappith hym silf with worldli nedis, that he plese to hym, to whom he hath preuyd hym silf. 5For he that fiytith in a batel, schal not be corowned, but he fiyte lawfuli. 6It bihoueth an erthetiliere to resseyue first of the fruytis. 7Vndurstonde thou what thingis Y seie. For the Lord schal yyue to thee vndurstonding in alle thingis. 8Be thou myndeful that the Lord Jhesu Crist of the seed of Dauid hath rise ayen fro deth, 9aftir my gospel, in which Y trauele `til to boondis, as worching yuele, but the word of God is not boundun. 10Therfor Y suffre alle thingis for the chosun, that also thei gete the heelthe, that is in Crist Jhesu, with heuenli glorie. 11A trewe word, that if we ben deed togidere, also we schulen liue togidere; 12if we suffren, we schulen regne togidere; if we denyen, he schal denye vs; 13if we bileuen not, he dwellith feithful, he mai not denye hym silf. 14Teche thou these thingis, witnessinge bifore God. Nyle thou stryue in wordis; for to no thing it is profitable, but to the subuerting of men that heren. 15Bisili kepe to yyue thi silf a preued preisable werkman to God, with oute schame, riytli tretinge the word of treuthe. 16But eschewe thou vnhooli and veyn spechis, for whi tho profiten myche to vnfeithfulnesse, 17and the word of hem crepith as a canker. Of whiche Filete is, and Ymeneus, 18whiche felden doun fro the treuthe, seiynge that the rising ayen is now doon, and thei subuertiden the feith of summen. 19But the sad foundement of God stondith, hauynge this marke, The Lord knowith whiche ben hise, and, Ech man that nameth the name of the Lord, departith fro wickidnesse. 20But in a greet hous ben not oneli vessels of gold and of siluer, but also of tree and of erthe; and so summen ben in to onour, and summe in to dispit. 21Therfor if ony man clensith hym silf fro these, he schal be a vessel halewid in to onour, and profitable to the Lord, redi to al good werk. 22And fle thou desiris of yongthe, but sue thou riytwisnesse, feith, charite, pees, with hem that inwardli clepen the Lord of a clene herte. 23And eschewe thou foltische questiouns, and without kunnyng, wytynge that tho gendren chidyngis. 24But it bihoueth the seruaunt of the Lord to chide not; but to be mylde to alle men, able to teche, 25paciente, with temperaunce repreuynge hem that ayenstonden the treuthe, that sum tyme God yyue to hem forthenkyng, that thei knowen the treuthe, 26and that thei rise ayen fro the snares of the deuel, of whom thei ben holdun prisoneris at his wille.

2TIM 2 ©