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Open English Translation 2TIM Chapter 2

2TIM 2 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

2:1 Yeshua’s followers obey and endure

2So my ‘son’, may the grace from Yeshua the messiah make you strong 2along with everything you heard from me through many witnesses. Entrust those things to faithful people who will also be capable of teaching others.

3Suffer together with me as a good soldier of Yeshua the messiah. 4Soldiers stay unentangled from the affairs of daily living so that they will be dedicated to pleasing their commanding officer. 5Similarly the athlete won’t win the competition if they don’t follow the rules. 6It’s fair for the farmer working in the orchard to be allowed to eat the fruit. 7You should easily understand what I’m saying because the master will be giving you insight into everything.

8Always remember the promised descendant of King David, Yeshua the messiah who came back from the dead, which is what I preach 9and why I’m here in chains suffering hardship as a criminal. But God’s message hasn’t been chained. 10So I will endure everything so that the ones that God has chosen will also be able to receive their salvation in Yeshua the messiah and live with him forever. 11There’s a reliable saying that goes,

If we died along with him,

we will live together with him.

12[ref]If we endure with him,

we will be able to reign with him.

If we disown him,

he will also disown us.

13If we refuse to believe him,

he will remain faithful to us,

because he isn’t able to go against his nature.

14Keep reminding them of all that. Tell them before God not to quibble[fn] about the intricacies of words as it’s not helpful and can lead the listeners to ruin.

2You therefore, child of_me, be_being_strengthened in the grace which in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
2And the things you_heard from me through many witnesses, entrust these to_faithful people who will_be worthy to_teach others also.
3Suffer_together as a_good soldier of_chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous.
4No_one soldiering is_being_entangled with_the affairs of_ the _living, in_order_that he_may_bring_pleasure to_the one having_enlisted him.
5And also if anyone may_be_competing, not is_being_crowned, if he_may_ not _compete lawfully.
6It_is_fitting the labouring farmer to_be_partaking first of_the fruits.
7Be_understanding what I_am_saying, because/for the master will_be_giving insight to_you in all things.
8Be_remembering Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah, having_been_raised from the_dead, of the_seed of_Dawid/(Dāvid), according_to the good_message of_me, 9in which I_am_suffering_hardship unto bonds as a_criminal.
But the message of_ the _god has_ not _been_bound.
10Because_of this, I_am_enduring all things because_of the chosen ones, in_order_that they also may_obtain of_salvation which in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) with eternal glory.
11The saying is trustworthy:
For/Because if we_died_together with_him, we will_ also _be_living_together with_him, 12if we_are_enduring, we will_ also _be_reigning_with him, if we_will_be_disowning him, also_that one will_be_disowning us, 13if we_are_disbelieving, that one is_remaining faithful, because/for he_is_ not _able to_disown himself.
14Be_reminding them these things, testifying before the god, to_ not _be_quibbling_about_messages against nothing useful, to the_ruin of_the ones hearing.

2:15 Being God’s honourable slave

15Work hard so that God will see you as someone he approves of—not ashamed of the good message but straight-talking the truth. 16Avoid chatter about unimportant or crude topics because it will eventually led to godlessness. 17Those kinds of talk are like rot that spreads, as happened when Hymenaeus and Philetus 18deviated from the truth by claiming that the resurrection has already happened and have drawn some away from the faith. 19However God’s solid foundation has stood with this inscription on it: ‘The master knew his own ones,’[ref] and ‘Let everyone who claims to follow the master avoid disobedience.’

20An expensive home doesn’t just have gold and silver bowls, but there are wooden and pottery bowls as well. Some will contain valuable things, but others contain dishonourable things that we prefer not to display. 21So those people who rid themselves of dishonourable thoughts and actions will become a container for honourable things, being reserved to do the special work that the master has prepared for them. 22And run far from youthful lusts—chase instead after obedience, faith, love, and peace like all the others who follow the master with a pure heart. 23Refuse to enter foolish and uneducated debates because they’ll just end in an argument. 24It’s not fitting one of the master’s slaves to be argumentative, but rather to be polite to everyone and to be teaching the truth yet be tolerant of other people’s bad behaviour. 25We should politely point out the wrongs of those opposing us and perhaps God might bring them to repentance and the knowledge of the truth. 26After being caught in the devil’s trap just as he wanted, maybe they’ll escape and come to their senses.

2:14 There’s a textual issue here and we follow the standard SR (with ‘expert override’) rather than the developmental version.

15Be_earnest to_present yourself approved to_ the _god, a_worker unashamed, cutting_straight the message of_ the _truth.
16And be_avoiding the profane empty_babblings, because/for they_will_be_progressing on more of_ungodliness, 17and the message of_them will_be_having spreading as gangrene, of_whom is Humenaios, and Filaʸtos, 18who deviated concerning the truth, saying the the_resurrection already to_have_become, and are_overturning the faith of_some.
19However the solid foundation of_ the _god has_stood, having the this seal:
The_master knew the ones being of_him, and, let_ everyone - naming the name of_the_master _Withdraw from unrighteousness.
20And in a_great house, there_is not only golden and silver vessels, but also wooden and earthen, and some on_one_hand for honour, on_the_other_hand some to dishonour.
21Therefore if anyone may_clean_out himself from these things, he_will_be a_vessel for honour, having_been_sanctified, useful to_the master, because/for every work good having_been_prepared.
22And be_fleeing the youthful lusts, but be_pursuing righteousness, faith, love, peace, with the ones calling_on the master out_of a_ pure _heart.
23And be_refusing the foolish and uneducated debates, having_known that they_are_bearing quarrels.
24And it_is_ not _fitting the_slave of_the_master to_be_quarrelling, but to_be gentle toward all, teaching, bearing_evil, 25in gentleness disciplining the ones opposing, perhaps the god might_give to_them repentance to a_knowledge of_the_truth, 26and they_may_recover_sobriety out_of the snare of_the devil, having_been_caught by him, in_order that the_will of_that one.

2TIM 2 ©
