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OET-RV by cross-referenced section HEB 9:11

HEB 9:11–9:28 ©

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The messiah’s blood sealed a new agreement

Heb 9:11–28

9:11 The messiah’s blood sealed a new agreement

11But when Messiah came as high priest over what had now become good through the greater and more perfect tent of worship which wasn’t put together by people and isn’t part of this world, 12he went once-for-all into the holy places—not by the blood of goats and calves but through his own blood—obtaining eternal redemption for us. 13Because if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled people with the ashes of a young cow[ref] could make them holy by physical purification, 14how much more the blood of the messiah who offered himself blameless to God, through the eternal spirit, will then purify your conscience from all useless deeds in order that we can serve the living God!

15So because of that, Yeshua is the mediator of a new agreement, so that his death leads to the ransom payment for those who’ve disobeyed the first agreement, so that now those who are called can receive the eternal inheritance.

16Where there’s an agreement like a will, it’s necessary for the death of the one who made it, 17because this type of agreement doesn’t come into effect if the person who made it is still living, but only when they’re confirmed as dead, 18so even the first agreement wasn’t valid without blood. 19Hence after telling all the people all the commandments according to the law, Mosheh then took the blood of calves and goats, along with water and scarlet wool, and hyssop branches, and sprinkled both the scroll and all the people[ref] 20saying: ‘This is the blood of the agreement which God commanded for you all.’ 21Similarly, he sprinkled both the tent itself and all the utensils for the ministry there with blood,[ref] 22and almost everything was declaredcleanaccording to the law, because there couldn’t be forgiveness without blood.[ref]

23So then it was necessary for these copies of things from the heavens to be purified, but in contrast, the heavenly things will be purified with better sacrifices than that, 24because Messiah didn’t enter human-made holy places that were only representatives of the true ones, but he entered into heaven where he now appears on our behalf in God’s presence. 25He didn’t offer himself like the high priest does every year with different blood, 26otherwise he would have needed to suffer over and over since the creation of the world. Instead he appeared just once throughout all the ages because sin has been annulled by his sacrifice. 27Just as it’s been determined that people will die once and then there’ll be judgement, 28so too the messiah was offered once as a sacrifice as an offering for the sins of many people,[ref] but will be seen a second time (nothing to do with sin) by those who’re eagerly waiting for him.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Lev 16:15-16:

15[ref] 16

16:15: Heb 9:12.

Num 19:9,17-19:

9 17 18 19

Exo 24:6-8:

6Mosheh took half of the blood from the sacrifices and put it into basins. He sprinkled the other half of the blood onto the altar. 7Then he took the scroll with the agreement written on it and read it out loud to the people, and they responded, “We’ll obey everything that Yahweh has instructed.”

8Then Mosheh took the blood in the bowls and sprinkled it onto the people, telling them, “Look. This is the blood confirming the agreement that Yahweh has made with you according to what you just heard.”[ref]

24:8: a Mat 26:28; Mrk 14:24; Luk 22:20; 1Cor 11:25; Heb 10:29; b Heb 9:19-20.

Lev 8:15:


Lev 17:11:


17:11: Heb 9:22.

Isa 53:12:


53:12: Luk 22:37.