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BB HEB Chapter 7

HEB 7 ©

7For this Melchisedech kyng of Salem, priest of the most hye God, who met Abraham returnyng from the slaughter of the kynges, and blessed hym: 2To whom also Abraham gaue tythe of all thynges, first being called by interpretatio king of righteousnes, & after yt also, kyng of Salem, which is, kyng of peace. 3Without father, without mother, without kynne, hauyng neither beginnyng of dayes, neither ende of lyfe, but lykened vnto the sonne of God, and continueth a priest for euer. 4Nowe consider howe great this man was, vnto whom also the patriarche Abraham gaue tythe of the spoyles. 5And veryly they which are of the children of Leuie, which receaue the office of the priesthood, haue a commaundement to take tythe of the people accordyng to the lawe, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of ye loynes of Abraham. 6But he whose kynrede is not counted among them, receaued tythe of Abraham, and blessed hym that had the promises. 7And without all controuersie, the lesse is blessed of the better. 8And here men that dye, receaue tithes: but there he receaueth them of whom it is witnessed that he lyueth. 9And to say the trueth, Leuie also whiche receaueth tythes, payed tythes in Abraham. 10For he was yet in the loynes of his father, when Melchisedech met Abraham. 11If therefore perfection was by the priesthood of ye Leuites (For vnder that priesthood the people receaued the law) what neded it furthermore that another priest shoulde rise after the order of Melchisedech, and not to be called after the order of Aaron? 12For yf the priesthood be translated, of necessitie also there is made a translation of the lawe. 13For he of whom these thynges are spoken, parteyneth vnto another tribe, of which no man stoode at the aulter. 14For it is euident that our Lord sprong out of Iuda, of which tribe spake Moyses nothyng concernyng priesthood: 15And it is yet a farre more euidet thing, yf after the similitude of Melchisedech there aryse another priest, 16Which is not made after the lawe of the carnall commaundement, but after the power of the endlesse lyfe: 17For he testifieth that thou art a priest for euer, after the order of Melchisedech. 18For there is truely a disanulling of the commaundement goyng before, for the weakenesse and vnprofitablenesse therof. 19For the lawe made nothyng perfect, but was the bryngyng in of a better hope, by the whiche we drawe nygh vnto God. 20And in as much as that was not without an oth (For those priestes were made without an oth: 21But this priest with an oth, by hym that saide vnto him: The Lord sware and wyll not repent, thou art a priest for euer, after the order of Melchisedech.) 22By so much was Iesus made a suertie of a better testament. 23And among them many were made priestes, because they were forbidden by death to endure. 24But this man, because he endureth euer, hath an vnchaungeable priesthood. 25Wherefore he is able also euer to saue them to the vttermost that come vnto God by hym, seyng he euer lyueth to make intercession for them. 26For such an hye priest became vs, whiche is holy, harmelesse, vndefyled, seperate from sinners, and made hygher then heauens: 27Whiche nedeth not dayly, as those hie priestes, to offer vp sacrifice, first for his owne sinnes, and then for the peoples: for that dyd he once, when he offered vp hym selfe. 28For the lawe maketh men hye priestes which haue infirmitie: but the word of the oth which (was) after the lawe (maketh) the sonne, whiche is perfecte for euermore.

HEB 7 ©
