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Bshps MAT Chapter 4

MAT 4 ©

4Then was Iesus ledde away of the spirite into wyldernesse, to be tempted of the deuyll. 2And when he had fasted fourtie dayes, and fourtie nightes, he was afterwarde an hungred. 3And when the tempter came to hym, he sayde: If thou be the sonne of God, commaunde that these stones be made breade. 4But he aunswered, and sayde, it is written: Man shall not lyue by breade only, but by euery worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God. 5Then the deuyll taketh hym vp into the holy citie, and setteth hym on a pinacle of the temple, 6And saith vnto hym: If thou be the sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe. For it is written: He shall geue his Angels charge ouer thee, & with their handes they shall lyft thee vp, lest at any tyme thou dashe thy foote agaynst a stone. 7And Iesus sayde to hym. It is written agayne: Thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God. 8Agayne, the deuyll taketh hym vp, into an exceadyng hye mountayne, and sheweth hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde, and the glorie of them, 9And sayth vnto hym: All these wyll I geue thee, yf thou wylt fall downe, and worshyp me. 10The sayth Iesus vnto hym: Auoyde Sathan. For it is written: Thou shalt worshyp the Lorde thy God, and hym only shalt thou serue. 11Then the deuyll leaueth him, and beholde, the Angels came, and ministred vnto hym. 12When Iesus had hearde that Iohn was delyuered vp, he departed into Galilee, 13And left Nazareth, and went & dwelt in Capernaum, whiche is (a citie) vpon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim. 14That it myght be fulfylled, whiche was spoken by Esayas the prophete, saying: 15The lande of Zabulon, & Nephthalim, (by) the way of the sea beyonde Iordane, Galilee of the Gentiles. 16The people, which sate in darknesse, sawe great lyght: And to them whiche sate in the region and shadowe of death, lyght is sprong vp. 17From that tyme, Iesus began to preache, and to saye: Repent, for the kyngdome of heauen is at hande. 18And Iesus, walkyng by the sea of Galilee, sawe two brethren, Simon (which was) called Peter, and Andrewe his brother, castyng a nette into the sea, (for they were fysshers.) 19And he saith vnto them: Folowe me, and I wyl make you fysshers of men. 20And they strayghtwaye lefte their nettes, and folowed hym. 21And when he was gone foorth from thence, he sawe other two brethren, Iames, the sonne of Zebedee, & Iohn his brother, in the shippe with Zebedee their father, mendyng their nettes, and he called them. 22And they immediatly, left the shippe and their father, and folowed hym. 23And Iesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preachyng the Gospell of the kingdome, and healyng all maner of sicknesse, and all maner of disease among the people. 24And his fame spread abrode, throughout all Syria: and they brought vnto hym all sicke people, that were taken with diuers diseases, and grypynges, and them that were possessed with deuyls, and those which were lunaticke, and those that had the paulsie, and he healed them. 25And there folowed him great multitudes of people, from Galilee, and from the ten cities, and from Hierusalem, and from Iurie, and from the regions (that lye) beyonde Iordane.

MAT 4 ©
