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Cvdl 1COR Chapter 3

1COR 3 ©

3And I brethren, coulde not speake vnto you as vnto spirituall, but as vnto carnall, euen as vnto babes in Christ. 2I gaue you mylke to drynke, and not meate, for ye mighte not then awaye withall, nether maye ye yet euen now, in so moch as ye are yet fleshlye. 3For seynge there is enuyenge, stryfe, and discencion amonge you, are ye not fleshly, & walke after ye maner of men? 4For whan one sayeth: I holde of Paul: another, I holde of Apollo, are ye not the fleshlye? 5What is Paul? What is Apollo? Eue mynisters are they, by whom ye are come to the beleue, and the same, acordinge as the LORDE hath geuen vnto euery man. 6I haue planted, Apollo hath watred, but God hath geuen the increase. 7So then nether is he that planteth, eny thinge, nether he that watreth, but God which geueth the increase. 8As for him that planteth, and he that watreth, ye one is as the other: but yet shal euery one receaue his rewarde acordinge to his laboure. 9For we are Gods labourers, ye are Gods hussbandry, ye are Gods buyldinge. 10Acordinge to the grace of God which is geuen vnto me, as a wyse buylder haue I layed the foundacion, but another buyldeth theron. Yet let euery man take hede how he buyldeth theron. 11For other foudacion can noman laye, then that which is layed, the which is Iesus Christ. 12But yf eny man buylde vpon this foundacion, golde, syluer, precious stones, tymber, haye, stobble, 13euerymas worke shal be shewed. For the daye of the LORDE shal declare it, which shal be shewed with fyre: and the fyre shal trye euery mas worke what it is. 14Yf eny mans worke that he hath buylde theron, abyde, he shal receaue a rewarde: 15Yf eny mans worke burne, he shal suffre losse: but he shal be saued himselfe, neuertheles as thorow fyre. 16Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the sprete of God dwelleth in you? 17Yf eny man defyle the teple of God, him shal God destroye. For the temple of God is holy, which ye are. 18Let no ma disceaue himselfe. Yf eny man thinke himselfe wyse amoge you, let him become a foole in this worlde, that he maye be wyse. 19For the wyssdome off this worlde is foolishnes with God. For it is wrytten: He compaseth the wyse in their craftynesse. 20And agayne: The LORDE knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse, that they are vayne. 21Therfore let no man reioyse in men. For all is youres, 22whether it be Paul or Apollo, whether it be Cephas or the worlde, whether it be life or death, whether it be presente or for to come. All is youres, 23but ye are Christes, and Christ is Gods.

1COR 3 ©
