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Cvdl EXO Chapter 37

EXO 37 ©

37And Bezaleel made the Arke of Fyrre tre, two cubites and a half loge, a cubyte and a half brode, and a cubyte & a half hye, 2and ouerlayed it with fyne golde within and without, and made a crowne of golde vnto it rounde aboute, 3and cast for it foure rynges of golde to the foure corners of it, vpon euery syde two. 4And made staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, 5and put them in the rynges a longe by ye sydes of the Arke, to beare it withall. 6And he made ye Mercyseate of pure golde two cubytes and a half longe, and a cubite and a half brode, 7& made two Cherubyns of fyne beaten golde vpon the two endes of the Mercyseate: 8One Cherub vpon the one ende, and the other Cherub vpon the other ende: 9and the Cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered ye Mercyseate ther with: and their faces stode one ouer agaynst the other, and loked vnto the Mercyseate. 10And he made ye table, of Fyrre tre, two cubytes longe, a cubyte brode, and a cubyte & a half hye, 11and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, and made therto a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 12and made vnto it an whoope of an hande bredth hye, and made a crowne of golde rounde aboute the whoope. 13And for it he cast foure golde rynges, & put them in the foure corners by the fete 14harde by the whoope, that the staues might be therin, to beare the table with all: 15& made the staues of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed the with golde, to beare the staues withall. 16And the vessels vpon the table made he also of fyne golde: the disshes, spones, flat peces and pottes, to poure in and out withall. 17And he made the candilsticke of fyne beaten golde, where vpon was the shaft wt brauches, cuppes, knoppes, & floures: 18Sixe braunches proceaded out of ye sydes therof, vpon either syde thre brauches: 19vpo euery brauch were thre cuppes like allmodes, wt knoppes and floures. 20Vpon the candilsticke self were foure cuppes with knoppes and floures, 21vnder euery two brauches a knoppe. 22The knoppes & braunches therof proceaded out of it, and were all one pece of fyne beaten golde. 23And he made the seuen lampes with their snoffers & outquenchers of pure golde. 24Of an hudreth weight of golde made he it, and all the apparell therof. 25He made also the altare of incense, of Fyrre tre, a cubyte longe and brode, eauen foure squared, and two cubytes hye with the hornes of it, 26and ouerlayed it with fyne golde, the toppe and the sydes of it rounde aboute, 27and the hornes therof, and made a crowne vnto it rounde aboute of pure golde, & two golde rynges vnder the crowne on both the sydes, to put the staues therin, and to beare it withall: 28but the staues made he of Fyrre tre, and ouerlayed them with golde. 29And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle, & the incense of pure spyces, after ye craft of the Apotecary.

EXO 37 ©
