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Cvdl EXO Chapter 6

EXO 6 ©

6The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Now shalt thou se, what I will do vnto Pharao, for thorow a mightie hande must he let them go, thorow a mightie hande must he dryue them from him out of his londe. 2And God spake vnto Moses, & sayde vnto him: I am ye LORDE, 3& I appeared vnto Abraham, Isaac & Iacob, an Allmightie God: but my name, LORDE, haue I not shewed vnto them: 4My couenaunt also haue I made with them, that I wil geue them the londe of Canaan, the londe of their pilgremage, wherin they haue bene straungers. 5Morouer I haue herde the complaynte of the children of Israel, whom ye Egipcians oppresse with laboure, and haue remembred my couenaunt. 6Therfore saye vnto the childre of Israel: I am the LORDE, & wil brynge you out from yor burthens in Egipte, & wil rydd you from youre laboure, and wil delyuer you thorow a stretched out arme & greate iudgmetes, 7and will receaue you for my people, & will be yor God: so that ye shal knowe, that I the LORDE am yor God, which brynge you out from the burthen of Egipte, 8and will brynge you into the lande, ouer the which I haue lift vp my hande, to geue it vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, ye same wil I geue vnto you for a possession. I the LORDE. 9Moses tolde this vnto the childre of Israel. But they herkened not vnto him, for very anguysh of sprete, & for sore laboure. 10The spake the LORDE vnto Moses, & sayde: 11Go thy waye, & speake vnto Pharao the kynge of Egypte, yt he let the childre of Israel go out of his lande. 12But Moses spake before ye LORDE, & saide: Beholde, ye childre of Israel herke not vnto me, how shulde Pharao the heare me? And I am also of vncircumcised lyppes. 13So the LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, & gaue the a commaundemet vnto the childre of Israel, & vnto Pharao the kynge of Egipte, yt they shulde brynge the childre of Israel out of Egipte. 14These are ye heades of the house of their fathers. The children of Ruben the first sonne of Israel, are these: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, Charmi: These are the generacions of Ruben. 15The children of Simeon are these: Iemuel, Iamin, Ohad, Iachin, Zophar, and Saul the sonne of the Cananitish woman: These are the generacions of Symeon. 16These are the names of the childre of Leui in their generacios: Gerson, Rahath and Merari: Leui was an hundreth and seuen & thirtie yeare olde. 17The children of Gerson are these: Libni and Semei in their generacions. 18The childre of Rahath are these: Amram, Iezear, Hebron, Usiel. Rahath was an hundreth & thre & thirtie yeare olde. 19The children of Merari are these: Maheli and Musi. These are ye generacions of Leui in their kynreds. 20And Amram toke his vncles doughter Iochebed to wife, which bare him Aaron & Moses. Amram was an C. & vij. & thirtie yeare olde. 21The childre of Iezear are these: Korah, Nepheg, Sichri. 22The children of Vsiel are these: Misael, Elzaphan, Sithri. 23Aaron toke Elizaba ye doughter of Aminadab Nahassons sisters to wife, which bare him Nadab, Abihu, Eleasar, Ithamar. 24The childre of Korah are these: Assir, Elkana, & Abiassaph. These are ye generacios of ye Korahites. 25Eleasar Aarons sonne toke one of the doughters of Putiel to wife, which bare him Phineas. These are the heades amonge the fathers of the generacions of the Leuites. 26This is yt Aaron & Moses, vnto whom ye LORDE sayde: Bringe ye childre of Israel out of the lande of Egipte wt their armies. 27It is they (namely Moses & Aaron) yt spake vnto Pharao the kynge of Egipte, yt they might brynge the children of Israel out of Egipte. 28The same daie spake ye LORDE vnto Moses in ye lande of Egipte, 29& sayde: I am ye LORDE, speake thou vnto Pharao ye kynge of Egipte, all yt I saye vnto ye. 30And he answered before ye LORDE: Beholde, I am of vncircumcised lippes, how shall Pharao the heare me?

EXO 6 ©
