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KJB-1611 by section PSA 86:0

PSA 86:0–86:17 ©

Psalmes 86

01 Dauid strengtheneth his prayer by the conscience of his Religion, 5 by the goodnesse and power of God. 11 He desireth the continuance of former grace. 14 Complayning of the proud, he craueth some token of Gods goodnesse.

¶ A prayer of Dauid.

LXXXVI¶ Bow downe thine eare, O LORD, heare me: for I am poore & needy. 2[fn]Preserue my soule, for I am holy: O thou my God, saue thy seruant, that trusteth in thee. 3[fn]Be merciful vnto me, O LORD: for I cry vnto thee daily. 4Reioyce the soule of thy seruant: for vnto thee (O LORD) doe I lift vp my soule. 5[fn]For thou LORD art good, and ready to forgiue: and plenteous in mercie vnto all them that call vpon thee. 6Giue eare O LORD, vnto my prayer: and attend to the voice of my supplications. 7In the day of my trouble I will call vpon thee: for thou wilt answere mee. 8[fn]Among the gods there is none like vnto thee (O LORD:) neither are there any workes like vnto thy workes. 9All nations whom thou hast made, shall come and worship before thee, O LORD: and shall glorifie thy Name. 10[fn]For thou art great, and doest wonderous things: thou art God alone. 11[fn]Teach me thy way, O LORD, I will walke in thy trueth: vnite my heart to feare thy Name. 12I will praise thee, O LORD my God, with all my heart: and I wil glorifie thy Name for euermore. 13[fn]For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest hell. 14[fn]O God, the proud are risen against mee, and the assemblies of violent men haue sought after my soule: and haue not set thee before them. 15[fn]But thou, O LORD, art a God full of compassion, and gracious: long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and trueth. 16O turne vnto me, and haue mercie vpon me, giue thy strength vnto thy seruant: and saue the sonne of thine handmaid. 17Shew me a token for good, that they which hate me may see it, and bee ashamed: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.

86:2 Or, one whom thou fauourest.

86:3 Or, all the day.

86:5 Ioel 2.13.

86:8 Deut. 3. 24.

86:10 Deut. 6. 4. and 32. 39. isa. 37. 16. and 44. 6. mar. 12. 29. ephes.4. 6. 1.cor. 8. 4.

86:11 Psal.25. 3. and 119. 33.

86:13 Or, graue.

86:14 Hebr. terrible.

86:15 Deut. 34. 6. num. 14. 18. psal. 103.8. and 139.4. and 145.8.

PSA 86:0–86:17 ©
