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NUM 20:14–20:21 ©

Not/None pabayaa of King of place Idum the descendants of Israel

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

20:14 Not/None pabayaa of King of place Idum the descendants of Israel

14 15 16 17





14and_sent Mosheh messengers from_Qādēsh to the_king of_ʼEdōm thus he_says your(ms)_brother/kindred Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) you you_know DOM all the_hardship which befallen_us.
15And_went_down fathers_our Miʦrayim/(Egypt)_to and_lived in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim days many and_mistreated to/for_us Miʦrayim and_to_fathers_our.
16And_cried_out to YHWH and_he/it_listened voice_our and_sent an_angel and_brought_out_us of_Miʦrayim and_see/lo/see we in/on/at/with_Qādēsh (the)_city of_the_outskirt[s] territory_your.
17Let_us_pass please in/on/at/with_land_your not we_will_pass in/on/at/with_field and_in/on/at/with_vineyard and_not we_will_drink water of_a_well the_way the_king we_will_go not we_will_turn_aside right_hand and_left until that we_will_pass_through territory_your.
18And_he/it_said to_him/it ʼEdōm not you_will_pass in/on/at/with_us lest in/on/at/with_sword I_should_come_out to_against_you.
19And_they_said to_him/it the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel)[fn] in/on/at/with_main_road we_will_go_up and_if water_your we_will_drink I and_livestock_our and_pay price_it only there_[is]_not a_thing in/on/at/with_foot_us let_me_pass_through.
20And_he/it_said not you_will_pass_through and_he/it_went_out ʼEdōm to_against_them in/on/at/with_army massive and_in/on/at/with_hand strong.
21And_refused ʼEdōm to_permit DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_pass in/on/at/with_territory_their and_turned_away Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_near_them.

20:19 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS. Maps:


The Israelites’ Journeys in the Wilderness

Numbers 13-14; 20-21; 33; Deuteronomy 1-2; 10:6-9

After the Israelites received the law on Mount Sinai, which may have been located at Khashm et-Tarif (see also “The Route of the Exodus”), they traveled to Kadesh-barnea, a distance that took eleven days “by the way of Mount Seir” (Deuteronomy 1:2). The phrase “by the way of Mount Seir” suggests that more than one route existed between Mount Sinai and Kadesh, as shown here, but the road the Israelites took probably ran alongside the mountainous region of Seir. This route would have offered greater access to water from wells, natural springs, and seasonal streams flowing from the hills of Seir–a critical necessity for a large group traveling through this very arid region. Nearly every location identified on this map was essentially a small community centered around one of these life-enabling sources of water. After reaching Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, the Israelites prepared to enter Canaan by sending spies to scout out the land. But when ten of the twelve spies brought back news about the strength of the Canaanites, the people became afraid to enter the land, so the Lord punished them by condemning them to travel in the wilderness for forty years until that generation died off. Some Israelites repented and tried to enter the land, but they were beaten back to Hormah by the Amalekites and Canaanites. So for forty years the Israelites traveled from place to place, probably in the general area of Kadesh-barnea, though very few locations mentioned are able to be established with much certainty. As the forty years of traveling drew to a close, the Israelites prepared again to travel to Canaan by requesting permission from the king of Edom to pass through his land. When the king refused, the Israelites “turned away” from the Edomites and set out from Kadesh to travel to Mount Hor. The Jewish historian Josephus located Mount Hor at Jebel Nebi Harun, a very tall mountain in eastern Edom, but this has been rejected by many scholars in favor of other sites such as Jebel Madeira to the northeast of Kadesh. This author is convinced, however, that any candidate for Mount Hor must be sought to the south of Kadesh-barnea. Numbers 33:30 and Deuteronomy 10:6 mention that, during their wilderness travels, the Israelites camped at Moseroth/Moserah, which was apparently located at Mount Hor, since both Moseroth/Moserah and Mount Hor are cited as the place where Aaron died (Numbers 21:29-29; 33:37-39; Deuteronomy 10:6-9). It is difficult to envision the Israelites traveling back to the edge of Canaan after suffering defeat there the last time they attempted to enter the land. These same passages also note that after their stay at Moseroth/Moserah the Israelites traveled to Hor-haggidgad/Gudgodah (probably located along the Wadi Khadakhid) and then to Jotbathah, with no mention of passing through Kadesh, which they would have had to do if Mount Hor was north of Kadesh (since they were avoiding the land of Edom). Also, in Deuteronomy 2:1 Moses says that after the Israelites left Kadesh, “we journeyed back into the wilderness, in the direction of the Red Sea, as the Lord had told me and skirted Mount Seir for many days,” and Aaron’s death on Mount Hor fits best during this time. Similarly, Numbers 21:4 says “from Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom,” but there would have been no way to the Red Sea around the land of Edom if Mount Hor were located northeast of Kadesh. One element of the wilderness narratives that appears to favor a northeast location for Mount Hor, however, is the story of the king of Arad, which the book of Numbers (chapters 21 and 33) places immediately after the death of Aaron on Mount Hor. At first glance, the narrative seems to imply that the king attacked the Israelites at Mount Hor, which fits better with a northern location. Yet, it is also possible that the story is simply noting that it was after the Israelites’ arrival at Mount Hor that the king of Arad first learned of the Israelites’ renewed intentions to enter Canaan, perhaps as a result of their request to pass through Edom. But it may have been later that the king of Arad actually engaged them in battle, perhaps as they were passing north of Zalmonah and appeared to be ready to enter Canaan by way of Arad (see Numbers 33:41-42 and the map “The Journey to Abel-shittim”). For these reasons, this author believes that Har Karkom is the best candidate for the location of Mount Hor. The site is appropriately located at the edge of Seir and along the way to the Red Sea. This site’s role as an ancient cultic center is also well established. Perhaps Aaron’s priestly duties and authority in Israel had grown out of a similar role he had previously held at Mount Hor (see also Numbers 12:1-2; Deuteronomy 33:2; Judges 5:4-5), where he was eventually buried.


Kadesh-Barnea and Its Surroundings

Though located in the arid desert region south of Israel, the town of Kadesh-barnea was relatively well supplied with water, making it one of the most important oases in the entire region. Multiple springs can be found within 6 miles (10 km) of Kadesh, including Ain Qedeis (possibly Hazar-addar), Ain el-Qudeirat (Kadesh-barnea), el-Qoseimeh (possibly Karka), and el-Muweilah (possibly Azmon), all of which drain into the Wadi al-Arish, likely the biblical Brook of Egypt, about 14 miles (23 km) to the west. Kadesh and its springs are sandwiched between the biblical locations of the Wilderness of Zin and the Wilderness of Paran, which explains why Kadesh is sometimes associated in Scripture with Zin (Numbers 20:1; 33:36; Deuteronomy 32:51) and other times with Paran (Numbers 13:26). The site is first mentioned in Scripture as one of the places through which Chedorlaomer’s army passed on its way to reconquer the cities of the plain (Genesis 14), and apparently at that time it was called Enmishpat, meaning “spring of judgment” (see “The Battle at the Valley of Siddim” map). Later Kadesh became a central location for the Israelites after they left Mount Sinai (and possibly before this as they traveled to Mount Sinai; see “The Route of the Exodus” map) and prepared to enter Canaan. From there they sent spies to scout out the land, but when the spies returned with an intimidating report about the inhabitants of Canaan, the people became afraid and longed to return to Egypt (Numbers 13-14; Deuteronomy 1:19-45). As punishment, the Lord condemned that generation to wander in the wilderness, apparently in the general area of Kadesh, until the people died off. Moses’ sister Miriam later died at Kadesh and was buried there (Numbers 20:1). Then, when the springs of Kadesh must have been producing little water, the people became angry with Moses again, so he struck a rock, causing water to flow from it (Numbers 20:2-13). After this, Moses called the place Meribah, meaning “quarreling” (Numbers 13; see also Numbers 20:24; 27:14; Deuteronomy 33:8; Psalm 81:7; 95:8; 106:32). It was also from Kadesh that Moses sent messengers to the king of Edom, asking permission to pass through his land as the Israelites made their way to Canaan. When the king of Edom refused, they turned back and traveled to Mount Hor instead (Numbers 20:14-22; Deuteronomy 1:46-2:1; Judges 11:16-17; see “The Journey to Abel-Shittim” map). After the Israelites entered Canaan, Kadesh marked the extreme southern boundary of Israel’s land (Numbers 33:4; Joshua 10:41; 15:3). Kadesh is never explicitly mentioned in Scripture after this except in reference to earlier events that happened there.

NUM 20:14–20:21 ©
