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RV 1MA Chapter 2

1MA 2 ©

2In those days rose up Mattathias the son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons of Joarib, from Jerusalem; and he dwelt at Modin. 2And he had five sons, [fn] John, who was surnamed Gaddis; 3Simon, who was called Thassi; 4Judas, who was called Maccabaeus; 5Eleazar, who was called Avaran; Jonathan, who was called Apphus.

6And he saw the blasphemies that were committed in Judah and in Jerusalem, 7and he said,

Woe is me! wherefore was I born to see the destruction of my people, and the destruction of the holy city, and to dwell there, when it was given into the hand of the enemy, the sanctuary into the hand of aliens? 8Her temple is become as a man [fn] that was glorious: 9her vessels of glory are carried away into captivity, her infants are slain in her streets, her young men with the sword of the enemy. 10What nation hath not inherited her palaces, and gotten possession of her spoils? 11her adorning is all taken away; instead of a free woman she is become a bond woman: 12and, behold, our holy things and our beauty and our glory are laid waste, and the Gentiles have profaned them. 13Wherefore should we live any longer?

14And Mattathias and his sons rent their clothes, and put on sackcloth, and mourned exceedingly.

15And the king’s officers, that were enforcing the apostasy, came into the city Modin to sacrifice. 16And many of Israel came unto them, and Mattathias and his sons were gathered together. 17And the king’s officers answered and spake to Mattathias, saying, Thou art a ruler and an honourable and great man in this city, and strengthened with sons and brethren: 18now therefore come thou first and do the commandment of the king, as all the nations have done, and the men of Judah, and they that remain in Jerusalem: and thou and thy house shall be in the number of the king’s [fn] Friends, and thou and thy sons shall be honoured with silver and gold and many gifts. 19And Mattathias answered and said with a loud voice, If all the nations that are in the house of the king’s dominion hearken unto him, to fall away each one from the worship of his fathers, and have made choice to follow his commandments, 20yet will I and my sons and my brethren walk in the covenant of our fathers. 21[fn] Heaven forbid that we should forsake the law and the ordinances. 22We will not hearken to the king’s words, to go aside from our worship, on the right hand, or on the left. 23And when he had left speaking these words, there came a Jew in the sight of all to sacrifice on the altar which was at Modin, according to the king’s commandment. 24And Mattathias saw it, and his zeal was kindled, and his reins trembled, and he shewed forth his wrath according to judgement, and ran, and slew him upon the altar. 25And the king’s officer, who compelled men to sacrifice, he killed at that time, and pulled down the altar. 26And he was zealous for the law, even as Phinehas did unto Zimri the son of Salu. 27And Mattathias cried out in the city with a loud voice, saying, Whosoever is zealous for the law, and maintaineth the covenant, let him come forth after me. 28And he and his sons fled into the mountains, and forsook all that they had in the city.

29Then many that sought after justice and judgement went down into the wilderness, to dwell there, 30they, and their sons, and their wives, and their cattle; because evils were multiplied upon them. 31And it was told the king’s officers, and the forces that were in Jerusalem, the city of David, that certain men, who had broken the king’s commandment, were gone down into the secret places in the wilderness; 32and many pursued after them, and having overtaken them, they encamped against them, and set the battle in array against them on the sabbath day. 33And they said unto them, Thus far. Come forth, and do according to the word of the king, and ye shall live. 34And they said, We will not come forth, neither will we do the word of the king, to profane the sabbath day. 35And they hasted to give them battle. 36And they answered them not, neither cast they a stone at them, nor stopped up the secret places, 37saying, Let us die all in our innocency: heaven and earth witness over us, that ye put us to death without trial. 38And they rose up against them in battle on the sabbath, and they died, they and their wives and their children, and their cattle, to the number of a thousand [fn] souls.

39And Mattathias and his friends knew it, and they mourned over them exceedingly. 40And one said to another, If we all do as our brethren have done, and fight not against the Gentiles for our lives and our ordinances, they will now quickly destroy us from off the earth. 41And they took counsel on that day, saying, whosoever shall come against us to battle on the sabbath day, let us fight against him, and we shall in no wise all die, as our brethren died in the secret places. 42Then were gathered together unto them a company of [fn] Hasidaeans, mighty men of Israel, every one that offered himself willingly for the law. 43And all they that fled from the evils were added to them, and became a stay unto them. 44And they mustered a host, and smote sinners in their anger, and lawless men in their wrath: and the rest fled to the Gentiles for safety. 45And Mattathias and his friends went round about, and pulled down the altars; 46and they circumcised by force the children that were uncircumcised, as many as they found in the coasts of Israel. 47And they pursued after the sons of pride, and the work prospered in their hand. 48And they rescued the law out of the hand of the Gentiles, and out of the hand of the kings, neither [fn] suffered they the sinner to triumph.

49And the days of Mattathias drew near that he should die, and he said unto his sons,

Now have pride and rebuke gotten strength, and a season of overthrow, and wrath of indignation. 50And now, my children, be ye zealous for the law, and give your lives for the covenant of your fathers. 51And call to remembrance the deeds of our fathers which they did in their generations; and receive great glory and an everlasting name. 52Was not Abraham found faithful in temptation, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness? 53Joseph in the time of his distress kept the commandment, and became lord of Egypt. 54Phinehas our father, for that he was zealous exceedingly, obtained the covenant of an everlasting priesthood. 55Joshua for fulfilling the word became a judge in Israel. 56Caleb for bearing witness in the congregation obtained a heritage in the land. 57David for being merciful inherited the throne of a kingdom for ever and ever. 58Elijah, for that he was exceeding zealous for the law, was taken up into heaven. 59Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, believed, and were saved out of the flame. 60Daniel for his innocency was delivered from the mouth of lions. 61And thus consider ye from generation to generation, that none that put their trust in him shall want for strength. 62And be not afraid of the words of a sinful man; for his glory shall be dung and worms. 63To-day he shall be lifted up, and to-morrow he shall in no wise be found, because he is returned unto his dust, and his thought is perished. 64And ye, my children, be strong, and shew yourselves men in behalf of the law; for therein shall ye obtain glory. 65And, behold, Simon your brother, I know that he is a man of counsel; give ear unto him alway: he shall be a father unto you. 66And Judas Maccabaeus, he hath been strong and mighty from his youth: he shall be your captain, and [fn] shall fight the battle of the people. 67And take ye unto you all the doers of the law, and avenge the wrong of your people. 68Render a recompense to the Gentiles, and take heed to the commandments of the law. 69And he blessed them, and was gathered to his fathers. 70And he died in [fn] the hundred and forty and sixth year, and his sons buried him in the sepulchres of his fathers at Modin, and all Israel made great lamentation for him.

2:2 Gr. Joannes.

2:8 Some authorities read inglorious.

2:18 See ch. iii. 38: vi. 10, &c. Compare ch. x. 65; xi. 27; 2 Macc. viii. 9.

2:21 Gr. May he be propitious. Compare 2 Sam. xxiii. 17 (Sept.).

2:38 Gr. souls of men.

2:42 That is, Chasidim.

2:48 Gr. gave they a horn to the sinner.

2:66 Some ancient authorities read ye shall fight.

2:70 circa B.C. 167.

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