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OET-RV by cross-referenced section EXO 2:11

EXO 2:11–2:25 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Mosheh escapes to Midiyan

Exo 2:11–25

2:11 Mosheh escapes to Midiyan

11Later on when Mosheh was fully grown, he went out to visit the Hebrews and saw their forced labour, and he saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew man—one of his own people.[ref] 12Mosheh looked around to check that no one was watching, then he hit the Egyptian, killing him, then he hid his body in the sand. 13The next day, he went out again and wow, two Hebrew men were fighting each other, and he said to the man in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”

14“Who made you the ruler and judge over us?” the man replied. “Are you planning to kill me like you killed that Egyptian?” Then Mosheh was afraid because he realised that what he’d done had probably become widely known. 15Indeed, when Far’oh heard about it, he ordered Mosheh to be killed. So Mosheh had to flee from the king and he took off east to live in Midian and he stayed near the well.[ref]

16The priest there in Midian had seven daughters, and they would come to the well to draw water out and fill up the troughs there so their father’s sheep and goats could drink. 17Now some male shepherds came along and started to shoo their flock away, but Mosheh got involved and helped them so that their animals could drink. 18When they got home to their father Reuel, he asked, “How come you got home so early today?”

19“There was an Egyptian man,” they answered, “who stood up for us against those other shepherds. And he even drew water for us and gave our flock water to drink.”

20“Where is he now?” he asked them. “What’s this—you mean you all just left him there? Go and get him so we can give him a meal.”

21Later it turned out that Mosheh was prepared to live with the man, and in due course he gave his daughter Zipporah to Mosheh in marriage. 22When she gave birth to a son, he named him ‘Gershom’ (which means ‘foreigner’) because he said, “I’ve become a foreigner living in a foreign land.”

23Eventually Egypt’s king died, but the Israelis groaned from the slavery they were still under and they cried out, and their cry for freedom from slavery went up to God. 24He heard their groaning and remembered his agreement with Abraham, with Yitshak, and with Yacob,[ref] 25and he looked down on the Israelis and he was concerned about them.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Acts 7:23-28:

23[ref]But when he hit forty, it entered his mind to visit his relatives, the Israelis. 24When he noticed one of them being mistreated, he retaliated and while defending the oppressed man, he struck and killed the Egyptian. 25He thought his relatives would understand that God was bringing salvation to them via him, but they didn’t see it that way. 26So on the following day when he saw two of them quarrelling, he tried to resolve the situation by saying, ‘Men, you’re all brothers. Why are you injuring each other?’ 27But the bullying one pushed him away and said, ‘Who made you the judge over us? 28Do you want to kill me like you killed that Egyptian yesterday?’

7:23-29: Exo 2:11-15.

Acts 7:29:

29[ref]When he heard that, Mosheh fled Egypt and became an exile in Midian where he eventually had two sons.

7:29: Exo 18:3-4.

Heb 11:27:

27By faith, Mosheh wasn’t afraid of the king’s anger when he left Egypt and persevered because he could see what was invisible.

Gen 15:13-14:

13and Yahweh said to Abram, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that doesn’t belong to them, and they will serve the the rulers of that land and those rulers will persecute them for 400 years.[ref] 14But just as certain, I’ll punish the nation that they serve and after that they’ll come out with many possessions.[ref]

15:13: Exo 1:1-14; Acts 7:6.

15:14: Exo 12:40-41; Acts 7:7.