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Open English Translation EXO Chapter 2

EXO 2 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

2:1 The birth of Mosheh (Moses)

2During this period, a man from the tribe of Levi married a woman who was also a Levite, 2and she conceived and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a healthy boy, she hid him away for three months,[ref] 3but then she wasn’t able to hide him any longer. So she got a basket made from woven reeds and plastered it with bitumen and pitch. Then she put the baby in it, and floated the basket in the reeds along the riverbank, 4leaving the baby’s sister to watch from a distance to see what would happen to him.

5After a while, Far’oh’s daughter came down to the river to wash herself, and she and her young attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the container among the reeds and sent one of her slave women to get it. 6She opened it and saw the baby inside, and wow, he started crying. She felt sorry for him and said, “This baby must be one of the Hebrew children.”

7Then his sister approached and asked the princess, “Would you like me to go and find a Hebrew woman who’ll be able to breastfeed the baby for you?”

8Yes, go,” answered Far’oh’s daughter, and the girl went and got the baby’s mother. 9“Take this baby,” said the princess, “and breastfeed him for me, and I’ll pay you for doing it.” So the woman took the baby and looked after him. 10When the boy had grown enough, she brought him back to Far’oh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him ‘Mosheh[fn] (which means ‘pulled out’) because she said that she’d plucked him out of the river.[ref]

2and_he/it_went a_man from_house of_Lēvīh and_he/it_took DOM the_daughter of_Lēvīh.
2And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant the_woman and_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_she/it_saw DOM_him/it if/because_that [was]_good he and_hid_him three months.
3And_not she_was_able still hide_him and_got to_him/it a_basket of_papyrus and_coated_it in/on/at/with_tar and_in/on/at/with_pitch and_placed in/on/at/with_it DOM the_child and_placed in/on/at/with_reeds at the_bank the_Nile.
4And_stood sister_his at_distance to_see what will_it_be_done to_him/it.
5And_went_down the_daughter of_Farˊoh to_bathe at the_Nile and_attendants_her [were]_walking on the_side the_river and_she/it_saw DOM the_box in_the_middle the_reeds and_sent DOM slave_girl_her and_took_it[fn] 6and_opened and_saw_him DOM the_child and_see/lo/see a_lad [was]_crying and_felt_sorry on/upon/above_him/it and_she/it_said one_of_children the_Hebrews’ this.
7And_she/it_said sister_his to the_daughter of_Farˊoh go and_call to/for_you(fs) a_woman a_wet_nurse from the_Hebrew and_nurse to/for_you(fs) DOM the_child.
8And_she/it_said to/for_her/it the_daughter of_Farˊoh go and_went the_girl and_she/it_called/named DOM the_mother the_child’s.
9And_she/it_said to/for_her/it the_daughter of_Farˊoh take DOM the_child the_this and_nurse_him to_me and_I I_will_pay DOM wages_your and_she/it_took the_woman the_child and_nursed_him.
10And_grew[fn] the_child and_brought_him to_daughter of_Farˊoh and_he/it_was to/for_her/it as_son and_she/it_called/named his/its_name Mosheh and_she/it_said if/because from the_waters drew_out_him.

2:11 Mosheh escapes to Midiyan

11Later on when Mosheh was fully grown, he went out to visit the Hebrews and saw their forced labour, and he saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew man—one of his own people.[ref] 12Mosheh looked around to check that no one was watching, then he hit the Egyptian, killing him, then he hid his body in the sand. 13The next day, he went out again and wow, two Hebrew men were fighting each other, and he said to the man in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”

14“Who made you the ruler and judge over us?” the man replied. “Are you planning to kill me like you killed that Egyptian?” Then Mosheh was afraid because he realised that what he’d done had probably become widely known. 15Indeed, when Far’oh heard about it, he ordered Mosheh to be killed. So Mosheh had to flee from the king and he took off east to live in Midian and he stayed near the well.[ref]

16The priest there in Midian had seven daughters, and they would come to the well to draw water out and fill up the troughs there so their father’s sheep and goats could drink. 17Now some male shepherds came along and started to shoo their flock away, but Mosheh got involved and helped them so that their animals could drink. 18When they got home to their father Reuel, he asked, “How come you got home so early today?”

19“There was an Egyptian man,” they answered, “who stood up for us against those other shepherds. And he even drew water for us and gave our flock water to drink.”

20“Where is he now?” he asked them. “What’s this—you mean you all just left him there? Go and get him so we can give him a meal.”

21Later it turned out that Mosheh was prepared to live with the man, and in due course he gave his daughter Zipporah to Mosheh in marriage. 22When she gave birth to a son, he named him ‘Gershom’ (which means ‘foreigner’) because he said, “I’ve become a foreigner living in a foreign land.”

23Eventually Egypt’s king died, but the Israelis groaned from the slavery they were still under and they cried out, and their cry for freedom from slavery went up to God. 24He heard their groaning and remembered his agreement with Abraham, with Yitshak, and with Yacob,[ref] 25and he looked down on the Israelis and he was concerned about them.

2:10 More familiar to most English readers as ‘Moses’ from the Greek ‘Μωσῆς’ (Mōsaʸs) but Greek doesn’t have an ‘h’ or a ‘sh’ so by going through Greek we ended up with something quite different from his real name. However, English does have those sounds and letters, so there’s no reason why we can’t get this name correct.

11And_he/it_was in_the_days the_those and_grown_up Mosheh and_he/it_went_out to people_his and_he/it_saw in/on/at/with_forced_labour_their and_he/it_saw a_man from_Miʦrayim/(Miʦrayim/(Egypt)) striking a_man Hebrew one_of_people_his.
12And_looked thus and_that and_he/it_saw if/because_that there_[was]_not anyone and_struck DOM the_from_Miʦrayim/(Miʦrayim) and_hid_him in/on/at/with_sand.
13And_he/it_went_out in_the_day the_second and_see/lo/see two men Hebrew [were]_struggling_together and_he/it_said to_the_wrong to/for_what are_you_striking neighbor_your.
14And_he/it_said who made_you as_man a_chief and_judge over_us the_to_kill_me [are]_you saying just_as you_killed DOM the_from_Miʦrayim/(Miʦrayim) and_afraid Mosheh and_thought truly it_is_known the_thing.
15And_he/it_listened Farˊoh DOM the_matter the_this and_he/it_sought to_kill DOM Mosheh and_fled Mosheh from_face/in_front_of Farˊoh and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived in_land_of of_Midyān and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived at the_well.
16And_had_priest of_Midyān seven daughters and_came and_draw_water and_filled DOM the_troughs to_water the_flock father’s_their.
17And_they_came the_shepherds and_drove_away_them and_he/it_rose_up Mosheh and_came_to_rescue_their and_watered DOM flock_their.
18And_returned to Rəˊūʼēl father_their and_he/it_said why did_you_all_hurry to_come the_day.
19And_said a_man from_Miʦrayim/(Miʦrayim/(Egypt)) delivered_us from_hand the_shepherds and_also actually_(draw) he_drew to/for_us and_watered DOM the_flock.
20And_he/it_said to daughters_his and_where_he to/for_what this have_you_all_left DOM the_man invite to_him/it and_eat food.
21And_agreed Mosheh to_stay with the_man and_he/it_gave DOM Tsiporāh/(Zipporah) daughter_his to_Mosheh.
22And_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_he/it_called DOM his/its_name Gērəshom if/because he_said a_sojourner I_have_become in_land foreign.
23and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_days the_many the_those and_he/it_died the_king of_Miʦrayim and_groaned the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from the_slavery and_cried_out and_went_up cry_for_help_their to the_ʼₑlhīmv from the_slavery.
24And_he/it_listened god DOM groaning_their and_remembered god DOM covenant_his with ʼAⱱrāhām with Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac) and_with Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
25And_he/it_saw god DOM the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_he/it_knew god.

2:5 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

2:10 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

EXO 2 ©
