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Bshps NUM Chapter 7

NUM 7 ©

7And when Moyses had full set vp the tabernacle, & annoynted and sanctified it, and all the instrumentes therof, the aulter also & all the vessels therof: and had annoynted them & sanctified them. 2Then the princes of Israel, heades ouer the houses of their fathers (which were the lordes of the tribes, and ouer them that were numbred) offered, 3And brought their sacrifice before the Lorde, sixe couered charettes, & twelue oxen: one charet for two lordes, and for one an oxe, and they brought them before the tabernacle. 4And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 5Take it of them, that they may be to do the seruice of the tabernacle of the congregation, and thou shalt geue them vnto the Leuites, to euery man accordyng vnto his office. 6And Moyses toke the charettes and the oxen, & gaue them vnto the Leuites. 7Two charettes and foure oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Gerson, accordyng vnto their office. 8And foure charettes & eyght oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Merari, according vnto their offices, vnder ye hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the priest. 9But vnto the sonnes of Caath he gaue none: because the charge of the sanctuarie belonged vnto them, which they dyd beare vpon shoulders. 10And the princes offered for the dedicatyng of the aulter in the day that it was annoynted, and brought their sacrifices before the aulter. 11And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: The princes shal bring their offeringes, euery day one prince, for the dedicating of the aulter. 12And so on the first day dyd Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab, of the tribe of Iuda, offer his sacrifice. 13And his offeryng was a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the waight of the sanctuarie, and they were both full of fine floure, mingled with oyle, for a meate offeryng: 14An incense cup of ten sicles of golde, full of incense: 15A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 16An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 17And for a peace offering, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, & fiue lambes of a yere olde. This was the gift of Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab. 18The seconde day Nathaniel the sonne of Zuar, captayne ouer Isachar, did offer: 19And he offered for his gyft, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle, for a meate offeryng: 20An incense cup of golde of ten sicles, full of incense: 21One youg bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 22And an hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 23And for a peace offering, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offering of Nathanael the sonne of Zuar. 24The thirde day, Eliab the sonne of Helon, captayne of the children of Zabulon, did offer: 25And his gyft was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, and both were full of fine floure mingled with oyle, for a meate offeryng: 26A golden incense cup of ten sicles full of incense: 27A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 28An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 29And for a peace offering, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offeryng of Eliab the sonne of Helon. 30The fourth day, Elizur the sonne of Sedeur, captayne of the children of Ruben, dyd offer. 31And his gyft was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, and they were both full of fine floure mingled with oyle, for a meate offeryng: 32A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of incense: 33A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 34An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 35And for a peace offeryng, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, & fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offering of Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 36The fifth day, Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Saddai, captayne of the children of Simeon, offered: 37His gyft was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, and they were both full of fine floure mingled with oyle, for a meate offeryng: 38A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of incense: 39A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 40An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 41And for a peace offeryng, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of a yere olde. This was the offeryng of Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Saddai. 42The sixt day, Eliasaph the sonne of Duel, captayne of the children of Gad, offered: 43His gyft was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meate offeryng: 44A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of incense: 45A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 46An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 47And for a peace offeryng, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offeryng of Eliasaph, the sonne of Duel. 48The seuenth day, Elisama the sonne of Amiud, captayne of the children of Ephraim, offered: 49And his sacrifice was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meat offeryng: 50A golden incense cup of ten sicles, ful of incense. 51A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde, for a burnt offeryng: 52An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 53And for a peace offeryng, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of a yere olde. This was the offeryng of Elisama, the sonne of Amiud. 54The eyght day, offered Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur, the captayne of the children of Manasses. 55And his offering was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after ye sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meate offeryng: 56A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of incense 57A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde for a burnt offeryng, 58An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 59And for a peace offeryng two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of a yere olde. This was the offeryng of Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. 60The ninth day, Abidan the sonne of Gedeon captayne of the children of Beniamin, offered. 61And his gift was a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meate offeryng: 62A golden insence cup of ten sicles, full of insence: 63A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of one yere olde for a burnt offeryng: 64An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 65And for a peace offeryng, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offeryng of Abidan the sonne of Gedeon. 66The tenth day, Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Saddai, captayne of the childre of Dan offered. 67And his offeryng was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of ye sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meate offeryng: 68A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of insence: 69A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde for a burnt offeryng: 70An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 71And for a peace offering, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes, of a yere olde. This was the offeryng of Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Saddai. 72The eleuenth day, Pagiel the sonne of Ocran, captayne of the children of Aser, offered. 73And his offeryng was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meat offeryng: 74A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of incense: 75A young bullock, a ramme, a lambe of a yere olde for a burnt offeryng: 76An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 77And for a peace offering, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offeryng of Pagiel the sonne of Ocran. 78The twelfth daye, Ahira the sonne of Enan, captaine of the children of Nephthali, offered. 79And his offering was, a siluer charger of an hundred and thirtie sicles, a siluer boule of seuentie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, both full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meate offeryng: 80A golden incense cup of ten sicles, full of incense: 81A young bullocke, a ramme, a lambe of one yere olde for a burnt offeryng: 82An hee goate for a sinne offeryng: 83And for a peace offering, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goates, fiue lambes of one yere olde. This was the offeryng of Ahira the sonne of Enan. 84This was the dedication of the aulter in the day when it was annoynted by the princes of Israel: twelue chargers of siluer, twelue siluer boules, twelue incense cuppes of golde. 85Euery charger conteynyng an hundred and thirtie sicles of siluer, euery boule seuentie: And all the siluer vessels conteyned two thousande & foure hundred sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie. 86And the golden incense cuppes were twelue, full of incense, conteynyng ten sicles a peece after ye sicle of the sanctuarie: so that all ye golde of the incense cuppes was an hundred and twentie sicles. 87All the bullockes for the burnt offeryng were twelue, the rammes twelue, the lambes of a yere olde twelue, with their meate offerynges: and the hee goates for sinne offeryng, twelue. 88And all the oxen for the peace offerynges were twentie and foure, the rammes sixtie, the hee goates sixtie, the lambes of a yere olde sixtie. This was the dedication of the aulter, after that it was annoynted. 89And when Moyses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregatio to speake with hym, he hearde the voyce of one speakyng vnto hym from of the mercie seate that was vpon the arke of witnesse betweene the two Cherubims, and he talked with hym.

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