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Bshps NUM Chapter 1

NUM 1 ©

1And the Lord spake vnto Moyses in the wildernesse of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, the first day of the seconde moneth in the second yere after they were come out of the lande of Egypt, saying: 2Take ye the summe of all the multitude of the children of Israel, after their kinredes & housholdes of their fathers, with the number of their names, all that are males, head by head, 3From twentie yeres olde and aboue, euen all that go foorth to the warre in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them throughout their armies. 4And with you shalbe men of euery tribe, such as are the heades of the houses of their fathers. 5And these are the names of the men that shall stand with you: of the tribe of Ruben, Elizur, the sonne of Sedeur. 6Of Simeon, Selumiel the sonne of Suri Saddai. 7Of Iuda, Nahesson, the sonne of Aminadab. 8Of Isachar, Nathanael the sonne of Zuar. 9Of Zabulon, Eliab the sonne of Helo. 10Among the chyldren of Ioseph: of Ephraim, Elisama the sonne of Ammihud: of Manasse, Gameliel the sonne of Pedazur. 11Of Beniamin, Abidan the sonne of Gedeon. 12Of Dan, Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Saddai. 13Of Aser, Pagiel the sonne of Orran. 14Of Gad, Elisah the sonne of Duel. 15Of Nephthali, Ahira ye sonne of Enan. 16There were of great fame in the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, and heades ouer thousandes in Israel. 17And Moyses & Aaron toke these men whiche are expressed by their names. 18And they called all the congregation together the first day of the second moneth, and they were reckened throughout their kinredes and houses of their fathers, accordyng to the number of their names, from twentie yeres olde and aboue, head by head. 19As the Lorde commaunded Moyses, euen so he numbred them in the wildernesse of Sinai. 20So were the chyldren of Ruben, Israels eldest sonne, throughout their generations, and their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, accordyng to the number of their names, head by head, all males from twentie yeres old & aboue, as many as did go foorth to the warre: 21The number of them that were of the tribe of Ruben, was fourtie & sixe thousande, and fiue hundred. 22Of the chyldren of Simeon throughout their generations, & their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the summe of the in the number of names head by head, all the males from twentie yeres and aboue, whosoeuer myght go foorth to the warre: 23The summe of them that were of the tribe of Simeon, fiftie & nine thousande and three hundred. 24Of the chyldren of Gad throughout their generations, and their kinredes, & housholdes of their fathers, the number of the names from twentie yeres & aboue, all that went foorth to ye warre: 25The number of them that were of the tribe of Gad, was fourtie and fiue thousand, sixe hundred and fiftie. 26Of the chyldren of Iuda throughout their generations, and their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the number of names fro twentie yeres & aboue, all that were able to go foorth to ye warre: 27The number of them that were of the tribe of Iuda, was threscore and fourteene thousande, and sixe hundred. 28Of the chyldren of Isachar throughout their generations, & their kinredes, & houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres and aboue, whiche went all foorth to the warre: 29The number of them that were of the tribe of Isachar, was fiftie and foure thousande and foure hundred. 30Of the chyldren of Zabulon, throughout their generations, & their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres and aboue, all whiche were able to go foorth in the hoast: 31The number of them that were of the tribe of Zabulon, was fiftie and seuen thousande and foure hundred. 32Of the chyldren of Ioseph namely of the chyldren of Ephraim throughout their generations, and their kinredes and houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres & aboue, all that went out to the warre: 33The number of them that were of the tribe of Ephraim, was fourtie thousand and fiue hundred. 34Of the chyldren of Manasse throughout their generations, & their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres olde and aboue, all that went out to the warre: 35The number of them that were of the tribe of Manasse, was thirtie and two thousande and two hundred. 36Of the chyldren of Beniamin throughout their generations, & their kinredes and houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres and aboue, all that went foorth to the warre: 37The number of them that were of the tribe of Beniamin, was thirtie and fiue thousande, and foure hundred. 38Of the chyldren of Dan throughout their generations, and kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres olde and aboue, all that went foorth to the warre: 39The number of them that were of the tribe of Dan, was threscore and two thousande and seuen hundred. 40Of the chyldren of Asar throughout their generations, and their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the number of the names from twentie yeres and aboue, all that went out to the warre: 41The number of them that were of the tribe of Aser, was fourtie and one thousande and fiue hundred. 42Of the children of Nephthali throughout their generations, and their kinredes, and houses of their fathers, the number of names from twentie yeres and aboue, all that myght go foorth to the warre: 43The number of them that were of the tribe of Nephthali, was fiftie and three thousande and foure hundred. 44These are the summes whiche Moyses and Aaron numbred, and the princes of Israel, those twelue men which were euery one for the house of their fathers. 45So were all the numbers of the chyldren of Israel throughout the houses of their fathers, from twentie yeres and aboue, all that went foorth to the warre in Israel: 46All they I say, were in number sixe hundred thousand, and three thousand, fiue hundred and fiftie. 47But the Leuites after the tribes of their fathers, were not numbred among them. 48For the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 49Only thou shalt not number the tribe of Leui, neither take the summe of them among the chyldren of Israel. 50But thou shalt appoynt the Leuites ouer the tabernacle of wytnesse, & ouer all the vessels therof, and ouer all thinges that are in it: Yea, they shall beare the tabernacle, and all the vessels therof, and they shall minister in it, and shall dwell rounde about the tabernacle. 51And whe the tabernacle goeth foorth, the Leuites shall take it downe: and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Leuites shal set it vp: and if any straunger come nye, he shall dye. 52And the chyldren of Israel shall pitch their tentes, euery man in his owne campe, and euery man vnder his owne standerd throughout their hoastes. 53But the Leuites shall pitche rounde about the tabernacle of wytnesse, that there be no wrath vpon the congregation of the chyldren of Israel: and the Leuites shall kepe the watche of the tabernacle of wytnesse. 54And the chyldren of Israel dyd accordyng to all that the Lorde commaunded Moyses, euen so dyd they.

NUM 1 ©
