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Cvdl EZE Chapter 46

EZE 46 ©

46Thus sayeth the LORDE God: ye dore of the ynnermer courte towarde the east, shall be shut the vj. worke dayes: but in the Sabbath and in the daye of the new Moone, it shalbe opened. 2Then shal the prynce come vnder the dore porche, & stonde still without by the dore cheke. So ye prestes shall offre vp his burnt & healthoffrynges. And he shal worshipe at the dore poste, and go his waye forth agayne: but ye dore shal nomore be shut till the euenynge. 3On the same maner shal the people of the londe also do their worshipe before the LORDE, without this dore vpon the Sabbathes and new Moones. 4This is now the burntoffrynge, that the prynce shall bringe vnto the LORDE vpon the Sabbath: sixe lambes without blemysh, & a ram without blemysh, 5and an Epha for a meatoffringe, with ye ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meatoffrynges to them, as he wil, & an Hin of oyle to an Epha. 6In the daye of the new moneth, it shalbe a yonge bullocke without blemysh, sixe lambes & a ram also without blemysh. 7With the bullocke he shal geue an Epha, and with the ram an Epha also for a meatofferinge: but to ye lambes, what he maye come by: And euer an Hin of oyle to an Epha. 8When the prynce cometh, he shall go vnder the dore porche, and euen there departe forth agayne. 9But when the people of the londe come before the LORDE in the hye solempne feast, as many as come in by the north dore to do worshipe, shal go out agayne at the south dore. And they that come in at the south dore, shal go forth agayne at ye north dore. There shal none go out at the dore where he came in, but shal go forth right ouer on the other syde, 10and the prynce shall go in and out amonge them. 11Vpon the solempne and hie feaste dayes, this shalbe the meatofferynge: An Epha to a bullock, and an Epha to a ram: and to the lambes, as many as he wil, but euer an Hin of oyle to an Epha. 12Now when the prynce bryngeth a burntofferynge or an healthofferynge with a fre wil vnto the LORDE, the east dore shalbe opened vnto him, yt he maye do with his burnt & healthofferynges, as he doth vpo the Sabbath: and when he goeth forth, the dore shal be shut after him agayne. 13He shal daylie brynge vnto the LORDE a lambe of a yeare olde without blemish for a burntofferynge: this shall he do euery mornynge. 14And for a meatofferynge he shal geue the sixte parte of an Epha, & the thirde parte of an Hin of oyle (to myngle with the cakes) euery mornynge. Yee this shalbe a daylie meatofferinge vnto the LORDE, for an euerlastinge ordinaunce: 15& thus shal the lambe, the meatofferynge and oyle be geuen euery mornynge, for a dailie burntofferinge. 16Morouer, thus sayeth the LORDE God: Yf the prynce geue a gifte vnto eny of his sonnes, then shall it be his sonnes heretage perpetuall, yt he maye possesse it. 17But yf he wil geue one of his seruauntes some of his heretage, it shall be his to the fre yeare, and the to returne agayne vnto ye prynce: for his heretage shalbe his sonnes only. 18The prynce also shal take none of the peoples enheritaunce, ner put the from their possession: but to his owne sonnes shal he geue his possession, that my people be not scatred abrode, but that euery man maye haue his owne. 19And he brought me thorow the intraunce at the syde of the dore to ye habitacion of the Sanctuary, that belongeth to ye prestes and stode towarde the north, & beholde, there was a place vpon the west syde, 20then sayde he vnto me: This is the place, where the prestes shall dight the trespace and synofferynges, & bake ye meatofferynges: that they nede not beare the in to the outwarde courte, and so to vnhalowe the people. 21So he brought me in to the vttemost courte, rounde aboute all the foure corners. Beholde, in euery corner of ye fore courte, there was yet a litle courte. 22Yee in all the foure corners of the courte, there was made a litle courte of xl. cubites longe, and xxx. cubites brode: these foure litle courtes were of one like measure, 23& there went a rygge wall rounde aboute them all foure, vnder the which there were harthes made rounde aboute. 24Then sayde he vnto me: This is the kechin, where the ministers of the house shal dight the slayne offerynges of the people.

EZE 46 ©
