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Cvdl EZE Chapter 40

EZE 40 ©

40In the xxv yeare of oure captiuyte, in the begynnynge of the yeare, the x daye of the moneth: that is the xiiij yeare, after that ye cite was smytten downe: the same daye came the honde of the LORDE vpon me, and caried me forth: 2euen into the londe of Israel brought he me in the visions of God: and set me downe vpo a maruelous hie mountayne, whervpon there was a buyldinge (as it had bene of a cite) towarde the north. 3Thither he caried me, and beholde, there was a man, whose similitude was like brasse, which had a threde of flax in his honde, and a meterodde also. He stode in the dore, 4& sayde vnto me: marcke well with thine eyes, herken to with thine eares, and fasten it in thine hert, what so euer I shal shewe the, for to the intent that they might be shewed the, therfore art thou brought hither. And what soeuer thou seyst, thou shalt certifie the house of Israel therof. 5Beholde, there was a wall on the outsyde rounde aboute the house: the meterodde that he had in his honde, was six cubites longe & a spanne. So he measured the bredth of the buyldinge, which was a meterodde, and the heyth also a meterodde. 6Then came he vnto the eastdore, and wente vp the stares, & measured the postes of the dore: wherof euery one was a meterodde thicke. Euery chambre was a meterodde longe and brode: 7betwene the chambers were fyue cubites. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde. 8He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore, which conteyned a meterodde. 9The measured he the entrie of the dore, that conteyned eght cubites, and his pilers two cubites: and this entrie stode inwarde. 10The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: alike brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes, were of one measure. 11After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore: which was x cubites, & the heyth of the dore xiij cubites. 12The edge before the chabres was one cubite brode vpo both the sydes, & the chambres six cubites wyde of either syde. 13He measured ye dore from the rygge of one chabre to another, whose wydenesse was xxv cubites, & one dore stode agaynst another. 14He made pilers also lx cubites hie, rounde aboute the courte dore. 15Before the inwarde parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore, were fiftie cubites. 16The chambers and their pilers within, rounde aboute vnto ye dore, had syde wyndowes: So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde aboute within. And vpon the pilers there stode date trees. 17Then brought he me in to the fore courte, where as were chabres & paued workes, made in ye fore courte roude aboute: xxx chabres vpon one paued worcke. 18Now the paued worke was a loge besyde the dores, and that was the lower paued worke. 19After this, he measured ye bredth from the lower dore, vnto the ynnermer courte of the outsyde, which had an hundreth cubites vpon the east & the north parte. 20And the dore in the vttemost courte towarde the north, measured he after the legth and bredth: 21his thre chambres also on either syde, with his pilers & fore entries: which had euen the measure of the first dore. His heyth was fiftie cubites, the bredth xxv cubites: 22his wyndowes & porches with his datetrees, had euen like measure as the dore towarde the east: there where vij steppes to go vp vpo, & their porche before them. 23Now ye dore of the ynnermer courte stode straight ouer agaynst the dore, that was towarde ye north east. From one dore to another, he measured an C cubites. 24After that, he brought me to the south syde, where there stode a dore towarde ye south: whose pilers and porches he measured, these had the fyrst measure, 25& with their porches they had wyndowes rounde aboute, like the first wyndowes. The heyth was l cubites, ye bredth xxv, 26with steppes to go vp vpon: his porche stode before him, with his pilers and datetrees on either syde. 27And the dore of the ynnermer courte stode towarde the south, & he measured from one dore to another an C cubites. 28So he brought me in to ye ynnermer courte, thorow the dore of the south syde: which he measured, & it had the measure afore sayde. 29In like maner, his chambres, pilers and fore entries, had euen the fore sayde measure also. And he had with his porches rounde aboute, wyndowes of l cubites hye, & xxv cubites brode. 30The porches rounde aboute were xxv cubites longe, and v cubites brode: 31and his porch reached vnto ye vttemost courte: vpon his pilers there were date trees, and viij steppes to go vp vpon. 32He brought me also in to the ynmost courte vpon the east syde, and measured the dore, acordinge to ye measure afore sayde. 33His chabers, pilers and porches had euen the same measure, as the first had: & with his porches he had wyndowes roude aboute. The heith was l cubites, ye bredth xxv cubites: 34His porches reached vnto the vttemost courte: his pilers also had date trees on either syde, and viij steppes to go vp vpon. 35And he brought me to the north dore, and measured it, which also had the foresayde measure. 36His chabres, pilers and porches had wyndowes rounde aboute: whose heyth was l cubites, and the bredth xxv. 37His pilers stode towarde the vttemost courte, and vpon them both were date trees, and viij steppes to go vp vpon. 38There stode a chambre also, whose intrauce was at the dore pilers, and there the burntoffringes were wa?shed. 39In the dore porche, there stode on ether syde two tables for the slaughtinge: to slaye the brentoffringes, synneoffringes and trespaceoffringes thervpon. 40And on the out syde as men go forth to the north dore, there stode two tables. 41Foure stables stode on ether syde of the dore, that is viij tables, whervpon they slaughted. 42Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burntoffringes, of a cubite and a half longe and brode, and one cubite hie: whervpon were layed ye vessels and ornamentes, which were vsed to, the burnt & slayne offeringes, when they were slaughted. 43And within there were hokes foure fyngers brode, fastened rounde aboute, to hange flesh vpon, & vpon the tables was layed the offringe flesh. 44On the outsyde of the ynnermer dore were the syngers chambers in the inwarde courte besyde ye north dore ouer agaynst the south. There stode one also, besyde the east dore north warde. 45And he sayde vnto me: This chambre on the south syde belongeth to the prestes, that kepe the habitacion: 46and this towarde the north, is the prestes that wayte vpon the aulter: which be the sonnes of Sadoch, that do seruyce before the LORDE in steade of the children of Leui. 47So he measured the fore courte, which had in length an C cubites, and as moch in bredth by the foure corners. Now the aulter stode before the house: 48And he brought me to the fore entre of the house, and measured the walles by the entre dore: which were fyue cubites longe on ether syde. The thicknesse also of the dore on ether syde, was thre cubites. 49The legth of the porche was xx cubites. the bredth xj. cubites, and vpon steppes went men vp to it: by the walles also were pilers, on either syde one.

EZE 40 ©
