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ULT ISA Chapter 66

ISA 66 ©

66Thus says Yahweh,

“Heaven is my throne,

and the earth is the stool for my feet.

Where is the house that you will build for me?

And where is the place where I may rest?

2And all these my hand has made;

thus all these came to be”

—the declaration of Yahweh.

“And to this one I look,

to the broken and contrite of spirit,

and who trembles at my word.

3He who slaughters an ox strikes down a man;

he who sacrifices a lamb breaks the neck of a dog;

he who brings up a grain offering offers the blood of a pig;

he who offers a memorial of incense blesses wickedness.

They, too, have chosen their ways,

and in their abominations their spirit delights.

4Even so, I shall choose their punishment,

and their fears I shall bring on them,

because I called, and no one answered;

I spoke, and no one listened.

And they did evil before my eyes,

and what I did not desire, they chose.”

5Hear the word of Yahweh,

who tremble at his word,

Your brothers who hate you have said,

—who exclude you for the sake of my name—

“May Yahweh be glorified,

and we will see your joy,”

but they will be put to shame.

6The sound of uproar from the city,

a sound from the temple,

the sound of Yahweh

repaying completely his enemies.

7“Before she goes into labor, she gives birth;

before pain comes upon her, then she delivers a male.

8Who has heard of such a thing?

Who has seen such things?

Can a land be delivered through labor in one day?

Can a nation be born in one moment?

For Zion went into labor,

she yet gave birth to her children.

9Do I break open the womb

and not cause birth?”—said Yahweh.

“Or do I cause birth

and block it?”—said your God.

10“Rejoice with Jerusalem

and be glad for her, all who love her;

rejoice with her in gladness,

all who mourned over her!

11For you will suckle and be satisfied

from her comforting breasts;

for you will drink deep and be refreshed

from her glorious teat.”

12For thus says Yahweh:

“Behold, I am about to spread well-being over her like a river,

and like an overflowing stream the splendor of the nations,

and you will suckle; at her side you will be carried

and on her knees rocked to and fro.

13As a man whose mother comforts him,

so I will comfort you,

and in Jerusalem you will be comforted.”

14And you will see, and your heart will rejoice,

and your bones will sprout like the grass,

and the hand of Yahweh will be made known to his servants,

but he will rage against his enemies.

15For behold, Yahweh is coming with fire,

and like the windstorm, his chariots

to bring the heat of his nose

and his rebuke with flames of fire.

16For Yahweh judges with fire,

and with his sword against all flesh.

and those slain by Yahweh will be many.

17“Those who consecrate and purify themselves to enter the gardens, behind one in the center, eating the flesh of pig and abominations and mice. They altogether will come to an end”—the declaration of Yahweh.

18“For I know their deeds and their thoughts. The time is coming when I will gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see my glory. 19And I will set a sign among them and send survivors from them to the nations: Tarshish, Pul and Lud, who draw the bow, Tubal and Javan, the distant coastlands where they have not heard news of me and have not seen my glory; and they will proclaim my glory among the nations. 20And they will bring all your brothers from all the nations as an offering to Yahweh on horses and in chariots and in wagons and on mules and on camels to my holy mountain Jerusalem”—says Yahweh—“as the sons of Israel bring a grain offering in a clean vessel into the house of Yahweh.

21And from them I shall even take priests and Levites”—says Yahweh.

22“For just as the new heavens and the new earth

that I am making stand before my face”—the declaration of Yahweh—

“so will stand your seed and your name. 23And it will be, from month to month, and from Sabbath to Sabbath,

all flesh will come to bow down before my face”—says Yahweh.

24“And they will go out and see

the corpses of the men who have rebelled against me,

for their maggots will not die, and their fire will not be quenched;

and they will be an abhorrence to all flesh.”

ISA 66 ©
