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Wyc ACTs Chapter 28

ACTs 28 ©

28And whanne we hadden ascapid, thanne we knewen that the ile was clepid Militene. And the hethene men diden to vs not litil curtesie. 2And whanne a fier was kyndelid, thei refreschiden vs alle, for the reyn that cam, and the coold. 3But whanne Poul hadde gederid `a quantite of kittingis of vines, and leide on the fier, an edder sche cam forth fro the heete, and took hym bi the hoond. 4And whanne the hethene men of the ile siyen the beest hangynge in his hoond, thei seiden togidir, For this man is a manquellere; and whanne he scapide fro the see, Goddis veniaunce suffrith hym not to lyue in erthe. 5But he schoke awei the beest in to the fier, and hadde noon harm. 6And thei gessiden that he schulde be turned `in to swellyng, and falle doun sudenli, and die. But whanne thei abiden longe, and sien that no thing of yuel was don in him, thei turneden hem togider, and seiden, that he was God. 7And in tho placis weren maners of the prince of the ile, Puplius bi name, which resseyuede vs bi thre daies benygnli, and foond vs. 8And it bifel, that the fader of Pupplius lai trauelid with fyueris and blodi flux. To whom Poul entride, and whanne he hadde preied, and leid his hondis on hym, he helide hym. 9And whanne this thing was don, alle that in the ile hadden sijknesses, camen, and weren heelid. 10Which also onouriden vs in many worschipis, and puttiden what thingis weren necessarie to vs, whanne we schippiden. 11And after thre monethis we schippiden in a schip of Alisaundre, that hadde wyntrid in the ile, to which was an excellent singne of Castours. 12And whanne we camen to Siracusan, we dwelliden there thre daies. 13Fro thennus we seiliden aboute, and camen to Regyum; and aftir oo dai, while the south blew, in the secounde dai we camen to Puteolos. 14Where whanne we founden britheren, we weren preied to dwelle there anentis hem seuene daies. And so we camen to Rome. 15And fro thennus whanne britheren hadden herd, thei camen to vs to the cheping of Appius, and to the Thre tauernes. 16And whanne Poul hadde seyn hem, he dide thankyngis to God, and took trist. And whanne `we camen to Rome, it was suffrid to Poul to dwelle bi hym silf, with a kniyt kepinge him. 17And after the thridde dai, he clepide togidir the worthieste of the Jewis. And whanne thei camen, he seide to hem, Britheren, Y dide no thing ayens the puple ether custom of fadris, and Y was boundun at Jerusalem, and was bitakun in to the hondis of Romayns. 18And whanne thei hadden axid of me, wolden haue delyuerid me, for that no cause of deth was in me. 19But for Jewis ayenseiden, Y was constreyned to appele to the emperour; not as hauynge ony thing to accuse my puple. 20Therfor for this cause Y preiede to se you, and speke to you; for for the hope of Israel Y am gird aboute with this chayne. 21And thei seiden to hym, Nether we han resseyued lettris of thee fro Judee, nether ony of britheren comynge schewide, ether spak ony yuel thing of thee. 22But we preyen to here of thee, what thingis thou felist; for of this sect it is knowun to vs, that euerywhere me ayenseith it. 23And whanne thei hadden ordeined a dai to hym, many men camen to hym in to the in. To whiche he expownede, witnessinge the kyngdom `of God, and counseilide hem of Jhesu, of the lawe of Moyses, and profetis, for the morewe til to euentid. 24And summe bileueden to these thingis that weren seid of Poul, summe bileueden not. 25And whanne thei weren not consentinge togidir, thei departiden. And Poul seide o word, For the Hooli Goost spak wel bi Ysaye, the profete, to oure fadris, 26and seide, Go thou to this puple, and seie to hem, With eere ye schulen here, and ye schulen not vndirstonde; and ye seynge schulen se, and ye schulen not biholde. 27For the herte of this puple is greetli fattid, and with eeris thei herden heuyli, and thei closiden togider her iyen, lest perauenture thei se with iyen, and with eeris here, and bi herte vndurstonde, and be conuertid, and Y hele hem. 28Therfor be it knowun to you, that this helthe of God is sent to hethen men, and thei schulen here. 29And whanne he hadde seid these thingis, Jewis wenten out fro hym, and hadden myche questioun, ethir musyng, among hem silf. 30And he dwellide ful twei yeer in his hirid place; and he resseyuede alle that entryden to hym, 31and prechide the kingdom of God, and tauyte tho thingis that ben of the Lord Jhesu Crist, with al trist, with out forbedyng. Amen.

ACTs 28 ©
