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Wyc ACTs Chapter 21

ACTs 21 ©

21And whanne it was don, that we schulden seile, and weren passid awei fro hem, with streiyt cours we camen to Choum, and the day suynge to Rodis, and fro thennus to Patiram, and fro thennus to Myram. 2And whanne we founden a schip passinge ouer to Fenyce, we wenten vp in to it, and sailden forth. 3And whanne we apperiden to Cipre, we leften it at the left half, and seiliden in to Sirie, and camen to Tire. For there the schip schulde be vnchargid. 4And whanne we foundun disciplis, we dwelliden there seuene daies; whiche seiden bi spirit to Poul, that he schulde not go vp to Jerusalem. 5And whanne the daies weren fillid, we yeden forth, and alle men with wyues and children ledden forth vs with outen the citee; and we kneliden in the see brenke, and we preieden. 6And whanne we hadden maad fare wel togidre, we wenten vp into the schip; and thei turneden ayen in to her owne places. 7And whanne the schip sailinge was fillid fro Tire, we camen doun to Tolamayda, and whanne we hadden gret wel the britheren, we dwelliden o dai at hem. 8And another dai we yeden forth, and camen to Cesarie. And we entriden in to the hous of Filip euangelist, that was oon of the seuene, and dwelliden at hym. 9And to hym weren foure douytris, virgyns, that profecieden. 10And whanne we dwelliden there bi summe daies, a profete, Agabus bi name, cam ouer fro Judee. 11This whanne he cam to vs, took the girdil of Poul, and boond togidere hise feet and hoondis, and seide, The Hooli Goost seith these thingis, Thus Jewis schulen bynde in Jerusalem the man, whos is this girdil; and thei schulen bytake into hethene mennys hoondis. 12Which thing whanne we herden, we preieden, and thei that weren of that place, that he schulde not go vp to Jerusalem. 13Thanne Poul answeride, and seide, What doen ye, wepinge and turmentinge myn herte? For Y am redi, not oonli to be boundun, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jhesu. 14And whanne we myyten not counseile hym, we weren stille, and seiden, The wille of the Lord be don. 15And aftir these daies we weren maad redi, and wenten vp to Jerusalem. 16And summe of the disciplis camen with vs fro Cesarie, and ledden with hem a man, Jason of Cipre, an elde disciple, at whom we schulden be herborid. 17And whanne we camen to Jerusalem, britheren resseyueden vs wilfulli. 18And in the dai suynge Poul entride with vs to James, and alle the eldre men weren gaderid. 19Whiche whanne he hadde gret, he telde bi alle thingis, what God hadde doon in hethene men, bi the mynysterie of hym. 20And whanne thei herden, thei magnyfiden God, and seiden to hym, Brothir, thou seest how many thousyndis ben in Jewis, that han bileued to God, and alle ben loueris of the lawe. 21And thei herden of thee, that thou techist departing fro Moises of thilk Jewis that ben bi hethene men, that seien, that thei owen not circumcide her sones, nether owen to entre by custom. 22Therfor what is? It bihoueth that the multitude come togidre; for thei schulen here, that thou art come. 23Therfor do thou this thing, that we seien to thee. Ther ben to vs foure men, that han a vow on hem. 24Take thou these men, and halowe thee with hem; honge on hem, that thei schaue her heedis; and that alle men wite, that the thingis that thei herden of thee ben false, but that thou walkist, and thi silf kepist the lawe. 25But of these that bileueden of hethene men, we writen, demynge that thei absteyne hem fro thing offrid to idols, and fro blood, and also fro stranglid thing, and fro fornicacioun. 26Thanne Poul took the men, and in the dai suynge he was purified with hem, and entride in to the temple, and schewide the filling of daies of purifying, til the offring was offrid for ech of hem. 27And whanne seuene daies weren endid, the Jewis that weren of Asie, whanne thei saien him in the temple, stiriden al the puple, and leyden hondis on hym, 28and crieden, Men of Israel, helpe ye vs. This is the man, that ayens the puple and the lawe and this place techith euery where alle men, more ouer and hath led hethene men in to the temple, and hath defoulid this hooli place. 29For thei seyen Trofimus of Effesi in the citee with hym, whom thei gessiden that Poul hadde brouyt in to the temple. 30And al the citee was moued, and a rennyng togider of the puple was maad. And thei token Poul, and drowen him out of the temple; and anoon the yatis weren closid. 31And whanne thei souyten to sle hym, it was teld to the tribune of the cumpany of knyytis, that al Jerusalem is confoundid. 32Which anoon took knyytis, and centuriens, and ran to hem. And whanne thei hadden seen the tribune, and the knyytis, thei ceessiden to smyte Poul. 33Thanne the tribune cam, and cauyte hym, and comaundide, that he were boundun with twei cheynes; and axide, who he was, and what he hadde don. 34But othere crieden other thing among the puple. And whanne he miyte `knowe no certeyn thing for the noise, he comaundide hym to be led in to the castels. 35And whanne Poul cam to the grees, it bifel that he was borun of kniytis, for strengthe of the puple. 36For the multitude of the puple suede hym, and criede, Take hym awei. 37And whanne Poul bigan to be led in to the castels, he seide to the tribune, Whether it is leueful `to me, to speke ony thing to thee? 38And he seide, Kanst thou Greek? Whether thou art not the Egipcian, which bifor these daies mouedist a noise, and leddist out in to desert foure thousynde of men, mensleeris? 39And Poul seide to hym, For Y am a Jew, of Tharse of Cilicie, a citeseyn, which citee is not vnknowun. And Y preye thee, suffre me to speke to the puple. 40And whanne he suffride, Poul stood in the grees, and bikenede with the hoond to the puple. And whanne a greet silence was maad, he spak in Ebrew tunge, and seide,

ACTs 21 ©
