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Wyc ACTs Chapter 17

ACTs 17 ©

17And whanne thei hadden passid bi Amfipolis and Appollonye, thei camen to Thessolonyk, where was a synagoge of Jewis. 2And bi custom Poul entride to hem, and bi thre sabatis he declaride to hem of scripturis, 3and openyde, and schewide that it bihofte Crist to suffre, and rise ayen fro deth, and that this is Jhesus Crist, whom Y telle to you. 4And summe of hem bileueden, and weren ioyned to Poul and to Silas; and a greet multitude of hethene men worschipide God, and noble wymmen not a fewe. 5But the Jewis hadden enuye, and token of the comyn puple summe yuele men, and whanne thei hadden maad a cumpenye, thei moueden the citee. And thei camen to Jasouns hous, and souyten hem to brynge forth among the puple. 6And whanne thei founden hem not, thei drowen Jasoun and summe britheren to the princis of the citee, and crieden, That these it ben, that mouen the world, and hidir thei camen, 7whiche Jason resseyuede. And these alle don ayens the maundementis of the emperour, and seien, that Jhesu is anothir king. 8And thei moueden the puple, and the princis of the citee, herynge these thingis. 9And whanne satisfaccioun was takun of Jason, and of othere, thei leten Poul and Silas go. 10And anoon bi niyt britheren leten Silas go in to Beroan. And whanne thei camen thidur, thei entriden in to the synagoge of the Jewis. 11But these weren the worthier of hem that ben at Thessolonik, whiche resseyueden the word with al desire, eche dai sekinge scripturis, if these thingis hadden hem so. 12And manye of hem bileueden and of hethen wymmen onest and men not a fewe. 13But whanne the Jewis in Tessalonyk hadden knowe, that also at Bero the word of God was prechid of Poul, thei camen thidir, mouynge and disturblynge the multitude. 14And tho anoon britheren delyuerden Poul, that he schulde go to the see; but Sylas and Tymothe dwelten there. 15And thei that ledden forth Poul, ledden hym to Atenes. And whanne thei hadden take maundement of him to Silas and to Tymothe, that ful hiyyngli thei schulden come to hym, thei wenten forth. 16And while Poul abood hem at Atenys, his spirit was moued in him, for he saiy the citee youun to ydolatrie. 17Therfor he disputide in the synagoge with the Jewis, and with men that worschipiden God, and in the dom place, by alle daies to hem that herden. 18And summe Epeicureis, and Stoisens, and filosofris disputiden with hym. And summe seiden, What wole this sowere of wordis seie? And othere seiden, He semeth to be a tellere of newe fendis; for he telde to hem Jhesu, and the ayenrisyng. 19And thei token, and ledden hym to Ariopage, and seide, Moun we wite, what is this newe doctryne, that is seid of thee? 20For thou bringist ynne summe newe thingis to oure eeris; therfor we wolen wite, what these thingis wolen be. 21For alle men of Athenys and comlingis herborid yauen tent to noon other thing, but ether to seie, ethir to here, sum newe thing. 22And Poul stood in the myddil of Ariopage, and seide, Men of Athenys, bi alle thingis Y se you as veyn worschipers. 23For Y passide, and siy youre maumetis, and foond an auter, in which was writun, To the vnknowun God. Therfor which thing ye vnknowynge worschipen, this thing Y schew to you. 24God that made the world and alle thingis that ben in it, this, for he is Lord of heuene and of erthe, dwellith not in templis maad with hoond, 25nethir is worschipid bi mannus hoondis, nether hath nede of ony thing, for he yyueth lijf to alle men, and brethinge, and alle thingis; 26and made of oon al the kinde of men to enhabite on al the face of the erthe, determynynge tymes ordeyned, and termes of the dwellynge of hem, 27to seke God, if perauenture thei felen hym, ether fynden, thouy he be not fer fro eche of you. 28For in hym we lyuen, and mouen, and ben. As also summe of youre poetis seiden, And we ben also the kynde of hym. 29Therfor sithen we ben the kynde of God, we schulen not deme, that godli thing is lijk gold, and siluer, ethir stoon, ethir to grauyng of craft and thouyt of man. 30For God dispisith the tymes of this vnkunnyng, and now schewith to men, that alle euery where doon penaunce; for that he hath ordeyned a dai, 31in which he schal deme the world in equite, in a man in which he ordeynede, and yaf feith to alle men, and reiside hym fro deth. 32And whanne thei hadden herd the ayenrysing of deed men, summe scorneden, and summe seiden, We schulen here thee eft of this thing. 33So Poul wente out of the myddil of hem. 34But summen drowen to hym, and bileueden. Among whiche Dynyse Aropagite was, and a womman, bi name Damaris, and othere men with hem.

ACTs 17 ©
