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Wyc ACTs Chapter 20

ACTs 20 ©

20And aftir the noise ceesside, Poul clepide the disciplis, and monestide hem, and seide fare wel; and he wente forth, to go in to Macedonye. 2And whanne he hadde walkid bi tho coostis, and hadde monestid hem bi many wordis, he cam to Greece. 3Where whanne he hadde be thre monethis, the Jewis leiden aspies for hym, that was to saile in to Sirie; and he hadde counsel to turne ayen bi Macedonye. 4And Sosipater of Pirri Boroense folowide hym; of Thessolonycenses, Astirak, and Secoundus, and Gayus Derbeus, and Tymothe; and Asians, Titicus and Trofimus. 5These for thei wenten bifore, aboden vs at Troade. 6For we schippiden aftir the daies of therf looues fro Filippis, and cam to hem at Troade in fyue daies, where we dwelten seuene daies. 7And in the first dai of the woke, whanne we camen to breke breed, Poul disputide with hem, and schulde go forth in the morew; 8and he drow along the sermoun til in to mydnyyt. And many laumpes weren in the soler, where we weren gaderyd togidir. 9And a yong man, Euticus bi name, sat on the wyndowe, whanne he was fallun in to an heuy sleep, while Poul disputide long, al slepynge he felle doun fro the thridde stage; and he was takun vp, and was brouyt deed. 10To whom whanne Poul cam doun, he lay on hym, and biclippide, and seide, Nyle ye be troblid; for his soule is in hym. 11And he wente vp, and brak breed, and eete, and spak ynowy vnto the dai; and so he wente forth. 12And thei brouyten the childe alyue, and thei weren coumfortid greetli. 13And we wenten vp in to a schip, and schippiden in to Asson, to take Poul fro thennus; for so he hadde disposid to make iourney bi loond. 14And whanne he foond vs in Asson, we token hym, and camen to Mitilene. 15And fro thennus we schippiden in the dai suynge, and we camen ayens Chyum, and another dai we hauenyden at Samum, and in the dai suynge we camen to Mylete. 16And Poul purposide to schip ouer to Efesi, lest ony tariyng were maad to hym in Asie; for he hiyede, if it were possible to hym, that he schulde be in the dai of Pentecost at Jerusalem. 17Fro Mylete he sente to Effesi, and clepide the grettest men of birthe of the chirche. 18And whanne thei camen to hym, and weren togidir, he seide to hem, Ye witen fro the firste dai, in which Y cam in to Asie, hou with you bi eche tyme Y was, 19seruynge to the Lord with al mekenesse, and mildnesse, and teeris, and temptaciouns, that felden to me of aspiyngis of Jewis; 20hou Y withdrowe not of profitable thingis to you, that Y telde not to you, and tauyte you opynli, and bi housis; 21and Y witnesside to Jewis and to hethene men penaunce in to God, and feith in to oure Lord Jhesu Crist. 22And now lo! Y am boundun in spirit, and go in to Jerusalem; and Y knowe not what thingis schulen come to me in it, 23but that the Hooli Goost `bi alle citees witnessith to me, and seith, that boondis and tribulaciouns at Jerusalem abiden me. 24But Y drede no thing of these, nether Y make my lijf preciousere than my silf, so that Y end my cours, and the mynysterie of the word, which Y resseyuede of the Lord Jhesu, to witnesse the gospel of the grace of God. 25And `now lo! Y woot, that ye schulen no more se my face, alle ye bi whiche Y passide, prechynge the kingdom of God. 26Wherfor Y witnesse to you this day, that Y am cleen of the blood of alle men. 27For Y fley not awey, that Y telde not to you al the counsel of God. 28Take ye tente to you, and to al the flocke, in which the Hooli Goost hath set you bischops, to reule the chirche of God, which he purchaside with his blood. 29Y woot, that aftir my departyng, rauyschinge wolues schulen entre in to you, `and spare not the flok; 30and men spekinge schrewid thingis schulen rise of you silf, that thei leden awei disciplis aftir hem. 31For which thing wake ye, holdinge in mynde that bi thre yeer nyyt and dai Y ceesside not with teeris monestinge ech of you. 32And now Y bitake you to God and to the word of his grace, that is myyti to edifie and yyue eritage in alle that ben maad hooli. 33And of no man Y coueitide siluer, and gold, ether cloth, as you silf witen; 34for to tho thingis that weren nedeful to me, and to these that ben with me, these hoondis mynystriden. 35Alle these thingis Y schewide to you, for so it bihoueth men trauelinge to resseyue sike men, and to haue mynde of the `word of the Lord Jhesu; for he seide, It is more blesful to yyue, than to resseyue. 36And whanne he hadde seid these thingis, he knelide, and he preiede with alle hem. 37And greet weping of alle men was maad; and thei felden on the necke of Poul, and kissiden hym, 38and sorewiden moost in the word that he seide, for thei schulen no more se his face. And thei ledden hym to the schip.

ACTs 20 ©
