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Wyc PRO Chapter 11

PRO 11 ©

11A gileful balaunce is abhominacioun anentis God; and an euene weiyte is his wille. 2Where pride is, there also dispising schal be; but where meeknesse is, there also is wisdom. 3The simplenesse of iust men schal dresse hem; and the disseyuyng of weiward men schal destrie hem. 4Richessis schulen not profite in the dai of veniaunce; but riytfulnesse schal delyuere fro deth. 5The riytfulnesse of a simple man schal dresse his weie; and a wickid man schal falle in his wickidnesse. 6The riytfulnesse of riytful men schal delyuere hem; and wickid men schulen be takun in her aspiyngis. 7Whanne a wickid man is deed, noon hope schal be ferther; and abidyng of bisy men schal perische. 8A iust man is delyuered from angwisch; and a wickid man schal be youun for hym. 9A feynere bi mouth disseyueth his freend; but iust men schulen be deliuered bi kunnyng. 10A citee schal be enhaunsid in the goodis of iust men; and preysyng schal be in the perdicioun of wickid men. 11A citee schal be enhaunsid bi blessing of iust men; and it schal be distried bi the mouth of wickid men. 12He that dispisith his freend, is nedi in herte; but a prudent man schal be stille. 13He that goith gilefuli, schewith priuetees; but he that is feithful, helith the priuetee of a freend. 14Where a gouernour is not, the puple schal falle; but helthe `of the puple is, where ben many counsels. 15He that makith feith for a straunger, schal be turmentid with yuel; but he that eschewith snaris, schal be sikur. 16A graciouse womman schal fynde glorie; and stronge men schulen haue richessis. 17A merciful man doith wel to his soule; but he that is cruel, castith awei, yhe, kynnesmen. 18A wickid man makith vnstable werk; but feithful mede is to hym, that sowith riytfulnesse. 19Merci schal make redi lijf; and the suyng of yuels `schal make redi deth. 20A schrewid herte is abhomynable to the Lord; and his wille is in hem, that goen symply. 21Thouy hond be in the hond, an yuel man schal not be innocent; but the seed of iust men schal be sauyd. 22A goldun `sercle, ether ryng, in the `nose thrillis of a sowe, a womman fair and fool. 23The desir of iust men is al good; abiding of wickid men is woodnesse. 24Sum men departen her owne thingis, and ben maad richere; other men rauyschen thingis, that ben not hern, and ben euere in nedynesse. 25A soule that blessith, schal be maad fat; and he that fillith, schal be fillid also. 26He that hidith wheete `in tyme, schal be cursid among the puplis; but blessyng schal come on the heed of silleris. 27Wel he risith eerli, that sekith good thingis; but he that is a serchere of yuels, schal be oppressid of tho. 28He that tristith in hise richessis, schal falle; but iust men schulen buriowne as a greene leef. 29He that disturblith his hows, schal haue wyndis in possessioun; and he that is a fool, schal serue a wijs man. 30The fruyt of a riytful man is the tre of lijf; and he that takith soulis, is a wijs man. 31If a iust man receyueth in erthe, how miche more an vnfeithful man, and synnere.

PRO 11 ©
