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Wyc PRO Chapter 15

PRO 15 ©

15A soft answere brekith ire; an hard word reisith woodnesse. 2The tunge of wise men ourneth kunnyng; the mouth of foolis buylith out foli. 3In ech place the iyen of the Lord biholden good men, and yuel men. 4A plesaunt tunge is the tre of lijf; but the tunge which is vnmesurable, schal defoule the spirit. 5A fool scorneth the techyng of his fadir; but he that kepith blamyngis, schal be maad wisere. Moost vertu schal be in plenteuouse riytfulnesse; but the thouytis of wickid men schulen be drawun vp bi the roote. 6The hous of a iust man is moost strengthe; and disturbling is in the fruitis of a wickid man. 7The lippis of wise men schulen sowe abrood kunnyng; the herte of foolis schal be vnlijc. 8The sacrifices of wickyd men ben abhomynable to the Lord; avowis of iust men ben plesaunt. 9The lijf of the vnpitouse man is abhomynacioun to the Lord; he that sueth riytfulnesse, schal be loued of the Lord. 10Yuel teching is of men forsakinge the weie of lijf; he that hatith blamyngis, schal die. 11Helle and perdicioun ben open bifor the Lord; hou myche more the hertis of sones of men. 12A man ful of pestilence loueth not hym that repreueth him; and he goith not to wyse men. 13A ioiful herte makith glad the face; the spirit is cast doun in the morenyng of soule. 14The herte of a wijs man sekith techyng; and the mouth of foolis is fed with vnkunnyng. 15Alle the daies of a pore man ben yuele; a sikir soule is a contynuel feeste. 16Betere is a litil with the drede of the Lord, than many tresouris and vnfillable. 17It is betere to be clepid to wortis with charite, than with hatrede to a calf maad fat. 18A wrathful man reisith chidyngis; he that is pacient, swagith chidyngis reisid. 19The weie of slow men is an hegge of thornes; the weie of iust men is with out hirtyng. 20A wise sone makith glad the fadir; and a fonned man dispisith his modir. 21Foli is ioye to a fool; and a prudent man schal dresse hise steppis. 22Thouytis ben distried, where no counsel is; but where many counseleris ben, tho ben confermyd. 23A man is glad in the sentence of his mouth; and a couenable word is best. 24The path of lijf is on a lernyd man; that he bowe awei fro the laste helle. 25The Lord schal distrie the hows of proude men; and he schal make stidefast the coostis of a widewe. 26Iuele thouytis is abhomynacioun of the Lord; and a cleene word moost fair schal be maad stidfast of hym. 27He that sueth aueryce, disturblith his hous; but he that hatith yiftis schal lyue. Synnes ben purgid bi merci and feith; ech man bowith awei fro yuel bi the drede of the Lord. 28The soule of a iust man bithenkith obedience; the mouth of wickid men is ful of yuelis. 29The Lord is fer fro wickid men; and he schal here the preyers of iust men. 30The liyt of iyen makith glad the soule; good fame makith fat the boonys. 31The eere that herith the blamyngis of lijf, schal dwelle in the myddis of wise men. 32He that castith awei chastisyng, dispisith his soule; but he that assentith to blamyngis, is pesible holdere of the herte. 33The drede of the Lord is teching of wisdom; and mekenesse goith bifore glorie.

PRO 15 ©
