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OET-RV by cross-referenced section ROM 9:1

ROM 9:1–9:18 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

God’s right to choose

Rom 9:1–18

9:1 God’s right to choose

9I’m not lying—I’m speaking truthfully in Messiah, and both my conscience and the holy spirit agree 2that my sorrow is extensive and the sorrow in my heart just won’t stop 3because I myself was hoping to be a sacrifice from the messiah for my brothers and sisters, my fellow-citizens in this world. 4[ref]They’re the descendants of Israel who’ve been adopted as God’s children and God revealed his power and the agreements and the Law and the temple worship and the promises. 5The patriarchs are Jewish and the messiah who is over everything came from them in a body. May God be blessed throughout the ages. May it be so.

6But it’s not that God’s message has fallen. Not all of Israel’s descendants are pro-Israel, 7[ref]nor are all of Abraham’s descendants his children, but, ‘It’s through Isaak that your descendants will be counted.’ 8That isn’t talking about worldly children—these are God’s children, but the children of the promise are being counted as descendants. 9[ref]Because this is the message of the promise: ‘I will be coming and Sarah will have a son.’

10And not only that, but also Rebekah from one pregnancy delivered twins, one being our ancestor Isaac. 11[ref]Before they were born, and so before they could do anything good or bad, in order that God’s choice purpose would stand 12(not by actions but by God’s calling), she was told, ‘The older child will serve the younger one.’ 13[ref]As it was written: ‘I loved Yacob but I hated Esau.’

14So what should we say then? Is God not an impartial judge, i.e., unfair? May it never be, 15[ref]because he said to Mosheh: ‘I will be merciful to whoever I want, and I will have pity on anyone I want.’ 16In other words, it doesn’t depend on the willingness or activities of the person, but on God’s mercy. 17[ref]Because in the scriptures, God says to the king of Egypt (Mitsrayim): ‘I chose you as king so that I can demonstrate my power through you, and so that my name will be talked about all over the world.’ 18In other words, God will be merciful to whoever he wants, but he hardens whoever he wants.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Exo 4:22:

22But tell Far’oh, ‘Yahweh has stated that Yisra’el is like his oldest son

Gen 21:12:

12but God told him, “Don’t get distressed because of the boy and your slave woman. Listen to what Sarah’s telling you, because it’s in Yitshak that your descendants will be called yours.[ref]

21:12: Rom 9:7; Heb 11:18.

Gen 18:10:

10“I’ll definitely return to you here in the spring next year,” the visitor continued. “You see, your wife Sarah will have a son then.”[ref]

Now Sarah was at the opening of the tent listening, but the visitor was facing the other direction.

18:10: Rom 9:9.

Gen 25:23:

23and he responded,[ref]

“There’s two nations inside your womb—

two different peoples will come from within you.

One group will become stronger than the other,

and the older will serve the younger.”

25:23: Rom 9:12.

Mal 1:2-3:

1:2 Yahweh’s love for the Israelis

2“I have loved you all,” says Yahweh, but you say, “How have you shown your love for us?”

“Wasn’t Esaw Yacob’s brother?” declares Yahweh. “Yet I’ve loved Yacob[ref] 3and rejected Esaw. I’ve turned the hills where Esaw lived into a wasteland and given his inheritance to the wild jackals.”

1:2-3: Rom 9:13.

Exo 33:19:

19Yahweh replied, “I myself will cause all my goodness to pass over in front of you, and I will say my name of Yahweh in front of you. I will favour anyone I want, and I’ll be compassionate to whoever I want.”[ref]

33:19: Rom 9:15.

Exo 9:16 (LXX):

16However, I’ve kept you for this reason: to show you my power and in order to proclaim my name all over the world.[ref]

9:16: Rom 9:17.