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Bshps PRO Chapter 28

PRO 28 ©

28The vngodly fleeth when no man pursueth him: but the righteous are bolde as a Lion. 2For the wickednes of the lande, the prince is oft chaunged: but thorowe a man of vnderstanding and wysdome, a realme endureth long. 3One poore man oppressing another by violence, is like a raging rayne that destroyeth the fruite. 4They that forsake the lawe, prayse the vngodly: but such as kepe the lawe are greeued at them. 5Wicked men vnderstande not iudgement: but they that seeke the Lord, vnderstande all thinges. 6Better is he that walketh in his vprightnes: then he that peruerteth his wayes, and is riche. 7Who so kepeth the lawe, is a chylde of vnderstanding: but he that is a companion of riotous men, shameth his father. 8He that by vsurie and vniust gaynes gathereth riches: he shall lay them in store for a man that will pitie the poore. 9He that turneth away his eare from hearing the lawe, his prayer shalbe abhominable. 10Who so causeth the righteous to go astray by an euill way, shall fall into his owne pit: but the iust shall haue the good in possession. 11The riche man thinketh hym selfe to be wise: but the poore that hath vnderstandyng can perceaue hym well inough. 12When righteous men do reioyce, there is great glory: but when the wicked come vp, the man is tryed. 13He that hydeth his sinnes, shall not prosper: but whoso knowledgeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy. 14Well is hym that standeth alway in awe: as for hym that hardeneth his heart, he shall fall into mischiefe. 15As a roaring Lion and an hungrye Beare, so is an vngodly prince ouer the poore people. 16Where the prince is without vnderstanding, there is great oppression and wrong: but if he hateth couetousnes, he shall long raigne. 17He that by violence shedeth any mans blood, shalbe a runnagate vnto his graue, and no man shalbe able to succour hym. 18Whoso leadeth an innocent life, shalbe saued: but he that goeth frowarde wayes, shall once haue a fall. 19He that tylleth his lande shall haue plenteousnes of bread: but he that foloweth idle persons, shall haue pouertie inough. 20A faythfull man shalbe fylled with blessinges, and he that maketh haste to be riche, shall not be vngyltie. 21To haue respect of persons in iudgement is not good, for that man wyll do wrong, yea euen for a peece of bread. 22He that wyll be riche all to soone, hath an euyll eye: and considereth not that pouertie shall come vpon hym. 23He that folowyng my preceptes rebuketh a man, shall fynde more fauour at the last then he that flattereth hym. 24Who so robbeth his father and mother, and sayth it is no sinne: the same is the companion of a destroyer. 25He that is of a proude stomacke stirreth vp strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lorde shalbe well fed. 26He that trusteth in his owne heart is a foole: but he that dealeth wisely shalbe safe. 27He that geueth vnto the poore shall not lacke: but he that hydeth his eyes from them, shall haue many a curse. 28When the vngodly are come vp, men are fayne to hide themselues: but when they perishe, the ryghteous encrease.

PRO 28 ©
