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Moff PSA Chapter 37

PSA 37 ©

A song of David.

37Fret not over evildoers,

envy not the lawless;

2soon like the grass they fade,

and wither like a green blade.

3Trust in the Eternal and do right,

be loyal to him within his land;

4make the Eternal your delight,

and he will give you all your heart’s desire.

5Leave all to him, rely on him,

and he will see to it,

6he will bring your innocence to light,

and make the justice of your cause clear as noonday.

7aLeave it to the Eternal and be patient,

fret not over the successful man,

14who aims to slay the upright,

7band carries out his wicked plan.

8Cease your anger, give up raging,

fret not—it only leads to evil.

9Evildoers shall be rooted out,

and the land left to those who wait for the Eternal.

10A little longer, and the godless will be gone;

look in his haunts, and he is there no more!

11The land will be left to the humble,

to enjoy plenteous prosperity.

12The godless man makes plots against the good,

gnashing his teeth at them;

13but the Eternal laughs at him,

knowing his doom is near.

14The godless draw the sword,

and bend their bows for murder;

15the sword runs into their own heart,

and their bows shall be broken!

16The little that a good man has

is better than a godless man’s great wealth;

17for the arms of the godless shall be broken,

but the Eternal will protect the good.

18The fortunes of the upright are the Eternal’s care,

and their possessions last for ever;

19in a calamity they keep their share,

in famine they have plenty.

20aThe godless perish,

25ctheir families have to beg for food;

20bthe foes of the Eternal disappear like fuel,

they disappear in smoke and vanish.

21The godless never pays back what he borrows,

but the good man is charitable and gives.

22Those who bless the Eternal, they shall own the land;

those who curse him shall be uprooted.

23When a man’s life pleases the Eternal,

he gives him a sure footing;

24he may fall, but he never falls down,

for the Eternal holds him by the hand.

25I have been young and I am old,

but never have I seen good men forsaken;

26they always have something to give away,

something wherewith to bless their families.

27Shun evil and do good,

so shall you live your life within the land;

28for the Eternal, who loves honesty,

never forsakes his faithful band.

The lawless shall be utterly destroyed,

the families of the godless shall be doomed;

29the land is the possession of the good,

and all their days they shall dwell there.

30The good man’s words are wise,

his talk is just;

31the Eternal’s law is in his heart,

his footsteps never falter.

32The godless man spies on the good,

seeking to have them put to death;

33but the Eternal never leaves them in his power,

nor lets them be condemned when they are tried.

34Wait for the Eternal, hold to him,

40and he will save you from the godless;

34he will advance you to possess the land

and to see godless men exterminated.

35I saw a godless man once on a time, a terror—

towering like any cedar of Lebanon;

36then, as I passed by, he was gone!

I looked for him—he was not to be found.

37Hold to integrity, remain upright;

there is a future for the peaceable.

38But sinners shall be wiped out at a blow;

the future for the godless is perdition.

39Help comes from the Eternal to good men;

he is their refuge in the evil hour:

40athe Eternal relieves them and rescues them,

because they shelter beside him.

PSA 37 ©
