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The Psalms

1Happy the man who never goes by the advice of the ungodly, who never takes the sinners’ road, nor joins the company of scoffers, 2but finds his joy in the Eternal’s law, poring over it day and night. 3He is like a tree planted by a stream, that bears fruit in due season, with leaves that never fade; whatever he does, he prospers. 4Not so the ungodly! No, they are like chaff swept away by the wind; 5when judgments come, the ungodly shall not stand, nor shall the sinful last in the community of the just. 6The Eternal cares for the life of the just, but the ungodly life shall perish.

2Why are the pagans seething,

and the nations vainly plotting,

2headed by kings of the world,

and monarchs making plans

against the Eternal and his chosen one,

3crying, “Let us snap their ties,

and fling off their control”?

4Throned in heaven, he laughs,

the Lord mocks at them;

5then in wrath he speaks to them,

scares them with his fury.

7aThe Eternal’s edict let me tell:

6“I, I have installed my king

on Sion, on my sacred hill.”

7bLet me tell the Eternal’s message:

“You are now my son,

this day am I your father;

8ask, and I make you master of pagans,

lord over all to the ends of the earth;

9you can maul them with an iron mace,

and shatter them like potter’s ware!”

10So, kings, be wise;

you rulers of the world, take warning;

11worship the Eternal reverently,

shudder and submit to him,

12do homage to him truly, lest he be angry,

and you end in ruin;

for his anger quickly flames—

happy are all who shelter beside him!

3 A song of David, when he was flying from his son Absalom.

3How many foes have I, O thou Eternal!

Many rise against me,

2many are saying of me,

“There is no help for him in God.”

3Ah, but thou shieldest me, O thou Eternal,

in triumph, thou whom I glorify!

4When I call out to the Eternal,

he answers me from his sacred hill.

5I laid me down to sleep,

and this morning I waken, for the Eternal upholds me;

6I fear not thousands of the foe

ranged all around me.

7bMy enemies thou wilt all disable,

and the ungodly thou wilt crush.

7aUp, O Eternal, to the rescue!

8It is for the Eternal to bring help:

my God, thy blessing be upon thy people!

4 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To a string accompaniment. A song of David.

4O God, my champion, answer my appeal.

When I was hemmed in, thou hast freed me often;

be gracious to me now and hear my prayer.

2Proud men, how long will you be so misguided,

loving to deal in libels, eager on vain intrigues?

3Look how the Eternal marks me out for favour!

The Eternal listens when I call to him.

4Tremble at it and give over sinning,

bethink yourselves at night and hold your peace;

5offer true sacrifice and trust the Eternal.

6Many long for a sight of prosperous days;

“Only look up and smile on us, O Eternal!”

7My heart thou hast already given more joy

than theirs who harvest corn and store new wine.

8So quietly I lay me down to sleep,

for even alone, thanks to thee, I am safe.

5 From the Choirmaster’s collection. For flutes. A song of David.

5O thou Eternal, listen to my words,

and hear the murmur of my soul; 2my King and God, give ear to my appeal,

for I am calling out to thee;

3O hear my morning prayer,

for in the morning I set forth my plea,

and wait thine answer.

4Thou art no God to take delight in vice,

no evil man is any guest of thine,

5no arrogance can look thee in the face;

6all wrongdoers and lying men thou hatest,

craft and bloodshed thou abhorrest;

7but I have access to thy house, by thy great generosity,

I can bow reverently before thy sacred shrine.

8O thou Eternal, let not my foes thwart me,

lead thou me on, as thou art just,

make thy path smooth before me.

9For in their talk there is no truth,

their hearts are deep with mischief,

their throats are open graves—

smooth-tongued deceivers!

10O God, condemn them,

let their own plots end them.

Down with them, for their many crimes,

rebelling against thee!

11So all who shelter with thee shall rejoice,

and under they protection shout for joy;

lovers of thy name ever exult in thee.

12For thou wilt bless the just, O thou Eternal,

shielding them safe,

crowning them with thy favour.

6 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To a string accompaniment. For bass voices. A song of David.

6Punish me not in anger, O Eternal,

do not chastise me in rage;

2have pity on me, Eternal, in my weakness,

O heal me, for my health is broken,

3my soul is in anguish of dismay.

Ah, why art thou so long of helping?

4O thou Eternal, save my life once more;

for thy love’s sake, succour me;

5for in death’s realm there is no thought of thee;

and who can praise thee in the world below?

6I faint with moaning,

every night my bed is drenched with tears,

my couch is wet with them;

7trouble wears away my strength,

I age under outrages from my foes.

8“Begone, all of you, evildoers!

The Eternal listens to my wail,

9The Eternal will receive my prayer.”

10My foes shall all be utterly dismayed,

and suddenly discomfited once more.

7 A dithyramb of David, sung to the Eternal, about the taunts of Cush the Benjamite.

7I shelter with thee, Eternal One, my God;

keep me safe from my pursuer,

2lest he tear me like a lion

and devour me, with none to rescue.

3If I did it, Eternal One, my God,

if I am guilty of injustice,

4if I ill-treated my friend,

if I crushed my foe for no cause,

5then let the foe chase me,

then let the foe catch me,

let him trample my life to the ground,

let him lay me low in the dust!

6[[Bestir thyself in anger, O Eternal,

in outbursts of fury against our foes;

awake to aid us, to maintain the right.

7Summon all nations before thee,

be seated on thy lofty throne,

8O thou Eternal, judge of the world!

9Right our cause, we are innocent, do justice, thou, to our integrity,

put an end to the malice of the ungodly.

11The God of justice reads the inmost heart;

12God shields us, he who saves the upright heart;

13God is a just God, every day indignant.]]

14There he is, whetting his sword again!

His bow is strung and stretched,

15his deadly darts are ready;

his arrows are fire-tipped;

16the scoundrel is alive with malice,

hatching mischief and deception; 17he digs out a deep pit—

and into his own pitfall he shall tumble!

18His mischief shall recoil on his own head,

his violence shall drop on his own crown;

19while I thank the Eternal for his retribution,

and praise the Eternal, the Most High.

8 From the Choirmaster’s collection. Set to a vintage melody. A song of David.

8O thou Eternal One, our Lord,

what majesty is thine o’er all the world!

2aHigh in heaven thou hast set thy splendour,

3to check thy foes, to crush the rebels.

Let me sing of this, thy heavenly strength,

2blike tiny children lisping out thy praise;

4for, as I look up to the heavens they fingers made,

the moon and stars that thou hast shaped,

5I ask, “And what is man, that thou should’st think of him?

What is a mortal man, that thou should’st heed him?”

6Yet thou has made him little less than divine,

2 thou hast crowned him with majesty and honour,

7giving him sway o’er all thy hands have made,

with all things underneath his feet—

8sheep and oxen, all of them,

yes and the wild beasts,

9birds of the air and fish of the sea—

all that swims on the wet sea paths!

10O thou Eternal One, our Lord,

what majesty is thine o’er all the world!

9 From the Choirmaster’s collection. For a soprano boys’ choir. A song of David.

9With all my haert I thank thee, O Eternal,

I will tell over all they deeds of wonder, 2I thrill and triumph in thee,

singing praise to thee, O thou Most High.

3For my foes are routed,

stumbling to their ruin at thy frown;

4thou hast upheld my cause, my rights

passing just sentence, seated on thy throne;

5thou hast curbed pagans, crushing the ungodly,

blotting their very name out for all time.

6The foe is at an end, no more to be remembered,

the towns thou hast torn up lie in lasting ruin;

7but the Eternal sits enthroned for evermore,

enthroned for government,

8he governs all the world with justice

and rules its folk with equity.

9So the downtrodden are safe with the Eternal,

he is a refuge in desperate hours;

10those who know what thou art can trust in thee,

for never wilt thou abandon those who seek thee.

11Sing praise to the Eternal, whose seat is in Sion,

declare to the nations what he does,

12how he bears you in mind, this Avenger of bloodshed,

how he never forgets the wail of the weak..

13The Eternal has seen what I suffer, and pitied me,

lifting me from the very gates of death,

14that in the gates of Sion I may chant his praise,

exulting in his aid.

15The pagans have sunk in the pit they dug;

in the net they set their feet are snared.

16The Eternal has shown what he is, by a sentence of doom,

as his hands have trapped the ungodly.

17The ungodly must go back to death,

all pagans who are forgetful of God;

18for one day the needy will be remembered,

the hopes of the downtrodden will not always be disappointed.

19Take action, O Eternal! let not man have the upper hand;

let pagans get their doom from thee!

20Strike them with terror, O Eternal,

let pagans know they are only men!

10Why art thou standing so far off, O Eternal,

hiding thyself in desparate hours?

2The ungodly are haughty and harry the downtrodden—

may they be snared in their own schemes!

3The ungodly boasts of his rapacity;

the plunderer disowns, despises the Eternal;

4he thinks, in his insolence, “God never punishes”;

his thoughts amount to this, “There is no God at all”;

5the dealings of thy justice high are far beyond his sight.

Life for him is always stable;

he laughs at any who oppose him,

6thinking he can never fail,

never come to grief.

7His talk is all of perjury and craft,

mischief and injury slip from his tongue.

8He lurks round hamlets,

and murders innocent folk in secret,

ever on the outlook for the hapless;

9he lies in ambush, like a lion in his lair,

hiding to catch the weak,

to catch the weak and drag them off.

10He hunts the helpless till they drop,

unlucky victims, in his clutches.

11And he thinks, “God has forgotten,”

“He hides his face,” “He never sees.”

14But thou hast seen this misery and mischief;

thou markest it, to punish it thyself!

The hapless can leave their plight to thee,

thou Helper of the forlorn.

12Take action, O Eternal, lift thy hand;

O God, forget not the afflicted.

13How dare ungodly men scorn God,

thinking that thou wilt never punish?

15Shatter the ungodly’s power,

punish his evil till there is no more.

16The Eternal reigns as king for evermore;

the pagans are gone from his land!

17Thou hearest the desire of the afflicted,

thou heedest them, thou listenest to them,

18that the forlorn and the downtrodden may have justice,

and mortal man no more may be a terror.

11 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

11With the Eternal I take shelter; how dare you tell me, then,

“Be off, like a bird to the hills!

2Look, impious men bend their bow,

their arrow is on the string,

to shoot in the dark at the upright!

3The pillars of the State are falling:

what good can a just man do?”

4Ah, but the Eternal is within his sacred place,

the Eternal is enthroned in heaven,

his searching glance is upon mortal men.

5On good men the Eternal sets his stamp,

the impious and violent he loathes;

6on impious men he showers down coals of fire,

brimstone and scorching blasts fall to their lot.

7For just is the Eternal, he loves justice;

so the upright alone enjoy his favour.

12 From the Choirmaster’s collection. For bass voices. A song of David.

12Help, O Eternal, goodness is no more,

fidelity has vanished from mankind!

2Empty and false are man’s words to his fellow;

they talk with flattering lips and double minds.

3The Eternal cut off every flattering lip,

and tongues that talk so loftily—

4men who declare, “We give rein to our tongues;

our lips are our own: who calls us to account?”

5“The weak are being crushed, the needy sigh;

So I take action,” says the Eternal One,

“and set them safe where they long to be.”

6And what the Eternal promises is true,

sterling as silver seven times purified.

7So are we kept by thee, O thou Eternal,

safe ever from this world of men,

8where all around us the ungodly strut,

and where base creatures rise to power.

13 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

13Eternal One, how long wilt thou forget me?

How long wilt thou withhold thy favour from me?

2How long must I cherish a daily grief?

How long is my foe to triumph over me?

3Look to me, O Eternal One, my God, and answer me;

revive me lest I sleep the sleep of death,

4lest my foe claim, “I have mastered him,”

lest my enemies exult over my downfall.

5But on thy kindness I indeed rely;

let me exult over thy saving aid,

6let me be singing to the Eternal

for having dealt with me so lovingly.

14 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

14Profane men think,

“There is no God!”

Depraved their lives are and detestable,

not one of them does right.

2The Eternal looks from heaven upon mankind,

to see if any have the sense to care for God.

3But all are faithless,

one and all are tainted;

none does what is right,

no, not a single one.

4Shall they not rue it, these rascals,

who devour my people with their extortion?

5Ha! there they are in a panic,

for God is indeed with the godly!

6You would baffle these weak folk?

But the Eternal is their resource.

7[[Oh that Israel’s deliverance would come from Sion!

When the Eternal restores the fortunes of his people,

how Jacob will exult,

how glad will Israel be!]]

15 A song of David.

15In thy pavilion, O Eternal, who may be a guest?

who may dwell on thy sacred hill?

2He whose life is blameless, who does right,

he whose words are from the heart,

3no scandal on his tongue to hurt his fellow,

no insult heaped upon his neighbour;

4he who has contempt for rogues,

and honours those who reverence the Eternal;

he who keeps to his oath, though he may lose by it,

5he who will take no interest on a loan;

he who will not be bribed against the innocent—

he, living so, shall never be rejected.

16 A golden ode of David.

16Keep me safe, O God, for with thee I take shelter.

2“Thou art my Lord,” I say to the Eternal,

“my welfare rests on thee alone;

3in the saints of the land, thy noble followers,

is all my delight.”

4Sorrow on sorrow is theirs who choose some other god;

their bloody libations I will never pour,

their names I will never mention.

5Thou art what I get from life, O thou Eternal,

thou thyself art my share;

6fair prospects are allotted me,

a blissful heritage is mine.

7I bless the Eternal for his counsel,

for teaching me during the very night;

8I keep the Eternal at all times before me;

with him so close, I cannot fail.

9And so my heart and soul rejoice,

my body rests secure;

10for thou wilt never let me sink to death,

nor leave thy loyal one to the grave;

11thou wilt reveal the path to life,

to the full joy of thy presence,

to the bliss of being close to thee for ever.

17 A prayer of David.

17Listen to the innocent, Eternal One, and heed our wail,

hear prayers we pour from honest lips;

2speed thy sentence in our favour,

that our eyes may see it.

3For in thine equity thou hast tried our heart,

searching us out by night;

thou hast tested us and hast found nothing wrong,

no evil thought, no sin of speech;

4under thy dealings we are silent,

heeding thy words;

5we have kept close to thy track,

our feet have never faltered;

6and so we call on thee, O God, to answer us;

bend thine ear to us, listen to our plea.

7Strong saviour, in thy kindness interpose,

for those who shelter with thee from their foes;

8guard us as thine own eye,

hide us under the shadow of thy wings,

9from the ungodly who would harry us,

the eager enemies that encircle us.

10Their hearts are closed to pity,

their words are insolent;

11at every step they dog us,

alert to pull us down,

12like lions longing to devour,

like lions lurking for their prey.

13Up, O Eternal, face them, crush them;

let thy sword save us from ungodly men!

14May thy hand slay them, O Eternal,

sweep them out of the world!

Yet give them here their due of doom, sating their sons with it,

let them leave some for their children!

15But may our innocent lives enjoy thy favour,

may we be satisfied when we wake to see thy vision.

18 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David the servant of the Eternal, who sang these words to the Eternal on the day when the Eternal rescued him from the power of all his enemies, from the power of Saul. He said:

18O Eternal my Strength, I will exalt thee.

2The Eternal is my crag, my stronghold, my deliverer,

my God, my fortalice where I shelter,

my shield, my saving strength, my retreat.

3The Eternal is to be praised!—I call to him,

and I am rescued from my foes.

4For waves of death broke round me,

floods of destruction burst on me;

5deadly nets entangled me,

and fatal snares surprised me.

6I called to the Eternal in my plight;

I cried to my God for aid;

he in his palace heard my voice,

my cry came to his ears.

7The earth was swaying, quaking,

hills were quivering to their base,

before his anger shaking;

8smoke fumed from his nostrils,

and scorching fire from his lips,

that kindled blazing coals,

9as down he came on the bending sky,

the storm-cloud at his feet.

10He rode on flying kherubs,

and swooped with the wings of the wind,

11shrouding himself in darkness,

that veiled his presence round,

with rain-clouds dark and dense.

12Storm-clouds rolled in front of him,

with hail and lightning flashes,

13and the Eternal thundered from heaven,

the Most High uttered his voice;

he scattered his arrows,

14shot twisting flashes of lightning,

till the beds of the waters were seen,

15and earth’s foundations were laid bare,

at thy storming, O Eternal,

at the snorting of thy nostrils.

16He reaches down to raise me,

he draws me from the flood,

17he frees me from my foe so strong,

from haters far too strong for me,

18who assailed me by surprise in my distress;

but the Eternal comes to my support

19and sets me free, in a clear space;

as he delights in me, he rescues me.

20The Eternal deals with me as I am upright,

he recompenses me for my clean life;

21for I have kept to the Eternal’s road,

and never sinned by swerving from my God;

22his rules are all before my mind,

I never set aside his orders;

23I was blameless in his eyes,

and kept clear of my sins.

24So the Eternal has rewarded me

for my integrity,

for my life clean in his eyes.

25To the kind thou provest kind,

and true to the true,

26to the pure thou provest pure,

and treacherous to the treacherous;

27the humble thou wilt raise,

but the haughty thou wilt abase.

28O Eternal, thou wilt light my lamp,

my God, thou wilt make my darkness shine;

29by thy help I can face a troop,

by God’s help I can leap a wall.

30God is unerring in his ways,

the Eternal’s promises are tried and true;

he shields all who take shelter with him.

31For who is God save the Eternal?

Who is steadfast but our God?—

32the God who girdles me with strength,

and clears the path for me.

33He makes me nimble as a deer

and sets me on the height.

34He trains me how to fight,

till I can bend a bow of bronze.

35Thou hast shielded me with thine aid,

thy right hand holds me up;

thine answers to prayer have raised me up.

36Thou hast given me room to move,

and a sure foothold.

37I chase my foes and catch them,

I never turn till they are killed,

38I fell them till they cannot rise;

they fall down at my feet.

39For thou hast braced me for the fray;

thou makest my assailants drop before me;

40thou makest my foes run before me,

till I finish off those who hate me.

41They cry for help, but there is none to help them,

cry to the Eternal, but they get no answer;

42and I pound them to pieces like dust before the wind,

I crush them like mud in the street.

43Thou hast freed me from feuds,

and made me head over pagans;

44outsiders fawn on me,

foreigners come cringing to me;

once they hear of me, they render homage;

45foreigners give way,

and creep trembling from their forts.

46The Eternal is living—blest be my Might,

exalted be my God of victory!—

47God who lets me enjoy my vengeance,

subduing the nation under me.

48O thou my rescuer from my foes,

who settest me high above my enemies,

who recuest me from violence,

49I thank thee before pagans, O Eternal,

I will sing thy praise.

50[[He gives his king great victories,

and kindness to his chosen prince,

to David and his dynasty for ever.]]

19 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

19The heavens proclaim God’s splendour,

the sky speaks of his handiwork;

2day after day takes up the tale,

night after night makes him known;

3their speech has never a word,

not a sound for the ear,

4yet their message spreads the wide world over,

their meaning carries to earth’s end.

See, there is the sun’s pavilion pitched!

5He glows like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,

he exults like a hero to run his course;

6he sets out from one end of heaven,

and round he passes to the other,

missing nothing with his heat!

7The Eternal’s law is a sound law,

reviving life;

the Eternal’s is a trusty witness,

that instructs the open-minded;

8the Eternal’s orders are just,

a joy to the heart;

the Eternal’s command is clear,

a light to the mind;

9the Eternal’s faith is a clean faith,

it will last for ever;

the Eternal’s rulings are upright,

and altogether just—

10more to be prized than gold,

than plenty of rare gold,

sweeter than honey itself,

than honey from the comb.

11Yes, and by them thy servant takes warning;

in following them there is rich profit.

12Yet who can detect his lapses?

Absolve me from my faults unknown!

13And hold thy servant back from wilful sins,

from giving way to them.

Then blameless shall I be,

from many a transgression free.

14May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart

please thee, Eternal One, my strength and saviour.

20 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

20On the day of trouble may the Eternal answer you,

may Jacob’s God, whom you invoke, protect you,

2sending help from the sanctuary

and reinforcing you from Sion!

3May he remember all your offerings,

and be pleased with all your sacrifices,

4granting you your heart’s desire,

fulfilling all your plans!

5We will shout for joy over your victory,

exulting in our God.

[[May the Eternal fulfill all your petitions!]]

6Now I am sure the Eternal grants victory to his chosen king;

from his sacred heavens he will answer him

with mighty, saving victories.

7Some pride themselves on chariots, some on horses,

but our pride is our God the Eternal;

8the foe must bow and fall,

we rise and stand erect.

Grant victory to the king, O thou Eternal,

and answer our appeal this day.

21 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

21Eternal One, the king rejoices in thy power;

how he exults in thy victorious aid!

2Thou hast given him his heart’s desire,

and denied not his request.

3For thou didst meet him with blessings of welfare,

thou didst place on his head a golden crown;

4he asked for life, and life thou gavest,

life long and lasting.

5By thy victorious aid his honour is high,

with splendour and state thou dost endow him;

6he is richly blessed by thee for ever,

and gladdened with the joy of thine own presence.

7For the king’s trust is in the Eternal,

and by the goodness of the Most High he stands unmoved.

8Your hand will find out all your foes,

your right hand will reach all who hate you;

9you will burn them like a blazing furnace,

when you appear in anger;

the Eternal will consume them in his wrath,

devouring them in flames of rage.

10You will sweep their children off the earth,

destroying their offspring from among men.

11For all their plotting against you,

for all their plans of mischief, they shall fail;

12for you will force them to retreat,

aiming your arrows at their faces.

13Rise up, O thou Eternal, in thy power,

and we will sing the praises of thy might.

22 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune, “Deer of the Dawn.” A song of David.

22My God, my God, why desert me?

Why do my cries of anguish bring no help?

2I cry by day, but thou wilt not reply,

and no relief comes to me in the night.

3Yet thou art throned, my God, within the sacred shrine,

receiving praise from Israel!

4On thee our fathers did rely,

relied, and thou didst rescue them;

5they cried to thee and they were safe,

relied on thee and were not disappointed.

6But I am a mere worm, and not a man,

derided and despised by men;

7all who see me mock at me,

they toss their heads and sneer,

8“He left it to the Eternal! let him come to the rescue;

if the Eternal cares for him, let him come to the rescue!”

9’Twas thou indeed didst take me from the womb

didst lay me on my mother’s breast;

10from birth I have been cast upon thy care,

and from my mother’s womb thou hast been my God.

11Be not far from me now; danger is near,

and there is none to help.

12A brutal horde bests me,

fierce bulls of Bashan hem me in,

13panting for me open-mouthed

like lions roaring as they rend;

14my strength is weak as water,

all my limbs give way;

my heart becomes like wax,

it is melting in my breast;

15my throat is as dry as a potsherd,

my tongue cleaves to my jaws;

16my hands and feet are all disfigured,

15and I am laid low in the dust of death.

16For a pack of curs encircles me,

a gang of villains surround me;

17I can count all my bones,

and my foes are gloating over me,

18dividing already my very clothes,

and casting lots for my raiment.

19O thou Eternal, be not far from me,

O Strength of mine, speed to my aid,

20rescue me from the sword,

save my life from these curs,

21pluck me from the lion’s jaws,

pluck my unhappy soul from these wild-oxen’s horns.

22Then will I tell my fellows of thy fame,

and praise thee in our gathering:

23“Praise the Eternal, ye his worshippers,

glorify him, all ye sons of Jacob,

stand in awe of him, all ye sons of Israel!

24For he has not despised the poor man’s plight,

he has not hidden his face from me,

he answered my appeal for help.

25Therefore I praise him in our great gathering,

I pay my vows before his worshippers.

26Let the pious partake of the feast to their heart’s desire,

let the Eternal’s worshippers praise him,

and wish me ’Long life and happiness!’ ”

27[[Men shall bethink them of the Eternal,

and turn to him from earth’s very verge;

all families of the nations shall bow before him,

28for the Eternal reigns, lords of all nations;

29prosperous people sacrifice and worship,

dying peoples bow before him,

folk who cannot keep themselves alive;

30their descendants worship him,

and the next generation has news of the Lord;

31his saving deeds shall be declared

to generations yet unborn.]]

23 A song of David.

23The Eternal shepherds me, I lack for nothing;

2he makes me lie in meadows green,

he leads me to refreshing streams,

3and revives life in me.

He guides me by true paths,

as he himself is true.

4My road may run through a glen of gloom,

but I fear no harm, for thou art beside me;

thy club, thy staff—they give me courage.

5Thou art my host, spreading a feast for me,

while my foes have to look on!

Thou hast poured oil upon my head,

my cup is brimming over;

6yes, and all through my life

Goodness and Kindness wait on me,

the Eternal’s guest,

within his household evermore.

24 A song of David.

24The earth belongs to the Eternal, all earth holds,

the world and its inhabitants;

2’twas he who founded it upon the seas,

and fixed it on the floods.

3Who may ascend the Eternal’s hill?

Who may stand within his sacred shrine?

4He only who has clean hands a heart unstained,

who never sets his mind on what is false,

who never breaks his word;

5he gains a blessing from the Eternal,

a boon from God his saviour.

6Such are the men who are in quest of him,

who seek the presence of the God of Jacob.

7Raise your arches, O ye gates,

raise yourselves, you ancient doors!

Welcome the glorious King!

8“But who is the glorious King?”

’Tis the Eternal, strong in might,

the Eternal conquering from the fight.

9Raise your arches, O ye gates,

raise yourselves, you ancient doors!

Welcome the glorious King!

10“But who is the glorious King!”

The Eternal, God of hosts,

he is the glorious King.

25 A song of David.

25On thee, Eternal One, I set my heart,

5call the day long I wait for thee.

2In thee I trust; oh disappoint me not,

never let my foes triumph over me.

3May none who wait for thee be disappointed,

but those alone who wantonly abjure thee.

4Let me see thy ways, O thou Eternal,

teach me what are thy paths,

5lead me, as thou art true to thy word,

teach me, for thou art God my help.

6Remember thy compassion and thy kindness,

for they are thine of old, O thou Eternal;

7remember not my faults of youth,

and in remembering my sins be kind to me.

8Kind and upright is the Eternal,

he teaches any who go astray,

9guiding humble souls aright,

teaching humble souls his way;

10kindly and faithfully he ever deals

with those who keep his compact and commands.

11O thou Eternal, as thou art theyself,

pardon my guilt, for it is great.

12Whoever reverences the Eternal, learns

what is the right course to take;

13his own life shall continue prosperous,

and his posterity shall hold their land.

14Those who revere the Eternal have his confidence;

his compact is to instruct them.

15Mine eyes always are on the Eternal,

for he will clear me of perplexities.

16Turn to me and have pity,

for I am lonely and low;

17relieve the anguish of my heart,

free me from all this pressure.

19Confront my foes, for they are many,

and they hate me cruelly.

18Consider my distress and pain,

and pardon all my sins.

20Preserve me and deliver me,

oh disappoint me not, as I take shelter with thee.

21May my devotion and my loyalty preserve me,

for I am waiting for thyself, O thou Eternal.

22[[O God, bring Israel safe out of all its troubles.]]

26 A song of David.

26Right me, O thou Eternal, for my life is right;

my trust in the Eternal never wavers.

2Test me, O thou Eternal, try me,

prove me, in heart and mind.

3I have looked always to thy love,

I have lived loyal to thee;

4I never joined false men,

I would not be seen with hypocrites,

5I hate the wicked party,

I never would join the ungodly;

6but blamelessly I wash my hands

and move around thine altar, O Eternal.

8I love the precincts of thy house,

the mansion of thy majesty;

7I love to sing my thanks aloud

and tell of all thy wonders.

9Sweep me not away with sinful men,

slay me not with the bloodthirsty,

10whose hands are stained with outrage,

their right hands full of bribes.

11But my own life is right;

so do thou save me and be gracious to me.

12And when my foot rests on the temple floor,

then will I bless the Eternal in the choir.

27 A song of David.

27The Eternal is my light and aid;

whom shall I fear?

The Eternal is the fortress of my life;

whom shall I dread?

2When evil men assail me

with their slanders,

’tis they, my enemies and foes,

who stumble to their fall.

3Even though an army were arrayed against me,

my heart would not be afraid;

though war were waged on me,

still would I be confident.

4One thing alone I ask from the Eternal,

one thing I desire,

a vision of the Eternal’s goodness

in the temple at the morning-hour.

5For he hides me within his own pavilion

on the day of trouble,

he shelters me within his shrine,

he sets me safe upon a rock.

6He will now lift me up to victory,

high over all my foes around;

and I will sacrifice within his shrine,

and make my joy resound.

7O thou Eternal, listen to my cry,

be gracious to me, answer me.

8’Tis my heart calling, “Thy face I do seek.”

9O thou Eternal, hide not thy face from me,

turn not thy servant away in anger;

help me, do not abandon me,

forsake me not, O God my saviour.

10(When my father and mother forsake me,

the Eternal will take care of me.)

11Teach me what is thy way, O thou Eternal,

and lead me by a level road;

let not my foes thwart me;

12leave me not to the fury of my foes,

for false witnesses have started up against me,

breathing injury to me.

13I do believe I shall yet see

the Eternal good to me, in the land of the living

14Wait for the Eternal; be strong, my soul be brave;

yes, wait for the Eternal.

28 A song of David.

28O thou my Strength, I call to thee, be not deaf to me;

lest, if thou art deaf, I droop like a dying man.

2Listen to my voice of pleading as I cry to thee,

as I lift my hands thus toward thy sacred shrine.

3Drag me not off with the ungodly, with wrongdoers,

who speak smoothly to their fellows, with evil in their heart;

4requite them for their evil practices, for their misdeeds,

let them have all they deserve for all they have done.

5[[Since they heed not what the Eternal has in hand,

and never see what he is doing,

he pulls them down, he does not build them up.]]

6Blessed be the Eternal, who has listened to my voice of pleading!

7The Eternal is my strength and shield, my heart has faith in him;

so I am helped, my heart exults, and I sing to his praise,

8to the Eternal, the strength of his people, a saving stronghold for his chosen.

9Save thy people, bless thine heritage,

shepherd them and carry them for ever.

29 A song of David.

29Praise the Eternal, O ye angels,

praise the Eternal for his might and glory!

2Praise the Eternal for his open glory,

worship the Eternal in festal attire!

3The voice of the Eternal peals across the waters—

it is the God of glory thundering,

the Eternal pealing over the mighty waters,

4the mighty voice of the Eternal,

the majestic voice of the Eternal!

5The voice of the Eternal shatters cedars,

the Eternal shatters Lebanon’s cedars,

6till Lebanon leaps like a calf,

and Sirion like an antelope.

7The voice of the Eternal splits the rocks,

splits them with flashes of fire;

8the voice of the Eternal whirls the sand,

the Eternal whirls the desert of Kadesh.

9The voice of the Eternal twists the trees,

the voice of the Eternal strips the forest—

while in his palace all are chanting, “Glory!”

10At the Flood the Eternal was enthroned as King,

and King he sits for evermore,

11bestowing strength upon his people,

blessing his people with peace.

30 For the dedication festival. A song of David.

30I will extoll thee, O Eternal, for thou hast lifted me,

and hast not left my foes to rejoice over me;

2O thou Eternal my God, I called for help to thee,

and thou hast made me recover,

3lifting me up, O thou Eternal, from the world below,

calling me back to life from the grave beneath.

4Sing praise to the Eternal, ye devout,

give thanks, as you recall his sacred name;

5for his anger only last a moment,

his favour lasts a lifetime;

tears may visit us at the night,

but in the morning there are shouts of joy.

6When I was propsering, I thought

I never would be shaken;

7for by thy favour, O Eternal One,

thou hadst set me on a strong hill;

but when thy favour was withdrawn,

I fell into dismay.

8I cried to thee, Eternal One,

appealing to my God,

9“What profit would my death be,

if I went down to the grave?

Can the dust of death praise thee,

or testify thy faithfulness?

10Ah listen, O Eternal One, be gracious,

O thou Eternal, be my help!”

11And thou didst change my mourning into dancing,

stripping my sackcloth, girdling me with joy,

12that my soul might sing thy praises without ceasing,

that I might thank thee, O my God, for ever.

31 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

31With thee, O thou Eternal, I take shelter,

never let me be disappointed;

oh rescue me, as thou art faithful.

2Turn thine ear to me,

delay not to deliver me;

be a rock of refuge for me,

a hill-fort to protect me,

3for thou art my crag and castle.

As thou art God, oh lead me, guide me,

4safe from the snares spread cunningly to catch me.

Thou art my stronghold,

5I put my life into thy hands,

and, O Eternal, O thou faithful God, thou savest me.

6Those who heed empty idols thou wilt hate,

but I put my faith in the Eternal.

7I will exult rejoicing in thy love,

who hast looked up on my misery

and thought of my life in adversity,

8who hast not left me in the clutches of my foes,

but hast set me at liberty.

9Have pity on me, Eternal One; I am in misery,

my health is wasting under my woe,

10my life is eaten away with sorrow,

and my years with sighing;

my strength gives way under my punishment,

my body falls to pieces.

11I am the scorn of all my foes,

the butt of all my fellows;

my very friends are horrified,

men shun me in the street;

12I am forgotten like a buried corpse,

flung aside like a discarded pot.

13At every turn I am in terror,

for I hear many whispering,

men making plans against me,

plotting to take my life.

14But on thee, O Eternal, I rely;

I say, “Thou art my God.”

15My fate lies in thy hands;

oh rid me of my foes and my pursuers,

16smile on thy servant,

in thy love succour me.

17On thee have I called, O Eternal,

disappoint me not;

disapoint the wicked, send them to the silent grave!

18Strike dumb these lying lips,

so insolent in pride and scorn against the just!

19What wealth of kindness thou hast laid up for thy worshippers,

and shown to those who shelter with thyself!

20Thou hidest them under they wings from human plots,

thou shelterest them from the scourge of slander!

21Blessed be the Eternal,

for wondrous favour shown me in a desparate plight.

22In my distraction I cried out,

“I am cast out of thy sight!”

But thou hast heard my loud appeal,

when I called to thee for help.

23Ah, love the Eternal, all ye faithful;

the Eternal will keep faith with you,

and richly requite arrogant men.

24Only be strong, be brave,

all ye who wait for the Eternal.

32 An ode of David.

32Oh the bliss of him whose guilt is pardoned,

and his sin forgiven!

2Oh the bliss of him whom the Eternal has absolved,

whose spirit has made full confession!

3So long as I refused to own my guilt,

I moaned unceasingly, life ebbed away;

4for thy hand crushed me night and day,

my body dried up as in summer heat.

5Then did I own my sin to thee,

uncovering my iniquity;

and as I vowed I would confess,

thou didst remit my sinful guilt.

6So let each loyal heart pray to thee in trouble:

the floods may roar,

but they will never reach him,

7for thou wilt be his shelter,

safeguarding him in peril,

surrounding him with aid.

8“I will instruct you and teach you

what is the road to take;

I will give you counsel,

O humble soul.”

9Be not like mules and colts,

that do not understand the bridle,

unbroken creatures that require a halter’s curb,

or they will not come near you.

10Many a pang falls to the ungodly,

but he who trusts in the Eternal shall enjoy his favour.

11Exult then in the Eternal joyfully, ye just,

and shout for joy, all ye who are upright.

33Rejoice, ye just, in the Eternal,

for songs of praise befit the upright soul.

2Praise the Eternal on the lyre,

sing to him on a ten-stringed lute.

3Sing him a new song,

strike the strings bravely at the festival.

4For just are all the Eternal’s orders,

and all he does is loyally done;

5he has a love for honesty and justice

the earth is full of his kindness.

6The heavens were made at the Eternal’s order,

and all their host by his mere word;

7he holds the seas as in a water-skin,

and stores up the abysses of the deep.

8Let all the earth fear the Eternal,

let every dweller stand in awe of him,

9for he it was who spoke—and eath existed,

’twas at his bidding it appeared.

10The Eternal wrecks the purposes of pagans,

he brings to nothing what the nations plan;

11but the Eternal’s purpose stands for ever,

and what he plans will last from age to age.

12Happy the nation whose God is the Eternal.

the people he has chosen for his own!

13The Eternal looks from heaven,

beholding all mankind;

14from where he sits he scans

all who inhabit the world;

15he who alone made their minds,

he notes all that they do.

16Armies do not bring victory to a king,

the warrior is not rescued by sheer strength;

17cavalry are in vain for a victory,

there is no winning by the strength of that!

18No, the Eternal’s eye rests on his worshippers,

who rest their hopes upon his kindness,

19that he may rescue them from death,

and during famine-days keep them alive.

20And we rest our hopes on the Eternal,

we wait for him, our help and shield;

21in him our heart rejoices,

our faith is in his sacred name.

22Thy kindness rest upon us, O Eternal,

as our hope rests in thee!

34 A song of David when he feigned madness before Abimelek, who compelled him to go away.

34I will bless the Eternal at all times,

his praise shall be continually on my lips;

2my soul boasts openly of the Eternal,

and the humble are glad as they hear it.

3Magnify the Eternal with me,

and let us exalt him together.

4I besought the Eternal and he answered me,

he rescued me from all my terrors;

5look to him, and you shall beam with joy,

you shall never be abashed.

6Here is a poor man whose cry the Eternal heard,

and helped him out of all his troubles.

7The angels of the Eternal camp around his worshippers,

and rescue them.

8Try the Eternal; you will find he is kind;

happy the man who takes shelter with him!

9Revere the Eternal, O ye saints of his,

for the reverent never want for anything;

10apostates may be famishing and starving

but those who turn to the Eternal lack no good.

11Come, listen to me, my sons,

I will teach you true religion.

12’Tis your desire to live,

to live long and be happy?

13Then keep your tongue from evil,

keep your lips from deceit;

14shun evil and do good,

seek to be friendly—aim at that.

16For the Eternal sets his face against evildoers,

to root their very name out of the earth;

15but the Eternal turns his eyes towards good men,

his ears are open to their cry;

17when they cry, the Eternal listens,

he rescues them from all their troubles.

18The Eternal is near the broken-hearted,

and for crushed spirits he has help;

19the good man may have many a mishap,

but from them all the Eternal rescues him.

20He guards every bone of him,

not one is broken.

21Misfortune is the death of wicked men,

and haters of good men are doomed;

22but the Eternal saves his servants’ life,

none who take shelter with him shall be punished.

35 A song of David.

35Fight those who fight me, O thou Eternal,

war on those who war on me;

2seize thy shield and buckler,

stand up as my champion,

3draw thy spear and battle-axe,

to cope with my pursuers;

say to me, O Eternal,

“I am your safety.”

4Disgraced, discomfited, be they

who seek my life!

May they be routed and confounded q2 who aim to injure me!

5Scattered be they like chaff before the wind,

driven by thine angel!

6Dark and slippery be their road,

pursued by thine angel!

7For wantonly they spread their net for me,

they dug a pitfall wantonly for me.

8May the net they spread ensnare themselves,

into their own pit may they fall,

surprised by ruin!

9Then shall my soul rejoice in the Eternal,

joyful at his deliverance.

10All my being shall exclaim,

“O thou Eternal, who is like thee,

O rescuer of the weak from a stronger power,

O rescuer of the wretched from the destroyer!”

11Malicious accusers come forward,

charging me with crimes I know naught of;

12they repay me with evil for good,

rendering me all forlorn.

13When they are ill, I wore the sackcloth,

I went humbly fasting,

I prayed for them, with head bent on my breast,

14as for a friend, as for my brother;

downcast was I, in black I dressed,

like a man mourning for his mother.

15And now, when I fall, they are glad,

and gather to attack me

with cruel, cutting charges,

of which I know nothing,

railing at me unceasingly, reviling,

16mocking me, gnashing at me with their teeth!

17How long wilt thou look on at this?

Save me from their loud lies, O thou Eternal,

save my unhappy life from human lions!

18Then shall I give thanks to thee in our assembly,

and praise thee in our throng of worshippers.

19Let not my foes rejoice over me wrongfully,

let not my wanton haters wink maliciously!

20No words of peace are theirs,

but crafty plots against the peacable;

21wide-mouthed, they are taunting me,

shouting, “Aha! aha! we see his plight!”

22Eternal One, thou seest it; keep not silence;

Lord, keep not far away;

23rouse thyself, wake to do me justice,

24do me justice, as thou art just thyself;

that the may never rejoice over me,

25shouting, “Aha! aha! we have our heart’s desire,

we have done for him!”

26Disgraced, confounded, may they be

who delight in my harm!

Shame and dishonour cover those

who are insolent to me!

27But may they shout for joy, may they be glad,

who love to see me righted!

May they have ever cause to say,

“All hail to the Eternal,

who loves to see his servant prospering!”

28Then shall my tongue talk all the day

of thy justice and thy praise.

36 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

36An impious spirit inspires the ungodly man;

there is no fear of God before his eyes.

2He flatters himself

that his iniquity will never be found out.

3His words are mischievous and deceitful,

he has now ceased to live wisely and well;

4he plans some mischief as he lies in bed,

and then he takes a course that is not good—

he lothes not evil.

5Eternal One, thy love is high as heaven,

thy loyalty soars to the very skies,

6thy justice is like mighty mountains,

thy judgments are like the deep sea.

They providence is over man and beast;

7how precious is thy love, O God!

To thee men come for shelter

in the shadow of thy wings;

8they have their fill of choice food in thy house,

the stream of thy delights to drink;

9for life’s own fountain is within thy presence,

and in thy smile we have the light of life.

10Continue thy love to those who care for thee,

thy justice to right-minded men.

11Never let insolence stir a foot against us,

let no ungodly hand drive us afar.

12Yonder they lie, the evildoers,

felled to the earth, unable to arise!

37 A song of David.

37Fret not over evildoers,

envy not the lawless;

2soon like the grass they fade,

and wither like a green blade.

3Trust in the Eternal and do right,

be loyal to him within his land;

4make the Eternal your delight,

and he will give you all your heart’s desire.

5Leave all to him, rely on him,

and he will see to it,

6he will bring your innocence to light,

and make the justice of your cause clear as noonday.

7aLeave it to the Eternal and be patient,

fret not over the successful man,

14who aims to slay the upright,

7band carries out his wicked plan.

8Cease your anger, give up raging,

fret not—it only leads to evil.

9Evildoers shall be rooted out,

and the land left to those who wait for the Eternal.

10A little longer, and the godless will be gone;

look in his haunts, and he is there no more!

11The land will be left to the humble,

to enjoy plenteous prosperity.

12The godless man makes plots against the good,

gnashing his teeth at them;

13but the Eternal laughs at him,

knowing his doom is near.

14The godless draw the sword,

and bend their bows for murder;

15the sword runs into their own heart,

and their bows shall be broken!

16The little that a good man has

is better than a godless man’s great wealth;

17for the arms of the godless shall be broken,

but the Eternal will protect the good.

18The fortunes of the upright are the Eternal’s care,

and their possessions last for ever;

19in a calamity they keep their share,

in famine they have plenty.

20aThe godless perish,

25ctheir families have to beg for food;

20bthe foes of the Eternal disappear like fuel,

they disappear in smoke and vanish.

21The godless never pays back what he borrows,

but the good man is charitable and gives.

22Those who bless the Eternal, they shall own the land;

those who curse him shall be uprooted.

23When a man’s life pleases the Eternal,

he gives him a sure footing;

24he may fall, but he never falls down,

for the Eternal holds him by the hand.

25I have been young and I am old,

but never have I seen good men forsaken;

26they always have something to give away,

something wherewith to bless their families.

27Shun evil and do good,

so shall you live your life within the land;

28for the Eternal, who loves honesty,

never forsakes his faithful band.

The lawless shall be utterly destroyed,

the families of the godless shall be doomed;

29the land is the possession of the good,

and all their days they shall dwell there.

30The good man’s words are wise,

his talk is just;

31the Eternal’s law is in his heart,

his footsteps never falter.

32The godless man spies on the good,

seeking to have them put to death;

33but the Eternal never leaves them in his power,

nor lets them be condemned when they are tried.

34Wait for the Eternal, hold to him,

40and he will save you from the godless;

34he will advance you to possess the land

and to see godless men exterminated.

35I saw a godless man once on a time, a terror—

towering like any cedar of Lebanon;

36then, as I passed by, he was gone!

I looked for him—he was not to be found.

37Hold to integrity, remain upright;

there is a future for the peaceable.

38But sinners shall be wiped out at a blow;

the future for the godless is perdition.

39Help comes from the Eternal to good men;

he is their refuge in the evil hour:

40athe Eternal relieves them and rescues them,

because they shelter beside him.

38 A song of David. To be used when incense is offered.

38Punish me not in wrath, O thou Eternal,

do not chastise me in a rage!

2Thine arrows have sunk deep in me,

thy hand is pressing hard on me.

3There is no soundness in my body,

thanks to thine indignation;

there is no health in my limbs,

thanks to my sins.

4My iniquities are overwhelming me,

crushing me like a heavy load.

5My wounds are floul and festering,

thanks to my sinful folly.

6I stagger about, bent to the ground,

all day long I go a-mourning,

7for my thighs are full of fever,

there is no soundness in my body;

8I am benumbed and badly bruised,

my moans are louder than a lion’s cry.

9Lord, all my longing is well known to thee,

thou art no stranger to my sighs;

10my heart is throbbing, pith has gone from me,

the light has left mine eyes.

11My friends and my companions hold aloof,

my kindsmen keep away.

12Those who seek my life are setting snares,

aiming to injure me;

they talk of ruining me,

and all the day discuss intrigues.

13But, like a deaf man, I never listen,

like a dumb man, I never say a word.

14[[I am like one who never hears,

who has no argument in answer.]]

15For thee, O thou Eternal, I am waiting;

thou, thou wilt answer them, O Lord my God.

18For I confess my guilt,

I sorrow for my sin.

16“Only,” I say, “let not my foes exult over me,

who are so insolent when I slip.”

17For I am on the verge of a collapse;

my plight is always present to my mind.

19Many are they who hate me wantonly,

many are they who hate my wrongfully;

20they are returning evil for good,

they are my foes because I aim at good.

21Forsake me not, O thou Eternal,

be not far from me, O my God;

22make haste to help me,

to rescue me, O Lord.

39 From the Choirmaster Jeduthun’s collection. A song of David.

39I said, I will be careful what I do,

lest I sin with my tongue;

I must put a muzzle on my lips

in presence of the ungodly.

2So I kept silence,

dumb and ill at ease.

But this only stirred my grief;

3my heart grew hot within me,

my thoughts kindled,

and I prayed:

4“O thou Eternal, let me know my end,

the number of my days,

how long I have to live!

5Thou hast made my days no longer than a span;

my life is a mere nothing in thy sight,

no better than an empty breath.

6Man’s busy life indeed is but a phantom,

making an empty ado,

amassing wealth and knowing not

who is to have his hoard.

7What then can I expect, O Lord?

It is in thee I hope.

9I am dumb, I never say a word,

for it is thou who orderest life so.

11Thou chastenest mortal man,

in punishing his guilt,

eating away his comeliness like a moth—

man is no better than an empty breath!

8Save me from all my sins,

from the taunts of the profane;

10relieve me from thy plague,

for I am wasting underneath thy strokes.

12Hear my prayer, O thou Eternal,

listen to my cry,

answer thou my tears;

for I am but a guest of thine,

a passing waif, as all my fathers were.

13Avert thy frown, that I may be at ease,

ere I depart and be no more.”

40 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

40As I waited patiently for the Eternal,

he turned and listened to my cry;

2he raised me from a lonesome pit, a muddy bog,

he set my foot on a rock and steadied my steps;

3he put a new song in my mouth,

a song of praise to our God,

that many might see this, and be awed,

and trust in the Eternal.

4Happy the man who trusts in the Eternal,

who pays no heed to loud and false apostates!

5Eternal One, my God, richly hast thou worked out

thy wondrous purposes for us;

there is no one like thee!

Were I to tell them, to recount them,

they would pass all count.

6Thou carest not for sacrifice and offering,

for no burnt-offering or sin-offering is thy demand.

An open ear thou gavest me;

7I answered, “Here I come

to do thy bidding in the Book;

8to please and serve thee is my joy,

thy law lies deep within my heart.”

9Thou knowest, Eternal One, that openly

I told the good news to our gathering;

10I kept not to myself thy saving help,

but told aloud thy loyalty and aid,

making no secret of thy love and faithfulness.

11And thou wilt not keep back from me thy mercy,

thy love and faithfulness shall ever be my guard.

12[[For numberless evils surround me;

my transgressions have overtaken me,

till I know not where to turn;

more trials have I than hairs upon my head—

my courage fails me.

13Be pleased to rescue me, O thou Eternal,

O thou Eternal, hasten to my help.

14Disgraced, discomfited, be those who seek to murder me!

Routed, dishonoured, be they who delight in harm to me!

15Thwarted and appalled be they who taunt me with their scoffs!

16But may thy followers all rejoice gladly in thee!

May those who love thy saving help have ever cause to say,

“All hail to the Eternal!”

17As for me, I am weak and wretched;

Yet the Eternal will take thought for me.

Thou art my help and my deliverer;

tarry not, O my God.]]

41 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

41Happy is he who remembers the weak and the poor!

The Eternal will deliver him on the day of trouble;

2the Eternal will preserve his life,

nor hand him over to his eager foes;

3the Eternal sustains him on his sick bed,

and brings him back to health.

4My prayer is: “O Eternal, be thou gracious,

heal me, for I have sinned against thee.”

5My foes say of me, in their malice,

“Whenever will he die and his name perish?”

6When any of them visits me,

his heart is false;

he gathers matter for his malice,

then goes away to spread the tale.

7All who hate me whisper together,

forecasting evil for me;

8“A deadly trouble courses in his veins,

he will not rise from where he lies.”

9And even my trusted friend, who ate my bread,

trips me up heavily.

10Be gracious, O Eternal, let me rise,

and I will pay them back!

11I shall be sure that thou carest for me,

when my foe fails to triumph over me.

12Yes, thou revivest me, for my integrity,

setting me down for ever in thy presence.

13[[Blessed be the Eternal, Israel’s God,

from age to age for ever!

Even so, even so!]]

42 From the Choirmaster’s collection. An ode of the Korahites.

42The deer is panting for a stream,

and I a panting, O God, for thee.

2I am athirst for God, the living God;

when shall I reach God’s presence?

3Day and night I have lived on my tears,

taunted all day with, “Where is your God?”

4My soul is melting with secret sorrow,

for well I remember it all—

how I led the throng once to the house of God,

5chanting, praising, marching in full festival.

6Why are you downcast, O my soul?

Why so despairing?

7Wait, wait for God; I shall again

be praising him, my saving help, my God.

8My soul is downcast; so I remember thee

in this far land of Jordan and of Hermon,

at mount Mizar.

9Flood follows flood, as thy cataracts thunder,

thy breakers and billows are all surging over me.

10[[Yet the Eternal summoned once for me his love day by day

and in the night I sang of him,

praising the God of my life.]]

11To God my strength I cry,

“Why hast thou forgotten me?

Why must I mourn, as foes oppress me?”

12It is an agony to hear them in derision

taunting mea ll day with, “Where is your God?”

13Why are you downcast, O my soul?

Why so despairing?

14Wait, wait for God; I shall again

be praising him, my saving help, my God.

43Right me, take my part, O God, against an impious race,

rescue me from crafty and malignant men.

2O God my stronghold, why discard me?

Why must I mourn, as foes oppress me?

3Oh send thy light and faithfulness to lead me,

to bring me home to thine own sacred hill,

to where thou dwellest!

4Let me come to the altar of God,

to God my joy and delight,

singing thy praise on the lyre, O God, my God.

5Why are you downcast, O my soul?

Why so despairing?

6Wait, wait for God; I shall again

be praising him, my saving help, my God.

44 From the Choirmaster’s collection of Korahite songs. An ode.

44O God, we have heard with our ears,

our fathers have told use the tale,

of thy doings in ancient years,

2how thou didst plant them, evicting the pagans,

how thou didst shatter the nations and scatter them.

3For the land was not won by the sword of our fathers,

nor the victory won by their arm;

thine was the hand and the arm,

thine was the favour that smiled on them;

4my King, my God, it was thou

by whose command Jacob was conqueror.

5By thee we can thrust down our foe,

by thee we can crush our attackers;

6for I rely not on my bow,

’tis not my sword that wins the battle;

7from thee the victory comes to us,

the humbling to our haters;

8all day it is of God we boast,

unceasingly we praise thee.

9And yet thou hast discarded us in disgrace,

thou wilt not march with our armies,

10thou makest us fly from the foe,

till our haters plunder us at pleasure;

11thou lettest us be eaten up like sheep,

thou scatterest us among the pagans,

12selling thy people cheap,

for a poor price—no profit to thyself!

13Thou makest us the butt of our neighbours,

a scorn and derision to all around,

14a byword among pagans,

jeered at by the nations;

15all day long the disgrace is before me,

the shame of it overclouds me,

16at the sound of the taunters and scoffers,

at the sight of the vengeful foe.

17All this has come upon us,

yet we never have forgotten thee,

never were false to thy bond;

18our heart has never flinched,

our steps have never swerved from thine own road,

19that thou should’st so crush us,

and plunge us into deathly gloom,

where jackals howl.

20If we had forgotten the name of our God,

or appealed to a foreign god,

21would not God have found it out?

He knows the very secrets of the heart.

22But no, ’tis for thy sake we are killed all day,

counted no better than sheep to be slaughtered.

23Bestir thyself, Eternal One! Why sleep?

Awaken! ah, discard us not for ever!

24Why art thou hiding thy face,

forgetting our woe and distress?

25For our soul is bowed to the dust,

our body lies low on the ground.

26Come to the rescue!

For thy love’s sake, oh save us.

45 From the Choirmaster’s collection of Korahite songs. To the tune of “The Lilies.” An ode or love-song.

45Anoble theme inspires my soul!

Let me recite my verses to the king,

with tongue as swift as a scribe’s nimble pen.

2You are fairer than all mortals,

charm is playing on your lips,

as you are ever blessed by God.

3O hero, gird your sword upon your thigh,

array yourself in splendour and in state.

4Success to you, as you ride forth

to succour loyal men, humble and just!

And may your courage lead to deeds of dread!

5Sharp are your arrows; nations fall before you,

and the king’s foes lose heart.

6Your throne shall stand for evermore;

for, since your sceptre is a sceptre just,

7since right you love and evil you abhor,

so God, your God, crowns you with bliss

above your fellow-kings.

8Fragrant are your robes with orris, myrrh, and aloes;

music of ivory harps is ravishing your heart;

9kings’ daughters in their jewels move to meet you,

and on your right your queen wears gold of Ophir.

10Listen, O bride, and bend your ear!

Forget your own folk and your father’s house;

11and when the king desires your beauty,

yield to him—he is your lord.

12So Tyrian traders with their gifts shall sue your favour

the wealthiest in the land shall offer you their treasures.

13In pearls and gold embroidery

this daughter of a king is decked;

14she is led to the king in coloured robes,

with the maidens of her train,

15moving into the palace of the king

with gladness and rejoicing.

16Your sons shall step into your fathers’ place,

and rise to be princes all over the land,

17carrying your name on from age to age,

till nations praise you evermore.

46 From the Choirmaster’s collection of Korahite songs. For soprano voices.

46God is a shelter and stronghold for us,

we shall find him very near;

2therefore we never fear,

though earth be overset,

and the hills sink deep in the sea.

3Let billows roar and foam,

let mountains shake under the storm:

the Lord of Hosts is at our side,

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

4The river divine has streams that gladden

the city of God,

the sacred shrine of the Most High.

5God is within her, she cannot be shaken;

when morning comes, God is her aid.

6Though nations rage, and realms be shaken,

though his thunders make the world dissolve:

7the Lord of Hosts is at our side,

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

8Come, see the Eternal’s work,

the desolation he has wrought on earth;

9wars he has ended all over the world,

breaking the bow and snapping the spear,

burning the chariot in the fire.

10“Give in,” he cries, “admit that I am God,

high over nations, high over the world.”

11The Lord of Hosts is at our side,

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

47 From the Choirmaster’s collection of Korahite songs.

47All nations, clap your hands,

with rining homage to God;

2for the Eternal, the Most High, is to be feared,

he is a great king over all the world.

3He subdued nations to himself,

he conquered races,

4and chose our heritage for us,

our land, the jewel of his beloved Jacob;

5he marched in amid shouts, with trumpet-blasts.

6Music of praise for God, sing music!

Music of praise for our King!

7Music of praise with an ode,

for over the whole world God is King!

8God now reigns over the nations,

seated on his sacred throne;

9even foreign princes gather,

joining the folk of Abraham’s God;

for the world’s warriors belong to God,

to the supreme God, sovereign of the world.

48 A song of the Korahites, for music.

48Great is the Eternal, loudly to be praised

within the city of our God,

upon his sacred hill.

2High and fair on the northern slope,

the joy of all the world,

the hill of Sion lies,

the city of the great King.

3Within her citadels has God

shown himself her defence.

4For yonder kings combined,

invaded her;

5but scared with panic at her sight,

they took to flight,

6seized with a shudder,

like women in the pangs of labour,

7shattered like merchantmen

wrecked by an east wind.

8What once we heard of, now our eyes have seen

within the city of the Lord of hosts;

God does preserve it evermore,

the city of our God.

9And so within thy temple we are thinking

of thy goodness, O God;

10thy fame shall echo, like thy name,

to the very ends of earth,

for they right hand is full of victories.

11Let Sion hill rejoice,

let the towns of Judah joy,

over thy saving deeds.

12Walk about Sion, go round her,

count up her towers,

13review her ramparts,

scan her citadels,

that you may tell the age to come

14what a God our God is for evermore.

49 For the choirmaster’s collection of Korahite songs.

49Hear this, all ye nations,

listen, all ye inhabitants of the world,

2low-born and high,

rich and poor, all of you.

3My message will be wise and good,

a baffling truth on which I brood;

4and as I catch its meaning dim,

I render on the lyre this hymn:

5Why should I be afraid when times are bad,

and all around I see my treacherous foes,

6men who rely upon their riches,

and boast of their abounding wealth?

7Why, none can buy himself off;

not one can purchase for a price from God

9life that shall never end.

10What! “Never die?” but die they must—

the clever have to die,

the stupid and the senseless perish,

leaving their money to others;

11their home eternal is the grave below

the dwelling where they must abide;

they vanish from men’s memory, although

they claimed lands for their own.

12For all their splendour that they cherish,

men pass, even as the beasts that perish.

13Such is the fate of the self-satisfied,

the end of all whose faith is in themselves;

14death shepherds them unchecked,

driving them down to the world below;

ere long their form and fashion waste away,

and they abide within the world below.

15(But God can ransom me;

he will release me from the grasp of death.)

16So fear not when a man grows rich,

and when the splendour of his house increases;

17he can take nothing with him when he dies,

his splendour will not follow him below.

18In life he flatters himself on his fortune,

praising himself for his prosperity;

19but down he goes to where his fathers dwell,

who see no light to all eternity.

20For all the splendour that they cherish,

men pass, even as the beasts that perish.

50 An Asaphite song.

50The Eternal speaks! — from east to west

earth falls a-trembling. 2From Sion, so peerless in beauty,

the God of gods is flashing! 3Our God comes with a summons—

in front of him devouring fire,

encircling him a mighty storm—

4calling high heaven and earth

to the trial of his people;

6the heavens announce his assize,

that God begins the trial.

5“Gather me my followers,

who pledged their troth to me by sacrifice.

7Listen, O my people,

let me speak, O Israel.

I would testify against you,

I who am God, your God.

8I blame you not for lack of sacrifice;

daily your offerings are put before me.

9I need no bullock from your farms,

no goat out of your herds;

10for all the wild things of the wood are mine,

and cattle in their thousands on the hills;

11every bird in the air I know

I own all roaming creatures on the plains.

12If I were hungry, I would not tell you;

for the whole earth is mine and all it holds.

13Do I eat flesh of bulls?

Do I drink blood of goats?

14No, offer to God thanks as a sacrifice,

and pay your vows to the Most High;

15call to me in your hour of need,

then I shall rescue you, and you shall honour me.”

16God speaks thus to the godless:

“What right have you to repeat my laws,

and take my compact on your lips,

17when you hate me to control you,

and toss my rules behind your backs?

18You are a friend to any thief you see,

you ally yourselves with adulterers,

19you let your tongue loose for the evil word,

your mouths are weaving malice,

20you sit and you malign your brother,

slandering the son of your own mother.

21This you have done, and because I said nothing

you thought I was no better than yourself!

But I will now convict you,

I will put it to you plainly.

22Mark this, you who ignore me,

or I will tear you to pieces,

with none to protect you:

23whoever offers thanks to me as sacrifice,

he honours me;

whoever holds my rules in his life,

I will let him enjoy my help.”

51 For the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David, when the prophet Nathan came to him, after he had visited Bathsheba.

51O God, as thou art kind, have mercy on me,

in thy vast pity wipe out my offences,

2wash me from every stain of guilt,

and purge me from my sin.

3Well do I know my offences;

my sin is never out of mind.

4It is against thee I have sinned,

I have done evil in thy sight.

Yes, thou art just in thy charge,

and justified in thy sentence.

5Ah! ’twas in guilt that I was born,

’twas in sin that my mother conceived me.

6’Tis inward truth that thou desirest,

grant me then wisdom in my secret heart.

7Purge me clean with marjoram,

wash me whiter than snow;

8fill me with gladness and rejoicing,

that the life thou hast crushed may thrill with joy;

9hide thy face from my sins,

and wipe out my guilt;

10make me a clean heart, O God,

and put a new, steadfast spirit in me;

11banish me not from thy presence,

deprive me not of thy sacred spirit,

12gladden me with thy saving aid again,

and give me a willing spirit as my strength,

13that I may teach offenders how thou dealest,

till sinful men turn back to thee.

14O God my saviour, save me from mortal sin,

and my tongue shall praise thy faithfulness aloud.

15O thou Eternal, open thou my lips,

till my mouth makes thy praises known.

16Thou carest not for sacrifice,

thou wouldst not have burnt offerings from me;

17God’s sacrifice is a soul with its evil crused:

a heart broken with penitence never wilt thou despise.

18Grant happiness to Sion

by building up Jerusalem’s walls again;

19then wilt thou welcome the due sacrifices,

and on thine altar bullocks shall be slain.

52 From the Choirmaster’s collection. An ode sung by David when Doeg the Edomite went away and told Saul that David had gone to the house of Ahimelek.

52Why glory in your malice, O you tyrant,

against the faithful day by day?

2You plan their utter ruin,

your tongue like a whetted razor,

you deceitful schemer!

3Evil you prefer to good,

falsehood to honesty;

4you revel in deadly speech,

you and your sly tongue!

5But God will pull you down for that

he will snatch you right away,

he will dislodge you,

and root you out of the land of the living.

6Good men shall see it and be awed,

then shall they laugh at him and cry,

7“So this was the great man

who would not upon God rely,

but leant on his abundant wealth,

and on his power of money!”

8But like an olive green am I,

living within the house of God;

upon God’s kindness I rely,

for ever and for evermore.

9I will praise thee for all thou hast done,

I will declare how good thou art,

in presence of thy followers,

53 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Suffering.” An ode of David.

53Profane men think,

“There is no God!”

Depraved their lives are and detestable,

not one of them does right.

2God looks from heaven

upon mankind

to see if any have the sense

to care for God.

3But all have lapsed,

one and all are tainted,

not one does what is right,

no, not a single one.

4Shall they not rue it, these rascals,

who devour my people with their extortion?

5Ha! here they are in a panic!

God scatters them;

their evil plan is defeated,

for God spurns them.

6[[Oh that Israel’s deliverance would come from Sion!

When God restores the fortunes of his people,

how Jacob will exult,

how glad will Israel be!]]

54 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To a string accompaniment. An ode sung by David when the Ziphites went and told Saul that David was hiding among them.

54O God, help me with thy might,

as thou art strong, uphold my right;

2O God, hear my prayer,

and listen to my plea.

3Proud creatures are assailing me,

and ruthless men would murder me,

men who care nothing for God.

4Ah, God my helper,

ah, Lord, upholder of my life,

5may evil recoil upon my foes!

O Lord, be true to me and crush them!

6Then gladly will I sacrifice to thee,

with praise for all thy goodness,

7when thou hast rescued me from all my woes,

and let me feast mine eyes on my defeated foes.

55 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To a string accompaniment. An ode of David.

55Listen to my prayer, O God,

hide not from my entreaty;

2heed me and answer

my bitter lament,

as I moan at the noise of the foe,

at the shouts of godless men,

3who overwhelm me with their injuries,

setting upon me furiously.

4My heart is throbbing in my breast,

and anguish overpowers me,

5terror and trembling seize on me,

and horror folds me round.

6Oh for the wings of a dove

to fly away and be at rest!

7Fain would I fly from it all

and live in the desert;

8swiftly would I escape

from the furious blast,

from all their storm and confusion,

9from their double tongues.

For here in the city I suffer the sight

of violence and disorder

10patrolling day and night

the very walls;

11mischief and misery are what I see,

and corruption, in the street;

the market-place is never free

from fraud and guile.

12It is not taunts of a foe—

that I could bear;

it is not an enemy’s insolence—

then I could hide from him.

13No, you are an equal of my own,

my close companion and my trusted friend!

14Sweet was our fellowship together

within the house of God.

15May he go to perdition!

Death seize all such!

May they go living to the world below,

swept off as their sins deserve!

20For he laid hands upon his friends,

profaning friendship’s bond;

21his talk was smoother than butter,

but his thoughts were of enmity;

his words were softer than oil,

yet sharp as a sword.

16But as for me, I call to God,

and the Eternal helps me;

17evening, morning, and at noon,

I moan and wail.

He will hear my cry and give me

peace and freedom from this strife,

from the host of foes around me.

19God will hear me,

God upon his ancient throne;

he will lay them low,

lax, lawless creatures,

with no reverence for God.

23Thou wilt toss them into the grave,

these murderers and liars;

they shall not live out half their days,

but I will trust in thee.

22Leave all to the Eternal, who loves you;

never will he let good men come to grief.

56 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Dove in isles afar.” A golden ode sung by David when the Philistines held him in Gath.

56Have pity upon me, O God;

for men trample me down,

2pressing on me all day long,

many and malignant.

3The day I am afraid,

I put my trust in thee.

4By God’s help I will maintain my cause;

in God I trust without a fear:

what can man do to me?

5All day long they would injure me,

ever plotting harm to me;

6they are in league for evil, and they lurk,

dogging my steps, like murderers.

7Pay them back for their malice!

Down with these men of power, O God, in anger!

8Thou countest up my sleepless hours,

my tears are gathered in thy bottle—

are they not noted in thy book?

9God is upon my side; so I am sure

my foes must turn their back,

the day I call to him.

10By God’s help I will maintain my cause;

11in God I trust without a fear:

what can man do to me?

12I am under vows to thee, O God;

I will pay thee my offering of praise,

13for thou hast saved my life from death,

my feet from stumbling,

that I might live, ever mindful of God,

in the sunshine of life.

57 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Destroy it not.” A golden ode sung by David in the cave, when he fled from Saul.

57Have pity on me, O god, have pity,

for with thee I take shelter;

in the shadow of thy wings I shelter,

till the deadly danger passes.

2I call to God Most High,

to God who acts on my behalf.

3God send me help from heaven!

God send his love and loyalty,

discomfiting those who would trample me down!

4I have to live amon lions,

who prey upon men;

their teeth are spears and arrows,

their tongue is a sharp sword.

6They set a net to catch my feet,

and they were caught in it themselves;

they dug a pit in front of me,

and they fell into it!

5Up, O God, high over heaven!

Up with thy glory over all the earth!

7My heart is ready, ready, O God,

for song and melody.

8Awake, my soul! awake my lute and lyre!

Let me awake the dawn!

9I would praise thee, Lord, among the peoples,

I would chant thee among the nations;

10for they love is high over heaven,

thy loyalty soars to the skies.

10Up, O God, high over heaven!

Up with thy glory over all the earth!

58 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Destroy it not.” A golden ode of David.

58Is it indeed justice you decree?

Is it aright that you rule men?

2No, in secret you devise injustice,

and on earth you deal out violence.

3Evil men go astray from the start,

false and erring from their birth;

4their venom is like a viper’s

they are deaf as any cobra,

5that will not listen to the charmer’s voice,

to the most cunning spell.

6Shatter their teeth, O God!

O thou Eternal, tear out the young lions’ fangs!

7May they vanish like a freshet,

may they be trodden down like the green grass!

8May they melt like a snail as it moves,

like an untimely birth, unseen by the sun!

9Ere ever your pot feels the heat of the faggots,

may He sweep them away in his fury!

10At the sight of such vengeance, the good shall exult,

and bathe their feet in bad men’s blood;

11“Yes,” men shall say, “the good do get their due;

yes, a God rules on earth indeed!”

59 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Destroy it not.” A golden ode sung by David when Saul had the house watched, in order to murder him.

59O my God, rescue me from my foes,

protect me from those who assail me;

2rescue me from evildoers,

save me from bloodthirsty men.

3Here they are, lurking to take my life,

a fierce gang to attack me!

And for no sin or crime of mine,

O thou Eternal, for no fault of mine.

4They run to their posts; oh rouse thyself,

rescue me, look to me!

5O Lord of hosts,

O God of Israel, rouse thee,

punish the insolent, every one of them,

spare not one vile traitor.

6They snarl and snarl like dogs,

they prowl round the town in the evening;

7there they are, blustering, arrogant,

insults on their lips! —

for “Who,” they think, “will hear us?”

8Thou, O Eternal, thou wilt laugh at them,

wilt mock at all the insolent.

9O thou my Strength, to thee I sing,

for thou, Eternal, art my fortress.

10God in his goodness come to my rescue!

May the Eternal let me gloat over my foes!

11Pity them not, lest my people forget;

rout them, ruin them, by thy might,

O Lord who art shielding me.

12Each word they utter is a sin;

so let their own pride trap them,

for all their perjury and false talk.

13Destroy them in thy wrath, destroy them

till they cease to be;

let the world know from end to end

that God does rule in Jacob.

14They snarl and snarl like dogs,

and prowl at even round the town,

15roaming in search of prey,

and growling if they miss it.

16But I sing of thy strength,

a morning song to thy love;

for thou art a fortress to me,

a refuge in my day of danger.

17O thou my Strength, to thee I sing,

for thou, Eternal, art my fortress.

60 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Lily of the Law.” A golden ode for recitation, sung by David during the campaign against Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, when Joab wheeled round and defeated twelve thousand Edomites in the wady of Salt.

60Thou hast discarded us, crushed us in anger, O God;

restore us to power:

2thou hast shaken and shattered the land;

repair its tottering breaches.

3Hard times thou hast given to thy people

and a cup to drink that has dazed them.

4Hast thou given thy worshippers a flag,

only that they might fly from the archers?

5To the rescue of thy dear folk!

Save by thy right hand, answer our entreaty,

10bO thou Eternal who hast discarded us, shamed us,

who would’st not march out with our army.

11Help us against the foe,

for man’s help is in vain.

12With God we shall do bravely;

he will trample down our foes.

6God gave his sacred promise:

“I will divide up Shechem in triumph,

and parcel out the vale of Sukkoth;

7Gilead is mine, Manasseh mine,

Ephraim I take for helmet,

Judah for my baton,

8Moab I make a wash-basin,

Edom I claim as subject,

and over Philistia I will triumph.”

9Ah, who will lead us inside the hill-fort?

Who will take us conquering into Edom?

10aWilt not thou, O God?

61 From the Choirmaster’s collection. For strings. A song of David.

61Hear my cry, O God,

and heed my prayer;

2from earth’s far end I call to thee,

my heart is fainting.

When troubles are too strong for me,

do thou direct me,

3O thou who art my refuge,

a fortress against the foe.

4Oh to be a guest of thine for ever!

oh to be sheltered underneath thy wings!

5For thou hearest my vows, O God,

thou grantest the desire of reverent men.

6Add many a day to the life of the king,

till his years are age on age.

7May he sit on his throne before God for all time!

Bid thy love and loyalty safeguard him.

8And I will ever sing thy praise,

paying my vows through all my days.

62 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To Jeduthun’s tune. A song of David.

62Leave it all quietly to God, my soul,

my rescue comes from him alone;

2rock, rescue, refuge, he is all to me,

never shall I be overthrown.

3How long will you be threatening a man,

you murderers all,

as if he were a shaky fence,

a tottering wall?

4They plan to push me from my place,

delighting in a crafty part;

blessings are on their lips,

and curses in their heart.

5Leave it all quietly to God, my soul,

my rescue comes from him alone;

6rock, rescue, refuge, he is all to me,

never shall I be overthrown.

7My safety and my honur rest on God;

God is my strong rock and refuge.

8Always rely on him, my followers,

pour out your prayers to him;

God is a refuge for us.

9The lower ranks are but a thing of naught,

the upper ranks are only a delusion;

weigh them, they prove to be lighter and slighter than a breath of air.

10Rely not on extortion,

pride not yourselves on robbery;

if wealth increases,

set not your heart upon it.

11There is one thing God has said;

aye, twice have I heard him say it:

that power belongs to God,

12and kindness, Lord, to thee;

every man thou rewardest

for whatever he has done.

63 A song of David, when he was in the desert of Judah.

63O God, thou art my God, I yearn for thee;

body and soul, I thirst, I long for thee,

like a land without water, weary, dry.

2I have seen thee in the sanctuary,

with visions of thy power and majesty,

4so will I bless thee while I live,

lifting my hands in prayer to thee.

3Thy love is more than life to me;

so my lips praise thee.

5My soul is richly fed,

and with glad lips I sing thy praise.

6When I remember thee in bed,

and muse on thee by night,

8my soul clings close to thee,

thy right hand holds me fast;

7for thou hast been my help,

and shadowed by thy wings I sing.

9Those who would take my life shall be destroyed,

they shall go down to death,

10flung to the sword,

left as a prey for jackals.

11But the king shall rejoice in God,

and all the loyal shall exult

[[for false rebels shall be silenced]].

64 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

64List to my plaint, O God,

save me from the foe and his terrors,

2hide me from villains and their plots,

from gangs of evildoers,

3whetting their tongue like a sword,

and aiming bitter words like arrows,

4to shoot in secret at the honest man,

shooting suddenly and unafraid.

5They work out their dark design,

they talk of laying intrigues,

for who, they think, will see them?

6They have thought out their plan well,

each with a cunning heart,

each in his deep craft.

7But God shoots at them with his arrow,

wounding them suddenly;

8he trips them up in their own plot,

till all who see them recoil in horror.

9So all men, noting the deeds of God,

shall tell of what he does;

10good men will rejoice in the Eternal,

and shelter beside him;

right-minded men will all exult.

65 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David, for music.

65’Tis fitting to praise thee in Sion, O God;

in Jerusalem shall vows be paid to thee.

2O thou who hearest prayer,

all men shall come to thee.

3Though our sins be too much for us,

’tis thine to cancel our transgressions.

4Happy is he whom thus thou choosest

to dwell in thy courts, close to thee.

Fain would we have our fill of this,

thy house, thy sacred shrine—its bliss.

5God of our victory, answering our prayers

with deeds of dread, so loyally,

all ends of the earth come to rely on thee,

and distant shores,

6thou by whose might the mountains are made firm

and strongly fixed,

7by whom the roaring seas are stilled,

and the tumult of nations,

8till dwellers at the world’s far end

are awed at the proofs of thy power,

and lands of sunrise and of sunset

sing joyfully of thee.

9Thou art good to the earth, giving water

enriching her greatly with rain

from brimming streams divine;

thou provides the grain

by preparing her duly,

10watering well her furrows,

soaking her ridges,

softening her with showers,

and blessing all her growth.

11Thou art crowning the year with thy goodness,

rich stores drop where thou passest,

12the very pastures of the downs o’erflow,

the hills wear girdles of joy,

13the meadows are clothed with flocks,

the valleys covered with corn,

shouting and singing for joy.

66 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song for music.

66Sing homage, all the earth, to God,

2sing out the glory fo his name,

and celebrate his praises.

3Say this to God: “How dread thy deeds are!

thine enemies cower

before thy power;

4all the earth bows to thee,

singing thy praise,

singing praise to thy name.”

5Come and see what God has done,

how dread his deeds are among men.

6He turns the sea to dry land,

till men cross floods on foot.

So let us joy in him

7who rules for ever by his power,

whose eyes survey the nations,

till not a rebel dares to raise his head.

8Bless our God, O nation,

sound his praise aloud,

9who keeps us safe in life,

and never lets us come to grief.

10For, though thou hast put us to the proof, O God,

testing our mettle, like silver,

11though thou hast let us be captured,

let us be heavily chained,

12let conquerors ride over us,

though we had to pass through fire and water,

yet thou hast granted us a rich relief,

past set us free in liberty.

13So I enter thy house with sacrifices,

I will pay my vows to thee,

14vows poured out by my lips,

vows uttered in my agony;

15fat beasts I will offer thee,

the odour of burning rams,

bullocks and goats in sacrifice.

16Come, all ye worshippers of God,

hear what he did for me:

17no sooner had I called to him

than I was praising him for answering me.

18Had I been thinking secretly of sin,

the Lord would never have listened;

19but God has listened indeed,

and to my prayer he has paid heed.

20Blessed be God who has not checked

my prayer to him, nor is own love to me.

67 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song for a string accompaniment.

67O God, bless us with thy favour,

may thy face smile on us.

2that so thy purpose may be plain to men,

thy saving power to every nation.

3O God, may the world praise thee,

may all races praise thee,

4may the nations sing for joy,

for thou rulest the world justly,

thou guidest the nations on earth!

5O God, may the world praise thee,

may all the races praise thee!

6The land has yielded her harvest

by the blessing of God, our God;

7bless us, O God, bless us,

till men rever thee to the world’s far end.

68 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David, for music.

68When God stirs, his enemies scatter,

those who hate him fly before him;

2as smoke is driven before the wind,

as wax melts at a fire,

so the ungodly perish before God.

3But good men before God rejoice,

exulting with a joyful voice.

4Sing to God, celebrate his name,

extol him who rides on the clouds,

bless him, exult before him,

5before God in his sacred home,

father of orphans, champion of widows,

6the God who brings the lonely home,

and frees the prisoner for prosperity—

only the rebels have to live forlorn.

7O God, when thou didst march before thy people,

when thou didst move across the steppes,

8earth was quaking, the skies shaking,

before God, Israel’s God.

9O God, thou didst pour down a generous rain,

reviving thy land as it languished;

10thy household were settled there,

and in thy goodness thou didst meet their needs.

11When the Lord sent news of victory,

the women who told it were a mighty host:

12“Kings and their armies are flying, are flying,

their spoil is divided

by Israel the fair Dove at home,

13till her wings are covered with silver,

her pinions shimmer in gold.

14When the kins were routed on the field,

it was like snow falling on mount Zalmon.”

15A mighty range is Bashan range,

Bashan range has many a peak.

16But what is your grudge, O range of peaks,

at the hill that God loves for his home,

where the Eternal dwells for evermore?

17With mighty chariots in their myriads

the Eternal came from Sinai to this sanctuary.

18There didst thou triump, with captives in thy train,

with tribute taken from men—

only the rebels dwell not there with God.

19Blessed be the Lord, our saving God,

who daily bears the burden of our life;

20God is for us a God of victories,

thanks to the Eternal we escape from death;

21yes, God will shatter the head of his foes,

each long-haired sinner who defies him.

22The Lord’s word is, “Wherever you may be,

I bring you from Bashan, from the sea,

23to bathe your feet in the blood of the foe

and let your dogs share, as they lap it.”

24Behold God entering the sanctuary,

my God, my King, in high procession,

25singers in front, musicians behind,

between them girls with tambourines,

26singing, “Bless the Lord God in your choirs,

O Israel’s offspring!”

27In front the Benjamites, so few,

the chiefs of Judah, a great company,

the chiefs of Zebulun and Naphtali!

29From thy temple high above Jerusalem,

28display thy strength, O God,

who has so mightily prevailed for us;

29bthere kings must offer thee tribute.

30Check that Brute of a Nile-power,

the bullocks and steers of pagans,

trample down crafty pollicy,

rout all the races that rejoice in war,

31till even Egypt sends ambassadors,

and Ethiopia hurries to submit to God.

32Sing to God, O kingdoms of the world,

oh celebrate the Lord!

33Praise him who rides high on the ancient heavens,

whose voice thunders aloud.

34Praise God for his might,

whose sovereign sway is over Israel,

whose might is in the skies.

35God strikes awe from his sanctuary,

the God of Israel who bestows

prowess and power on people blessed by God.

69 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “The Lilies.” A song of David.

69Save me, O God,

for the waters are threatening my life;

2I am sinking deep in the mud,

where foothold there is none,

I have fallen into waters deep,

floods o’er me sweep.

3I am wearied with crying,

my throat is parched,

mine eyes are weak

with waiting for my God.

4I have more men who wantonly hate me

than hairs on my head;

my murderous, false foes are more

than the bones within my body;

I am forced to repay

what I never extorted.

5O God, though well thou knowest my sinful folly,

although no fault of mine is hid from thee,

6may nought befall me that would disconcert

those who wait for thee, O Lord God of hosts:

may naught befall me that would disappoint

thy worshippers, O God of Israel.

7’Tis for thy sake that I have suffered taunts,

had insults cover me with shame,

8till my own brothers kept aloof from me,

my mother’s sons were distant to me.

9’Tis zeal for thy house that wears me away,

and taunts against thee fall on me.

10When I chastened my soul with fasting,

men jeered at me;

11when I clothed myself in sackcloth,

I became their byword;

12men make a jest of me in public,

they put me into their maudlin songs.

13But as for me, I pray to thee;

in thy great generosity,

O God, do thou accept me;

answer me with thy loyal aid,

14save me from sinking in the mud,

from the deep waters of hatred,

15let not the flood sweep over me,

let not the depths drown me;

let not death close over me.

16Answer me, O Eternal, in thy love,

in thy vast pity turn to me;

17hide not thy face from thy servant,

answer me quickly, for I am in misery;

18come to me, rescue my life,

set me in safety from my foes.

19Thou knowest how I am taunted,

my foes are plain to thee;

20their taunts have broken my heart,

I am sick to the soul;

I look for pity—there is none,

for comforters, but all in vain.

21For food men hand me poisonous drugs,

and vinegar when I would drink.

22May the table they spread be their own ruin,

may their offerings ensnare them,

23may their eyes be blurred and blind,

may their thighs be all a-quiver!

24Vent thine anger on them,

may thy burning fury seize them,

25desolate be their dwellings,

empty be their tents,

26for persecuting him whom thou hast punished,

and adding to the pain of thy wounds!

27Punish them for their crime,

exclude them from thy favours,

28blot them from the Book of life,

blot their name from the list of the upright!

29But lift me safe, O God,

out of my pain and misery,

30and then I will sing praise to God,

and magnify him with thanksgiving;

31’twill please the Eternal more than any bull,

or any bullock that has horns and hoofs.

32Mark all this and be glad, O folk forlorn,

take heart, O worshippers of God;

33the Eternal listens to a life in need,

he never overlooks his own in prison.

34Praise to him from heaven and earth,

from seas and all that glide therein!

35For God will succour Sion

and rebuild the towns of Judah,

till men dwell there and own them,

36till his servants leave them to their children,

and a race who love him live there.

70 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David. To be used when incense is offered.

70To the rescue, O God,

O thou Eternal, hasten to my help!

2Disgraced, discomfited, be those who seek to murder me!

Routed, dishonoured, be they who delight in harm to me!

3Thwarted and appalled be they who taunt and scoff!

4But may thy followers all rejoice gladly in thee!

May those who love thy saving help have ever cause to say,

“All hail to God!”

5As for me, I am weak and wretched;

O God, make hast to me.

Thou art my help and my deliverer;

tarry not, O Eternal.

71With thee, O thou Eternal, I take shelter;

never let me be disappointed.

2Oh rescue me, save me, as thou art faithful,

turn thine ear to me and deliver me.

3Be a stronghold, a fortress, for me;

help me, for thou art my crag and castle.

4O my God, rescue me from evil men,

from cruel, unjust hands;

5for thou art my hope, O Lord,

I have trusted thee from youth,

6I have leant on thee from my birth,

’twas thou didst take me from my mother’s womb;

my hope is ever in thee.

7Through thee, my strength and shelter,

I am a marvel to many;

8my lips shall be full of thy praise,

singing thy glory all day long.

9Cast me not off in my old age,

forsake me not when my powers fail;

10for murderous foes are plotting,

my enemies say of me,

11“Set on him, seize him, God has forsaken him,

he has no one to save him.”

12O God, be not far from me,

my God, make haste to help me.

13May all my enemies be disraced, defeated,

may insults and dishonour cover them!

14As for me, I hope on and on,

I praise thee more than ever;

15all day long I will be telling

of thy victorious and faithful aid,

though never can I tell it to the full;

16I will recite the great deeds of the Lord,

and praise thy faithful aid—and only thine.

17Thou hast been teaching it from my youth, O God,

and I have ever told thy wondrous deeds.

18Forsake me not, O God,

when I am old and grey;

that I may tell the rising generation

of thy strength and thy might.

19Thy faithful aid is high as heaven, O God,

for great things thou hast done;

who is like thee, O God?

20Many a trial sore

hast thou made us suffer,

but thou wilt revive us once more

and raise us from the depths,

21thou wilt add to our honour,

and comfort us once more.

22So shall I praise thee on the lute

for loyalty to me, my God,

singing thy praises on the lyre,

Majestic One of Israel.

23My lips shall ring with joy and praise,

even the life which thou hast saved;

24all day long I will be talking

of thy faithful aid,

for those who fain would injure me

are daunted and disgraced.

72 A song of Solomon

72Inspire the king, O God, with thine own justice,

endow his majesty with thine own equity,

2that he may rule thy folk aright

and deal out justice for the poor;

3may justice bring the people peace,

from the very hills and mountains!

4May he prove the champion of the weak,

may he deliver the forlorn,

and crush oppressors!

5Long may he live, long as the sun,

as the moon that shines for ever!

6May his rule be like rainfall upon meadows,

like showers that water the land!

7Justice and welfare flourish in his days,

till the moon be no more!

8From sea to sea may his domain extend,

from the Euphrates to the earth’s far end!

9May the foe bow down before him,

his enemies grovel in the dust!

10May kings from the west and the seaboard

pay tribute to him,

may kings of the south and of Arabia

offer him presents,

11all kings do homage to him,

all nations yield to him!

12For he saves the forlorn who cry to him,

the weak and helpless;

13he pities the forlorn and weak,

he saves the lives of the weak,

14he rescues them from outrage and oppression—

they are not cheap to him.

15Long may he live,

to receive gold from Arabia!

For him may ceaseless prayer be made,

and all day long may he be blessed!

16May the land be rich in waving corn,

right up to the top of the hills!

May the folk flourish like trees in Lebanon,

may citizens flower like grass in the field!

17For ever blessed be his name,

sure as the sun itself his fame!

All races envy his high bliss,

all nations hail him as the happy king!

18[[Blessed be the Eternal, Israel’s God,

who alone works wonders!

19For ever blessed be his glorious name;

may all the earth be full of his glory!

Even so, even so!]]

20Here end the devotions of David the son of Jesse.

73 An Asaphite song.

73Yes, to the upright God is good,

to hearts unstained.

2I almost slipped,

I nearly lost my footing,

3in anger at the godless and their arrogance,

at the sight of their success.

4No pain is theirs,

but sound, strong health;

5no part have they in human cares,

no blows like other men.

6So they vaunt them in their pride,

and flaunt them in rough insolence;

7vice oozes from their very soul,

their minds are rank and riotous,

8their talk is mocking and malicious,

and haughtily they lay their plots;

9lofty as heaven itself their speech,

lording it over the world below.

10So people turn to follow them,

and see no wrong in them,

11thinking, “What does God care?

How can the Almighty heed—when these,

12the godless, prosperously fare,

thriving thus at their ease?”

13’Tis all in vain I kept my heart from stain,

kept my life clean,

14when all day long blows fell on me,

and every dawn brought me some chastening!

15Yet, had I meant to utter this aloud,

I had been faithless to thy family.

16So I thought of it, thinking to fathom it;

but sorely it troubled me,

17till I found out God’s secret,

viewing their latter end.

18Thou plantest them on slippery ground,

thou hurlest them to ruin—

19laid low in a single moment,

scared away, swept away,

20like a dream when one awakens,

like phantoms despised by the day!

21When my heart was sour,

when I felt sore,

22I was a dull, stupid creature

no better than a brute before thee.

23Yet I am always beside thee;

thou holdest my right hand,

24guiding me with thy counsel,

leading me after thyself by the hand.

25Whom have I in heaven but thee?

On earth I care for nothing else.

26Body and soul may fail,

but God my strength is mine for evermore.

27Those who leave thee are lost;

all who are faithless to thee, thou destroyest.

28But to be near God is my bliss,

to shelter with the Lord

[[that I may tell of all thy works]].

74 An Asaphite ode.

74Why discard us, O God, for ever?

Why fume in anger at the flock of thine own pasture?

2Remember the community thou didst win long ago,

whom thou didst rescue to be thine own people,

this hill of Sion, thine abode.

3Turn thy steps toward the standing ruins,

to all the havoc of the foe within the sanctuary.

4Thine enemies bawled inside thy house

set up their emblems there;

5they smashed the doors down with their axes,

like woodmen felling trees,

6then broke up all the carved work there

with hatchet and with hammer;

7they set thy sanctuary ablaze,

laying it low, profaning thine own dwelling.

8They said to themselves, “Let us root them out!”

so all the synagogues in the land they burned;

9not an emblem of ours is to be seen.

No prophet now—none knows when this will end!

10O God, how long is the foe to be scoffing?

Are the enemy always to blaspheme thee?

11Why hold back thy hand, O God?

Stretch out they right hand and strike,

12thou who art our King of old,

gaining victories on earth!

13Thou didst divide the ocean by thy power,

Shattering the Dragon’s heads upon the waves,

14crushing the heads of the Leviathan,

leaving him a prey to jackals.

15Thou didst open springs and torrents,

thou didst dry up flowing streams;

16thine is the day and thine the night,

thou hast provided sun and starlight;

17thou hast arranged the earth in its due order,

thou hast made summer and winter.

18Thou to be scoffed at by foes, O Eternal!

Thou for an impious race to blaspheme!

19Leave not thy Dove Israel to a brutal power;

forget not thy poor people for all time.

20Look at these creatures, so sleek and successful!—

every corner is full of their violence.

21Let not the downtrodden turn from thee disappointed,

but may the weak and wretched have good cause to praise thee!

22Up, O God, to vindicate the cause that is thine own!

Remember how the impious scoff at thee all the day long;

23forget not the loud clamour of thy foes,

the endless din that rises from thine enemies.

75 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Destroy it not.” An Asaphite song, for music.

75We offer thanks to thee, O God, we offer thanks to thee,

telling of all thy wondrous deeds.

2God says, “Through all the long delay”

I am still ruling in my justice;

3when men in any panic melt away,

I still uphold the order of the world.

4I tell the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’

I tell the impious, ‘Never flaunt your power.’ ”

5No, never flaunt your power thus proudly,

defy not God thus loudly;

6rely not upon east or west,

on the south desert or the northern hills–

7’tis God who rules o’er men,

this one he lowers, this one he lifts.

8The Eternal holds a cup of wine,

foaming and spiced;

he pours it out for all the wicked

to drink and drain it to the dregs.

9But I will rejoice for ever,

I will sing praise to Jacob’s God,

10for lopping the power of evil men,

and rallying the power of the upright.

76 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To a string accompaniment. An Asaphite song, for music.

76In Judah God is renowned,

his fame is high in Israel.

2In Salem, his pavilion,

at Sion, his abode,

3he has destroyed all flashing arrows,

shields and swords and martial weapons.

4Thou didst strike terror

from the hills eternal;

5the valiant fell a prey to thee

and slept their last,

the veterans – not a man of them

could move a finger;

6O God of Jacob, at thy stroke

chariot and horse lay stunned.

7Terrible art thou; who can stand

the weight of thy wrath?

8The earth was hushed in terror

when thy sentence fell from heaven,

9when God arose to act on earth,

in aid of the afflicted.

10All pagans shall give praise to thee;

the rest of us shall keep thy festival.

11Let vows be paid to your God, the Eternal;

and let all round pay tribute to him,

12who strips chiefs of their courage,

who terrifies a tyrant.

77 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To Jeduthun’s tune. An Asaphite song.

77I cry aloud to God,

I cry to God to listen,

2I turn to the Lord in my hour of need,

I stretch my hands out ceaselessly,

refusing to be comforted.

3I moan as I remember God,

I muse upon him till I faint;

4all night I never close my eyes,

I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

5I dwell on days of old,

I recall the years gone by,

6thinking to myself by night,

musing in my inward quest:

7“Will the Lord for ever discard us,

will he never be kind again?

8Has his love left us for ever,

has his faithfulness utterly failed?

9Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he, in anger, stopped his pity?

10Yes, this is my grief, that the Most High

no longer has the strength he had.

11Let me recall what the Eternal did,

let me remember thy wonders of old,

12let me think of all that thou hast done,

and muse upon thy deeds.

13Thy dealings were divine, O God;

what god was great like the Eternal?

14Thou wast a God of wonders,

thou didst show the world thy strength,

15rescuing thy people by thy power,

the sons of Jacob and Joseph,

20leading thy people like a flock

by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

16O God, the waters saw thee,

the waters saw thee and quivered,

the depths of ocean shivered;

17rain rushed from the clouds,

the skies in thunder crashed,

thine arrows flew and flashed,

18thy thunder rolled and resounded,

lightning lit up the world,

earth shook and was confounded,

19as thou didst tread upon the sea,

marching through deep waters,

thy footprints all unseen.”

78 An Asaphite ode.

78Listen to my teaching, O my people,

give ear to what I say,

2as I open my lips in a poem

on the deep lessons of the past,

3that we know as we have heard,

that our fathers told to us,

4hiding it not from their children,

but telling the next generation

the Eternal’s praise and power,

the wonders he has done.

5He set up his witness in Jacob,

he appointed a law within Israel,

bidding our fathers instruct their children,

6that the next generation might understand,

that children yet unborn might rise

and tell their children after them,

7to put their confidence in God,

and not forget the deeds of God,

but loyally obey him;

8that they might not be like their fathers,

a stubborn and unruly race,

a wavering race,

no loyal hearts for God.

9The Ephraimites were like a disappointing bow,

that fails upon the day of battle;

10they would not keep their compact with God,

they would not follow his directions,

11they forgot what he had done,

the wonders he had shown them.

12Marvels he wrought, under their fathers’ eyes,

in Egypt, in the land of Zoan;

13he split the sea and led them through,

piling the water up like walls,

14he led them with a cloud by day,

and all night with a blazing fire;

15he split rocks in the wilderness,

to give them drink in the desert,

16he brought streams out of the rock,

made water run like a river.

17But still they sinned against him, in the desert

they defied the Most High;

18with a doubt of God in their mind

they demanded the food they craved,

19they question God – was he able

here in the desert to spread us a table?

20He struck the rock till waters flowed

and streams poured out;

but can he give us food as well,

and furnish flesh to his people?

21When the Eternal heard this, he was wroth,

he blazed out against Jacob,

his wrath broke upon Israel,

22for failing to believe in God,

for trusting not his saving aid.

23So, at his bidding, from the skies,

as he opened the sluices of heaven,

24manna rained down for their food,

and he gave them heaven’s own grain;

25men ate the bread of angels,

he sent them food to the full.

26He brought an east wind over the sky,

he drove a strong wind from the south,

27raining flesh on them like the dust,

and birds like sand upon the beach,

28letting them fall inside the camp,

close to their very tents.

29They ate, and they were gorged then

with the food they craved;

30and still they were at their surfeit,

still eating up their food,

31when the anger of God broke on them

and slew their lusty men,

laying the pick of Israel low.

32Yet on they went in sin;

for all his wonders, they would not believe.

33So he made their days brief as a breath,

and the end of their life sudden death.

34Then, if he slew them, they sought after him,

they would earnestly seek God again,

35remembering God was their strength,

and God Most High their preserver.

36But it was smooth words and no more,

their promises to him were false;

37they had a wavering mind,

they were not loyal to his compact.

38He in his great pity cancels sin,

dooms not to death;

often he will avert his wrath,

without one angry breath.

39So he remembered they were mortal men,

their life no better than a passing breeze;

40though often they defied him in the desert,

and vexed him in the wilderness,

41with doubts of God again and again,

that pained the Majestic One of Israel.

42They remembered not his power,

nor the day he saved them from the foe,

43the portents that he wrought in Egypt,

his marvels in the land of Zoan;

44how he turned streams into blood,

till none could drink the water,

45sent out dog-flies to devour,

frogs to destroy,

46let caterpillars have the crops,

and locusts all the fruit of the foe’s labour.

47he killed their vines with hail,

the sycamores with frost,

48gave cattle over to the plague,

and beasts to the murrain.

49His blazing anger he let loose,

fury and rage and ruin,

the messengers of woe;

50straight and swift his anger sped, unsparing,

letting the deadly pestilence prey on life;

51he struck down all the first-born within Egypt,

each oldest male child in the tents of Khem.

52But his own people he led out like sheep,

guiding them in the desert like a flock;

53he led them safely on, without a fear,

when the sea drowned their foes;

54he brought them to his sacred soil,

to hills he had won for himself;

55he drove out nations before them,

and duly divided their land,

for Israel’s clans to occupy.

56Yet they doubted and defied the Most High God,

they would not obey his rules;

57they fell back, false like their fathers,

they failed, like a disappointing bow;

58their idols angered him upon the heights,

their images provoked his jealousy.

59God heard of it, and he was furious,

he was done with Israel!

60He abandoned his Dwelling at Shilo,

the tent he had pitched among men,

61he let his great ark be captured,

let his splendid ark fall to the foe;

62he abandoned his folk to the edge of the sword,

so furious was he with his own,

63till their youths fell in the flames of war,

and girls had never a wedding song,

64till their priests were cut to pieces,

and widows dared not raise a dirge.

65Then the Lord started up, as from a sleep,

and, like a hero wild with wine,

66he made rout of his foes,

defeating and disgracing them for ever;

67and then, disowning the tents of Joseph,

passing by Ephraim’s clan,

68he chose the clan of Judah,

his beloved hill of Sion,

69where he built his shrine like heaven on high,

firm as the earth he has founded for ever.

70He chose David his servant,

took him from the sheepfolds,

71fetched him from the care of ewes,

to tend his people Jacob,

to shepherd his own Israel;

72and he did tend them honestly,

he led them with ability.

79 An Asaphite song.

79O God, the pagans have invaded thy preserve,

they have profaned thy sacred shrine,

they have laid Jerusalem in ruins;

2they have flung the corpses of thy servants

to the wild birds as their food,

the flesh of thy followers to wild beasts;

3all round Jerusalem

their blood has been poured out like water,

and there was none to give them burial.

5Eternal One, how long wilt thou be angry?

Is thy passion to burn on for ever,

like a fire, against us?

6Vent thy rage on pagans who disown thee,

on realms that never call to thee,

7who devour Jacob and lay waste his homestead.

8Remember not our fathers’ sins against us;

let thy compassion hasten to our need,

for we are low indeed.

9Help us, O God our saviours,

for the sake of thine own honour,

and cancel thou our sins;

rescue us, as thou art God,

10for why should pagans sneer,

“Where is their God?”

Oh may we live to see

thy vengeance fall on pagans

for spilling the blood of thy servants!

11Oh may the moan of prisoners reach thee,

and by thy mighty power

release those who are doomed to death.

12Pay back our neighbours, Lord,

punish them seven times over for the taunts

that they have heaped on thee.

13Then we thy people, the sheep of thy pasture,

will ever give thee thanks,

and to all ages tell thy praise.

80 From the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Lilies of the Law.” An Asaphite song.

80O Shepherd of Israel, hear us,

who leadest Joseph like a flock!

Shine from thy throne above the kherubs,

2for Ephraim and Manasseh!

Oh stir thy strength

and come to our rescue!

3O God of hosts, restore us to power;

a smile of thy favour, and we are saved!

4O Lord of hosts, how long will thine anger fume,

though thy people are praying?

5Thou hast made tears our daily bread,

and tears on tears our drink;

6thou has made us the butt of our neighbours,

the jest of our foes.

7O God of hosts, restore us to power;

a smile of thy favour, and we are saved!

8Thou didst bring a vine from Egypt,

thou didst plant her, driving out the nations;

9when thou didst clear a place for her,

she took root and she spread over the land,

10till her shadow lay over the mountains,

and her boughs covered even the mighty cedars;

11she pushed her tendrils to the sea,

her shoots to the Euphrates.

12Why hast thou torn her fences down,

till passers-by all strip her,

13till the boar from the forest gnaws her,

and wild beasts graze on her?

14O God of hosts, we pray thee,

look once again from heaven, look on her;

15take this vine, thy charge, replant her,

this the vine thy right hand planted.

16Men have burned her, cut her down–

may they perish at thy frown!

17Do thou protect thy chosen folk,

those thou hast nurtured for thyself;

18then shall we never be faithless to thee;

revive us, and we will worship thee.

19O God of hosts, restore us to power;

a smile of thy favour, and we are saved!

81 From the Choirmaster’s collection. Set to a vintage melody. An Asaphite song.

81Sing aloud to God our strength,

shout for joy to Jacob’s God;

2raise the chorus, sound the drum,

sound the sweet lyre and the lute,

3at the new moon blow the trumpet,

and at full moon, for our festival.

4This is laid down for Israel,

a rule of Jacob’s God;

5he made it a law in Joseph,

on leaving Egypt’s land.

I heard one whom I knew not, saying:

6“I freed your shoulder from the load,

your hands from the heavy hod;

7at your cry of distress I rescued you,

I answered you from thunder-clouds,

I tested you at the waters of Merîbah.

8Listen, my people, to my warning–

O Israel, if you would only listen:

9you must allow no foreign god,

no worship of an outside god;

10I am your God, I the Eternal,

who brought you out of Egypt’s land;

open your mouth and I will fill it.

11But my people would not listen,

Israel would have none of me;

12so I left them to their own self-will,

to follow their own devices.

13Oh that my people would listen to me,

that Israel would live my life!

14I would soon subdue their foes,

and strike at their oppressors;

15those who hate them would cower before them,

in unending terror;

16and I would feed them with the finest wheat,

with honey from the rock to their hearts’ content.”


82God stands out in the council of the gods,

among the gods he rules supreme.

2“How long will you rule unjustly,

favouring evil men?

3Uphold the weak, the fatherless,

let the forlorn and poor have justice;

4rescue the weak and wretched,

from the grip of evil men.

6Or, I say, though you are gods,

all sons of the Most High,

7yet, like mere men, you shall die,

you shall perish like a demon.”

8Up, O God, rule thou the earth,

the true Lord of all pagans–

5senseless and ignorant, they blindly move,

till the world shakes to its core!

83 An Asaphite song, for music.

83Keep not still, O God,

speak, stir, O God!

2Here are thy foes in uproar,

thine enemies are alert,

3plotting against thy folk cunningly,

conspiring against thy precious people,

4saying, “Come, let us blot them out of being,

ill Israel be no more a nation.”

5So they plan, with one consent,

in a league against thee–

6Edomites and Ishmaelites,

Moabites and Hagrites,

7Gebal, Ammon, and Amâlek,

the Philistines and Tyre,

8Samaria a confederate,

allied to the sons of Lot.

9Treat them like Sisera and Jabin

at the torrent of the Kishon,

10who perished at Endor,

dropping like dung.

11Treat their chiefs like Oreb and Zeêb,

their lords like Zeba and Zalmunna,

12for thinking they could seize and hold

the fields of God!

13My God, whirl them away like dust,

like straw before the wind;

14as fire burns up the forest,

as flames set hills ablaze,

15so drive them as thou stormiest,

and scare them in thy rage;

16bring them to blank dishonour,

till they turn to thee, O Eternal!

17Theirs be defeat and dismay unending,

disgrace and destruction!–

18to teach them that thou, O Eternal, thou

art the Most High God over all the world.

84 From the Choirmaster’s collection. Set to a vintage melody. A Korahite song.

84How dear thy dwelling is,

O Lord of hosts!

2My soul has been panting and pining

for the courts of the Eternal;

now soul and body thrill with joy

over the living God,

3bover thine own altars,

O Lord of hosts, my King and God;

3athe bird has found her home at last,

a nest to lay her young!

4Happy are they who live within thy house,

praising thee all day long!

5Happy are they who, nerved by thee,

set out on pilgrimage!

6When they pass through Weary-glen,

fountains flow for their refreshing,

blessings rain upon them;

7they are the stronger as they go,

till God at last reveals himself in Sion.

8Hear my prayer, O Lord of hosts,

O God of Jacob, listen;

9God, our protector, look on us,

welcome thy chosen to thy presence.

10Better a single day within thy courts

than a thousand days outside!

I would rather sit at the threshold of God’s house

than live inside the tents of worldly men.

11For God the Eternal is a sun and shield,

favour and honour he bestows;

he never denies bliss to the upright.

12O Lord of hosts,

happy the man who trusts in thee!

85 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A Korahite song.

85Once thou didst favour thy land, O Eternal,

restoring the fortunes of Jacob,

2pardoning thy people’s guilt,

forgiving all their sins,

3recalling all thy wrath,

averting thy hot anger.

4Deliver us again, O God our saviour,

and break off thy displeasure.

5Wilt thou be always angry with us?

Wilt thou prolong thy wrath, age after age?

6Wilt thou not again revive us,

that thy people may rejoice in thee?

7Let us enjoy thy kindness, O Eternal,

grant us thy saving aid.

8Let me listen to God speaking,

speaking surely words of peace

to his people, to devout men,

whose hearts turn to himself;

9soon shall his worshippers see his aid,

till his great Presence dwells within our land.

10Kindness and faithfulness unite,

victory and peace embrace,

11faithfulness rising from the earth,

and kindness looking down from heaven,

13victory marching before God,

peace following in his footsteps.

12[[Yes, the Eternal brings prosperity;

our land is yielding fruit.]]

86 A payer of David.

86Bend thine ear to me, O thou Eternal, answer me,

for I am weak and wretched;

2Oh save my life, for I am true to thee,

rescue thy servant who relies on thee.

3Thou art my God, be gracious, O Eternal,

for all day long I cry to thee;

4gladden the soul of thy servant,

for on thee, O Lord, I set my heart.

5Lord, thou art kind and ready to forgive,

rich in thy love to all who call on thee.

6O thou Eternal, listen to my prayer,

and hear my pleading cry;

7I call upon thee in my hour of need,

for thou wilt answer me.

8There is no god like thee, O Lord,

there are no deeds like thine;

9all nations thou hast made shall come

and bow down before thee,

glorifying thee, O Lord,

10for thou art great, thou workest wonders,

thou, only thou, art God.

11Teach me what is thy way, O thou Eternal,

how to live loyal to thee;

may reverence for thee rejoice my heart.

12With all my heart I thank thee, O my God,

for ever will I glorify thee;

13for thou hast a great love to me, O Lord,

saving me from the very depths of death.

14Proud creatures are assailing me, O God,

a gang of ruthless men would murder me,

men who care nothing for thee.

15But thou art a God pitiful and gracious,

slow to be angry, rich in love and loyalty;

16turn and have pity upon me, O Lord,

grant thy strength to thy servant,

help thy retainer;

17let me have some sign of thy favour,

a sight of thine own aid and consolation,

to the dismay of those who hate me.

87 A Korahite song, for music.

87The Eternal founded her upon the sacred hills;

2aye, Sion and her gates are more to him

than any dwelling in the land.

3Dear city of God, he utters thy glories:

4“Egypt and Babylon, Philistia, Tyre

I count as mine

for there this follower and that was born;

5but Sion! – her name shall be Mother,

for every follower of mine belongs to her by birth.”

6The Eternal writes of every nation, in his census,

“This follower of mine was born in it”;

but, prince or people, everyone has his home in thee, O Sion.

88 A Korahite song for music from the Choirmaster’s collection. To the tune of “Suffering sore.” An ode of Heman the Ezrahite.

88O thou Eternal, I cry for help in the daytime,

and at night I moan before thee;

2let my prayer reach thy presence,

bend an ear to my cry.

3For trouble fills my soul to the full,

my life is on the verge of death;

4I am already reckoned among the departed,

I am but the shadow of a man,

5left to myself among the dead,

like the slain lying in their graves,

of whom thou hast mind no more–

they are deprived of thee.

6In the nethermost pit thou hast placed me,

in abysses dark and deep;

7thy wrath lies heavy upon me,

thy waves all overwhelm me.

8Thou has removed my friends from afar,

and made them loathe me;

I cannot get free from my prison,

9and my health pines away under my trouble.

Daily I call to thee, O thou Eternal,

I stretch my hands to thee.

10Canst thou work wonders for the dead?

Can ghosts arise to praise thee?

11Can thy love be recounted in the grave,

thy faithfulness within the world below?

12Can thy wonders be known in the darkness,

thy saving help in the land of oblivion?

13I am crying for help, O Eternal, to thee,

my prayer comes to thee in the morning.

14Why discard me, O Eternal?

Why hide thy face from me?

15Ever since youth I have suffered and languished,

crushed by the dread of thee, I faint;

16thy burning wrath sweeps over me,

thy terrors have undone me,

17surging round me without end,

closing round on every side.

18Thou has put far every friend,

and darkness is my one companion.

89 An ode of Ethan the Ezrahite.

89I will sing always of the Eternal’s love,

telling all ages of thy faithfulness;

2for thy love thou hast promised to be lasting,

thy faithfulness is firmly fixed in heaven,

5and heaven is praising, O Eternal, heaven’s own host,

the marvel of thy faithfulness.

6For who above can rank with the Eternal,

what angel can compare with the Eternal?–

7a God to be dreaded at the heavenly council,

an over-awing God.

8O thou Eternal, God of hosts, who can compare with thee,

in all thy love and faithfulness?

9Thy sway is over the proud sea;

when the waves toss, thou stillest them.

10Rahab thou didst cut and crush to pieces,

scattering thy foes by the force of thine arm.

11The heavens are thine, the earth is thine,

’twas thou didst found the world and all it holds;

12the north and south, thou madest them,

Tabor and Hermon hills acclaim thee.

13Thine is a right powerful arm,

a strong hand, a right hand swung high;

14thy throne rests upon equity and justice,

Love and Faithfulness are thine attendants.

15Happy the people who know thy festal songs,

who live in the sunshine of thy favour!

16All day long they exult, O thou Eternal,

and extol thy equity.

17For thou art our pride, thou our strength,

and, thanks to thy favour, our honour is high;

18we are defended by the Eternal,

by our King, the Majestic One of Israel.

3Thou saidst, “I make a compact with my chosen,

I swear to my servant David,

4to make his dynasty endure,

to make his throne last for all time”:

19thou didst tell thy trusted seer,

thy voice came in a vision:

“I have crowned a hero,

chosen a youth from the people,

20I have picked out my servant David

and consecrated him as king.

21My hand shall always help him,

my arm shall make him strong:

22no foe shall ever surprise him,

no miscreants shall master him;

23I will shatter his enemies before him,

and strike down all who hated him;

24my loyalty and love shall be with him,

and I will lift him high in honour;

25I will extend his power to the sea,

and his authority far as the Euphrates;

26he shall say, ‘Thou art my Father,

my God, my saving strength!’

27And I will make him my first-born son,

highest of all kings on earth.

28I will always keep my word to him,

my compact with him is secure;

29I make his dynasty eternal,

his throne unending as the heavens.

30If his sons forsake my law,

and follow not my orders,

31if they break my rules,

and obey not my commands,

32then I will scourge them for their sin

and lash them for their lawlessness,

33but I will never take my love from him,

never will I belie my loyalty;

34my compact I will never break,

my spoken word I will not change.

35Once and for all I took a solemn oath,

and I will keep my word to David,

36that for all time his dynasty should last,

his throne endure before me like the sun,

37fixed as the moon for evermore,

firm as the constant sky.”

38And yet thou hast scorned, discarded,

stormed against thy chosen!

39Thou hast abjured the compact with thy servant,

and thrown his sacred crown into the dust;

40thou hast demolished all his walls

and laid his forts in ruin;

41the passers-by all plunder him,

and he is the butt of his neighbours.

42Thou has allowed his enemies to triumph,

giving delight to all his foes;

43thou hast made him retreat before them,

and hast not upheld him in battle.

44Thou hast removed his splendid sceptre

and dashed his throne to the ground;

45thou has shortened the days of his youth

and heaped disgrace on him.

46How long, O thou Eternal, wilt thou hide?

Shall thy wrath, like a fire, burn on for ever?

47Remember, Lord, what life is!–

how frail and futile thou has made all men!

48Who can live on and die not,

who can escape the grave?

49Where is thy former love, O Lord,

which thou didst pledge to David faithfully?

50Remember, Lord, the taunts thrown at thy servants,

the insults of the world we have to bear,

51the taunts of thine own enemies, O Eternal,

taunting thy chosen at every step.

52[[Blessed be the Eternal for ever and ever!

Even so, even so!]]

90 A prayer of Moses the man of God.

90Age after age, Lord, thou has been our home;

from all eternity thou hast been God,

2ere ever hills were born,

ere ever earth and world were made.

3Thou crumblest man away,

summoning men back to the dust,

4thou to whom a thousand years

are like the flight of yesterday,

like an hour passing in the night.

5Year after year thou sowest men

like grass that grows anew,

6that in the dawn is fresh and flourishing,

and by the twilight fades and withers.

7For under thine anger we perish,

we sink in terror at thy wrath;

8thou dost expose our sins

and layest our guilty secrets bare;

9our days droop under thy displeasure,

our life is over like a sigh.

10Our life is seventy years at most,

or eighty at the best;

it is a span of toil and trouble,

soon over, and we flit away.

11Yet who weighs the full weight of thy displeasure?

Which of us dreads thine anger?

12Oh teach us so to count our days,

that we may take it to heart.

13Relent, O thou Eternal, and delay not,

be sorry for thy servants.

14Let thy love dawn on us undimmed,

that all our life we may be glad and sing;

15grant joy as long as thou hast been afflicting us,

for all the years that we have suffered;

16let thy servants see thee at thy saving work,

and let their children see thy glorious power.

17Lord, may thy loving favour rest on us,

and prosper all the work we undertake.

91Happy the man who stays by the Most High in shelter,

who lives under the shadow of Almighty God,

2who calls the Eternal “My refuge and my fortress,

my God in whom I trust”!

3He saves you from the fowler’s snare

and from the deadly pit;

4he protects you with his pinions

and hides you underneath his wings.

5You need not fear the terrors of the night,

nor arrows flying in the day;

6you need not fear the plague that stalks in the dark,

nor sudden death at noon;

7hundreds may fall beside you,

thousands at your right hand,

but the plague will never reach you,

4csafe shielded by his faithfulness.

8You only have to look on and see

how evil men are punished;

9but you have sheltered beside the Eternal,

and made the Most High God your home,

10so no scathe can befall you,

no plague can approach your tent.

11For he puts you in charge of his angels,

to guard you wherever you go,

12to lift you in their hands

lest you trip over a stone;

13you can walk over reptiles and cobras,

and trample on lions and dragons.

14“He clings to me, so I deliver him;

I set him safe, because he cares for me;

15I will answer his cry and be with him in trouble,

delivering him and honouring him;

16I will satisfy him with a long life,

and let him see my saving care.

92 A song for the sabbath. To be accompanied.

92It is a joy to give thanks to the Eternal,

to sing thy praise, O thou Most High,

2to proclaim thy goodness in the morning

and thy faithfulness at night,

3to the sound of a ten-stringed lute,

to the sweet music of the lyre;

4thy doings have made me glad, O thou Eternal,

I sing for joy at all that thou hast done.

5How great are thy deeds, O Eternal,

how deep are thy designs!

6The dull man does not see,

the senseless does not understand,

7that when bad men thrive like grass,

and evildoers flourish,

it is only to be rooted up for ever,

8while thou art supreme ever, O Eternal.

9Yonder are thy foes, O thou Eternal,

yonder are thy foes, destroyed!–

all evildoers scattered!

10But thou dost raise me high to honour,

thou dost revive my failing strength;

11I feast mine eyes on my defeated foes,

I hear with joy my enemies’ doom.

12But good men flourish like a palm,

and grow like cedars on Lebânon;

13planted inside the Eternal’s precincts,

they flourish in the courts of our God,

14still bearing fruit when they are old,

still fresh and green–

15showing how just the Eternal is,

my Strength who never errs.

93The Eternal is reigning, robed in majesty;

the Eternal is robed with a girdle of power.

Thou hast steadied and settled the world,

2thy throne stands firm from of old,

thou art from all eternity.

3The floods may storm, O thou Eternal,

the floods may storm aloud,

the floods may storm and thunder;

4but high above the roaring billows,

high above the ocean breakers,

the Eternal stands supreme.

5Thine own authority will never fail,

thy house will never lose its sanctity,

O thou Eternal One.

94O thou Eternal, thou avenging God,

O thou avenging God, appear;

2rise up, O Ruler of the world,

and let the haughty have what they deserve!

3How long is it to last, O thou Eternal,

this exultation of ungodly men,

4blustering insolently,

lording it arrogantly?

5They crush thy people, O Eternal,

thy heritage they are harrying,

6killing the widow and the foreigner

and murdering the fatherless;

7and they think the Eternal never sees them,

Jacob’s God will never heed them!

8But mark this, dullest of the dull–

when will you understand, O senseless men?–

9is he deaf, he who made the ear?

Is he blind, he who formed the eye?

10Can he not punish men, he who is training them?

Has he no knowledge, he who teaches men?

11Knowledge! The Eternal knows that human plans

are but an empty breath!

12Happy is he who has thy discipline

and thine instruction, training him

13calmly to wait on, in adversity,

till a pit is dug for ungodly men!

14For the Eternal will not leave his people,

will not forsake his own;

15no, goodness shall have justice done to it–

the future is with men of upright mind.

16Who is my champion against the ungodly?

Who sides with me against the evildoers?

17If the Eternal had not been my help,

I would have soon passed to the silent land.

18When I think my foot is slipping,

thy goodness, O Eternal, holds me up;

19when doubts crowd into my mind,

thy comforts cheer me.

20Can evil rulers have thee for an ally,

who work us injury by law,

21who attack honest men,

and doom the innocent to death?

22No, the Eternal who is my protection,

my God who is my strength, my safety–

23may he requite them for their crime,

and for their evil make an end of them!

95Oh come, let us sing to the Eternal,

let us sing loudly to our saving Strength,

2let us come before him with thanksgiving,

shouting to him songs of praise!

3For a great God is the Eternal,

the King of all the gods;

4the depths of earth lie in his hand,

the mountain-peaks are his,

5he made the sea, he made the land,

and sea and land are his.

6Come, let us worship and bow down,

kneeling to him who made us;

7the Eternal is our God, and we

the people whom he shepherds.

… if you would only listen to my voice to-day,

8and be not stubborn as at Meribah,

as once at Massa in the wilderness,

9when your forefathers doubted me,

and tested me, though they had felt my power.

10For forty years I loathed that generation;

I said, “They are a senseless people,

they care not for my ways”;

11so I swore in solemn anger,

they should never reach my rest.

96Sing a new song to the Eternal,

sing, all the earth, to the Eternal,

2sing to the Eternal, praise him,

day after day tell of his saving aid;

3let pagans hear about his glory,

let every nation know his wondrous deeds.

4For great is the Eternal, loudly to be praised,

and to be feared above all gods;

5for all gods of the nations are mere idols,

but the Eternal made the heavens;

6grandeur and majesty attend him,

splendour and power fill his sanctuary.

7Praise the Eternal, O families of the nations,

praise the Eternal for his glory and his might!

8praise the Eternal for his open glory,

enter his courts with an offering,

9kneel before God in sacred vestments,

tremble before him, all the earth.

10Proclaim to pagans that the Eternal reigns;

he has steadied and settled the world,

he will rule the nations justly.

11Let the skies be glad, let earth rejoice,

let the sea and all within it thunder praise,

12let the land and all it holds exult,

let all trees of the forest sing for joy

13at the Eternal’s presence – for he comes,

he comes to rule the earth,

to rule the world with justice

and the nations faithfully.

97The Eternal reigns! Let earth rejoice,

let many a shore be glad.

2His throne rests upon equity and justice;

clouds and darkness surround him,

3fire burns in front of him

and blazes round his steps,

4his lightnings illumine the world,

till earth shivers at the sight;

5the mountains melt like wax

before the Lord of all the earth;

6the heavens proclaim his high authority,

all nations see his majesty.

7All worshippers of images were confounded–

so proud of their empty idols!–

all gods lay prostrate at his feet.

8Sion heard it and rejoiced,

the towns of Judah were in joy

at thy saving deeds, O thou Eternal;

9for thou art the Most High o’er all the earth,

thou hast proved greater than all gods.

10Those who hate evil the Eternal loves,

he saves his followers alive,

rescuing them from evil men.

11Light dawns for the just,

and happiness for men of upright mind;

12rejoice, ye just, in the Eternal,

give thanks as you recall his sacred name.

98 A song.

98Oh sing a new song to the Eternal,

for marvels he has done,

by his right hand has won victory

by his majestic power;

2the Eternal has let the nations see

his triumph and his victory.

3He has remembered to be kind to Jacob

and loyal to the house of Israel;

from end to end the world has seen

the victory of our God.

4Shout praise, alle earth, to the Eternal,

break into music and song,

5praise the Eternal with the lyre,

with the lyre and song,

6shout praise before the King, the Eternal,

with bugle and cornet.

7Let the sea and all within it thunder praise,

the world and its inhabitants,

8let rivers clap their hands,

let mountains sing in chorus

9before the Eternal – for he comes to rule the world,

to rule the world with justice,

nations with equity.

99The Eternal is king! Let the nations shake!

He is enthroned! let the world quake!

2Great is the Eternal within Sion,

high over all nations.

3Praise to him, so great and dread!

A mighty Majesty is he.

4Thou art a King, in love with justice,

thou has restored equity,

thou maintainest right and justice.

5Exalt the Eternal One, our God,

and worship at his footstool;

a mighty Majesty is he.

6His priests have still a Moses and an Aaron,

his worshippers have still a Samuel;

and the Eternal answers when they call to him,

7still through a cloudy pillar speaks to them,

when they keep the commands he has laid down.

8O Eternal, our God, thou answerest them;

thou hast been a forgiving God to them,

and hast avenged their wrongs.

9Exalt the Eternal One, our God,

and worship at his sacred hill:

for the Eternal is a mighty Majesty.

100 A song for the thankoffering service.

100Shout praise, all earth, to the Eternal,

2sacrifice gladly to the Eternal,

enter his presence with songs of praise;

3confess that the Eternal is God,

’tis he who made us, we are his,

the people whom he shepherds;

4enter his gates with thanksgiving,

his courts with praise,

give thanks and praise to him,

5for kind is the Eternal,

his love will last for ever,

his faithfulness from age to age.

101 A song of David.

101I will be kind and just before thee, O Eternal;

2let a just man’s case come up, and I will deal with it.

I will live uprightly in my own house,

3I will have no base aims.

Apostates and their practices I hate;

they appeal not to me.

4I banish purposes perverse,

I disown evil men.

5If a man slanders secretly his fellow,

I silence him;

if any man is proud and haughty,

I will not suffer him.

6I look out for the faithful in the land,

to have them at my court;

men of integrity shall be my ministers;

7deceitful men shall not dwell in my household,

no man who tells a lie shall live with me.

8I will be active to wipe out all wicked natives from the land,

to root out every evildoer from the Eternal’s city.

102 The prayer of an unhappy soul who is overwhelmed and pours out his plaint before the Eternal.

102Listen to my prayer, O thou Eternal,

let my cry for help reach thee;

2hide not thy face from me

on my day of trouble,

bend thine ear to me,

answer me quickly when I call.

3My days are vanishing like smoke;

my limbs are fevered like a fire,

4my health is blighted, withering like grass–

I forget to take my food;

5my skin is stretched tight on the bone,

so bitterly I moan.

6I am like a pelican in the desert,

like an owl moping in the ruins;

7I cannot sleep, I mourn

like a lonely bird on the roof;

8all day long my foes are taunting me,

those who mock me call me “The accursed.”

9I eat ashes with my food,

tears fall into my drink,

10so angry and furious art thou—

thou who didst lift me and hast thrown me down!

11My days are brief as any evening shadow,

and I am withering away like grass.

23He has broken my strength,

24he has shortened my days, till I cry:

“My God, remove me not before my days are done,

O thou whose years endure age after age!”

12O thou Eternal, throned for ever,

from age to age thy fame endures;

13thou wilt rise and have pity on Sion—

’tis time, ’tis time to favour her;

14her scattered stones are dear to thy servants,

and they are distressed at the dust of her ruins.

16When the Eternal builds up Sion,

appearing in his majesty,

17when he turns to the folorn,

despising not their prayer,

15then pagans will revere thee,

all kings on earth will own thy majesty.

19When the Eternal bends from his sacred height,

and looks from heaven to earth,

20to hear the prisoner’s groan,

and to release the doomed;

18let this be set down for future generations,

that people yet unborn may praise the Eternal,

21rehearsing his fame in Sion

and praising him at Jerusalem,

22when realms and nations gather there

to worship the Eternal.

25Thou didst found the earth of old,

the heavens are the work of thy hands;

26they vanish, but thou shalt endure,

they wear out like a robe;

thou changest them like garments, and they change

27but thou art still the same, O thou Eternal,

thy years never end;

28and in thy presence live thy servants’ children,

and their posterity perpetually.

103 A song of David.

103Bless the Eternal, O my soul,

let all my being bless his sacred name;

2bless the Eternal, O my soul,

remember all his benefits;

3he pardons all your sins,

and all your sicknesses he heals,

4he saves your life from death,

he crowns you with his love and pity,

5he gives you all your heart’s desire,

renewing your youth like an eagle’s.

6The Eternal vindicates the cause of any who are wronged;

7he let Moses see this purpose,

and Israel his methods.

8The Eternal is pitiful and gracious,

slow to be angry, rich in love;

9he will not always chafe,

he will not hold to his anger for all time;

10he treats us not according to our sins,

he deals not with us as our guilt deserves;

11but, high as heaven is over earth,

so vast his love is to his worshippers;

12far as the east is from the west,

so far he puts our sins away from us.

13As a father pities his children,

so the Eternal pities his worshippers;

14he knows what we are made of,

he remembers we are dust.

15Poor man! — his days are like the grass,

he blooms like a flower in the meadow;

16at the breath of a breeze it is gone,

and its place never sees it again.

17But the Eternal’s love is everlasting,

his loyalty goes on to children’s children,

18when they obey his compact

and remember to do his bidding.

19In heaven has the Eternal fixed his throne,

and his dominion covers all the world.

20Bless the Eternal, O his angels,

strong spirits who obey his word!

21Bless the Eternal, all his hosts,

servants who carry out his will!

22Bless the Eternal, all his works,

in every sphere of his dominion!

104Bless the Eternal, O my soul!

Eternal One, my God, thou art most great,

arrayed in glorious majesty.

2Thou wrappest thyself in a robe of light,

thou spreadest the sky like a tent,

3thou buildest thy chambers on the waters above;

thou makest clouds thy chariot,

thou ridest on the wings of the wind;

4thou makest winds thy messengers,

fire and flame thy servants.

5Thou didst found the earth upon its pillars,

never to be shaken,

6drawing the deep over it,

till the waters stood above the mountains;

7but they retired at thy rebuke,

scared at the sound of thy thunder,

9never to pass thine appointed bounds,

or cover the earth again;

8the mountains rose, the valleys sank,

to the place made for them.

10He pours the streams into the valleys,

that flow between the mountains,

11where all the wild beasts drink,

wild-asses quench their thirst;

12there the wild birds settle,

singing among the branches;

16and the great trees drink their fill,

the cedars the Eternal sowed on Lebânon,

17where the birds build their nests,

the stork with her home in the cypress.

18The high hills shelter the wild goat,

the marmot hides in the rocks.

13He waters the hills from his high chambers,

and rains abundantly upon the land,

14till grass grows for the cattle,

and fodder for the beasts that serve mankind;

that he may bring food from the earth,

15wine to cheer up the heart of man,

oil, that his skin may shine,

bread to sustain his strength.

19He marks the seasons by the moon,

he tells the sun when it must set.

20Thou makest it dark; night falls,

and every wild beast in the wood is moving—

21lions roaring for their prey

and claiming food from God;

22when the sun rises, then they slink away

to lie down in their lairs,

23but man comes out to work,

and labours till the evening.

24How manifold thy works, Eternal One,

all of them wisely made!

25Yonder the sea lies, vast and broad,

with its countless swarms,

with creatures small and great,

26with fleets of the nautilus,

with leviathan at his play!

24cThe world is full of thy creatures,

27all looking to thee

for their food in season due;

28what thou givest, that they gather,

feasting from thine open hand.

29But when thy face is hidden, they are scared,

when thou recallest their breath, they die.

30Yet a breath from thee brings them into being,

renewing the face of the earth.

31For ever may the glorious might of the Eternal last!

May the Eternal joy in his own works!

32Earth trembles at a glance from him,

the mountains smoke at his touch.

33Long as I live, I will sing to the Eternal,

and praise my God while I have breath.

34May these my thoughts please him—

I find my joy in the Eternal!

35May sinners be swept out of the world,

may evil men no longer live in it!

Bless the Eternal, O my soul!


105Give thanks to the Eternal, proclaim his fame,

celebrate his deeds among the nations,

2sing to him, make music to him,

go over all the wonders he has done,

3glory in his sacred name,

let the Eternal’s worshippers rejoice in heart.

4Worship the Eternal and his might,

worship in his presence evermore;

5never forget the wonders he has done,

his marvels and his sentences of doom,

6O race of Abraham his servant,

O sons of Jacob whom he chose.

7The Eternal, he is our God,

supreme over all nations.

8He never forgets his compact,

the pledge given for a thousand generations,

9the compact made with Abraham,

the oath he swore to Isaac,

10confirming it as a degree to Jacob,

for Israel as a lasting compact,

11that he would give them Canaan’s land,

to hold it as their own possession.

12Few in number were our fathers,

few and foreigners;

13wandering from one nation to another,

and from realm to realm;

14but he would not let a man oppress them,

he would punish kings on their account,

15saying, “‘ Never touch my chosen,

never harm my prophets.”

16He called a famine on the land,

destroying all the Egyptians’ sustenance.

17He sent a man in front of them,

Joseph, sold as a slave;

18his feet were forced into fetters,

he was laid in irons,

19till the promise of the Eternal came true,

the promise that tested him.

20Then the king sent and released him,

the monarch set him free,

21and made him master of his palace,

lord of all that he possessed,

22to control his nobles as he pleased,

and dictate to his councillors.

23Then Israel entered Egypt,

Jacob lived in the land of Khem.

24God multiplied his people greatly,

till they outnumbered the Egyptians,

25who turned to hate his people,

to handle his servants craftily.

26So he sent his servant Moses,

and Aaron whom he chose;

27he wrought portents within Egypt,

marvels in the land of Khem;

28darkness he sent, he made it dark,

but they would not heed his word;

29he turned their waters into blood,

and killed their fish;

30frogs swarmed over their country,

into the very chambers of the king;

31dog-flies swarmed at his command,

and lice through all their land;

32he gave them hail for rain,

and fire flashed over the land,

33striking their vines and fig-trees,

breaking the trees of the country;

34at his bidding locusts came,

and grasshoppers past counting,

35that ate up all the green growth of the land,

and all the crops;

36he struck down all the first-born in their land,

each oldest male child.

37Then he led out his clansmen,

carrying spoil of gold and silver,

not a weary man among them;

38glad was Egypt when they left,

for they were dreaded.

39He spread out clouds to shelter them,

and lit them in the night with fire;

40he sent them quails, at their demand,

and bread of heaven in plenty;

41he opened rocks, and through the sand

water rushed like a river.

42For he remembered his own sacred pledge

to Abraham his servant.

43So he brought his people out with joy,

his chosen with a song and shout;

44he gave them the lands of the nations,

and they possessed the fruit of others’ toils

45’Twas all to make them carry out his orders

and obey his laws.



Give thanks to the Eternal! – he is good,

his kindness never fails.

2Who can proclaim the Eternal’s mighty deeds,

or do full justice to his praise?

3Happy are they who hold to what is right,

who do their duty at all times!

5They share the welfare of thy chosen band,

thy nation’s joy, the triumph of thy land.

4Remember us in thy goodwill, Eternal,

oh save and prosper thine own people.

6For, like our fathers, we have sinned,

we have done evil, have done wickedly.

7At the Reed Sea our fathers defied the Most High,

heedless of his wonders done in Egypt,

forgetting all the kindness he had shown them.

8Yet he saved them for his own sake,

to display his power;

9the Reed Sea dried up at his bidding,

through the deep he led them like a desert,

10saving them from hostile hands,

rescuing them from the foe;

11the waters rose over their enemies,

till not a man was left.

12Then they believed his promise,

and they sang his praise.

13But soon they forgot what he had done,

they would not be patient with his purposes;

14they had a craving in the wilderness,

that made them doubt God in the desert;

15he let them have what they desired.

then – made them loathe it!

16When they were jealous of Moses in the camp,

and of Aaron, whom the Eternal consecrated,

18fire broke out in their company,

and flames burned up the wicked;

17earth opened and swallowed Dathan up,

and closed over Abiram’s crew.

19At Horeb they made a calf,

and worshipped a metal image,

20bartering God their glory

for the image of an ox that munches grass!

21They forgot God their deliverer,

who had done great deeds in Egypt,

22marvels in the land of Khem,

deeds of awe at the Reed Sea.

23So he threatened to destroy them,

had not Moses stepped into the breach,

had not Moses, whom he had chosen, faced him,

to avert his deadly wrath.

24And then they scorned the land of delight;

they would not believe what he promised,

25but grumbled in their tents

and would not listen to his word;

26so he swore solemnly

to lay them low in the desert,

27to scatter their children among heathen men,

and disperse them over the world.

28When they joined the Baal of Pĕor,

and ate food offered to the dead,

29they angered him with their misdeeds,

and plague broke out among them.

30But Phinehas rose to interpose,

and so the plague was checked–

31which was counted in his favour,

as a merit for all time.

32aAt the waters of Merîbah they enraged God,

33arebelling against his Spirit,

32btill they made Moses go wrong

33band utter words in haste.

34Nor did they root out the pagans,

as the Eternal ordered;

35they mixed with heathen men

and learned their ways,

36and worshipping their idols

were ensnared;

37they sacrificed to demons,

sacrificed their sons and daughters,

38pouring out innocent blood,

till the land was stained with murder.

39They were befouled by what they did,

and broke faith by their practices.

40So the Eternal’s anger blazed against his people,

he loathed his heritage;

41he abandoned them to pagans,

to be ruled by those who hated them;

42their foes oppressed them,

forced them to submission.

43Many a time he rescued them;

but they would take their own rebellious way,

till evil-doing wasted them away.

44Yet he regarded their distress,

when he heard them wailing;

45he remembered for their sake his compact,

in his great goodness he relented;

46he made their very captors

have compassion upon them.

47O thou Eternal, our God, save us,

gather us out of the nations,

that we may give thanks to thy sacred name,

and triumph in thy deeds of praise.

48[[Blessed be the Eternal, Israel’s God, from age to age, for ever!

Let all the people add “Amen.”]]



“Give thanks to the Eternal! – he is good,

his kindness never fails!”

2Be this the song of the redeemed,

redeemed by the Eternal from their foes,

3gathered from lands afar,

from east and west, from north and south.

4Some wandered in the lonely wilderness,

they could not find a settled town;

5their soul was faint

with hunger and with thirst.

6They cried to the Eternal in their need,

to save them from their evil plight,

7and straight he led them

to a settled town.

8Let them thank the Eternal for his kindness,

and for the wonders that he does for men;

9he satisfies their longing thirst,

and fills them in their hunger.

10Some lay in darkness and in gloom,

prisoners in chains and misery,

11because they had rebelled at God’s commands

and scorned what the Most High enjoined;

12hard labour crushed their spirit,

and wearied out, forlorn,

13they cried to the Eternal in their need,

to save them from their evil plight;

14he took them from the darkness and the gloom,

and snapped their chains.

15Let them thank the Eternal for his kindness,

and for the wonders that he does for men;

16he breaks the gates of bronze,

and shatters iron bars.

17Some, weakened by their sinful ways,

were sick and suffering by evildoing;

18they had a loathing for all food,

they were on the verge of death;

19they cried to the Eternal in their need,

to save them from their evil plight;

20he sent his word to heal them

and preserve their life.

21Let them thank the Eternal for his kindness,

and for the wonders that he does for men;

22let them offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving,

and joyfully recount what he has done.

23Some crossed the sea in ships,

trading in great waters;

24they saw what the Eternal does,

his marvels in the deep.

25When the wind rose at his bidding,

and the waves tossed with the storm,

26they soared to heaven, sank to the depth,

their courage melting;

27they reeled and staggered like a drunken man,

and were at their wit’s end.

28They cried to the Eternal in their need,

to save them from their evil plight;

29he stilled the storm to a whisper,

till the waves were hushed.

30Glad were they for the calm,

and then he brought them to their longed-for haven.

31Let them thank the Eternal for his kindness,

and for the wonders that he does for men;

32let them extol him, when the people meet,

and praise him in the council of the sheikhs.

33He turns streams into a desert,

and fountains into dry land;

34he turns an oasis into a salt waste,

to punish people for their sins.

35He turns a desert into pools of water,

and dry land into fountains,

36where he settles famished folk,

to build a town to settle in,

37sowing fields and planting vineyards,

gathering in their harvest;

38by his blessing they increase,

and their herds never diminish.

40He pours contempt on lords,

and sets them in a pathless waste astray,

39till they grow few and faint

under the weight of misery.

41But he lifts poor men from their woes,

and makes their household like a fruitful flock.

42Good men rejoice to see this,

and wrongdoers are silenced.

43Let any wise man ponder this,

and lay to heart how kind the Eternal is.

108 A song of David, for music.

108My heart is ready, O God,

for song and melody.

2Awake, my soul! awake, my lute and lyre!

Let me awake the dawn!

3I would praise thee, O Eternal, among the peoples,

I would chant thee among the nations,

4for thy love is high over heaven,

thy loyalty soars to the skies.

5Up, O God, high over heaven!

Up with thy glory over all the earth!

6To the rescue of thy dear folk!

Save by thy right hand, answer our entreaty.

7God gave his sacred promise:

“I will divide up Shechem in triumph,

and parcel out the vale of Sukkoth;

8Gilead is mine, Manasseh mine,

Ephraim I take for helmet,

Judah for my baton,

9Moab I make a wash-basin,

Edom I claim as subject,

and over Philistia I will triumph.”

10Ah, who will lead us inside the hill-fort?

Who will take us conquering into Edom?

11Hast thou not discarded us, shamed us, O God?

thou would’st not march out with our army.

12Help us against the foe,

for man’s help is in vain.

13With God we shall do bravely;

he will trample down our foes.

109 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

109God of my praise, be not thou silent;

2for wicked men are loud against me,

falsely charging me;

3they beset me with their words of malice,

they attack me wantonly;

4they return enmity for love,

even as I pray for them,

5rewarding me with cruelty for my kindness,

and hatred for my love.

6Arrest yon evil knave,

let some accuser face him;

7let him be tried and sentence,

let his prayer pass for a sin!

8Few days be his!

May another seize his office!

9May his children become fatherless,

his wife a widow!

10May they be vagabonds and beggars,

driven out of their ruined home!

11May creditors seize all he has,

and strangers help themselves to all he made!

12May not a soul be kind to him,

may no one pity his fatherless children!

13May his posterity be rooted out,

and his name blotted out in a single generation!

14But never may his father’s evil be forgotten,

or his mother's sin be blotted out!

15(The Eternal ever keep them in his mind,

to root them from the earth!)

16Never did he remember to be kind;

but wretched, weak, and broken-hearted creatures

he persecuted to the death.

17He would not bless? – blessings be far from him!

He loved to curse? – may curses light on him!

18May curses cling to him like clothes!

Curses soak into him like water,

sink to his very bones like oil!

19May curses be the garment he puts on!

curses be like his girdle day by day!

20So may the Eternal reward my accusers,

and all who threaten my life!

21O Lord the Eternal, act on my behalf,

oh rescue me in thy kind love;

22for I am weak and wretched,

my heart is in anguish,

23my days are brief as any evening shadow,

I am whirled off like a locust,

24my knees are giving way with fasting,

my flesh is thin and shrivelled;

25they are taunting, taunting me,

tossing their heads at the sight of me!

26Eternal One, my God, oh help me,

save me in thy love–

27to let them know thy power by this,

what thou canst do, Eternal One!

28They may curse, but do thou bless;

confounded by my foes, but let thy servant joy.

29May my opponents be covered with disgrace,

robed in their own dishonour!

30I will give thanks aloud to the Eternal;

yes, I will praise him in the congregation,

31for he supports a helpless man,

to save him from his persecutors

110 A song of David.

110The Eternal has this oracle for my lord:

“Sit throned at my right hand,

until I make you foes your footstool.”

2Yes, the Eternal shall send you from Sion

the sceptre of your sway,

to let you reign amid your foes,

arrayed in sacred vestments.

3The day you come to power, you are supreme,

vital and fresh like dewdrops of the dawn;

4“you are to be a priest for life”–

so swears the Eternal, his oath will not change–

“a priest as once Melkizedek was.”

5The Lord is at your side,

shattering kings upon his day of wrath.

6He sends pagans to their doom,

filling the valleys with their corpses,

shattering their chiefs far and wide;

7he drinks from any stream he crosses,

then charges forward, triumphing.



With all my heart I thank the Eternal,

in gatherings of good men for fellowship.

2Great are the Eternal’s doings,

to be studied by all who delight in them;

3splendid and glorious are his deeds,

his victories know no end;

3he will have us celebrate his wondrous deeds,

for the Eternal is gracious and pitiful.

5He feeds his worshippers;

never does he forget his compact.

6He has shown his people his power in action,

as he gave them the homes of the heathen.

7Faithfully he deals and justly,

trustworthy are all his precepts;

8his orders are enacted for all time,

issued in faithfulness and justice.

9He has sent his people freedom,

fixing his compact with them for all time–

a God majestic, terrible.

10The first thing in knowledge is reverence for the Eternal:

it is sound sense for everyone;

his praise endures for ever.



Happy the man who reverences the Eternal,

who finds rich joy in his commands!

2His children shall rise to power within the land;

the race of the upright are blessed.

3Riches and wealth are in his house,

good fortune never fails him.

4Light dawns upon the good man,

the upright man so mild and merciful.

5All goes well with the generous, open-handed,

who will act fairly;

6never shall that man come to grief;

the good man’s memory never fades.

7He has no fear of evil tidings,

he trusts the Eternal with a steady heart;

8his heart is firm and fearless,

certain that he will see his foes collapse.

9He gives to the poor lavishly,

and so good fortune never fails him–

he rises to high power and honour.

10Ungodly men look on and grieve,

they gnash their teeth and – disappear;

the ungodly’s hope will come to nothing.



Praise the Eternal, servants of the Eternal, praise his name!

2Blessed be the Eternal’s name from now and evermore!

3Praise to the Eternal’s name from sunrise to sunset!

4The Eternal is supreme over the nations, majestic over the heavens.

5Who is like the Eternal, our God, dwelling in high heaven,

6stooping to cast his eyes on earth below?

7He raises poor men from the dust, the wretched from the dunghill,

8to seat them beside princes, the princes of his people;

9makes the barren wife a happy mother in her home.



When Israel went from Egypt,

and Jacob’s household from a foreign folk,

2Judah he took to be his own,

and Israel his for domain.

3The sea fled at the sight of it,

Jordan made way for them;

4the mountains leaped like rams,

the hills like lambs.

5What ails you, sea, that you thus flee?

Jordan, that you make way?

6you mountains, to leap thus like rams?

you hills like lambs?

7Aye, tremble, earth, at the Eternal’s presence,

before Jacob’s God,

8who turns a rock into a pool,

flint into fountains!

115Not for us, O thou Eternal, not for us,

but for thyself, win praise,

to prove that thou thyself art kind and true.

2Why should pagans sneer,

“Where is that God of theirs?”

3Ah, he is in heaven, our God,

he does whate’er he pleases.

4Their idols are mere gold and silver,

made by the hands of men,

5with mouths – but they never speak,

with eyes – but they cannot see,

6with ears – but they cannot hear,

with noses – but they cannot smell,

7with hands – but they cannot feel,

with feet – but they cannot walk!

8No sound from them!

No breath of life is in them!

So be it with their makers,

with all who trust in them!

9But Israel trusts in the Eternal;

he is their shield and succour.

10Aaron’s household trusts in the Eternal;

he is their shield and succour.

11The Eternal’s worshippers trust in the Eternal;

he is their shield and succour.

12The Eternal remembers us, and he will bless us,

he will bless Israel and Aaron’s household,

13he will bless his worshippers,

both high and low alike.

14The Eternal will make you increase,

will multiply you and your children.

15Your blessing comes from the Eternal,

who made heaven and earth,

16the heaven that the Eternal holds himself,

the earth he has assigned to men.

17The dead cannot praise the Eternal,

nor any who sink to the silent land;

but we bless the Eternal now and evermore.



I love to know that the Eternal listens

to the voice of my appeal;

2because he bends his ear to me,

I will pray to him all my life.

3Death had netted me, in desperate straits,

I was in anguish and despair;

4so I appealed to the Eternal,

“O thou Eternal, save my life!”

5Tender and true is the Eternal,

our God indeed is pitiful;

6the Eternal protects poor souls–

when I am helpless, he is my help.

7Return to thy rest, O my soul,

for the Eternal has dealt lovingly with thee.

8Thou has saved my life from death,

mine eyes from tears,

9I will live mindful of thee now

in the land of the living.

10Though I cried out, “I am crushed,”

11thinking, in my distraction, “All men are a failure,”

yet I had faith.

12Now, what can I render to the Eternal

for all his benefits to me?

13I will offer a libation for my rescue,

and proclaim the Eternal aloud;

14I will pay what I vowed to the Eternal,

in the presence of all his people.

15Precious in the eyes of the Eternal

is the death of his devoted.

16Eternal One, I am indeed thy servant,

thy servant, thy retainer;

thou hast delivered me.

17I will offer thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving,

and proclaim the Eternal aloud;

18I will pay what I vowed to the Eternal,

in the presence of all his people,

19in the courts of the Eternal’s house,

within thee, O Jerusalem.



Praise the Eternal, all ye nations,

laud him, all ye races;

2for his love to us is vast,

his loyalty will ever last.



Give thanks to the Eternal! – he is good,

his kindness never fails.

2Let Israel repeat,

“His kindness never fails”;

3let Aaron’s household repeat,

“His kindness never fails”;

4let the Eternal’s worshippers repeat,

“His kindness never fails.”

5I was hard pressed, I called to the Eternal;

the Eternal answered, and he set me free.

6The Eternal is upon my side; I have no fear.

What can man do to me?

7I have the Eternal as my Helper;

so shall I feast mine eyes on my defeated foes.

8Far better rely on the Eternal than put faith in men;

far better rely on the Eternal than put faith in princes.

10The pagans all swarmed around me;

I routed them, relying on the Eternal.

11They swarmed around me, they beset me;

I routed them, relying on the Eternal.

12They swarmed like bees about me;

I routed them, relying on the Eternal.

They blazed like a fire among thorns;

I routed them, relying on the Eternal.

13Hard pressed was I, about to fall,

but the Eternal helped me.

14The Eternal is my strength, of him I sing,

he has delivered me indeed.

15Hark, the joyful shout of triumph in the tents of the just!–

“The Eternal’s right hand carries the day,”

16“The Eternal’s right hand triumphs,”

“The Eternal’s right hand carries the day!”

17I shall not die, but live

to proclaim the Eternal’s deeds;

18The Eternal has been chastening me sorely,

but he has not left me to die.

19Open to me the gates of Victory,

that I may enter in to thank the Eternal.

20“Here is the Eternal’s gate;

the just alone can enter.”

21Thanks unto thee for answering me,

for thy deliverance.

22The stone the builders cast aside

is now the building’s strength and pride;

23this is the doing of the Eternal–

we can but watch and wonder.

24This is a day we owe to the Eternal;

let us be glad and rejoice in it.

25O thou Eternal, lend thine aid!

O thou Eternal, prosper us!

26In the Eternal’s name, blessed be he who enters!

We bless you from the house of the Eternal,

27our God, the Eternal, who has brought light to us.

Round and round the altar dance,

waving your boughs, linked together,

28singing, “Thou art my God, I praise thee,

thou art my God, I extol thee.”

29Give thanks to the Eternal! – he is good,

his kindness never fails.

119Happy are they who live uprightly, living by the Eternal’s law!

2Happy are they who follow his injunctions, giving him undivided hearts,

3who do no wrong, who keep to his paths!

4Thou has laid down thy behests for us to do them diligently;

5oh that my life were set on thine obedience!

6No shame befalls me when I heed thy commands.

7As I learn the justice of thy rulings, I thank thee with unfeignèd heart;

8I will obey thee: never do thou forsake me.

9How can a young man keep life clean? By keeping to thy word.

10I give thee an undivided heart; oh never may I stray from thy control!

11I store thy word within my heart, to keep myself from sinning against thee.

12Blessed be thou, O Eternal; teach my thy will.

13My lips recount all that thy lips enjoin;

14I find more joy in thine injunctions than in any wealth.

15I muse on thy behests and mark thy paths;

16I delight in thy will, I never forget thy word.

17Deal kindly with thy servant, that I live to do thy bidding;

18open mine eyes to see the wonders of thy law;

19hide not thy commands from me, an alien on the earth.

20My soul yearns all the time for thee to intervene,

21to check the arrogant, to curse all those who swerve from thy control;

22relieve me from their insults and contempt, for I follow thine injunctions.

23Nobles may plan to attack me, but thy servant muses on thine orders;

24my advisers are thine own injunctions – I delight in them.

25My soul is bowed to the dust: revive me, as thou hast promised;

26teach me thine orders, thou who answerest me when I tell thee my plight;

27show me how thy will works, that I may muse upon thy wondrous deeds.

28My soul is melting under trouble: nerve me as thou hast promised;

29keep me from being false to thee, and graciously direct me.

30A faithful life is what I choose, thy demands I desire;

31O thou Eternal, disappoint me not, I bind me to thy bidding;

32I will obey thee eagerly, as thou dost open up my life.

33Teach me, Eternal, how thine orders run, and I will follow to the end;

34instruct me how to carry out thy law, and I will keep it with all my heart;

35lead me in thine obedience, for it is my joy.

36Incline my heart to thy behests, and to no love of gain,

37make me alive to follow thee, and turn mine eyes from cravings vain.

38Fulfil thy promise to thy servant, to advance thy faith;

39remove the insults that I dread, and intervene for good;

40as thou art true, revive me; I am yearning for thy will.

41Let thy love come to my rescue, as thou has promised;

42then I can face my revilers, relying on thy promise;

43leave me not speechless for the truth: my hope is, thou wilt intervene.

44I would obey thy law continually, always and evermore;

45let me live unhampered, for I study thy behests.

46I bear testimony to thy law before kings, unashamed;

47I take delight in thy commands, so dear to me,

48I adore thy commands and muse upon thine orders.

49Remember thy promise to thy servant, for thou didst bid me hope;

50this comforts me in trouble, thy promise puts life into me.

51Arrogant men may deride me, but from thy law I never swerve;

52I console myself, remembering thy judgments of old.

53Hot indignation seizes me at the ungodly who forsake thy law.

54Thy statutes are my songs, as I wander through the world.

55I remember thy name by night and I obey thy law;

56this is my blessed lot, to carry out thy behests.

57Yes, O Eternal, to obey thy bidding, this is my lot;

58with all my heart I pray thee to revive me, as thou hast promised.

59Thinking on how to live, I turn to thy directions,

60I hasten instantly to follow thy commands;

61evil men may ensnare me, but I never forget thy law.

62At midnight I rise to praise thee for thy just interventions;

63I keep company with all thy worshippers who carry out thy will;

64teach me thine orders, for the world is full of thy goodness.

65Thou has been good to thy servant, as thou didst promise;

66train me in judgment and knowledge, for I believe in thy commands;

67before my trouble I went wrong, but now I do thy bidding.

68Thou art good and doest good, teach me thine orders;

69proud men bespatter me with lies, but I carry out thy behests;

70their minds are gross and dull, but I thrill to thy law.

71It is good for me to have been in trouble – to learn thy will;

72thy law means more to me than piles of gold and silver.

73Thy hands made and moulded me, to understand thine orders;

74may thy worshippers rejoice to see me waiting on thy word!

75Just are thy dealings, I know, thou wert faithful in afflicting me;

76but now console me with thy love, as thou has promised thy servant;

77let thy compassion bring me life, for my delight is in thy law.

78Confound the arrogant who illtreat me, as I muse on thy behests;

79let thy worshippers learn how thou rulest, by turning to my case;

80let my obedience to thee be perfect, that I may not be disgraced.

81My soul pines for thy saving aid, I am waiting for thy promise;

82I pine with looking for thy promises; when wilt thou comfort me?

83Though shrivelled like a wineskin in the smoke, I never forget thine orders.

84How few thy servant’s days? When wilt thou doom my persecutors?

85Insolent creatures, reckless of thy law, they dig pitfalls for me;

86help me against their wanton wiles, O faithful lawgiver!

87They nearly made an end of me, but I would not give up thy laws;

88as thou art loving, revive me, and I will do thy bidding.

89O thou Eternal, evermore thy law stands fast in heaven,

90thy faithful promise holds from age to age, sure upon earth;

91thy rule and order last to-day, for all things are thy servants.

92Unless thy law had been my comfort, I would have died in my misery;

93never shall I forget thy laws, for they put new life into me.

94Help me, for I am thine, I study thy behests;

95the ungodly lie in wait to kill me, but I pay close heed to thine orders.

96I see a limit to all things, but thy law has a mighty range.

97Oh how I love thy law! I muse upon it all day long;

98thy commands make me wiser than my foes; I am never without them.

99I have more insight than all these oracles, for I muse on thine injunctions!

100I know more than these sages, for I carry out thy behests!

101I avoid all evil courses, that I may do thy bidding;

102thou art my teacher, never do I swerve from thine instructions.

103How sweet thy sayings are, sweeter than honey to the taste!

104I learn sense from thy behests, learn to hate godless ways.

105Thy law is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path;

106I swore to follow thy just decrees, and I will do it;

107revive me as thou hast promised, O Eternal, in my great misery.

108Accept the vows I breathe to thee, and teach me thy decrees;

109my life is ever in danger, but I never forget thy law;

110ungodly men set snares for me, but I never give up thine orders.

111I have a lasting heritage in thy commands, thy are my heart’s delight;

112I set myself to execute thine orders ever, at every step.

113I hate men who are half and half, I love thy law;

114I await thy promise, thou my shield and shelter.

Begone, you villains, let me keep my God’s commands!

116Uphold me, as thou hast promised, disappoint not my hope, but let me live;

117hold me up safe, let me delight for ever in thy will.

118Thou spurnest all who swerve from thy will, their notions end in nothing.

119I count all the ungodly so much dross; I love thy rule and order;

120my being shudders before thee, in awe of thy judgments.

121Leave me not to be oppressed, for I have done right and justice;

122pledge thy word to help me, let not the arrogant oppress me;

123I pine with looking for thy rescue, for thy saving promise.

124Deal in kindness with thy servant, teach thy laws to me;

125instruct thy servant, let me understand thine orders.

126High time for thee to act! – men break thy law;

127but I love thy commands above all things, above solid gold;

128I order all my life by thy behests, I hate all godless ways.

129Thy laws are a wondrous mystery – my soul obeys them –

130the interpretation of thy words enlightens and instructs the open-minded;

131and I am open, eager, panting for thy commands.

132Turn to me and have pity – it is due to those who love thee;

133direct my steps as thou hast promised, free from evil influence;

134deliver me from man’s oppression, that I may do thy behests.

135Smile on thy servant, teach thy laws to me;

136when men are disobedient to thy law, mine eyes stream with tears.

137O thou Eternal, thou art just, thy sentences are true;

138the rules thou has enjoined are just and absolutely sure.

139Zeal carries me away, when my foes forget thy laws;

140thy promises are tried and true, thy servant loves them;

141I am weak and despised, but I never forget thy behests.

142Thy justice is eternal justice, and thy law is truth itself;

143trouble and anguish seize me, but thy commands are my comfort;

144thy laws are ever just; let me know them and so live.

145Answer me as I cry with all my heart, for I would obey thine orders;

146I call to thee, O Eternal, help me, and I will do thy bidding.

147I am up before the dawn to pray, waiting for thy promises;

148I waken through the night to muse upon thy word;

149oh listen – thou art kind; revive me – thou art just.

150My pursuers draw near in malice, far away from thy law;

151but, O Eternal, thou art near, all thy commands are true;

152I have long seen that thy decrees are valid for all time.

153Look at what I suffer, save me, for I never forget thy law;

154take my part, avenge, revive me as thou hast promised.

155The ungodly are far from help, for they have no mind to thy laws;

156O Eternal, rich in pity, revive me – thou art just;

157I never swerve from thy control, though many persecute and press me.

158I loathe apostates when I see how they disobey thy law;

159look at my own love for thy law, and in thy love revive me;

160the sum of thy commands is truth, and all thy just commands are ever binding.

161Nobles persecute me wantonly, but my heart stands in awe of thy commands.

162I delight in thy promise, as in ample spoil;

163ungodliness I hate and I abhor, but I do love thy law.

164Seven times a day I praise thee for the justice of thy rule;

165right well they fare who love thy law; their road is clear.

166I do thy bidding, O Eternal, and I hope for thy deliverance;

167my soul obeys thy laws, I love them dearly;

168I obey thy laws and thy behests, I live all my life under thine eye.

169Let my cry come before thee, O Eternal, and enlighten me as thou hast promised;

170let my entreaty reach thee, and relieve me as thou hast promised.

171Let my lips praise thee for teaching me thine orders;

172let me sing of thy word, for just are all thy commands;

173let thy hand come to my help, for I have chosen to obey thee.

174I am longing for thy help, O thou Eternal, and thy law is my delight;

175let me live that I may praise thee, help me by thy judgments;

176seek out thy servant in his wanderings, for I forget not thy commands.

120 A pilgrim song.

120I cried to the Eternal in my woe – and the Eternal answered me–

2“Save me from lying lips and crafty tongues!”

3What will you get from Him, O crafty tongue, what punishment in full?

4Sharp arrows poured on you, and burning coals!

5Alas, I have to dwell in Meshek!

Alas, I have to live in Kedar’s tents!

6Too long have I been living where men hate peace;

7however peaceably I talk, they are for war.

121 A pilgrim song.

121I life mine eyes to the mountains; ah, where is help to come from?

2Help comes from the Eternal who made heaven and earth.

3Never will he let you slip; he who guards you never sleeps:

4he who guards Israel will neither sleep nor slumber.

5The Eternal guards you, sheltering you upon the right;

6the sun shall never hurt you in the day, nor the moon by night.

7The Eternal will guard you from all harm, he will preserve your life;

8he will protect you as you come and go now and for evermore.

122 A pilgrim song, by David.

122I am glad whenever they say to me, “We go to the Eternal’s house,”

2glad when our feet stand at last inside Jerusalem–

3Jerusalem that is now rebuilt, a city solid and unbroken.

4Thither go the clans on pilgrimage, the Eternal’s clans,

5to offer the Eternal praise, as he prescribed for Israel

[[there were the seats of justice, the royal tribunals of David]].

6Pray for the welfare of Jerusalem, “May all thy homes be safe,

7may all go well within thy walls, within thy palaces!”

8For the sake of my friends and fellows I pray, “May all be well with thee!”

9for the sake of the house of our God the Eternal, I would have thee prosper.

123 A pilgrim song.

123To thee I life mine eyes, enthroned in heaven.

2As the eyes of servants are fixed on the hand of their lord,

and as a maid’s eyes on the hand of her mistress,

so our eyes look to our God, the Eternal, till he takes pity on us.

3Take pity on us, O Eternal, oh take pity;

4for we have had our fill, and more, of scorn and sneers,

from arrogant creatures at their ease.

124 A pilgrim song, by David.

124“Had not the Eternal been upon our side”–

2“had not the Eternal been upon our side,

when men rose to attack us,

3they would have swallowed us alive,

so fierce their anger flamed;

4the floods would have swept us away,

the streams would have surged over us,

5surging clean over us,

with proud, wild waves.

6But, blessed be the Eternal!

he did not leave us for their teeth to tear;

7we escaped like a bird from the fowler’s snare,

the snare broke, we made our escape.

8Our help lies in the Eternal,

who made heaven and earth!”

125 A pilgrim song.

125Those who trust in the Eternal are like Sion hill, never to be shaken;

2Jerusalem sites enthroned for ever, with the hills around her,

and the Eternal is around his people now and evermore.

3He will not leave the land of the just under the sway of knaves;

or else just men themselves might take to evil.

4O thou Eternal, be good to the good, to those who are upright in heart;

5as for the shifty and disloyal – may the Eternal scatter them [[with evildoers, and Israel prosper]]!

126 A pilgrim song.

126When the Eternal brought the exiles back to Sion,

we were like men who dreamed;

2laughter filled our lips,

shouts of joy were on our tongues;

the very heathen said,

“The Eternal has done great things for them.”

3Yes, he had done great things for us,

and we rejoiced at it.

4O thou Eternal, bring back now the rest of our exiles,

to fill us up, like streams in the dry south.

5Those who are sowing in tears

shall reap with shouts of joy;

6sadly they bear seed to the field,

gladly they bear home the sheaves.

127 A pilgrim song, by Solomon.

127Unless the Eternal builds the house,

workmen build in vain;

unless the Eternal guards the town, sentries are on guard in vain.

2Vain is it to rise early for your work,

and keep at work so late,

gaining your bread with anxious toil!

God’s gifts come to his loved ones, as they sleep.

3Sons are a gift of the Eternal,

and children are a boon from him.

4Strong sons born when one is young

are like arrows in an archer’s hand;

5happy the man who has a quiver full of them,

he need not fear to face a hostile band.

128 A pilgrim song.

128Happy is everyone who reveres the Eternal,

who lives his life!

2You shall earn your daily bread,

you happy man and prosperous!

3Your wife within your house

shall be like a fruitful vine;

your children, round your table,

like slips of olive evergreen.

4Here is the blessing

for one who reveres the Eternal!

5The Eternal will send you a blessing from Sion;

you shall see Jerusalem flourish all your days,

you shall live to see your children’s children.

[[May Israel prosper!]]

129 A pilgrim song.

129“Cruelly have they harried me from my youth”–

so let Israel say–

2“cruelly have they harried me from my youth,

but they have never crushed me.

3The ploughmen ploughed my back,

and long they drew their furrows;

4but the Eternal, he is just,

he has cut down the ungodly.”

5May all who hate Sion be routed and shamed!

6let them fare like grass-blades on a roof,

that fade ere ever they flourish,

7that fill no reaper’s arms,

that none shall gather as he binds the sheaves,

8that move no passer-by to say,

“The blessing of the Eternal be upon you!

In the Eternal’s name we bless you!”

130 A pilgrim song.

130Out of the depths I call to thee, O thou Eternal;

Lord, listen to my cry,

let thine ears heed my entreaty.

3If thou didst keep strict tally of sins,

O Lord, who could live on?

4But thou has pardon,

that thou mayest be worshipped.

5So I wait in hope for the Eternal,

my soul waits hoping for his promise;

6my soul looks for the Lord

more eagerly than watchmen for the dawn,

than watchmen for the dawn.

7Put your hope in the Eternal, Israel,

for with the Eternal there is love,

there is a wealth of saving power;

8’tis he who shall save Israel

from all their sins.

131 A pilgrim song, by David.

131No haughty heart is mine, O thou Eternal,

no lofty looks are mine;

I never meddle with high schemes,

with matters far beyond me.

2No, I have soothed and stilled my soul,

as a mother calms her weanèd child;

my soul is liked a weanèd child.

3O Israel, put your hope in the Eternal,

now and evermore.

132 A pilgrim song.

132For David’s sake, O thou Eternal, remember all his piety,

2how he swore to the Eternal, vowing to the Mighty One of Jacob,

3“I will not enter my house, I will not lie on my bed,

4I will not close my eyes in sleep, I will not shut my eyelids,

5till I find some residence for the Eternal, some dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob.”

6We heard of the ark at Ephrathah, we found it in the woodland;

7we went to where he dwelt, and at his footstool knelt:

8“Ascend, Eternal, to thy resting-place, thou and thy mighty ark!–

9thy priests in triumphant array, thy worshippers loudly rejoicing!

10For the sake of thy servant David, reject not thine own king.”

11The Eternal swore an oath to David, and he will not break his word:

“I will set one of your own sons upon your throne;

12and if your sons will keep my compact and the laws I teach them,

their sons shall also sit for ever on your throne.”

13For the Eternal has chosen Sion as the seat that he desires;

14“Here is my resting-place,” he says, “the seat I choose for evermore;

15I will enrich her food-supplies, and satisfy her poor with bread.

16I will robe her priests in triumph, and make her worshippers shout for joy.

17There will I make David’s dynasty flourish, and my chosen king shine prosperously;

18his foes I shroud with dark disgrace, but his own crown shall sparkle.”

133 A pilgrim song, by David.

133How rare and lovely is it,

this fellowship of those who meet together!–

2sweet as the sacred oil poured on the heard,

that flows down Aaron’s beard,

down to the very collar of his robe;

3vital as dew of Hermon,

that falls on the hills of Sion.

For in this fellowship has the Eternal fixed

the blessing of an endless life.

134 A pilgrim song.

134Come, all ye servants of the Eternal, bless the Eternal,

ye who stand by night in the Eternal’s house,

2lift hands of prayer to the shrine, bless the Eternal!

3“And may the Eternal, who made heaven and earth,

bless you from Sion!”



Praise the Eternal’s name,

praise him, ye servants of the Eternal,

2who stand within the Eternal’s house,

in the courts of the house of our God.

3Praise the Eternal, he is good;

sing to his name, he is gracious;

4the Eternal has chosen Jacob to be his,

and Israel as his prized possession.

5We know the Eternal is great,

and our Lord high overall gods.

6The Eternal does whate’er he pleases,

in heaven and earth, the seas and all abysses;

7he makes mists rise from the ends of the earth,

sends lightning to bring on the rain,

and wind out of his storehouses.

8’Twas he who killed the first-born in Egypt,

both of man and beast,

9who sent portents upon Egypt,

on the Pharaoh and all his servants;

10many a nation he struck down,

and mighty kings he slew,

11Sihon king of the Amorites,

Og the king of Bashan,

and all the powers of Canaan,

12giving their land to Israel,

to his people to possess.

13Thy name, O thou Eternal, lives for ever,

thy fame from age to age;

14the Eternal will right his people’s wrongs,

and be sorry for his servants.

15Pagan idols are mere gold and silver,

made by the hands of men,

16with mouths – but they never speak,

with eyes – but they cannot see,

17with ears – but they cannot hear,

with no breath in their lips!

18So be it with their makers,

with all who trust in them!

19Bless the Eternal, Israel’s household!

Bless the Eternal, Aaron’s household!

20Bless the Eternal, Levi’s household!

Bless the Eternal, ye his worshippers!

21Blessed be the Eternal in Sion,

who dwells at Jerusalem!



Give thanks to the Eternal! – he is good,

his kindness never fails.

2Give thanks to the God of gods;

his kindness never fails.

3Give thanks to the Lord of lords;

his kindness never fails:

4to him who alone works wonders;

his kindness never fails:

5to him whose wisdom made the heavens;

his kindness never fails:

6to him who spread the earth over the abyss;

his kindness never fails:

7to him who made great lights;

his kindness never fails:

8the sun to rule the day;

his kindness never fails:

9the moon and stars to rule the night;

his kindness never fails.

10To him who killed Egypt’s firstborn;

his kindness never fails:

11and brought out Israel;

his kindness never fails:

12with strong hand and with outstretched arm;

his kindness never fails:

13who severed the Reed Sea;

his kindness never fails:

14who brought Israel through it;

his kindness never fails:

15and drowned the Pharaoh and his host;

his kindness never fails.

16Who led his people through the desert;

his kindness never fails:

17who struck down powerful kings;

his kindness never fails:

18who slaughtered mighty kings;

his kindness never fails:

19Sihon king of the Amorites;

his kindness never fails:

20and Og the king of Bashan;

his kindness never fails:

21and gave their land to Israel;

his kindness neve fails:

22to his servants to possess;

his kindness never fails.

23Who remembered us when we were low;

his kindness never fails:

24and saved us from our foe;

his kindness never fails:

25who furnishes us all with food;

his kindness never fails:

26give thanks to the God of heaven;

his kindness never fails.

137By the streams of Babylon, there we sat

and wept at the thought of Sion!

2There on the poplars we hung up our harps,

3when our tyrants asked for a song;

those who had harried us bade us be merry,

“Sing us a song of Sion,” they said.

4But how can we sing the Eternal’s songs,

here, in a foreign land?

5Jerusalem, if ever I forget thee,

withered be this my hand!

6May my tongue cleave to my mouth,

if ever I think not of thee,

if ever I prize not Jerusalem above all joys!

7The Edomites! remember against them, Eternal,

that day of Jerusalem’s fall,

when “Down with her! down with her!” Edomites cried,

“Raze her to the ground!”

8And you, Babylonians, you who plundered us,

a blessing on him who deals to you

all that you dealt to us!

9A blessing on him who snatches your babes

and dashes them down on the rocks!

138 A song of David.

138With all of my heart I thank thee,

I sing thy praise in face of all the gods,

for thou hast listened to my cry;

2I bow before thy sacred shrine

to praise thee for thy love so true,

that far excels all ever known of thee;

3the very day I call, thine answer comes

with courage to inspire my soul!

V 4 When kings on earth hear of thy mind and methods,

they shall all praise thee, O Eternal One,

5and sing thy providence;

for great is the Eternal’s sovereign might,

6he looks upon the lowly from his height,

and from afar he strikes the haughty down.

7Though I must pass through the thick of trouble, thou wilt preserve me;

thy hand shall fall upon my angry foes,

thy right hand rescues me.

8The Eternal intervenes on my behalf:

Eternal One, thy kindness never fails,

thou wilt not drop the work thou hast begun.

139 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

139Thou searchest me, Eternal One, thou knowest me,

2thou knowest me sitting or rising,

my very thoughts thou readest from afar;

3walking or resting, I am scanned by thee,

and all my life to thee lies open;

4ere ever a word comes to my tongue,

O thou Eternal, ’tis well known to thee;

5thou art on every side, behind me and before,

laying thy hand on me.

6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;

it is far, far beyond me.

7Where could I go from thy Spirit,

where could I flee from thy face?

8I climb to heaven? – but thou art there;

I nestle in the nether-world? – and there thou art!

9If I darted swift to the dawn,

to the verge of the ocean afar,

10thy hand even there would fall on me,

thy right hand would reach me.

11If I say “The dark will screen me,

the night will hide me in its curtains,”

12yet darkness is not dark to thee,

the night is clear as daylight.

14I praise thee for the awful wonder of my birth;

thy work is wonderful.

13For thou didst form my being,

didst weave me in my mother’s womb.

14Thou knowest all about my soul;

15my body was no mystery to thee,

as I was being moulded secretly

and put together in the world below;

16all the days of my life were foreseen by thee,

set down within thy book;

ere ever they were shaped, they were assigned me,

ere ever one of them was mine.

17O God, what mysteries I find in thee!

How vast the number of thy purposes!

18I try to count them? – they are more than the sand;

I wake from my reverie, and I am still lost in thee.

19O God, that thou would’st slay the ungodly,

and bid bloodthirsty men begone from me!–

20men who defy thee lawlessly,

rising against thee!

21Shall I not hate all who hate thee, Eternal,

shall I not loathe these rebels?

22I hate them with a perfect hatred,

I count them enemies to myself.

23Search me, O God, and know my heart,

test me and try my thoughts;

24see if I am taking any course of wrong,

and lead me on the lines of life eternal.

140 From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

140From evil men deliver me, O Eternal,

save me from violent men,

2from those who in their hearts plot evil,

all the time making mischief,

3their tongue sharp as a snake,

with venom of vipers on their lips.

4Preserve me, O Eternal, from the grip of the ungodly,

save me from outrageous men,

who plan to overthrow me,

5from the arrogant who set a trap for me,

and spread their nets to catch me,

their snares beside my path.

6“Thou art my God,” I cry to the Eternal,

“oh listen to my plea.

7Eternal One, my Lord, my saving strength,

who screenest me against attack,

8let not ungodly men have their desires,

let not their plots succeed!”

9When they dare to beset me,

may their own intrigues overwhelm them!

10God rain upon them burning coals!

God hurl them down, never to rise again!

11Away with slanderers! may violent men

be hunted from one woe to another!

12They shall find the Eternal champions

the rights of the forlorn and feeble.

13Just men shall one day give thee thanks for this,

and upright men shall dwell within thy presence.

141 A song of David.

141Eternal One, I call thee, hasten to me;

listen, when I call thee.

2Let my prayer rise like incense before thee,

my lifted hands like the evening sacrifice.

3Set a watch upon my mouth, O thou Eternal,

guard thou the door of my lips;

4amay I have no mind to evil,

to take part in godless doings.

5When good men wound us and reprove us, ’tis a kindness;

I would pray ever to have their goodwill.

4bBut as for evildoers, never would I taste their feasts,

never would I be their guest.

6[[They are given over to their tyrants,

to teach them that the Eternal’s threats are true;

7Their bones lie scattered for the graves to swallow,

like stones splintered and crushed upon the road!]]

8O Lord, I turn mine eyes to thee;

let me not perish, I shelter with thee.

9Save me from the snare they laid,

from evildoers and their trap;

10let the ungodly fall into their own net,

while I pass on rejoicing!

142 An ode or prayer of David, when he was in the cave.

142I cry aloud to the Eternal,

loudly I entreat him,

2I pour out before him my plaint,

and tell him all my trouble

3when my spirits faint.

They have laid a hidden snare for me

on the road I have to go;

4I look to right and left,

but no man cares to know;

all help has failed me,

none cares for my life.

But thou knowest my path,

Eternal One, I cry to thee;

5I say, “Thou art my help,

I have thee, in the land of the living.

6Oh listen to my cry,

for I am brought very low;

save me from my pursuers,

they are too strong for me;

7bring me from my prion,

that I may praise thee;

for good men are waiting

till thou deal kindly with me.

143 A song of David.

143O thou Eternal, hear my prayer,

listen to my entreaties,

as thou art faithful and true, oh answer me;

2put not thy servant on his trial,

for before thee no living soul can be acquitted.

3The foe pursues me,

stamps me to the ground;

he forces me to dwell in darkness,

like those who have been dead for long.

4And so my spirits faint,

my heart grows numb within me.

5I remember the days of old,

I meditate on all that thou hast done,

I muse on what thy hands have wrought;

6and I stretch my hands to thee,

my soul thirsts for thee like dry land;

7make haste to answer me.

O thou Eternal, my spirits are failing,

withhold not thy favour from me,

lest I become like a dying man.

8Satisfy me with the dawn of thy love,

for in thee do I trust:

teach me what is the road to take,

for my heart is set on thee;

9O thou Eternal, save me from my foes,

I flee to thee for refuge;

10teach me to do thy will,

thou art my God;

guide me by thy good Spirit

on a straight road;

11O thou Eternal, as thou art thyself, revive me,

as thou art faithful, bring me out of trouble;

12in love to me, wipe out my foes,

destroy all who harass me–

for I am thy servant.

144 A song of David.

144Blest be the Eternal One, my Strength,

who trains my hands to war,

my fingers how to fight!–

2my Crag, my Stronghold, my Fortalice and Deliverer,

the Shield behind whom I shelter,

the subduer of nations before me!

3[[What is man that thou should’st care for him,

or mortal man that thou should’st think of him?

4Man is like a passing breath,

his days are like a flitting shadow.]]

5Eternal One, come down upon the bending heavens,

touch the mountains till they smoke,

6flash lightning out to scatter my foes,

shoot thine arrows to discomfit them;

7reach from on high to raise me from these floods,

rescue me from these alien hordes,

8with lies upon their lips,

with right hand raised in a false oath!

9O God, I would sing thee a new song,

and play to thee on a ten-stringed lute,

10O thou who makest kings victorious,

who savest thy servant David.

Save me from peril of the sword,

11rescue me from these alien hodres,

with lies upon their lips,

with right hand raised in a false oath!

12May our sons be straight and strong like saplings,

our daughters like cornices carved in a palace!

13May our barns be bursting with all sorts of produce,

may our sheep in the fields multiply in myriads!

14May our rulers be strong, may nothing go wrong–

no raids or retreats, no panic in our streets!

15Happy the nation that so fares!

Happy the nations whose God is the Eternal!

145 A song of praise, by David.

145I will extol thee, my God, O King,

and bless thee for ever and ever;

2all the day long will I bless thee,

and praise thee for ever and ever.

3Great is the Eternal, loudly to be praised,

his greatness is unsearchable.

4One age shall praise thy doings to another,

and utter thy mighty acts,

5dwelling on the glorious splendour of thy state,

and on thy marvellous doings;

6they shall proclaim thine awful powers,

and tell thy mighty deeds;

7they shall spread the fame of thy great goodness,

and sing songs of thy faithfulness.

8The Eternal is gracious and pitiful,

slow to be angry, very kind;

9the Eternal is good to all who look to him,

and his compassion covers all he has made.

10All whom thou hast made shall praise thee, O Eternal,

thy faithful followers shall bless thee,

11telling of thy glorious kingdom,

telling of thy might,

12letting men hear of thy mighty acts,

of the glorious splendour of thy kingdom.

13Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

and thy dominion lasts from age to age.

The Eternal is true to all his promises,

and kind in all his dealings;

14The Eternal holds up all who are falling,

and raises all who are bowed down.

15All thy creatures look to thee,

for their food in season due;

16and from thine open hand

they feast upon thy favour.

17Faithful in all his dealings is the Eternal,

loving in all he does;

18the Eternal is near all who call on him,

who call on him sincerely;

19he satisfies his worshippers,

he hears their cry and helps them;

20the Eternal preserves all who love him,

but all the ungodly he destroys.

21My lips shall pour out the Eternal’s praise;

let all men bless his sacred name for ever.



Praise the Eternal, O my soul!

As long as I live, I will praise the Eternal,

and sing to my God, as long as I survive.

3Rely not upon great men–

mere mortals who can give no help;

4when their breath goes they return to the dust,

and on that very day their projects perish.

5Happy the man whose help is Jacob’s God,

whose hope lies in the Eternal One, his God,

6maker of heaven and earth

and sea, and all they hold.

He remains ever true,

7he rights those who are wronged,

he feeds those who are hungry.

The Eternal sets the captives free,

8athe Eternal gives the blind their sight,

8bthe Eternal raises those who are bowed down,

9athe Eternal preserves poor foreigners,

9bthe widow and the orphan he relieves;

8cthe Eternal loves those who are good,

9cbut the ungodly life he ruins.

10The Eternal shall be king for ever,

thy God, O Sion, for all ages.




Praise the Eternal, for he is good;

make melody to our God, for he is gracious.

2The Eternal restores Jerusalem,

he gathers the outcasts of Israel,

3he heals the broken-hearted

and binds up their wounds.

4He fixes the number of the stars,

and gives a name to each.

5Great is our Lord, mighty in power,

his wisdom is unsearchable.

6The Eternal has relief for the afflicted,

he brings the ungodly to the ground.

7Sing thanks to the Eternal,

make melody to our God upon the lyre,

8who covers the sky with clouds,

provides rain for the earth,

till grass grows on the very hills,

and fodder for the beasts that serve mankind,

9who gives wild animals their food,

that cry for it at eventide.

10He cares not for the strength of the war-horse,

delights not in man’s armour;

11the Eternal delights in those who revere him,

who trust to his own goodness.

12Praise the Eternal, O Jerusalem,

praise your God, O Sion;

13for he has fortified your gateways,

and blessed your citizens within,

14has made Peace guard your boundaries,

and filled you with the finest wheat.

15He issues his commands to earth,

his orders run apace,

16showering snow white as wool,

scattering hoarfrost thick as ashes,

16casting hailstones down like crumbs.

The waters freeze;

17he sends an order, and they melt;

once he makes the wind blow,

then the waters flow.

19He makes his purpose known to Jacob,

his orders and his laws to Israel;

20never has he done so to other nations–

they know not his commands.



Praise the Eternal from the heavens,

praise him in the heights,

2praise him, all his angels,

praise him, all his hosts,

3praise him, sun and moon,

praise him, all stars of light,

4praise him, heaven of heavens,

ye waters higher than the heavens!

5Let them praise the name of the Eternal,

for he commanded and they were created,

6he fixed them fast for evermore,

he set them boundaries that they should not pass.

7Praise the Eternal from the earth,

ye depths of ocean and ye waterspouts,

8lightning and hail and snow, and ice,

storms carrying out his will,

9mountains and every hill,

fruit-trees and every cedar,

10wild animals and every beast,

crawling things, birds on the wing,

11kings of earth and all the nations,

princes and all authorities,

12young men and maidens too,

old men and boys;

13let them praise the name of the Eternal,

for his name only is supreme;

his majesty is above heaven and earth,

14and he has raised his people to high honour.

To praise him is for all his faithful,

for Israel, for the nation near to him.



Sing a new song to the Eternal,

praise him where his faithful gather;

2let Israel be joyful in their Maker,

let the sons of Sion triumph in their King,

3let them dance in praise of him,

make melody to him with drum and lyre;

4for the Eternal delights in his people,

adorning the afflicted with a victory.

5Let the faithful exult over their triumph,

shouting joyfully in their great temple,

6God's praise upon their lips,

and a sharp sword in their hands,

7for vengeance upon pagans,

for punishment on nations,

8to put their monarchs into chains,

their nobles into iron gyves.

9To execute on such their appointed doom

this is an honour for God's faithful ones.



Praise God in his sanctuary,

praise him in his heaven of power,

2praise him for his mighty deeds,

praise him for his sovereign strength;

3praise him with a bugle blast,

praise him with the lute and lyre,

4praise him with the drum and dance,

praise him with strings and flute,

5praise him with resounding cymbals,

praise him with the clash of cymbals.

6Let everything that breathes praise the Eternal!
