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Moff PSA Chapter 119

PSA 119 ©

119Happy are they who live uprightly, living by the Eternal’s law!

2Happy are they who follow his injunctions, giving him undivided hearts,

3who do no wrong, who keep to his paths!

4Thou has laid down thy behests for us to do them diligently;

5oh that my life were set on thine obedience!

6No shame befalls me when I heed thy commands.

7As I learn the justice of thy rulings, I thank thee with unfeignèd heart;

8I will obey thee: never do thou forsake me.

9How can a young man keep life clean? By keeping to thy word.

10I give thee an undivided heart; oh never may I stray from thy control!

11I store thy word within my heart, to keep myself from sinning against thee.

12Blessed be thou, O Eternal; teach my thy will.

13My lips recount all that thy lips enjoin;

14I find more joy in thine injunctions than in any wealth.

15I muse on thy behests and mark thy paths;

16I delight in thy will, I never forget thy word.

17Deal kindly with thy servant, that I live to do thy bidding;

18open mine eyes to see the wonders of thy law;

19hide not thy commands from me, an alien on the earth.

20My soul yearns all the time for thee to intervene,

21to check the arrogant, to curse all those who swerve from thy control;

22relieve me from their insults and contempt, for I follow thine injunctions.

23Nobles may plan to attack me, but thy servant muses on thine orders;

24my advisers are thine own injunctions – I delight in them.

25My soul is bowed to the dust: revive me, as thou hast promised;

26teach me thine orders, thou who answerest me when I tell thee my plight;

27show me how thy will works, that I may muse upon thy wondrous deeds.

28My soul is melting under trouble: nerve me as thou hast promised;

29keep me from being false to thee, and graciously direct me.

30A faithful life is what I choose, thy demands I desire;

31O thou Eternal, disappoint me not, I bind me to thy bidding;

32I will obey thee eagerly, as thou dost open up my life.

33Teach me, Eternal, how thine orders run, and I will follow to the end;

34instruct me how to carry out thy law, and I will keep it with all my heart;

35lead me in thine obedience, for it is my joy.

36Incline my heart to thy behests, and to no love of gain,

37make me alive to follow thee, and turn mine eyes from cravings vain.

38Fulfil thy promise to thy servant, to advance thy faith;

39remove the insults that I dread, and intervene for good;

40as thou art true, revive me; I am yearning for thy will.

41Let thy love come to my rescue, as thou has promised;

42then I can face my revilers, relying on thy promise;

43leave me not speechless for the truth: my hope is, thou wilt intervene.

44I would obey thy law continually, always and evermore;

45let me live unhampered, for I study thy behests.

46I bear testimony to thy law before kings, unashamed;

47I take delight in thy commands, so dear to me,

48I adore thy commands and muse upon thine orders.

49Remember thy promise to thy servant, for thou didst bid me hope;

50this comforts me in trouble, thy promise puts life into me.

51Arrogant men may deride me, but from thy law I never swerve;

52I console myself, remembering thy judgments of old.

53Hot indignation seizes me at the ungodly who forsake thy law.

54Thy statutes are my songs, as I wander through the world.

55I remember thy name by night and I obey thy law;

56this is my blessed lot, to carry out thy behests.

57Yes, O Eternal, to obey thy bidding, this is my lot;

58with all my heart I pray thee to revive me, as thou hast promised.

59Thinking on how to live, I turn to thy directions,

60I hasten instantly to follow thy commands;

61evil men may ensnare me, but I never forget thy law.

62At midnight I rise to praise thee for thy just interventions;

63I keep company with all thy worshippers who carry out thy will;

64teach me thine orders, for the world is full of thy goodness.

65Thou has been good to thy servant, as thou didst promise;

66train me in judgment and knowledge, for I believe in thy commands;

67before my trouble I went wrong, but now I do thy bidding.

68Thou art good and doest good, teach me thine orders;

69proud men bespatter me with lies, but I carry out thy behests;

70their minds are gross and dull, but I thrill to thy law.

71It is good for me to have been in trouble – to learn thy will;

72thy law means more to me than piles of gold and silver.

73Thy hands made and moulded me, to understand thine orders;

74may thy worshippers rejoice to see me waiting on thy word!

75Just are thy dealings, I know, thou wert faithful in afflicting me;

76but now console me with thy love, as thou has promised thy servant;

77let thy compassion bring me life, for my delight is in thy law.

78Confound the arrogant who illtreat me, as I muse on thy behests;

79let thy worshippers learn how thou rulest, by turning to my case;

80let my obedience to thee be perfect, that I may not be disgraced.

81My soul pines for thy saving aid, I am waiting for thy promise;

82I pine with looking for thy promises; when wilt thou comfort me?

83Though shrivelled like a wineskin in the smoke, I never forget thine orders.

84How few thy servant’s days? When wilt thou doom my persecutors?

85Insolent creatures, reckless of thy law, they dig pitfalls for me;

86help me against their wanton wiles, O faithful lawgiver!

87They nearly made an end of me, but I would not give up thy laws;

88as thou art loving, revive me, and I will do thy bidding.

89O thou Eternal, evermore thy law stands fast in heaven,

90thy faithful promise holds from age to age, sure upon earth;

91thy rule and order last to-day, for all things are thy servants.

92Unless thy law had been my comfort, I would have died in my misery;

93never shall I forget thy laws, for they put new life into me.

94Help me, for I am thine, I study thy behests;

95the ungodly lie in wait to kill me, but I pay close heed to thine orders.

96I see a limit to all things, but thy law has a mighty range.

97Oh how I love thy law! I muse upon it all day long;

98thy commands make me wiser than my foes; I am never without them.

99I have more insight than all these oracles, for I muse on thine injunctions!

100I know more than these sages, for I carry out thy behests!

101I avoid all evil courses, that I may do thy bidding;

102thou art my teacher, never do I swerve from thine instructions.

103How sweet thy sayings are, sweeter than honey to the taste!

104I learn sense from thy behests, learn to hate godless ways.

105Thy law is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path;

106I swore to follow thy just decrees, and I will do it;

107revive me as thou hast promised, O Eternal, in my great misery.

108Accept the vows I breathe to thee, and teach me thy decrees;

109my life is ever in danger, but I never forget thy law;

110ungodly men set snares for me, but I never give up thine orders.

111I have a lasting heritage in thy commands, thy are my heart’s delight;

112I set myself to execute thine orders ever, at every step.

113I hate men who are half and half, I love thy law;

114I await thy promise, thou my shield and shelter.

Begone, you villains, let me keep my God’s commands!

116Uphold me, as thou hast promised, disappoint not my hope, but let me live;

117hold me up safe, let me delight for ever in thy will.

118Thou spurnest all who swerve from thy will, their notions end in nothing.

119I count all the ungodly so much dross; I love thy rule and order;

120my being shudders before thee, in awe of thy judgments.

121Leave me not to be oppressed, for I have done right and justice;

122pledge thy word to help me, let not the arrogant oppress me;

123I pine with looking for thy rescue, for thy saving promise.

124Deal in kindness with thy servant, teach thy laws to me;

125instruct thy servant, let me understand thine orders.

126High time for thee to act! – men break thy law;

127but I love thy commands above all things, above solid gold;

128I order all my life by thy behests, I hate all godless ways.

129Thy laws are a wondrous mystery – my soul obeys them –

130the interpretation of thy words enlightens and instructs the open-minded;

131and I am open, eager, panting for thy commands.

132Turn to me and have pity – it is due to those who love thee;

133direct my steps as thou hast promised, free from evil influence;

134deliver me from man’s oppression, that I may do thy behests.

135Smile on thy servant, teach thy laws to me;

136when men are disobedient to thy law, mine eyes stream with tears.

137O thou Eternal, thou art just, thy sentences are true;

138the rules thou has enjoined are just and absolutely sure.

139Zeal carries me away, when my foes forget thy laws;

140thy promises are tried and true, thy servant loves them;

141I am weak and despised, but I never forget thy behests.

142Thy justice is eternal justice, and thy law is truth itself;

143trouble and anguish seize me, but thy commands are my comfort;

144thy laws are ever just; let me know them and so live.

145Answer me as I cry with all my heart, for I would obey thine orders;

146I call to thee, O Eternal, help me, and I will do thy bidding.

147I am up before the dawn to pray, waiting for thy promises;

148I waken through the night to muse upon thy word;

149oh listen – thou art kind; revive me – thou art just.

150My pursuers draw near in malice, far away from thy law;

151but, O Eternal, thou art near, all thy commands are true;

152I have long seen that thy decrees are valid for all time.

153Look at what I suffer, save me, for I never forget thy law;

154take my part, avenge, revive me as thou hast promised.

155The ungodly are far from help, for they have no mind to thy laws;

156O Eternal, rich in pity, revive me – thou art just;

157I never swerve from thy control, though many persecute and press me.

158I loathe apostates when I see how they disobey thy law;

159look at my own love for thy law, and in thy love revive me;

160the sum of thy commands is truth, and all thy just commands are ever binding.

161Nobles persecute me wantonly, but my heart stands in awe of thy commands.

162I delight in thy promise, as in ample spoil;

163ungodliness I hate and I abhor, but I do love thy law.

164Seven times a day I praise thee for the justice of thy rule;

165right well they fare who love thy law; their road is clear.

166I do thy bidding, O Eternal, and I hope for thy deliverance;

167my soul obeys thy laws, I love them dearly;

168I obey thy laws and thy behests, I live all my life under thine eye.

169Let my cry come before thee, O Eternal, and enlighten me as thou hast promised;

170let my entreaty reach thee, and relieve me as thou hast promised.

171Let my lips praise thee for teaching me thine orders;

172let me sing of thy word, for just are all thy commands;

173let thy hand come to my help, for I have chosen to obey thee.

174I am longing for thy help, O thou Eternal, and thy law is my delight;

175let me live that I may praise thee, help me by thy judgments;

176seek out thy servant in his wanderings, for I forget not thy commands.

PSA 119 ©
