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Moff PSA Chapter 104

PSA 104 ©

104Bless the Eternal, O my soul!

Eternal One, my God, thou art most great,

arrayed in glorious majesty.

2Thou wrappest thyself in a robe of light,

thou spreadest the sky like a tent,

3thou buildest thy chambers on the waters above;

thou makest clouds thy chariot,

thou ridest on the wings of the wind;

4thou makest winds thy messengers,

fire and flame thy servants.

5Thou didst found the earth upon its pillars,

never to be shaken,

6drawing the deep over it,

till the waters stood above the mountains;

7but they retired at thy rebuke,

scared at the sound of thy thunder,

9never to pass thine appointed bounds,

or cover the earth again;

8the mountains rose, the valleys sank,

to the place made for them.

10He pours the streams into the valleys,

that flow between the mountains,

11where all the wild beasts drink,

wild-asses quench their thirst;

12there the wild birds settle,

singing among the branches;

16and the great trees drink their fill,

the cedars the Eternal sowed on Lebânon,

17where the birds build their nests,

the stork with her home in the cypress.

18The high hills shelter the wild goat,

the marmot hides in the rocks.

13He waters the hills from his high chambers,

and rains abundantly upon the land,

14till grass grows for the cattle,

and fodder for the beasts that serve mankind;

that he may bring food from the earth,

15wine to cheer up the heart of man,

oil, that his skin may shine,

bread to sustain his strength.

19He marks the seasons by the moon,

he tells the sun when it must set.

20Thou makest it dark; night falls,

and every wild beast in the wood is moving—

21lions roaring for their prey

and claiming food from God;

22when the sun rises, then they slink away

to lie down in their lairs,

23but man comes out to work,

and labours till the evening.

24How manifold thy works, Eternal One,

all of them wisely made!

25Yonder the sea lies, vast and broad,

with its countless swarms,

with creatures small and great,

26with fleets of the nautilus,

with leviathan at his play!

24cThe world is full of thy creatures,

27all looking to thee

for their food in season due;

28what thou givest, that they gather,

feasting from thine open hand.

29But when thy face is hidden, they are scared,

when thou recallest their breath, they die.

30Yet a breath from thee brings them into being,

renewing the face of the earth.

31For ever may the glorious might of the Eternal last!

May the Eternal joy in his own works!

32Earth trembles at a glance from him,

the mountains smoke at his touch.

33Long as I live, I will sing to the Eternal,

and praise my God while I have breath.

34May these my thoughts please him—

I find my joy in the Eternal!

35May sinners be swept out of the world,

may evil men no longer live in it!

Bless the Eternal, O my soul!


PSA 104 ©
